Kronk Discloses More Information About Finding Caylee's Remains

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if the records were indeed expunged then why bring them up all..

Unfortunately word of mouth cannot be "expunged". I am sure whatever happened, that other people knew about it. Perhaps he was afraid after seeing him on TV and reading about him finding a missing child's remains, that somebody would say something.

Also, we don't know, something like that may have happened. Maybe someone called one of the news channels to give them some info, or maybe someone called LE with the info, and instead of putting the information out there gave him the chance to give information about it in a press conference. I doubt LE or the media would want to make this situation seem "pro-defense" so the idea of giving him a chance to come clean vs. them exposing it would make sense.
I have to be honest I have a life and my own problems so I really dont remember the specifics of the first searches. Also I have read about a million things about this case since Caylee went missing.
If indeed this area was searched and cleared by Le, those officers need a refresher course. Unless it was underwater at the time Le searched it,then as soon as water went down they should have done another search. When a parent kills a child they usually are close to home.

I know. This case really drove home the fact that mom's dump their kids close to home, for me. I believe LE searched around the area with cadaver dogs when Caylee went missing. Not sure how throrough they were but the defense will surely try to take advantage of any mistakes they made.
Unfortunately word of mouth cannot be "expunged". I am sure whatever happened, that other people knew about it. Perhaps he was afraid after seeing him on TV and reading about him finding a missing child's remains, that somebody would say something.
Wasn't this back like over a decade ago? The only people he needed to tell, if he wanted to unburden himself, was LE.
Who is doing this...people on the net?

LE had to investigate him,Defense is sure to be investigating him. The media is and yes,people on the internet.
Allegedly, he said the bag was white in August. Allegedly, the bag was underwater in August. Allegedly, he saw a six foot diamondback rattler there on August 11th, yet this former bounty hunter/bondsman failed to tell LE about it. Thus, knowingly putting LE in harm's way.

I'll wait for what's been said to be corroborated, but as time passes, so does the number of key questions the defense will use to melt him down on the witness stand.

Yeah, I'm not sure who said what or what he actually told LE on the scene. I believe we still don't know what color the bag was that LE eventually found Caylee in. I think I heard that Kronk did notify LE on the scene about a snake and that LE then said, "Okay, you better stay on the street then, when I look." You know, the macho I'm in charge and you are just a silly civilian type thing. We shall see. It will be interesting.
The only part I can not understand is why he did not contact Yuri. If it was me and no one took me serious thats what I would have done. I would have been very insisted the first time. I think thats why so many people are having a hard time believing him.I think the more times you call in about the same thing no one in Le would take you serious. Maybe I am just a pain in the butt who knows but if the police did not take me serious I would have called the media. I am sure some one would have come down and met me there to film the finding of Caylee.

If he wasn't sure about what was there, and felt a bit embarassed about possibly leading LE on a wild goose chase, as I;m sure I would have felt, I doubt he would have taken the time to note who was the lead investigator, how to contact that person directly and then would have contacted him. His 911 calls show he was unsure and a bit embarrased himself about making the call, IMO: "I'm not saying it's Caylee or anything." LE in turn was a bit dismissive with him. Just one of thousands of bogus tips to them.
Wasn't this back like over decade ago? The only people he needed to tell, if he wanted to unburden himself, was LE.
He knew he was being scrutinized from every angle.Stories about his past were coming out every day.His wife died,he was a bounty hunter/PI.His ex-brother-in-law was interviewed. Many in the media and on blogs and forums were calling him suspicious.He knew it was only a matter of time before someone found out about this ,so he came forward with the info first.Very smart IMO.
So here's this guy and he does his best to get LE to take notice of what he has seen.They blow him off and a deputy IS rude and tells him he's wasting their time,instead of thanking him for doing the right thing by calling.Months later he goes back to the spot and pokes further and,sure enough ,he had been right all along. But instead of getting a thank you he gets interrogated and treated like he's the criminal.The media starts digging in.
IMO he had every right to bring up the deputy and anyone else who had been rude....CUZ HE WAS RIGHT!.
LE has done a bang up job on this case.If the detectives in charge had been given this info back in march things might have turned out differently.But the personnel who dealt with RK were wrong and some were rude.
ETA: back in august the public was being begged for info.Even if you don't think it means anything,if you've seen something suspicious,call,because it might be connected.That was said over and over.

I agree. He did the right thing and someone dropped the ball. But, she has been found at last.
Wasn't this back like over decade ago? The only people he needed to tell, if he wanted to unburden himself, was LE.

