Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #11 *Arrest*

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I'm bringing ESO's post from the last thread over (with permission) because I feel it's important information. It's a summary of elements that cases often have in common. I modified it a bit but only in the formatting, not the actual text. I numbered the points to make it easier to reference. For example, in the cases I've followed I've frequently seen 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11 (a big one IMO) , 12, 14 and 15 (two more big ones).

ESO's Post begin:
Another weekend has passed and it’s heartbreaking that Lucas still isn’t home. Since it’s tax season and I can’t help search as much as I’d like to, I’ve been researching child deaths where they are reported missing by the same person who killed them because I’m hoping to learn something from the research. I’ve come across hundreds of cases, and I will continue to update my spreadsheet for anyone whose curious to see what I’m finding (I know there are some high profile cases missing on there but since those are pretty well known, I’m not in a huge hurry to put them on here). I am finding some interesting patterns:

1. Missing child reports are often preceded by family members asking a child’s whereabouts or an upcoming event where a child will be expected at.

2. In the other cases, kids are reported missing after everything has been cleaned up and time to rest has gone by.

3. its common for remains to be moved more than once before reported missing

4. Kids who are fatally abused are often “sick” for a length of time due to internal injuries going untreated, not days but weeks are reported to have passed

5. If two people are involved it’s usually mom and dad, mom and stepfather, dad and stepmother, etc. who help in the cover up

6. Ive only seen one or two cases where someone not involved with the abuse or as a romantic partner are involved in the body disposal.

7. Bodies are often wrapped in plastic and/or trash bags. Then some are placed in plastic tubs or drums, duffel bags, suitcases, coolers or more trash bags.

8. Few bodies are found during random searches, most are found because police are led by the person who buried them. People walking their dogs find a bunch too.

9. bodies placed in water, even weighted down, do come back up eventually

10. It is common for there to be potty issues with these kids of all ages, a lot of final fatal beatings are due to accidents

11. I have yet to come across one of these kids who dies after being physically disciplined harshly the first time. It’s an escalating pattern of abuse going on where people around the child really had no idea just how bad the abuse has gotten.

12. Common dump sites are dumpsters, roadside off rural highways, ponds and shallow graves in woods. Very few are hundreds of miles away, some have even been taken on public transportation to be dumped off side roads.

13. What makes EG a little different is that JH has long stretches of not being home. In the cases where a stepparent fatally beats a child, the biological parent once they are home, will call for medical attention for their child. It is more common for biological moms to cover a death by a stepfather than it is for a father to cover it up for a stepmother.

14. All the homes where a child dies violently have history of domestic violence and substance abuse, the family’s have often been in some sort of contact with state child abuse agencies.

15. Its amazing how many kids “disappear” while the adults are “sleeping” and wake to find a child gone.
Original post in its original format:*Arrest*&p=13986193#post13986193

Thanks for your excellent summary ESO!

Awesome! Thanks Eso and MsM! ::wave:
IMO JH doesn't believe EG has abused Lucas - he has his own instances of violence against adults and children so to him he might not believe EG has done anything wrong.

I would agree with this assessment. I would like to see a statement analysis as it were of his interview with the news today - just based on my experience with some ...hmmm.... abusive and controlling people, his word choice doesn’t scream supportive and believing to me. Especially his comment of “I’m sure we have a lot of things to do personally between her and me” struck me that way.

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Hey everyone,

Let's cut the chit chat to a minimum please and get back to the topic of focusing on finding Lucas. Yes, JH's statements are upsetting. But they really don't help us figure out where sweet little Lucas is. They just make us more emotional and upset and that isn't going to help us focus on finding Lucas. It takes the focus away from finding him and puts it back on JH and EG. Law enforcement has made one arrest (EG) and I'm sure they will make more arrests if the evidence leads that way.

I know TX Equusearch is back in Wichita searching. I think that's a good sign that progress is being made. Does anyone have any idea where TX Equusearch might be looking this week?
As a newby how will we find out what happens tomorrow. If it is closed and sealed
Hey everyone,

Let's cut the chit chat to a minimum please and get back to the topic of focusing on finding Lucas. Yes, JH's statements are upsetting. But they really don't help us figure out where sweet little Lucas is. They just make us more emotional and upset and that isn't going to help us focus on finding Lucas. It takes the focus away from finding him and puts it back on JH and EG. Law enforcement has made one arrest (EG) and I'm sure they will make more arrests if the evidence leads that way.

