Kronk Discloses More Information About Finding Caylee's Remains

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I am sure NO ONE is willing to pay 20grand for a picture of a snake.
He has more pictures. They must be of the bag.
I want to see the duct tape. I want to know if it was a piece or if it was wrapped around the head.

OMG, I couldn't even look at it if he did have it!
A poster in tonight's Nancy Grace thread (now closed) has said several times that Kronk's supervisor lives on the Anthonys' street. How do we know that- or rather how does he/she (never sure whether Wudge is a boy or a girl) know that? I don't recall seeing any reliably reported information about that. Can anyone - or Wudge- direct me to the source of that tidbit? TIA
According to the media thread, Kronk is now saying that he believes it was Caylee's skull he saw sticking out of the bag back in August.

It is on todays media thread.


Geeezzz......another one changes his story....any reason while he didn't tell the *rude* cop this while he was there for 25 minutes ????
He had reported a smell, and today he said he thinks it was her skull he saw back in August.

He remembers this now in Jan. ???

Too bad he forgot to tell the cop that was there for 25 minutes in Aug.

This case makes me SICK......along w/most involved in it.
Evans to Kronk: Tell the media about your expunged kidnapping arrest, but don't tell them about the unpaid child support. Keep your fingers crossed hoping that nobody checks this stuff out.
Ya know...I'll say it again...thanks Mr. K for finding Caylee...but ya better do right by your own child, don't ya think?
A poster in tonight's Nancy Grace thread (now closed) has said several times that Kronk's supervisor lives on the Anthonys' street. How do we know that- or rather how does he/she (never sure whether Wudge is a boy or a girl) know that? I don't recall seeing any reliably reported information about that. Can anyone - or Wudge- direct me to the source of that tidbit? TIA
i really think there is alot that we dont know on here that we think we do . i think alot of the theories going around about this case with LP and such come from bloggers and they use them as thier own theories
A poster in tonight's Nancy Grace thread (now closed) has said several times that Kronk's supervisor lives on the Anthonys' street. How do we know that- or rather how does he/she (never sure whether Wudge is a boy or a girl) know that? I don't recall seeing any reliably reported information about that. Can anyone - or Wudge- direct me to the source of that tidbit? TIA
I believe that LP mentioned that the supervisor lived around the corner from the crime scene. LP wondered why he didn't go THERE to use the bathroom. I never saw anything definitive about an address.
I've had my suspicions about RK, but have leaned more to the side that he was just an innocent citizen who was just persistent in looking for Caylee. But now that the subject of him maybe having taking pictures at the scene, I just have to ask - why did he have a camera with him? Do a lot of people just carry a camera around with them all the time?

Oh wait....cell phone...DUH!
snipped from today's current media links. I can't get the video so I only read the articles. So I'm sorry if I'm missing somthing. Anway;

(Kronk’s attorney would not comment on details, but did confirm Kronk gave a sworn statement to investigators days before speaking out on national TV Tuesday)

days? Gee, wouldn't he have done that back in December on like the 11th? I'm confused.
This is just wild speculation on my part, but does anyone think it is possible that the reason Kronk showed a picture of the snake, was because, he has other pictures of what appears to be something like a skull, but when he went to investigate the bag, a rattlesnake was IN the garbage bag, maybe the outside one, if there indeed were more than one bag found with Caylee? Could a rattlesnake survive being in a plastic bag with human remains? Very odd thing about the picture of a rattlesnake shown to LE. JMO
This is just wild speculation on my part, but does anyone think it is possible that the reason Kronk showed a picture of the snake, was because, he has other pictures of what appears to be something like a skull, but when he went to investigate the bag, a rattlesnake was IN the garbage bag, maybe the outside one, if there indeed were more than one bag found with Caylee? Could a rattlesnake survive being in a plastic bag with human remains? Very odd thing about the picture of a rattlesnake shown to LE. JMO

Yes, sort of. I bet he has other pictures for sure. I don't know how the rattlesnake came about other than it appeared to be on pavement or something like that and who even knows where it was taken!! But I am sure in my own mind there are other pictures. Just makes sense there would be. Maybe the rattler is an example pic of snakes in the area.
This is just wild speculation on my part, but does anyone think it is possible that the reason Kronk showed a picture of the snake, was because, he has other pictures of what appears to be something like a skull, but when he went to investigate the bag, a rattlesnake was IN the garbage bag, maybe the outside one, if there indeed were more than one bag found with Caylee? Could a rattlesnake survive being in a plastic bag with human remains? Very odd thing about the picture of a rattlesnake shown to LE. JMO

Remember the bag had come open, so yes the rattlesnake could have easily found it's way into the bag. Even if the bag hadn't have come open, a snake could have found his way in through the top of the bag (where the bag closes).
According to what I read on the media links thread, his child is now 25 years old.
I've known people who were paid delinquent support even though their children were grown. It's taken this woman all these years to get...nothing.
Well, now my hinky meter is going off. If RK was just in the woods, saw a garbage bag, WHY would he feel the need to report garbage? Unless he was tipped off (as LP suggested). And he wanted a body to be found. I mean, if he only pointed out a garbage bag in the water, what would make the cop or anybody else suspicious. Did RK see something "white" at this time??? Did he smell something??? I mean, WHY did he want the cop to go in the water to get a garbage bag????? Why would anybody get mad that the cop didn't see anything at first glance. How did RK see something at first glance? Did he actually look in the bag back then?? It just seems funny to me that he describes a bag of garbage as suspicious.

