Knowing all you know today about this case who do you think really killed JonBenet?

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Who do you believe killed JonBenet?

  • Patsy

    Votes: 168 25.0%
  • John

    Votes: 44 6.6%
  • Burke

    Votes: 107 15.9%
  • an unknown intruder

    Votes: 86 12.8%
  • BR (head bash), then JR

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • BR (head bash); then JR & PR (strangled/coverup)

    Votes: 113 16.8%
  • Knowing all I know, still on the fence.

    Votes: 55 8.2%
  • John, with an 'inside' accomplice

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • I think John and Patsy caught him and he made her cover up

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • I still have no idea

    Votes: 57 8.5%
  • patsy and john helped cover it up

    Votes: 9 1.3%

  • Total voters
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IDK if this is okay, but here's a screenshot:

Although I have not been a member of WS for very long, there were a few cases I had followed on my own for a very long time that have had some movement lately. 1) baby hope 2) jon benet. Wow

This case of all cases baffles me. In some cases I feel strongly in a theory yet in this case- I continually admittedly feel that I am on the fence. I have long held that RDI - all of them. But it wasn't until recently that I became focused on the other ramsey- John Andrew.

In fact, lately I am all focused and wondering about both Ramsey boys. JA and B.
The reason for this is because if both boys were guilty ( one of sexual abuse, and one of physical/emotional abuse ) ( ahem IMOO neither johnny knew right from wrong) they could garner their parents undying loyalty to the end in a stand off. John R for JA and Both parents for B. And both parents covered all evidence they could.

An island of protection for both JA and B. ?

JA was there - atleast within 2 days of her death ( coinciding with first rape evidence) (if not that very night) and because several tidbits of evidence converge with JA and B( his suitcase, his blanket his semen and the maglite he gave them)

In some cases I am much more vocal, but in this case, like that baby Hope case in NYC I had basically almost given up all hope. So this is Just my two cents on this case for now. Thank you to everyone here and at Forums for Justice who have keep on keeping on for all and especially JBR. thanks for listening.:loveyou:
This case of all cases baffles me. In some cases I feel strongly in a theory yet in this case- I continually admittedly feel that I am on the fence. I have long held that RDI - all of them.

Another reason it would be so hard to prosecute the case. You could take three or four different theories and make them fit with the limited evidence. My thoughts are that is was John, Patsy, or Burke or even a combination but you could run a scenario the opposite ways. I used to think the Ramseys were idiots with the way they covered this up so oddly but maybe they're geniuses, throwing clues in every direction so no one could be blamed in the family. I have to wonder what would have happened had the DA chose to prosecute Patsy or John individually and if they would have agreed for the defense to put the blame on the other parent to get them off. The DA couldn't turn around and prosecute the other spouse just because they lost and they wouldn't have any new evidence towards a new case.
I don't think the ramseys were great parents, but I honestly don't think they did it. Surprised to hear so few people in the thread share this viewpoint when at least 13% on the poll thought it was someone not in the family.
I don't think the ramseys were great parents, but I honestly don't think they did it. Surprised to hear so few people in the thread share this viewpoint when at least 13% on the poll thought it was someone not in the family.

I think a lot of people just participate in the polls, but not in the discussion.
Looks like Patsy is in the lead with 160 votes and then Burke second. Wish there would be a huge development soon so we could all gave our questions answered as to who was responsible for killing her. Can't believe this thread is still going strong after all this time...JonBenet will never be forgotten.
Looks like Patsy is in the lead with 160 votes and then Burke second. Wish there would be a huge development soon so we could all gave our questions answered as to who was responsible for killing her. Can't believe this thread is still going strong after all this time...JonBenet will never be forgotten.
There are a couple more BDI choices, though. BDI is the theory du jour.
I don't think the ramseys were great parents, but I honestly don't think they did it. Surprised to hear so few people in the thread share this viewpoint when at least 13% on the poll thought it was someone not in the family.

I don't share that viewpoint because very simply, the evidence does not support it IMO.
I strongly believe it was one of 3 ramseys in the house. which one? I waiver on that. but I believe 100% PR wrote the ransom note.
Patsy nodded in agreement on public television (Larry King Live) that whoever wrote the note killed JonBenet.
I still think JDI, and I think BR displayed signs of sexual abuse too. JMO though
All 3 were involved, imo. It began with Burke, progressed to Patsy (cover up) and then ended up dumped in John's lap.
Looks like Patsy is in the lead with 160 votes and then Burke second. Wish there would be a huge development soon so we could all gave our questions answered as to who was responsible for killing her. Can't believe this thread is still going strong after all this time...JonBenet will never be forgotten.

At this time, if we tally all the votes from the different poll options...

Burke comes in first, with 205 total votes
Patsy is second, with 167 total votes
Undecided is third, with 107 total votes
Intruder is fourth, with 82 total votes
John is fifth, with 71 total votes
At this time, if we tally all the votes from the different poll options...