I know TX Equusearch is back in Wichita searching. I think that's a good sign that progress is being made. Does anyone have any idea where TX Equusearch might be looking this week?

They have asked for volunteers but the location is confidential. They have 2 numbers to text or call to volunteer and get info. But since it was on FB I wasn’t sure if I could share it.

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They have asked for volunteers but the location is confidential. They have 2 numbers to text or call to volunteer and get info. But since it was on FB I wasn’t sure if I could share it.

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The Texas Equusearch FB page may be linked here.
The Texas Equusearch FB page may be linked here.

I'm not sure if you read about the bloody towel found earlier in this thread in an article posted by Gardener. We have no clue if this is the cause for them to narrow their search tomorrow to a specific and smaller area, but they are asking for the puclics help in tomorrow's search and they aren't giving the name of the area out. You have to send a text to one of two people to sign up to help.
Okay- going for a Hail Mary here!!! (Love my football lingo) anyways- since we really aren’t sure when JH went back to work, how he got there etc- before Lucas disappeared... is it possible EG and maybe even JH was in on it-did something to him, hid him in a trunk or a tote in the truck bed or whatever the heck JH drives and disposed of Lucas wherever JH was suppose to be working at ?!! I know it’s crazy thinking but after JH stating he would be open to EG coming back home, I have a hard time believing he isn’t completely involved: maybe he isn’t involved at all and just doesn’t care enough about being a good father ?! Idk I’m lost with what parent wouldn’t be outraged about their missing child at the hands of his girlfriend ... 🤯

I think that is quite possible.

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The thing is, they (TEQ) posted this information elsewhere, which is not an approved FB site. It was them that posted it, though.

Ah, okay. I'll see if I can find an official link or request.

The important thing is that Tim Miller is back with his team and they will move heaven and earth to try to find Lucas.
Ah, okay. I'll see if I can find an official link or request.

The important thing is that Tim Miller is back with his team and they will move heaven and earth to try to find Lucas.

Amen to that! Praying they find him soon. The longer he's not found, the more worried I am of this case going cold.
Amen to that! Praying they find him soon. The longer he's not found, the more worried I am of this case going cold.

Yes, I agree. The news cycle turns over quickly and Wichita has other missing people and crimes. I'm also worried about the degradation of evidence the longer it takes to find Lucas. It's a great sign that the WPD are working with TX Equusearch, though. We don't see that in every case.
I'm wondering if the dad himself has been abused by EG.
They have asked for volunteers but the location is confidential. They have 2 numbers to text or call to volunteer and get info. But since it was on FB I wasn’t sure if I could share it.

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Do you have that information? I’m trying to rearrange my schedule so I can help tomorrow.

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Adrian's Act. If this ever goes through, it will require anyone who is a witness to abuse to report it. I think that they can serve jail time and/or be fined if they know of abuse and do not report it. I'm not sure of the specifics. This needs to pass.

This case will tear your heart out. If you can stand it, look it up. Those sick people even have video tapes of their abuse and another adult was aware, living in the house, and did nothing to help this boy.

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Hey everyone,

Let's cut the chit chat to a minimum please and get back to the topic of focusing on finding Lucas. Yes, JH's statements are upsetting. But they really don't help us figure out where sweet little Lucas is. They just make us more emotional and upset and that isn't going to help us focus on finding Lucas. It takes the focus away from finding him and puts it back on JH and EG. Law enforcement has made one arrest (EG) and I'm sure they will make more arrests if the evidence leads that way.

I know TX Equusearch is back in Wichita searching. I think that's a good sign that progress is being made. Does anyone have any idea where TX Equusearch might be looking this week?

I placed myself in time out for most of the day (from WS and SM) for fear of commenting out of emotion. There is a lot happening behind the scenes in addition to what the media has released.

Tim and TEQ have specific search areas they’re focusing on, but they don’t want it announced publicly. I’m very confident they’re on the right track though.

At the hearing tomorrow I expect an order of continuance to be granted and the hearing to be rescheduled until late April.

There is so much more I wish I could say, but there will be a time and place for that to happen. Right now we need to focus on finding Lucas. I don’t want to have to make a future post that he’s been missing for a month, two months, a year...

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