I wondered that too. I grew up in a wooded area and still go there to visit my family. If I saw a garbage bag and there was garbage around I probably wouldn't open it. And if I smelled the smell of decomp. I would probably just figure it was a dead animal.

I apologize if this has been discussed or answered-I couldn't find it anywhere but-- I am also wondering when Kronk called LE and the "rude" cop came out but didn't really investigate-how come Kronk didn't go in the woods with him to show him where the bag was?

They said there was lots of garbage around where she was found and it looks to be a fairly good sized wooded area. Wouldn't LE need or want to be shown exactly where it was instead of given a very vague description? :waitasec:
I wondered that too. I grew up in a wooded area and still go there to visit my family. If I saw a garbage bag and there was garbage around I probably wouldn't open it. And if I smelled the smell of decomp. I would probably just figure it was a dead animal.

I apologize if this has been discussed or answered-I couldn't find it anywhere but-- I am also wondering when Kronk called LE and the "rude" cop came out but didn't really investigate-how come Kronk didn't go in the woods with him to show him where the bag was?

They said there was lots of garbage around where she was found and it looks to be a fairly good sized wooded area. Wouldn't LE need or want to be shown exactly where it was instead of given a very vague description? :waitasec:

I answered this question before but I'm happy to do it again: The 911 calls in August do show that Kronk was treated a bit dimissively, like this as just another nothing hunch from a civilian. I think he did not take the cop into the woods because the cop probably showed up on the scene and treated Kronk like his was a bit of a dummy. He also probably acted like a macho cop. I have seen this happen a few times, where LE has a bit of an attitude and acts very authoriarian. It happens. They were probably tired of thousands of dead end tips and this officer probably was annoyed to have to go out and search the bush in such hot, muggy weather.
Anyhow, when he got there to meet Kronk, I recall that Kronk may have told him there was a big snake in there, sort of a "be careful" thing, and the cop replied with: "okay, you need to stay back then. I'll look around but you stay here." Officer does not want some civilian getting bitten on his watch, ya know? Further, Kronk did not give a "vague" description of the area: It seems from his accounts that he was standing only some yards from the officer when the officer tried to see what he could find. There was a ton of brush and vines and water in that area before.
Also, Kronk was not sure about his hunch and that the bag was not just a bag. He was nervous about looking like an a$$ or just another dumb civilian trying to feel big by cracking the case. So, between human's natural obedience to authority, the fact that some people are intimidated by police, that this officer was reported to have treated Kronk somewhat dismissively, making him feel stupid, perhaps, and the fact that Kronk was not sure that his gut would prove correct, it is very reasonable to me that he did not press this officer, disobey the officer and drag him to the object seen.
As far as reports of tons of trash at the scene so why did Kronk single out this bag? I have seen no evidence that there was tons of trash bags at the scene. And, Kronk seems to have had a very strong gut feeling that this bag was significant. Finally, in his initial call, he reported a bag as well as something round and white, IIRC. He may have seen her skull but did not get close enough to make sure. What he saw from a distance made him suspect, perhaps. In any event, this guy does have an interest in the case, he had a good gut instinct and maybe he wanted to feel good about himself by cracking this case, BUT, he's not like us, spending hours, days, weeks and months on this case. I don't think he is/was as obsessed by this case as us. Thus, after reporting three times, he felt dumb and ignored and so, feeling he did his duty, he left it alone and did not press an annoyed cop. Doesn't this make sense?
Luckily, his gut instinct did not let him go (perhaps his subconcious saw more than his concious saw), so, when he was back in the area in December, he checked again and either animals had dragged things more into view or he got closer. And, hear we are.
What I don't understand is, if this guy is not credible, or is shady, or if something feels hinky to so many about the man who finally found the little angel we all had been looking so hard, for so long, to find, what the heck do they all feel he is guilty of? Kidnapping the child from the mom who never reported her missing? The same mom who never reported her daughter missing, lied to LE when the child was reported missing, searched for cholorofrom and inahalation and death and missing children months before the disappearance and whose car reeked of death in July? Do they feel he killed this little girl? Or, that he is somehow in league with casey? With her family? With the PI's or defense team? Come on. There is nothing here. This is just some hapless average joe with a good instinct and a desire to see a baby put to rest.
I answered this question before but I'm happy to do it again: The 911 calls in August do show that Kronk was treated a bit dimissively, like this as just another nothing hunch from a civilian. I think he did not take the cop into the woods because the cop probably showed up on the scene and treated Kronk like his was a bit of a dummy. He also probably acted like a macho cop. I have seen this happen a few times, where LE has a bit of an attitude and acts very authoriarian. It happens. They were probably tired of thousands of dead end tips and this officer probably was annoyed to have to go out and search the bush in such hot, muggy weather.
Anyhow, when he got there to meet Kronk, I recall that Kronk may have told him there was a big snake in there, sort of a "be careful" thing, and the cop replied with: "okay, you need to stay back then. I'll look around but you stay here." Officer does not want some civilian getting bitten on his watch, ya know? Further, Kronk did not give a "vague" description of the area: It seems from his accounts that he was standing only some yards from the officer when the officer tried to see what he could find. There was a ton of brush and vines and water in that area before.
Also, Kronk was not sure about his hunch and that the bag was not just a bag. He was nervous about looking like an a$$ or just another dumb civilian trying to feel big by cracking the case. So, between human's natural obedience to authority, the fact that some people are intimidated by police, that this officer was reported to have treated Kronk somewhat dismissively, making him feel stupid, perhaps, and the fact that Kronk was not sure that his gut would prove correct, it is very reasonable to me that he did not press this officer, disobey the officer and drag him to the object seen.
As far as reports of tons of trash at the scene so why did Kronk single out this bag? I have seen no evidence that there was tons of trash bags at the scene. And, Kronk seems to have had a very strong gut feeling that this bag was significant. Finally, in his initial call, he reported a bag as well as something round and white, IIRC. He may have seen her skull but did not get close enough to make sure. What he saw from a distance made him suspect, perhaps. In any event, this guy does have an interest in the case, he had a good gut instinct and maybe he wanted to feel good about himself by cracking this case, BUT, he's not like us, spending hours, days, weeks and months on this case. I don't think he is/was as obsessed by this case as us. Thus, after reporting three times, he felt dumb and ignored and so, feeling he did his duty, he left it alone and did not press an annoyed cop. Doesn't this make sense?
Luckily, his gut instinct did not let him go (perhaps his subconcious saw more than his concious saw), so, when he was back in the area in December, he checked again and either animals had dragged things more into view or he got closer. And, hear we are.
What I don't understand is, if this guy is not credible, or is shady, or if something feels hinky to so many about the man who finally found the little angel we all had been looking so hard, for so long, to find, what the heck do they all feel he is guilty of? Kidnapping the child from the mom who never reported her missing? The same mom who never reported her daughter missing, lied to LE when the child was reported missing, searched for cholorofrom and inahalation and death and missing children months before the disappearance and whose car reeked of death in July? Do they feel he killed this little girl? Or, that he is somehow in league with casey? With her family? With the PI's or defense team? Come on. There is nothing here. This is just some hapless average joe with a good instinct and a desire to see a baby put to rest.


