Knowing what she knows now, do you think CA would still have called LE?

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Knowing what she knows now, do you think CA would still have called LE?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 12.1%
  • No

    Votes: 256 81.8%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 19 6.1%

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No. They could have gotten away with this, imo. All they had to tell other people was the father or his family got custody then moved away with Caylee in order to cover things up or come up with some other story to explain why Caylee was never around anymore. Caylee wasn't in school, didn't attend a regular daycare, or have any real associations who would have questioned her whereabouts adequately.
No. They could have gotten away with this, imo. All they had to tell other people was the father or his family got custody then moved away with Caylee in order to cover things up or come up with some other story to explain why Caylee was never around anymore. Caylee wasn't in school, didn't attend a regular daycare, or have any real associations who would have questioned her whereabouts adequately.

So scary and sad that it could have happened. Makes me wonder how many times that has happened to other children.:eek:
No way, Jose, pun intended. ;)

Wanted to add that I don't think that Cindy would ever have called. KC would have talked her into them doing their on search. But, someone would have called eventually, just no one in that immediate family. Maybe the Great GPs or the untrusting uncle, but not Cindy
No way would she call! I don't think a day goes by that she doesn't kick herself for calling 911.

- Lee's LE intervew and the bond hearing where he expresses his confusion and surprise that Cindy called 911. Points out that despite the illegal things KC had done previously, Cindy had never called 911. He knows his mother.

- Calling 911 was a game of manipulation and control for Cindy that backfired on her.

- Cindy has never seemed to understand why her daughter is in jail, why LE investigated Caylee's disappearance and KC's lies, why LE didn't just accept KC's stories (lies) as she always has. She doesn't seem to understand why everyone doesn't just accept KC's lies and let KC get away with everything (not just Caylee's murder but everything else too) (reference LKL interview including her statement that KC *was* working).

- Cindy didn't call 911 as soon as she considered Caylee to be missing on July 3. She didn't call 911 even when she knew Caylee was missing and there was a smell of decomp in her daughter's car. Cindy's mode of operation is to stay in control, keep in a position of power and secrecy, and handle everything her self.

- Cindy gives every impression having far more regret that she did finally call 911 than she does for the loss of her grandbaby Caylee. To Cindy it's all about KC because it's all about Cindy and Cindy desperately needs to 1) be in control, and 2) believe in the story she's concocted over the years that she is perfect, has a perfect family, a perfect home, etc (emperor has no clothes).

/end of morning ramble. going for coffee. :)

ETA: MOO of course


I agree with everything you posted ..

I voted no, but I am not too sure. She was so angry at Casey at the time, if she knew the truth she may have called and told all right then. Now, if she had a little time to think it over, I would say no. She would probably just kept it to herself and covered it forever.

I completely agree with your post.
My first answer to this question would have been "Not in a million years!". I changed my mind and voted "yes" only because I believe that if she didn't report it at all, that lie would catch up to her quickly if she didn't.

I believe Cindy would have considered all options...sending Casey away, making up an adoption story, etc. The likleyhood that any one of the family members might get drunk or stoned or arrested (Casey or George) and spill the beans in a fit of rage would have cancelled those options out. Any one of them (Casey)could have eventually decided to blackmail the others by threatening to call the cops and blame it on the others.

In the end, I think Cindy would have realized they had to report it in order to avoid responsibility if/when Caylee was found. She would have quickly come up with a scenerio in which she, Casey and George would tell the cops the exact same story; something more believable than the "phantom-nanny" story. They would have cleaned up or gotten rid of the car and it's contents, destroyed the computer hard drive and staged kidnapping.

Long story short: they would have gotten their lies straight, then called the cops.

I think this would be a great question for an interviewer to ask her some day.

She has a habit of blurting out what she believes and I doubt she's a convincing liar. Rather than lie, she takes that "I give you nothing." and doesn't acknowledge the media.

She has always been reliable about "I don't give a s**t" attitude toward the world, another reason I think her IQ might be a bit low, as her brother stated. It's amazing when thousands can be critical of you, and yet you still think you are above criticism. Really, if that many people say the same type of things about you ... you ought to consider they might be right.
I think she would've called sooner! Regardless of the way the family dynamic is playing out now, CA loved that baby with all of her heart. If she had any clue that Caylee would actually be harmed, she would have involved anybody neccessary...even DSS. I think she was hoping the experience would help KC grow up. She worried about Caylee, but only about how often she was bathing and what she was eating. The idea of her being missing or murdered never crossed her mind...why would it? There is zero evidence that KC ever mistreated Caylee prior to her death. Even though friends may speculate, CA had no reason to believe that Caylee was in real danger.