Burke comes in first, with 205 total votes
Patsy is second, with 167 total votes
Undecided is third, with 107 total votes
Intruder is fourth, with 82 total votes
John is fifth, with 71 total votes

Thanks for compiling :)

Very interesting that john comes in last!
Thanks for compiling :)

Very interesting that john comes in last!

Yes, especially when he comes in first on the "Who Molested/Abused JonBenet" poll thread. (BR does follow with a close second, admittedly). This crime has been described as a sexually motivated homicide. Percentages show where there is indication of chronic molestation, it is most often a male parent. And a recent post (can't remember where) stated that a connection between those inflicting sibling abuse as victims of parental molestation.
Yes, especially when he comes in first on the "Who Molested/Abused JonBenet" poll thread. (BR does follow with a close second, admittedly). This crime has been described as a sexually motivated homicide. Percentages show where there is indication of chronic molestation, it is most often a male parent. And a recent post (can't remember where) stated that a connection between those inflicting sibling abuse as victims of parental molestation.

One thing to note about the various polls is that they reflect a moment in time based on when they were created. It's probably fair to say everyone has changed their opinion of who did it over the years as the case evolved.

To your last point, that connection isn't surprising.
Yes, especially when he comes in first on the "Who Molested/Abused JonBenet" poll thread. (BR does follow with a close second, admittedly). This crime has been described as a sexually motivated homicide. Percentages show where there is indication of chronic molestation, it is most often a male parent. And a recent post (can't remember where) stated that a connection between those inflicting sibling abuse as victims of parental molestation.


I personally don't find it surprising that JR comes in first as abuser, but last as killer. I don't see a good motive, and if he's her chronic abuser, as it appears someone was, what changed to make him suddenly violent? Why risk losing such an easily accessible victim?

I think most see JR as the sanest of the bunch...even if he is akin to the northern end of a southbound horse. Of the 3 R's, he seems least likely to be the one who would 'lose it' and go into a rage, or be jealous of the little girl.

Also, and I don't have any statistics in front of me, but my guess would be incestuous pedophilia and the murder of one's own child aren't likely to coincide...though I admit this is just an opinion and I could be wrong, they just don't seem to fit together well. JMHO.

I personally don't find it surprising that JR comes in first as abuser, but last as killer. I don't see a good motive, and if he's her chronic abuser, as it appears someone was, what changed to make him suddenly violent? Why risk losing such an easily accessible victim?

I think most see JR as the sanest of the bunch...even if he is akin to the northern end of a southbound horse. Of the 3 R's, he seems least likely to be the one who would 'lose it' and go into a rage, or be jealous of the little girl.

Also, and I don't have any statistics in front of me, but my guess would be incestuous pedophilia and the murder of one's own child aren't likely to coincide...though I admit this is just an opinion and I could be wrong, they just don't seem to fit together well. JMHO.

It isn't that JR (or any R) became "suddenly violent". They didn't. This was a knee-jerk reaction to her scream that once done, could not be undone. To see an example of incestuous pedophilia, google "lisa steinberg/joel steinberg". She was molested and murdered by her adoptive father.
I still think JDI, and I think BR displayed signs of sexual abuse too. JMO though
Me too, I'm a JDI. He molested her, he most likely killed her. Patsy may have killed him, she definitely helped with the cover up and RN.
It isn't that JR (or any R) became "suddenly violent". They didn't. This was a knee-jerk reaction to her scream that once done, could not be undone. To see an example of incestuous pedophilia, google "lisa steinberg/joel steinberg". She was molested and murdered by her adoptive father.

Oh god the lisa Steinbreg case!!! I remember reading the book that came out from an investigative reporter (can't recall the title), and openly sobbing on the the subway to work...

There are too many of these tragic, abusive murders!!!!
It isn't that JR (or any R) became "suddenly violent". They didn't. This was a knee-jerk reaction to her scream that once done, could not be undone. To see an example of incestuous pedophilia, google "lisa steinberg/joel steinberg". She was molested and murdered by her adoptive father.

DeeDee, thanks for the reply. I certainly wouldn't rule JR out, I just meant that I understand why, of all the R's, he's the least viewed as the least according to this poll.

I obviously can't speak for everyone, only myself, but JR doesn't seem like a knee-jerk reaction kind of guy to me. He seems very calculating to me; the kind of person who plans everything 3 or 4 moves ahead. That's how he handled everything to do with the investigation, and it seems to me that's probably been his approach to everything for most of his adult life.

I agree that JB's death was most likely a knee-jerk reaction, which is another reason I have trouble accepting JDI...unless the JR in question is JAR, who I'd like to know a lot more about. To me, knee-jerk points more to BR, then JAR, then PR all before JR. The child and young adult first, because of a lack of life experience, they're the least likely to expect a wrinkle in their plan. PR next because so much of what she does seems to be more reactive than proactive. It just doesn't seem to fit JR's character, as best I can tell...but that certainly doesn't mean he couldn't have done it- just I see him as the least likely to have done it.
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