GUILTY Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #67

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I don’t think one was offered.
I thought for a long while that Patrick would take a plea but I think you're right....none was offered or accepted.

I believe this trial was a gift (whether intentional or not) from the law enforcement community to Kelsey Berreth's family.

The family needs to see Patrick get the worst sentence possible and the people who knew what happened in that condo and afterward need it as well.

I don't think Patrick will be seeing many friendly faces in prison either.
Just got caught up reading everything. I don't know why, but this one case really bothered me and after the landfill search turned up nothing I had to take a break. Today I decided to check to see what was happening and was stunned to see the case had already been heard and that it's now onto closing statements. The cellmate confession was definitely a bombshell, did not see that coming at all. Is there any possible way that he could wriggle out of this one? I don't see how. Have there been any custody updates? So hoping the baby continues to stay with the Berreths where she'll be safe.
I’ve been mulling over in my mind the whole chain of events with The Bounty Letters (see what I did there?). And what I’m coming up with is, we are going to hear a lot more about this conspiracy to commit murder. And THERE will be fallout.

Others are weighing in on the bond for Bentley, and who paid it. I myself have been thinking about how PF came by the info he provided to Bentley. Think about this. How did PF get his hands on the current physical addresses of people like Michelle Stein and Gregg Slater?

“In their passed notes, Frazee asked the man to kill witnesses — Kenney, Michelle Stein (Kenney’s friend in Idaho), John Moore (Frazee's friend who previously testified), Wendi Clark (Moore’s significant other) and lead Colorado Bureau of Investigation Agent Gregg Slater — and described where they live now and what they look like.

In testimony, Slater confirmed the descriptions of each person and their places of residences were all accurate.”

Frazee trial: Letters say Frazee asked inmate to kill witnesses

PF is not personally acquainted with either Stein or Slater. So how did he get their addresses? Bentley gave no testimony that indicated he helped with that, or got someone on the outside to help. PF doesn’t have access to the Internet, right? I doubt he has anyone visiting him other than his legal team and his mother. So I think there are three possibilities:
  1. He had access to documents belonging to his defense team which listed the addresses of witnesses. I find this unlikely but still possible. If it happened this way, how incredibly stupid for the defense team to ever have that information out where the accused could see it. But, it would help explain why the defense did not object to authenticity of the letters, if they figured out that PF took the address information from their own files.
  2. PF got SF to look up the addresses (or find someone else to do it) and get them to him.
  3. PF got Bentley to ask one of his visitors such as his girlfriend to look up the info. I just don’t think this is how it happened. I think it would have come out in Bentley’s testimony.
So in my mind, he had to have gotten that info from one of those two sources, right? And there would HAVE to be ramifications. Either his attorneys would have to answer to the judge and possibly the Bar for making that info accessible knowingly or unknowingly, or else SF would be prosecuted for getting that info and passing it to an accused murderer when there would be no doubt why he would ask for that info.

Do jails not inspect papers that pass from visitors to inmates? How easy would it be for SF to slip a note to PF? I think it is unlikely that the attorneys would be responsible, so ultimately I’m thinking this MUST be SF. And how do you let something like that go and not prosecute?

I just think we haven’t heard the last about these letters. Not by a long shot. Am I off track here?
I don't think visitors can pass papers to inmates.
To be honest, I don't think the witnesses are as shocked as the rest of us.

After PF was arrested last December, Dan May's office actually sealed the arrest warrant affidavit and filed a motion to prohibit PF's defense attorney's from sharing the content of the affidavit with PF.

Not only did the Prosecutor want to protect the case information and ongoing investigation, but the DA also wanted to protect any witnesses from possible retaliation by PF.

I think they've been looking over their shoulders from the beginning. We can't forget that PF solicited KK to murder KB three times without skipping a beat.


ETA: Three court appearances later -- DA released the affidavit for full view by PF.
Yes, thanks for the reminder. They've had months to be afraid.
The body is irrelevant at this point. We know she's dead, and if that tooth is hers, and we know it is, well, she's dead. I don't think anyone is even arguing that at this point. If his attorneys get up tomorrow and try to say she took off and there's not enough forensics to indicate incompatibility with life, I'll laugh. So the death isn't an issue at this point.

It's clear from the evidence the jury knows this woman is dead and this man is responsible for it. He's buried himself. So at this point, the only thing they CAN do is try to get him a lesser sentence via a lesser level of homicide.
Thank you, riolove, for your perspective on Kelsey's case.
You bolster our confidence that this can only turn out well for the Berreths and all the people on Patrick's hit list.
I need a Sam fix tonight.

I was just watching some old YouTube videos that Sam had on his channel which had drone footage from when the CBI and LE were (with KKL?) at the franch.

We heard testimony that she had on an FBI uniform when she was at the condo, so I was looking to see if I could see her in that drone video with all the people walking around at the franch.

Sam is up to 14,000 viewers on his live feed Friday, I wonder how many he's going to get on Monday after the verdict.. nice Resume Builder for him and I'm happy for him as he's done a great job covering this case.

ETA corrected the views of his Facebook feed and it was 14,000 right now

I hear you.

