Knowing what she knows now, do you think CA would still have called LE?

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Knowing what she knows now, do you think CA would still have called LE?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 12.1%
  • No

    Votes: 256 81.8%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 19 6.1%

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I have wondered if Casey asking Cindy for "one more day" before she called LE is in that "day" Casey had thought of ways to hold Cindy off from calling LE--not to involve LE was Casey's wish.
I do think Cindy blames herself now for Casey's, likely, life sentence--however, if she allows herself to think of the utter innocense of Caylee she should feel that she did the right thing in Caylee's honor..

However, not to be contradicting but I bet my right arm she's wishing Casey gets out of this --- a mistrial, hung jury or something...

That would be the worst thing in the world that could happen. I'd rather have atoms collide in front of me than to see these two women ever share another breath of freedom in the same place.
CA said in one interview that she was just trying to get some help with Casey and she thought calling the police would be that help. I think she just wanted to scare Casey into tell her where Caylee was. But, knowing what they know now, I do not believe CA would have called LE and I would even go so far as to say the family might have put their heads together to conspire to keep Caylee's death a secret. The reason I say this is because 1) Lee states in his depo that when his sister told him about the Jay Blanchard park incident he did not report it to the police and when he told him mom he said she acted like she already knew and 2) if CA did send her PI guy to the remains site, she did not let LE know the possibility of the remains being there so they could search. I just wonder if the PI did find the remains, how was that going to be reported to the police or was PI going to come back in the middle of the night and move them himself? Non of that makes sense either.

What baffles me is why the PI had the other PI out there video taping the whole thing? If he was thinking of stealing the remains, why video the act? I know the PI's story has changed several times, once saying he was taped in secret, unbeknownst to him.

I agree it was shady, the PI is shady, the A family is shady.

I guess we're trying to make sense of the senseless.

The main factor is that NO ONE put Caylee FIRST. :furious:
No, I do not think Cindy would have called the LE. I think they would had tried to hide what happened to Caylee and and acted like nothing had happened.
How thye would have done that without having Caylee at home with them is another story.
You know people would get to wondering where Caylee was if Casey did not have her with her anymore or try to get people to babysit for her.
Guess they could have told people that they put her up for adoption or something of that sort.
But I do not think Cindy would have called the LE like she did if she knew Casey had killed caylee.
What baffles me is why the PI had the other PI out there video taping the whole thing? If he was thinking of stealing the remains, why video the act? I know the PI's story has changed several times, once saying he was taped in secret, unbeknownst to him.

I agree it was shady, the PI is shady, the A family is shady.

I guess we're trying to make sense of the senseless.

The main factor is that NO ONE put Caylee FIRST. :furious:

I've thought about that. I think DC had the other dude film him looking in CASE he found something. He didn't want to be accused of planting the remains. My guess is ol' DC is crafty but he's also a pro at CYOA. Would you want to stand in front of the bus blindly while George or (most likely) Cindy aims it at you?

"He ingratiated himself into this case and it seems like he planted Caylee's body there. I think he was just trying to make a name for himself!!"

Oh yes, I can see that happening, in one form or another. Where is ol DC nowadays?
When Cindy called LE she didn't have a clue Caylee was dead. (IMO)

but she did say, on the same phone call, "my daughter's car smells like there's been a dead body in it" :waitasec:

so it seems like on some level she was suggesting caylee could be dead. that's the way i always heard that comment.

that's why i never understood their insistence caylee was still alive...even after they smelled the dead body smell in the car? really???
No, mom would not have called. Im a mother of 4, grandma of 12, I know in my heart that if I knew, that I would help cover it up.

maybe not, I dont think we know what we would do unless we were in her shoes. Just the thought makes me sick:(
but she did say, on the same phone call, "my daughter's car smells like there's been a dead body in it" :waitasec:

so it seems like on some level she was suggesting caylee could be dead. that's the way i always heard that comment.

that's why i never understood their insistence caylee was still alive...even after they smelled the dead body smell in the car? really???

I don't think Cindy thought Caylee was alive when she was asking people to look for Caylee. I think Cindy knew pretty soon after Caylee was reported missing that there was no hope.

