Kronk Discloses More Information About Finding Caylee's Remains

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Absolutely. I remember early on messages were sent here requesting that we back off....'cause anytime we uncovered something many (often en masse) would phone/email it in.

I saw alot of posting with items that IMO were things that Le never should have been bothered with. Sleuthing here or in any forum is fine, but actually sending emails and calling en masse to Le should only be done in an organized way if at all. Did any new evidence come from all those phone calls and emails?Maybe those trying to help did just the opposite.
For the people ripping this poor guy apart, do you think he is involved, or are you just criticizing him for the fun of it? Seems to me we would all be angry at the fact Caylee was still out there if it weren't for this guy.

Thank you
LE had to investigate him,Defense is sure to be investigating him. The media is and yes,people on the internet.
Le-job; Defense- job; Media- job...which leaves people on the net telling stories about him. Now, I need to go look and see what they're saying...'cause from here I don't see anything that needs any explanation...other than why he saw fit to divulge personal information about his wife dying, his arrest, past jobs (did we make fun of his job?), etc.
I saw alot of posting with items that IMO were things that Le never should have been bothered with. Sleuthing here or in any forum is fine, but actually sending emails and calling en masse to Le should only be done in an organized way if at all. Did any new evidence come from all those phone calls and emails?Maybe those trying to help did just the opposite.
...which no doubt was the reason that it was kindly requested that we hold back...people meant well...and yes, there was useful information produced (ie, those magnificent ping maps). The point was, take all these very well meaning folk from across the globe and you can then understand what LE had to deal with.
I couldnt get a post or thread started in time waiting for this to dial up- On Mike Galanos show they are discussing the MR and the LE who came to the scene- yyou people need to listen to it- very good points just brought up- the LE who came to the scene on Aug 13th was "out of service" at the call for 40 minutes- Mike Brooks asked "what was he doing in the woods for 40 minutes"- did he see the body or what? Theres an adminstrative investigating going on right now on the MR. Also there was 2 other people w/ MR when he called LE so they want to question the other 2 people- were they workers or friends Mike Brooks want to know- Anyway this show repeats at 6:00 EST
He likely is trying to keep his reputation intact. Going on national t.v. with his story is one way to do that. If people are gossiping about his possible involvement nationally, the way to counteract that is with a statement to a nationwide audience. He never wanted this attention or scrutiny as clear from his 911 calls in August but now it's here and he's being treated as suspect by many. He persisted in order to do the right thing. I guess he could have left Caylee to rot further in order to avoid all this but I doubt anyone of us would have liked that.
By the way, expunged records are easily found. Background checks can find them. He is being advised by the prosecution and his own attorney. I'm sure they told him that and he was trying to stop the chatter before it started.

Has it helped? No matter what he does there is still going to be people that do not believe him.Just read the post here and you will see what I mean. Your d@mned no matter what you do.
Its still on in case you want to catch the tail end- Mike Galonas talking on it
I heard him say both,without a doubt. What's interesting is that we can all listen to the same thing,and hear different things--also a bit scary-hope the jury all hear the same things!!!
I couldnt get a post or thread started in time waiting for this to dial up- On Mike Galanos show they are discussing the MR and the LE who came to the scene- yyou people need to listen to it- very good points just brought up- the LE who came to the scene on Aug 13th was "out of service" at the call for 40 minutes- Mike Brooks asked "what was he doing in the woods for 40 minutes"- did he see the body or what? Theres an adminstrative investigating going on right now on the MR. Also there was 2 other people w/ MR when he called LE so they want to question the other 2 people- were they workers or friends Mike Brooks want to know- Anyway this show repeats at 6:00 EST
I thought the last time it was his boss.
I believe Kronk after seeing him this morning on tv. I think people are using too much imagination in thinking hes part of this at all. I dont see it. Im more concerned about the PI filming, now thats fishy!
Le-job; Defense- job; Media- job...which leaves people on the net telling stories about him. Now, I need to go look and see what they're saying...'cause from here I don't see anything that needs any explanation...other than why he saw fit to divulge personal information about his wife dying, his arrest, past jobs (did we make fun of his job?), etc.

The defense and some of the media are willing to make this guy seem suspicious. This is not an uncommon thing. Often those who find a body are scrutinized as possible suspects and thus, it makes some nervous about reporting a finding. Regardless of whether it is the defense or the media's job to scrutinize this guy or make him seem suspicious, the result is the same: His public reputation is sullied. He felt the need to counteract that and that is understandable to me. The only way this guy could have avoided his reputation being sullied is to not have reported his findings because the 911 calls alone as well as the timing of his calls and the ultimate discovery were already creating a stir, even here, about this guy, the believability or probability of his find, etc. Again, from my own experience with clients and my law partners criminal law clients, I am aware that expunged records can be found by a background check or other means. That's likely why he reported that. As far as his wife dying, maybe he is trying to get a bit of sympathy from those who may suspect him. It's hard for me to understand the anger at this man. He's just an average joe, no hero, but who persisted in following his gut instinct and getting someone to listen, which was the right thing to do.
They sure are bringing up some good points- huh- I never heard that LE was at that scene for 40 minutes-in the woods-
I can't get on board to throw mud at Mr. K.

I do not believe he had any prior knowledge of anything based on what I have heard/seen/read.

I do believe he had a *hunch* and was unwilling to let LE blow him off.

I've read a lot of shoulda, woulda, coulda posts--and everyone is entitled to their opinion. So here's mine. :)

I do not believe Mr. K is the bad guy here. I BELIEVE he is the guy who FOUND Caylee. If news stations want to pay him for his story- that is their right. If he wants to accept the money--that is his right. We live in a country where this is not illegal. And I personally do not find it immoral as is being implied by some.

OT--I believe the ire would be more appropriately directed at the PI tramping through the undergrowth and ripping into garbage bags. moo
...which no doubt was the reason that it was kindly requested that we hold back...people meant well...and yes, there was useful information produced (ie, those magnificent ping maps). The point was, take all these very well meaning folk from across the globe and you can then understand what LE had to deal with.

I am sure people meant well. I do know that a lot of people took time away from their own families and spent hours trying to help. I did not mean any disrespect and I am sorry if I came across that way.
I believe Kronk after seeing him this morning on tv. I think people are using too much imagination in thinking hes part of this at all. I dont see it. Im more concerned about the PI filming, now thats fishy!
I do think he used some of our dialogue from here, school wouldn't have been in session, yads yada yada.
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