I voted yes, she would have called and as I tried to formulate my reasons for answering this way, I read the posts. This one comes closest to my thoughts on this matter.

Believe what you want about the Anthonys and my opinion of them is not that high, but CA loved Caylee. Maybe she loved her for all the wrong reasons, maybe that love was mixed in with her obvious need to control things. Doesn't matter, she loved her granddaughter. She would have called, no matter what the outcome.
Not only do I think she would not have called, but I'm betting she feels a sort of strange kind of guilt for being the one who made the call.
Not only do I think she would not have called, but I'm betting she feels a sort of strange kind of guilt for being the one who made the call.

Yes I agree, she probably does ..
Personally I think if Cindy thought there was any hope at all, even the slightest chance that Caylee was still alive she would have called that night, but if she knew Caylee was dead, I think she still would have told police, but it would have been much more orchestrated, maybe taking KC into the police station to tell them what happened...or at least what KC claims happened. I think Cindy would have gotten a half way believable story out of KC first, probably something about an accident and KC panicing. I don't think we would have heard a thing about ZFG because if Cindy calmed down and listened to that story she would have known it would never work. It's hard to imagine exactly though, because how could KC, that night, admit that Caylee was dead. If she did that, she would have to also admit she dumped her in the woods in trashbags...and which point Cindy might be the one who wound up in jail for murdering her own daughter.

No matter what I just cannot see them covering the entire thing up and trying to pass off a story about giving Caylee up for adoption or giving her to her bio-dad. No, I think they would have gone to police, but the story would have been very, very different.
I do think she regrets calling and if she had it to do over she would not make the call. At the time IMO she did think there was still a chance to find a living Caylee, now we know that was false.

With the police not involved, IMO Casey would have quietly slipped away, probably on her way to California. Maybe she would have shown back up on their doorstep pregnant and Cindy would see it as a second chance.
Of course we've wondered if Casey had some other plans to gain control of the house, did the fact Cindy called the police actually save her and George for another plan Casey had?

I voted No as well. I think Cindy used the 911 call to scare Casey into telling her where Casey was and to punish and embarrass her and when suddenly the dark tide was comign and she began to realize Caylee was really gone - she believed that the car and the kidnapper where connected. I think had she known what she knows now a better story would have come about, the body would have been moved and Casey would have been the poor mother of a missing child, with the dark secret haning over the family forever.
I pray to God I will never know what it's like to be in CA's position.

But I also feel very strongly that if I had a granddaughter whom I loved with all of my heart who was taken from the family in such a cruel way, there is NO WAY IN HE!! that I would support her killer, daughter or not.

I know that this is a heated debate, and I know there is a consideration of unconditional love, but there is no way I would rationalize what my daughter did, or cover for her.

I would pray for her soul, and perhaps try to understand... but I could not betray any helpless child, let alone my own helpless granddaughter by lying and covering for my daughter, no matter how much I loved her.

Just MO. That is what I cannot and will not ever understand about the A's.
Hard to say. She did the right thing by calling, so I'd say she'd do it again. IMO the do-over for Cindy was 30 days before she made the 911 call.....
Cindy's mode of operation is to stay in control, keep in a position of power and secrecy, and handle everything her self.

I think this is exactly right. I don't think Cindy would have called 911. She would have kept KC in that house and thrown Caylee's disappearance in KC's face anytime she got out of line. In return, KC would have found other destructive ways to punish her mother. I.e., they would have continued as before.

I have thought about this long and hard and quite often. I trully believe that in the beginning Cindy thought Casey was keeping Caylee from her as punishment for something. I think Cindy thought Casey was being a vindictive Bitc*. I think Caylee actually being dead was the furthest thing from Cindy's mind and if she would have known how deeply her daughter was disturbed and the lengths at which Casey would go to....she would have never made that first 911 call. I feel this family would have UNITED together to form some kind of accidental death theory to present to their other family members and also to the world about Caylee. The Anthony's would have continued to do what they have always done with Casey and that is ENABLE ENABLE ENABLE.

All I can say is Justice will be bittersweet for little Caylee, her life was taken from her and her mother will be convicted for life instead of rotting in hell where she belongs.
Never. CA is probably very sorry now that she ever made that 911 call. If she had stopped to think it through, she probably would have invented a story for family and friends that Caylee's father had reclaimed her and she went to live with him. GA and LA would have wholeheartedly participated in the lie and KC would have continued to lie, cheat and steal her way through life. If CA hadn't been so quick to dial that number, no one would have ever heard of Caylee and she would lie unclaimed in the Orlando morgue if her remains were every found.

What this poster said. I agree.

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