I think you missed my point. When it happened doesn't matter. It's fact that it was probably not a secret that he was arrested (though not convicted) of kidnapping. Whoever else was involved with the "situation" Im sure has not forgotten about it. I think we all know when it comes to something newsworthy that people will do just about anything. I don't think it is unreasonable at all for him to be concerned someone from his past would bring this up, and then he would look like he was hiding something. I can see why he wanted to put it out there, to steal anyone's thunder who might think of exposing it.
Yeah, I'm not sure who said what or what he actually told LE on the scene. I believe we still don't know what color the bag was that LE eventually found Caylee in. I think I heard that Kronk did notify LE on the scene about a snake and that LE then said, "Okay, you better stay on the street then, when I look." You know, the macho I'm in charge and you are just a silly civilian type thing. We shall see. It will be interesting.

Allegedly, he said that he kicked the bag. Now his story seems to be that he picked up the bag.

Did you ever meet a bounty hunter or a bondsman that you thought would not lie? (snicker)

As far as I'm concerned, that's the nature of the beast. The defense will almost assuredly have a field day with his prior credibility even before they nuke him for his latest round of dribble -- profitable dribble, it would seem.
So here's this guy and he does his best to get LE to take notice of what he has seen.They blow him off and a deputy IS rude and tells him he's wasting their time,instead of thanking him for doing the right thing by calling.Months later he goes back to the spot and pokes further and,sure enough ,he had been right all along. But instead of getting a thank you he gets interrogated and treated like he's the criminal.The media starts digging in.
IMO he had every right to bring up the deputy and anyone else who had been rude....CUZ HE WAS RIGHT!.
LE has done a bang up job on this case.If the detectives in charge had been given this info back in march things might have turned out differently.But the personnel who dealt with RK were wrong and some were rude.
ETA: back in august the public was being begged for info.Even if you don't think it means anything,if you've seen something suspicious,call,because it might be connected.That was said over and over.

:clap: Well said MissJames :blowkiss:

The way I look at Kronk, HE FOUND CAYLEE :woohoo:.. The very thing all the search people were doing, bless their efforts :blowkiss:.. However, HE IS THE ONE WHO FOUND HER... Now all the sudden he is being picked apart.. :waitasec: Why? I also think he should get reward money.
I respectfully disagree. His life has been turned upside down, he has been investigated by hundreds of amateur sleuths and probably several professional ones. He has to take time off work, both during the initial investigation and during the trial.

On a more spiritual note, I like to the think that Caylee was calling for someone to find her, and she would want this man compensated for his persistence. Heck, even DC gave up after four visits to try to find her, and he was being paid to look. I shudder to think of what would have happened if HE had found her, so I like to think she was quiet when DC was there and called to RK when he came by. :thumb:

That was his choice to go public. He could have stayed in the background only Le had to know who he was for now. He wanted his 15 minutes and oh boy did he get it. IMO
I think we represent a wide cross-section of America...what "untrue" stories have we told about him. We've looked at the discovery as it should have been looked at. So who's telling these "untrue" stories? Sorry, at this point IMO he's trying to make himself more marketable. He's lost my interest.

Well, there was LP suggesting he was part of a "daisy chain" leading from KC to the remains... and all the "looking into" that entailed.
That was his choice to go public. He could have stayed in the background only Le had to know who he was for now. He wanted his 15 minutes and oh boy did he get it. IMO

As soon as a foia request was made for the 911 call, his cover would have been blown. IMO he deserves his 15 minutes.
Why in the world would you say that?

He did the right thing, contrary to all the WRONG things we have seen the Anthony family do in this.

I totally agree with you.

He's the only one related to this case telling the truth and is upfront with info.
Poor Meter Man I bet he is sorry for doing what he did. Before the remains were found the question was asked would you say if you saw Caylee, and I said NO, she would be better off where she was. Looks like he should have just kept reading meters.

Why? His life is his own to do with it what he wants. He didn't need to go on national television.

He likely is trying to keep his reputation intact. Going on national t.v. with his story is one way to do that. If people are gossiping about his possible involvement nationally, the way to counteract that is with a statement to a nationwide audience. He never wanted this attention or scrutiny as clear from his 911 calls in August but now it's here and he's being treated as suspect by many. He persisted in order to do the right thing. I guess he could have left Caylee to rot further in order to avoid all this but I doubt anyone of us would have liked that.
By the way, expunged records are easily found. Background checks can find them. He is being advised by the prosecution and his own attorney. I'm sure they told him that and he was trying to stop the chatter before it started.
For the people ripping this poor guy apart, do you think he is involved, or are you just criticizing him for the fun of it? Seems to me we would all be angry at the fact Caylee was still out there if it weren't for this guy.
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