The thing is, if Cindy had wanted to cover up a murder, she wouldn't have called LE in the first place.

LE wasn't looking for Casey or Caylee. It doesn't look like Casey was eager to come home.

Cindy didn't have to say Caylee was living with Caylee's natural father. Or that Caylee had been given up for adoption.

Cindy could just say Caylee was with Casey.

Personally, I think it was a miracle that RK found Caylee. I think it is more likely than not that Caylee's disappearance could have gone unnoticed forever if Cindy hadn't called 911.

If Casey told her family it was an accident and she feared no one would believer, then that makes me see Cindy's behavior as it was.... If Cindy had known that Caylee was dead, she would have choked the life out of Casey, then eventually turned her in or let George do it. That is what I think.
CA was well aware her daughter was a liar, a thief and others things, and she probably knew that other people had some idea of that as well. Maybe she was in denial about that.

I think if CA had calmed down for a few hours or overnight she would have come to the conclusion that she had to call LE because there was too much bad history with KC. She would have realized she couldn't get away with covering up.

I think she did suspect that Caylee was already gone but that was replaced by denial and fear and a long-term history of family pathology.

Be that as it may, I voted "don't know" because I haven't studied her (astrology) chart or the other charts in this case. I might change my vote after studying the charts.
Knowing the extent CA has coddled and lied for her sorry excuse for a daughter... I vote 110% NO.
What baffles me is why the PI had the other PI out there video taping the whole thing? If he was thinking of stealing the remains, why video the act? I know the PI's story has changed several times, once saying he was taped in secret, unbeknownst to him.

I agree it was shady, the PI is shady, the A family is shady.

I guess we're trying to make sense of the senseless.

The main factor is that NO ONE put Caylee FIRST. :furious:

Cindy no doubt figured that if they could produce a tape showing that no remains were found in that area-then maybe they could claim that the remains were put there by someone other than Casey.
Cindy has to always be in charge even trying to direct a murder investigation.
I always wondered why any of the A's talked. If there is anything I have learned from all of the TV shows...this is the first thing you do is get a lawyer.

If Cindy would have accepted what she smelled in that trunk....the first thing each one of them should have done is lawyered up. Then no one would have talked and they wouldn't be in the mess they are in now. Yes, they would have still all looked guilty. But LE wouldn't have the massive amounts of statements by all of them.

They were foolish to believe in all of Casey's lies and now there is hours of tapes of interviews from all of them. Then, they kept adding to the evidence by courting the media. Dumb. I am surprised they all went so long without legal counsel.
That would be the worst thing in the world that could happen. I'd rather have atoms collide in front of me than to see these two women ever share another breath of freedom in the same place.

Now that's an interesting vision. LOL I voted no, Cindy would not call LE if she had to do it all over again.
I agree. At the time she made the call, she believed someone else took the child. Once she realized Casey was responsible, she quickly went into cover up mode.


She thought someone else took Caylee, maybe through a bad mistake that KC made--"what have you done?"

I'm trying to remember way back to the beginning of this. In the interval before the police arrived, I believe that CA said she and KC had a talk. I've always wondered what was going on in that interaction.

The problem I have is with the the word "responsible." Are you saying that people think that CA knows KC killed Caylee? Because, I'm not sure that she would believe her daughter could be guilty of that, even if KC told her point blank.
Nooooo Wayyyyyyyyy! :shakehead::tsktsk::shakehead: She would have tried to do what Casey SAID she was doing. And that's, perform her own investigation. :yes::coffeeup:
No, mom would not have called. Im a mother of 4, grandma of 12, I know in my heart that if I knew, that I would help cover it up.

maybe not, I dont think we know what we would do unless we were in her shoes. Just the thought makes me sick:(

Am I reading this wrong? You would help her cover it up? Seriously?
Absolutely Not ..and I have felt that way for a LONG time. :mad:
When Cindy called LE she didn't have a clue Caylee was dead. (IMO)

She just thought Casey was punishing her. Casey dangled the "coming home with Caylee" carrot over Cindy's head for 31 days. But, once Cindy had Casey in her clutches, Cindy was going to use LE to get Caylee back.