I've been binge-watching Dan May pressers, even though they're re-runs.

Can't wait until this trial is over and the DA can finally share his thoughts about the case, this trial, and the evil moron he put away.

You know what would be incredible?

If Dan May would join Sam for a FB live session after the conviction.

I'd even be willing to go pay-per-view for that event.

I sat on the couch Friday reading out loud to my husband the posts as fast as I could. They were coming in at incredible speed.

The tweet about the horse/elk made hubby say..."what? wait a minute? hun go back and find that text from his mistress about horses." I said "NO I'm can't catch up the way it is!" He told me it was important. So I did.

He agreed with your quote: "If those letters from PF to Doe were accurate in terms of the call he was supposed to make to her (given both landline and cell phone number), then that tells me she was expecting this to occur. She was to know what the horse and elk comments were in reference to."

He said: "Uh uh no way was that mother ignorant. She knew everything. She knew to expect phone calls or any communication. She knew to expect those horse/animal terms."
bolding mine

Hmmm... we could maybe expect some conspiracy charges ?
You can't make this chit up. What nutcases.
Apparently the pair of them though no one would notice. :p :rolleyes:
Just got caught up reading everything. I don't know why, but this one case really bothered me and after the landfill search turned up nothing I had to take a break. Today I decided to check to see what was happening and was stunned to see the case had already been heard and that it's now onto closing statements. The cellmate confession was definitely a bombshell, did not see that coming at all. Is there any possible way that he could wriggle out of this one? I don't see how. Have there been any custody updates? So hoping the baby continues to stay with the Berreths where she'll be safe.

The next custody hearing will be on the 5th. It is closed to the public and media as it should be.

We can all pray and hope that everything continues its way and that Baby K is forever loved by the Berreth's.

ETA 5th of December
Just got caught up reading everything. I don't know why, but this one case really bothered me and after the landfill search turned up nothing I had to take a break. Today I decided to check to see what was happening and was stunned to see the case had already been heard and that it's now onto closing statements. The cellmate confession was definitely a bombshell, did not see that coming at all. Is there any possible way that he could wriggle out of this one? I don't see how. Have there been any custody updates? So hoping the baby continues to stay with the Berreths where she'll be safe.
Honestly having lived through the Casey Anthony jury I should be cautious but this DA did a marvelous job IMO of laying out the witness testimony together with the evidence from the cell phones and condo and everywhere else - iMO its a guilty no problem - depending on the defense close there is a possibility of 2nd degree but no way manslaughter and I’m not even considering a not guilty or hung jury- this will be settled quickly
I would love to chat w/ MaF and see what's really truly going through her mind.
On one hand, I feel some sympathy for a mother having to endure watching your baby be
in such serious trouble and potentially being
sent away for life.
And knowing your own life is about to change also since she probably can't keep up w/ living
on the franch. Surely the animals are all gone
now. And she's apparently all alone out there
in the wilderness. Locals and neighbors may
distance themselves from her after this.
And since none of us really know her, I wonder what she's like? Is she sitting home all alone crying herself to sleep at night? Only to wake up to this continued nightmare?
I wish a local could answer these thoughts.

If SF was never called to testify, why was she sequestered during this whole trial? something not adding up for me there...
I need a Sam fix tonight.

I was just watching some old YouTube videos that Sam had on his channel which had drone footage from when the CBI and LE were (with KKL?) at the franch.

We heard testimony that she had on an FBI uniform when she was at the condo, so I was looking to see if I could see her in that drone video with all the people walking around at the franch.

Sam is up to 14,000 viewers on his live feed Friday, I wonder how many he's going to get on Monday after the verdict.. nice Resume Builder for him and I'm happy for him as he's done a great job covering this case.

ETA corrected the views of his Facebook feed and it was 14,000 right now
It's been so long I've forgotten Sam's twitter. Can you post it?
If SF was never called to testify, why was she sequestered during this whole trial? something not adding up for me there...

She was on the witness list, therefore she could not come in until she testified. Therefore, since she never testified, she could never come in.

Many will agree it was a strategic decision to keep her out of the courtroom by the prosecutor ;-)
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Well, I would have emailed it to Steigerwald and Porter.

But I was afraid they'd actually use it.

I asked GoJacks to please take it to them tomorrow as
they can't be denied such a treasure!

If they use it, you'll make the Daily Mail!
Happy, happy, joy, joy....
the fact that Chris Spargo will alter your
text notwithstanding.
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To be honest, I don't think the witnesses are as shocked as the rest of us.

After PF was arrested last December, Dan May's office actually sealed the arrest warrant affidavit and filed a motion to prohibit PF's defense attorney's from sharing the content of the affidavit with PF.

Not only did the Prosecutor want to protect the case information and ongoing investigation, but the DA also wanted to protect any witnesses from possible retaliation by PF.

I think they've been looking over their shoulders from the beginning. We can't forget that PF solicited KK to murder KB three times without skipping a beat.


ETA: Three court appearances later -- DA released the affidavit for full view by PF.
@Seattle1 your recall of data is prolific - my thanks for being a huge asset to Kelsey’s thread
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