Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #13 *Arrest*

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I do wish she would talk and tell where the boy is though. She does have that option to talk with LE even if she has lawyered up and even if her lawyers advise against it.

I remember during that Jail interview with the news reporter it sounded like she was going against someone's advice to even give the interview probably because she thought she could fool the public into believing her. I sensed she was so arrogant that she thought some people would side with her and believe her. All it did was prove she knew more about what happened than what she was letting on.

Maybe its time for LE to approach her and consider offering her a plea deal to tell what happened. I guess they cant do that yet because I dont think they have even charged her yet directly for his disappearance.

I suppose they would first have to charge her with his disappearance before any sort of plea deals could be arranged. I hope they have some evidence already in that regard.
<snipped quote>

Well I want you all to appreciate something. Yesterday it was a lot more than 12,400. Yesterday we taxed the living daylights out of the mods. I am not sure if it was just LilTexans or if the poor dear had some help.... but I think it was just her. She was tasked with cleaning up the thread for us, and modded some number of posts in the range of 700-1000 probably, that we flagged to fix. All in one day. For just this case. It was an evil task that maybe could have been avoided if we had known better. And the best part is it was done with a smile, not one single complaint. I went to bed past midnight last night, flagging the last remnants of the mistake, and I know everything I flagged was taken care of by the time I closed my eyes. I feel really bad for making a person work like that, and I appreciate the passion and commitment to keeping this place solid and on the up and up and a place LE can come to and know they are getting legit help.

I want to thank you as well. I made a search place suggestion in thread 12 and added a map in 13. I later flagged them to have map moved to the "media, maps & timeline" thread since I was unable to find an edit button on the post. I see those posts are gone, so thank you for taking care of that.

Now where do I find the maps Henry has been making as as I see none in the media/map thread? Or are those only accessible to some?
Hi ESO I rarely post but have followed closely. I just wanted to say from experience that only items with postage paid through the USPS are allowed to be put in mailboxes. Additionally if anyone witnessed a person accessing other people's mail boxes they might call LE thinking it was something nefarious. I just don't want anyone searching for Lucas to get in any trouble. You all obviously care so much and it gives me hope that he will be found. God bless you as you continue to search.

FWIW various businesses put flyers on my door (rolled up stuck thru the screen handle) all. the. time.

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If they wait a bit and re-ask some of the original questions that aren't in the reports that only LEO on Feb 17 knows, stuff her lawyer can't prep her on, I wonder what different things she would say now. Can they even do that?

Yes - they can and do. One of many reasons why LE doesn’t release info out so people can’t prep answers based on what LE has said

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This article was linked by sirunsun. Would the Kansas state DCF have involvement with their Wichita agency? If so, this may explain why there are questions about what protective action of Lucas was done by the DCF after the families' abuse complaints. I want to assume that one police jurisdiction passed along the complaints. If they didn't, that lack of reporting should be investigated and corrected immediately.

This excerpt is appalling.

In the course of its investigation, The Star found that:

&#9642; Children known to the state&#8217;s Department for Children and Families suffer horrific abuse,while the agency cloaks its involvement with their cases, even shredding notes after meetings where children&#8217;s deaths are discussed, according to a former high-ranking DCF official. One grieving father told The Star he was pressured to sign a &#8220;gag order&#8221; days after his son was killed that would prevent him from discussing DCF&#8217;s role in the case. Even lawmakers trying to fix the troubled system say they cannot trust information coming from agency officials.
i strongly disagree until someone with legal background explains if they are protected by confidentialityin a common law marriage. If they are in fact protected LE DOESNT want her to have a protected confidante that will act as release. They want her to explode.
There isn't spousal privilege in the case of abuse to the child of one or both spouses, so that isnot applicable, even if it is determined they are common law.

Just thinking out loud...
I think she killed him by herself. My question if did she have help after the fact? It has been mentioned that the areas searched by TES aren't made public so that nobody can move the body to an already searched area.
Personally, if I had killed someone I don't think I would tell anyone because that would be one too many people knowing.

Exactly. If I killed an abusive husband or a vindictive stalker, I'd probably ask for help and some people would willingly help me because of the situation.

But if I , God forbid, killed a child? I doubt anyone would lend a hand and I wouldn't breathe a word of it to anyone, for fear they would have more heart than I did.
Yes! Any help is greatly appreciated.

O/T - I was electrocuted 30 minutes ago and may be going to the ER. Apparently I’m not taking it seriously enough. I’ll check back as soon as possible.

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Oh dear! I hope it is not too serious.