It backfired. If Cindy knew then what she knows now, I think Cindy would have left Casey with Tony.

I think losing Caylee has intensified the Anthony's need to preserve the family they have left. Cindy said she couldn't stand losing "both of them".

If they could undo the 911 call and leave Casey with Tony, I think the family would do it. Then everyone could pretend Casey was eloping with Jeff and that Caylee was off with Zach and Zani.


but she did say, on the same phone call, "my daughter's car smells like there's been a dead body in it" :waitasec:

so it seems like on some level she was suggesting caylee could be dead. that's the way i always heard that comment.

that's why i never understood their insistence caylee was still alive...even after they smelled the dead body smell in the car? really???

Cindy also said, on the same call, offline to George, "we've lost her" (meaning Caylee.) On some level, I think she knew.
She thought someone else took Caylee, maybe through a bad mistake that KC made--"what have you done?"

I'm trying to remember way back to the beginning of this. In the interval before the police arrived, I believe that CA said she and KC had a talk. I've always wondered what was going on in that interaction.

The problem I have is with the the word "responsible." Are you saying that people think that CA knows KC killed Caylee? Because, I'm not sure that she would believe her daughter could be guilty of that, even if KC told her point blank.

I am not speaking for anyone but myself - curious where you got that from my post. I am saying that *I think* on some level Cindy knew at that point that Casey was responsible for whatever happened to Caylee. And it wasn't looking good since:

1) Cindy hadn't seen or spoken to Caylee in several weeks
2) Cindy posted on My Space or Face Book on July 3 that Caylee was taken from her out of spite
3) Cindy recognized the smell of decomp in Casey's car
4) Cindy made an excited utterance to George "we lost her" (meaning Caylee) during the 911 call

To reiterate, I don't believe for a minute that Cindy would call 911 again if she had the chance, knowing what she knows now. Seems to me that the first time she called 911, it was because she thought someone had taken Caylee, and she was not getting the truth from Casey. With each subsequent 911 call that evening, you can hear the panic in Cindy's voice because I think she was beginning to understand what had transpired and who was responsible. And once she came to that realization, she quickly went into cover up mode. Hope this makes sense, it's late and I'm tired.
No, I do not think Cindy would have called the LE. I think they would had tried to hide what happened to Caylee and and acted like nothing had happened.
How thye would have done that without having Caylee at home with them is another story.
You know people would get to wondering where Caylee was if Casey did not have her with her anymore or try to get people to babysit for her.
Guess they could have told people that they put her up for adoption or something of that sort.
But I do not think Cindy would have called the LE like she did if she knew Casey had killed caylee.

I don't think Cindy would have made that call either if she had known then what she knows now. She doesn't want her daughter to go to prison and therefore the whole family would have figured out a way to coverup the fact that Caylee wasn't living with them. I think George would have gone along with Cindy, Casey, and Lee but I think it would have been his undoing. I believe Caylee was the love of George's life. To cover up her murder and lie about where she is...George probably would have actually committed suicide. I think Caylee was the only bright spot in George's life and with her gone he might have felt there was no reason to live. I also think that he would have had a hard time being around Casey and probably the rest of the family but mainly Casey. They didn't get along that well anyway for whatever reason.

Casey seems to change friends pretty often so all she would have had to do was make a new bunch of friends that had never even seen Caylee or heard of her. If someone found out that Casey had a daughter Casey could just say that "she's with my mom today" and always have an excuse ready...and never take her new friends to her mom and dads. Her friends would probably be more interested in partying then in a little girl anyway so she could have gotten away with it with no problem as long as the family went along with her.

Would they have just left Caylee over there in the woods? Boy, I don't know.
That would have been a problem I think. I would hate to think that they are so cold that they would have just left her there. But would they have gone and collected the bones and buried them somewhere? A horrible thought.

It seems these people have put Casey ahead of Caylee throughout all of this so why would it have been any different if the call hadn't been made. I don't understand these people for even a minute. It's a good thing that so many people out here love little Caylee and she has more love in heaven then she will ever need. Love isn't something that is flowing from the Anthonys for little Caylee. It's just a shame.

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