GUILTY KS - Alicia DeBolt, 14, Great Bend, 21 August 2010 - #1

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Could be cathdawg.

I thought of one or two scenarios.

1. He groomed her over a period of time, and had initiated an inappropriate (on so many levels I can't even begin to notate) relationship with her.

2. He was in the process of grooming her. Moved to quickly for sexual relationship, she balked and he had to murder her.

JMHO and pure SPECULATION at this point in time.
ITA with both possibilities (((Kat)))
Another theory Alicia texted him for a ride he borrows his wife's black vehicle comes picks her up and leaves. Family assumes she is with a 19 yr old they had met at somepoint that drove another black vehicle, I am starting to think he was the one who picked her up!
or... taking this theory a step further... the 19 y/o was the one they were supposed to pick up at the gas station!
ITA with both possibilities (((Kat)))


((((nursie)))) we are still trying to transition into our new PCS, hope you and yours are doing well! :blowkiss:
I am still having trouble with the timeline of the car stolen at 2 am, and LE letting him back into his house at 4 am.........doesn't make sense at all to me.

perhaps there is video in the area the car was stolen. (how else could they know that specific of a time?)

I think the 4 am was the time that the house was released back to him but does not necessarily mean he was there at the time.


*******I am thinking they may have part of this crime on video.......jmhoo

ETA/OT (((((thanks Kat! we are easing into our PCS as well! Glad to hear yours is going well!!!!))))))
I have been trying to find a website for the Venture Corp to no avail as I wanted to know the hrs of operation. ie Mon-Fri or ? I feel that her body was placed at that site then lit on fire (sorry to be so graphic). I am thinking that she was at his house that Eve perhaps his wife was there, he then went to drive her home .....raped her, strangled her or whatever. I think her body was "dumped" sometime early Sun, wee hours as most likely the Plant was closed. He probably knew which area of the Plant was rarely used. Just an idea.
Yes I agree cathdawg. A possibility.

At any rate, she as a 14 yr old girl, and was possibly groomed by this man if that indeed happened. Bless her heart. And if this is true, may he burn in hello. TYVM.

First, this is heartbreaking. omg...

Second, Im not that old - and this is going to make me sound like a fogey fossil - but as more and more crimes turn out to have roots tied to various internet endeavors and other technological advances, I get more concerned about the whole plethora of devices and possible dangers they present. (not saying this case has 'net implications for sure bc IDK)

Folks at work, in casual conversations etc have chastised me for being so cautious and leery of putting personal information "out there" via FB and whatnot, but the technology just looks risky especially when children are involved.

Im not in any way blaming this child.... or her parent/s. She is a victim.... plain and simple.. period. Im just commenting on the legitimate fear perhaps we all should have about these sites and practices that are becoming all too common as we let our collective guards down.

Back in the day, (hey you kids get outta my yard) our parents answered the phone and knew exactly who was calling me and when. Also, with the texting, emailing, PMing, IMing, you cant be sure the person with whom you're dealing is who they say they are. IDK. *shudder*

And then there's, infamously or not, "The" Twitter [TM Betty White] which some use to telegraph to the world where they are exactly as in, "Hi it's me, Curvy Underage Hotgirl; It's 9:52 pm and Im at the Cheescake Factory on XYZ Road and will be walking alone to my car in the poorly lit parking lot in apporximately 5...4...3...2.. ) Ok that's exaggerated, but you get my drift. (Forgive me while I go all facetious for a second; Let's just make it easy and do the stalkers' work for them, why not?) It's just too much for me. Now, let me excuse myself while I grab my orthotic shoes and get my shawl, go sit in my rocker, watch my "stories," and eat mass quantities of applesauce.

perhaps there is video in the area the car was stolen. (how else could they know that specific of a time?)

I think the 4 am was the time that the house was released back to him but does not necessarily mean he was there at the time.


*******I am thinking they may have part of this crime on video.......jmhoo

ETA/OT (((((thanks Kat! we are easing into our PCS as well! Glad to hear yours is going well!!!!))))))

Just a thought he RETURNED home at 4 am however maybe LE released him earlier and he went and stole the truck, parked his car somewhere else. I agree I bet LE was tailing him since day 1.
I see. I do have a really strong feeling that this guy is gonna be tied to some other serious crimes when it is all over with. For the guy to be there only three weeks freaks me out pretty good.

Do they know exactly who picked Alicia up the 19 or the 36 year old? I'm thinking he has a child close in Alica's age because he admitted she was at his wifes party, why was she there who did she know? Possibly his son if he has one.

I'm just wondering if perhaps this girlfriend of his was more of a longtime resident of the area? Link below--seems that they have only lived together 6months, but perhaps Alicia knew the girlfriend from way back.
I have been trying to find a website for the Venture Corp to no avail as I wanted to know the hrs of operation. ie Mon-Fri or ? I feel that her body was placed at that site then lit on fire (sorry to be so graphic). I am thinking that she was at his house that Eve perhaps his wife was there, he then went to drive her home .....raped her, strangled her or whatever. I think her body was "dumped" sometime early Sun, wee hours as most likely the Plant was closed. He probably knew which area of the Plant was rarely used. Just an idea.