Truer words were never spoken. I wish we could make your post a sticky. I was beginning to feel like I was the only one who was simply grateful that this man continued to listen to that nagging little voice inside of him that said something was very wrong back there in the woods. We all spent so many months begging the Universe to allow her to be found, and then when she is finally found, the very person whom we should all be thanking is instead vilified from coast to coast.

I truly believe in my heart of hearts that RK was led to little Caylee by forces beyond our comprehension. It is because of him that she is no longer out there in the dark, alone. It is because of him that Justice now has it's strongest chance for Victory. It breaks my heart to hear how he feels about being the one to find little Caylee after all of the accusations he has endured since Mid December; saying "No good deed goes unpunished."

RK accomplished what any one of us would have given our left AND right arms to be able to accomplish. I hope RK knows in his heart that there is one little girl out there somewhere amongst the stars who thanks him for saving her from being lost like a piece of forgotten garbage, forever in the cold night.

I believe that LP mentioned that the supervisor lived around the corner from the crime scene. LP wondered why he didn't go THERE to use the bathroom. I never saw anything definitive about an address.

Hmm... if I was in that situation, there's NONONNO way I'd go up to the door, knock, ask my boss (or worse yet, his/her wife/husband) if I can use their can. My luck, spouse would be like "who the H@ll are you?" and slam the door in my face. I'd use the woods, too.

But if I did, for whatever reason, find myself in the woods in an area where a child was missing and I knew of it, and I saw one or more trash bags full of who knows what, I would not no way call LE and expect them to come look in this one, or maybe that one, etc. ... tho the alternatives are to just leave them lay and walk out, or open and examine the contents myself. To leave them and walk out leaves me wide awake at night wondering... However, to open each, and examine the "contents" leaves me cold. Even if I screwed up my guts and opened, say, one, the rotted kitchen garbage, used diapers, or dead dog, or whatever unimaginable stuff (that was NOT Caylee), would frankly discourage me from continuing on with any more bags. I can see why MR did not just rip open whatever suspicious bag his ESP was pointing him toward. If he had opened it, pawed through and saw, for example, a little skull and various watersoaked rotten fabric pieces, his fingerprints and DNA are all over. So, the poor man.
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