GUILTY KS - Alicia DeBolt, 14, Great Bend, 21 August 2010 - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Only been able to catch bits and pieces unfortunately because of slammed workload. Saw most of Day 1 and missed a couple days completely, but have been trying to stay up on the blog comments to fill in the blanks.

Praying that such a fast return by the jury means guilty on ALL charges!

Do you know why AD was in trouble with the law before? I know she had runaway before, but not anything illegal. ??
Do you know why AD was in trouble with the law before? I know she had runaway before, but not anything illegal. ??

Sorry, don't recall if that came out when this all started. Not detailed in court, at least what I saw. Her mother and sister did mention that she was a "typical teenager" and had ignored her curfew and just not come home in the past, and IIRC, had threatened her with a trip to Juvie if she did so again.

It's probably covered in some detail in the first couple of threads.

We have movement in the court room. Should not be long now.
Sorry, don't recall if that came out when this all started. Not detailed in court, at least what I saw. Her mother and sister did mention that she was a "typical teenager" and had ignored her curfew and just not come home in the past, and IIRC, had threatened her with a trip to Juvie if she did so again.

It's probably covered in some detail in the first couple of threads.

We have movement in the court room. Should not be long now.

I don't believe it outed before the trial, but missed the discussion since I wasn't able to watch until today. Still catching up on the blog. TY
Unanimous guilty on all charges. Life in prison automatic since State took death penalty off the table.
Per tweet by Deb Farris: Sentencing will be June 8th.
I am so thankful for this verdict. have been working hard but have checked in every day for updates. Do wish Alicia had gotten more attention in the national press---ie more discussion about this trial. I felt the same way about Rowan. I pray for her mom and hope this guilty verdict helps. I try not to judge teens too much. When I was Alicia's age I liked a boy my parents didn't approve of. I snuck out to see him. We didn't have any wild parties back than. I always told him we couldn't mess around because I was going to medical school someday. Kept my word and did it. When you're young u feel invincible...... May AL rot in prison!!!!!
I am very pleased with the final verdict. However I cannot help but still feel horrid for the family, friends and young lady who had her life cut short. RIP at least he is paying, even though not enough, never enough!!!!
Hello Everyone! Boy am I dumb or what, I made a mental note of when this case was going to trial and I missed it! I am so relieved that Justice was served. RIP Alicia
I'm so glad this man can't hurt another young girl. Alicia was so much like myself at her age, it's scary to think of the dangerous situations and inappropriate people I had in my life back then.
I just heard the news, and so happy with the outcome. I hope Alicia's family can find some comfort at the closure of this process.

Justice, finally!
Thank you to all the WS's that remained in the case to update for us. A big-big thank you!!

ah man, what a great statement from alicia's family! *tear
Bumping for Alicia....the sentencing is this Friday, June 8th.

Thanks to all for following the justice for little Alicia.

AL just went back "home" ...I wish they had an island for him and other pigs that snuff out lives of innocence. There's no hard labor anymore....he eats, sleeps and gets medical attention...comfy style for the atrocity he has committed and the painful thoughts and feelings of loss for many. Put them in the fields again, under the hot sun...and give it to the homeless who have less in life given to them than a creature taking the life of a little girl just for his sexual conquest. :furious:

Don't believe in the DP, but, I'd like to see a device implanted that would shock the XXXX out of them all when they get an erection.

Just sick of after the other!!!
Wow....the trial shot bye with little publicity...a shame since I was interested in what sort of case the state actually had. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much reported about the trial itself.

From what I can tell the evidence against him was pretty sketchy - basically he was convicted because he was a dubious character, he knew her and was interested in her, and she was dead.

Issues that I can see with the evidence presented.

Firstly, while it was clear that he was trying to make sure that no one pointed fingers at him, there didn't appear to be anything connecting him directly with AD on that night. They were not seen together, and, as far as I can tell, there doesn't seem to be anything linking them physically.

The connection (and the support for sexual assault) was the semen sample they found. This apparently was from him and ended up in the car through incidental contact, which the investigators theorized was from his shoe? Some DNA from AD was there, but so was DNA from another unknown male. The prosecution suggested that this was from contamination, but if that was so, then the DNA from AD could also be from contamination. It might also have been deposited there on a completely different day, they wouldn't be able to show when it got in the car. The problem I think is that if AD was in the vehicle, then there should be lots of evidence of her there in the form of skin cells, hair, blood (or other fluids, if an assault took place in the vehicle or she was transported in the vehicle after an assault). But, apparently there was nothing. So, I don't understand why the only evidence of her in the vehicle is a single trace, that does not make sense.

Another big problem I can see is the testimony of the GF about what he did that night when he got back home. She claimed he smelled of gasoline and asked her to get rid of his shirt, which she did by tossing it out the window (really??). She claimed that he was bleaching his shoelaces? These items were subsequently recovered. But apparently none of them had evidence of AD on them. Also, the smelling of gasoline thing. The residual smell you can detect after something has been doused in gasoline comes from small amounts of high bioling point organic compounds in the gas. They have a distinctive smell. The problem is that if there was enough there so she could smell them, they would still be there in detectable amounts when the shirt was recovered. So why was none mentioned? Surely they would have looked for that since it would have corroborated her story. There should be traces in the vehicle as well. Also, if he wanted to get rid of his shirt, why not pants and shoes? Anything on the shirt would be on them too. Finally, the bleach thing. While it might get rid of the obvious stains on the shoes, it would not be able to get rid of all trace of biological material. So if these things were there, they should have found them. They should also have found residues from the bleach itself.

What the girlfriend says does not ring true. There doesn't appear to be any significant sign of AD in the vehicle, which is very odd since that presumably is the last place she was before she was killed. There should be tons of material evidence in this case but it appears that there is very little.

Whatever happened to AD I question whether there was any sexual assault, at least on that night. I think that however she was transported, it was probably not in the vehicle AL was driving. I can't say if AL was responsible or not, he might be, but at the very least there must be other people involved. And why was she killed at all, and the body disposed of so publicly? There has to be more to this than what the state claimed in the trial.

If AL's lawyer didn't explore these issues then he probably wasn't very well represented IMO.

I am also disturbed that the jury only took three hours to reach their verdict. There is no way the evidence is even remotely clear cut enough to reach a decision in that time. IMO they convicted him on emotion rather than anything else.
The sentence is automatic, so it will be a formality.

But, presumably it will be the start of the appeals process however.

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