I called Venture and asked hours of operation I was told " sun up till Sun down Monday-friday and every other saturday"

Venture Corporation
214 S US Highway 281, Great Bend, KS 67530-9660
(620) 792-5921
In case anyone wants to verify
Jumping off of Kant's post - "Back in the day, (hey you kids get outta my yard) our parents answered the phone and knew exactly who was calling me and when. Also, with the texting, emailing, PMing, IMing, you cant be sure the person with whom you're dealing is who they say they are. IDK. *shudder*"

And the phone was on the kitchen wall, and you got to talk for 10 minutes. Period.
Jumping off of Kant's post - "Back in the day, (hey you kids get outta my yard) our parents answered the phone and knew exactly who was calling me and when. Also, with the texting, emailing, PMing, IMing, you cant be sure the person with whom you're dealing is who they say they are. IDK. *shudder*"

And the phone was on the kitchen wall, and you got to talk for 10 minutes. Period.

and until you were 16, you had to say " I'm sorry, i'm not allowed to receive calls from boys."
I want to say you know I dont comprehend the lax rules ect.
I guess because i have been exposed to all these stories for 3 years almost 4 i am just more aware. My daughter will be 12 , I check her facebook daily, I check her text daily, I snoop in her room. I want to know who my child is talking to and communicating with. She can't stay with a "friend" unless I know them and have spoke to thier parens in persona few times.
I am just very cautious. So sad one little hiccup in judgement cost her life.
and until you were 16, you had to say " I'm sorry, i'm not allowed to receive calls from boys."

OT Um did we have the same mother?

I am glad LE caught up with this guy! Go LE! I wish all cases were 'solved' as easily as this one.

Thank you very much Mahoneys07 for the info.

"A former neighbor of Longoria said he used to live in a house across from Heizer Park. She said he often hung out at the park with young teens, mostly boys. She said the park is a late evening gathering spot for young teens of both sexes".

Read more:

Maybe Alicia met him before! The GF thought just the one time or that is what he told her.
I'm just wondering if perhaps this girlfriend of his was more of a longtime resident of the area? Link below--seems that they have only lived together 6months, but perhaps Alicia knew the girlfriend from way back.


"A former neighbor of Longoria said he used to live in a house across from Heizer Park. She said he often hung out at the park with young teens, mostly boys. She said the park is a late evening gathering spot for young teens of both sexes.

The former neighbor, who asked not to be identified because of security concerns, said Longoria had some parties at his house where young people attended. "

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Thank you very much Mahoneys07 for the info.

"A former neighbor of Longoria said he used to live in a house across from Heizer Park. She said he often hung out at the park with young teens, mostly boys. She said the park is a late evening gathering spot for young teens of both sexes".

Read more:

Maybe Alicia met him before! The GF thought just the one time or that is what he told her.

oops sorry double post.

"I hate that when that happens." [tm Martin Short's "Ed Grimley" character]
Jumping off of Kant's post - "Back in the day, (hey you kids get outta my yard) our parents answered the phone and knew exactly who was calling me and when. Also, with the texting, emailing, PMing, IMing, you cant be sure the person with whom you're dealing is who they say they are. IDK. *shudder*"

And the phone was on the kitchen wall, and you got to talk for 10 minutes. Period.

Thanks for that bit of levity. This case is so sad, I needed a smile.

So to return your friendly jumping off, here's one back at cha, ZM; Not only was the one and only phone on the kitchy wall, it had that 60 foot guacamole green cord attached so you could in theory walk all over the house, knocking over all things in your cord wake.

Then the unGodly long cord would get hopelessly kinked, with the remedy being to hold it upside down and let it unfurl itself at breakneck speed.

And Heaven help the poor teenage schmuck who happened to have the misfortune of calling "during-the-dinner-hour-the-very-%$^#8* idea!!!"

Then we'd all retire, en masse, to watch one of the three TV channels or the fourth, TBS, on a good day - but so full of commercials that you forgot what show you were "tryna" (as the kids say) watch. And we kids groaned as a group if the Prez was speaking on the 3 networks bc that meant the night was effectively OVER.

Just me? Alrighty then. :)

Oh the humanity -- How DID we live?


(Sorry for the trot down memory lane, ya'll)

"A former neighbor of Longoria said he used to live in a house across from Heizer Park. She said he often hung out at the park with young teens, mostly boys. She said the park is a late evening gathering spot for young teens of both sexes.

The former neighbor, who asked not to be identified because of security concerns, said Longoria had some parties at his house where young people attended. "

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Longoria lived with his girlfriend and her children, ages 10 and 12, Brown said.

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wonder if one of those children was female? Just asking.
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