Just thinking out loud...
I believe it was established earlier that spousal privilege does not apply in the case of child abuse of one or both of the parties' children.

Spousal privilege does not apply in cases of child abuse.

“Common Law Marriages
A common law marriage is a marriage by agreement of the two persons without any formal ceremony or license. A common law marriage will be recognized in Kansas if the couple considers themselves to be married and publicly holds themselves out to be married and if they are legally eligible to marry. No minimum period of cohabitation is required.

Common Law marriages are subject to the same legal obligations and privileges that apply to marriages with licenses. Once a common law marriage is established, the couple must get a court ordered divorce to terminate the marriage.”
I have never thought she acted alone, but I just thought I was crazy because it seems like 90% of people posting thinking she did and I got shut down real quick suggesting she didn't act alone.

I definitely think that she killed him alone. Jury still out on any help she may have had but like you, I don't really think that she had help.
I didn’t go, but I didn’t hear them say that when I heard the clips. Maybe we need to take fliers with us when we go search? I can print a bunch at home and we can take them with us and maybe put them in mailboxes as we pass by those houses. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that earlier &#63788;

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You and so many other great members of Websleuths want to help but you must be careful.

You said, "Maybe put them in mailboxes as we pass by those houses".

This is highly illegal. By federal law, you have to be a licensed mail carrier to put something in a mailbox. If you have ever received a letter from a Fed Ex or UPS you'll see they do not leave in your mailbox. They can't by law.

Somebody mentioned about porches and leaving a flyer on a door handle.

I would be very careful about going up to people's porches and attaching something to their door.

Here is what is going on in Texas right now:

Someone literally might shoot you if they see you leaving something on their door and claim they thought you were the bomber.

It is a terrible feeling to want to help yet you can't. You feel so helpless. I know what you mean. I get angry when I am helpless to fix something or help someone.

We have limitations here. Just really think about what you are doing because you could end up getting into trouble or worse.

One more reminder, if someone is organizing anything they need to take all of the discussion off of the forum. You and you alone are fully responsible if something happens to you on one of this searches. Websleuths cannot be a part of any organized anything unless we give our permission to use our name and forum.

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer

Thank you for caring so much about a little boy you've never met. It makes everyone realize there are still many good people in this world.

FWIW various businesses put flyers on my door (rolled up stuck thru the screen handle) all. the. time.

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Anyone can flyer doors, etc, but you cannot put something in a USPS mailbox, by law.

Just thinking out loud...
The problem is she does not have to answer any questions. Everyone has the right to remain silent. And they have a right to an attorney and the first thing an attorney will tell anyone is dont answer anything.

US law protects a defendent from any self incrimination. How it is done is by allowing someone to stay silent and not answer anything.

Much more about this subect in link

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. If you decide to answer questions, you have the right to stop at any time."

JMO but she would be a total idiot to talk.
<snipped quote>

I want to thank you as well. I made a search place suggestion in thread 12 and added a map in 13. I later flagged them to have map moved to the "media, maps & timeline" thread since I was unable to find an edit button on the post. I see those posts are gone, so thank you for taking care of that.

Now where do I find the maps Henry has been making as as I see none in the media/map thread? Or are those only accessible to some?
Henry said we can email him and he provided his email address upline. I&#8217;m sorry, I&#8217;m not in a position to look for it right now.
Anyone can flyer doors, etc, but you cannot put something in a USPS mailbox, by law.

Just thinking out loud...

As a usps employee that is 100% true.

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I don’t think LT was saying it’s illegal to put flyers on doors, she was just warning people about the potential dangers of going up to strangers’ doors.

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I don’t think LT was saying it’s illegal to put flyers on doors, she was just warning people about the potential dangers of going up to strangers’ doors.

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Oh my goodness. Not on doors, in mail boxes.

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I don&#8217;t think LT was saying it&#8217;s illegal to put flyers on doors, she was just warning people about the potential dangers of going up to strangers&#8217; doors.

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I'm a real estate agent. It is common in my industry to place advertisement on front porches. Sometimes I do think about the safety in case the wrong person opens the door. Some of us carry pepper spray just in case. Many of us go out with a second person in tow.
Oh my goodness. Not on doors, in mail boxes.

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If you look up the thread, Tricia warned people against breaking the law by putting things in mailboxes. She also warned against putting flyers on doors, as many restaurants do with menus for example, because of the recent package bombings in Texas people might misconstrue what you’re doing.

She also said whatever anyone decides to do it has to be taken off the forum because they aren’t sponsoring it.

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