Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #14 *Arrest*

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I've been stalking the threads from afar and following little Lucas' story obsessively, praying like mad that each day is the day he is found.

This is my first posting, and I have a couple of questions I'm hoping someone has the answers to.

Here goes.

EG was supposed to have a hearing on the 16th, and my understanding is that it was to address the no contact status of JH and MH. However, when I tried to find information on it, the Sedgwick County District Court site showed that the 'Motion to Modify' hearing had been rescheduled. I have a screenshot of it--but don't know if it's allowable for posting. question is: Does anyone know what happened to this hearing? Was it rescheduled, and if so do we know what the results were?

Next: a little earlier in this thread, someone asked about out of state distances and the Wichita/Oklahoma distance triggered my memory of a posting I read on a Facebook group very early on after Lucas was reported missing. Is anyone else familiar with a story about a toll booth operator reporting a woman going through the I-35 booth toward Wichita asking if there were showers at the rest area or truck stop? I have searched everywhere for that story but cannot find it. I recall when I read it I thought it was irrelevant, but actually seeing the distance/time to Oklahoma made me think maybe it wasn't so far-fetched???

Gotcha! Thank you for the reply--since I'm unfamiliar with the protocol, should I remove my post? :thinking:
Yes, but this was a hearing after that one--and it was scheduled for the 16th, but when I checked online (on the 16th) it noted that it had been rescheduled. I haven't heard anything since.

The hearing that was scheduled for 3/16, the bond modification hearing was rescheduled for Wednesday 3/14
Her next appearance for her charges is 4/16

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Just got caught up on this thread today. Been so busy this week bc my sister is back to work after being on maternity leave. I’ve been watching the baby everyday. Looking forward to Nancy Grace!


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Super--I thought I had read the rules thoroughly, but clearly, some didn't stick! My apologies--what's the protocol from here?
Please don't get this thread shut down by discussing FB groups that are not related to finding Lucas. We have an official FLH group and that's the only one we should be discussing inside this thread.
I found out i was pregnant 2 mos after i turned 21. I got married because i was pushed into it. Right before that marriage was over, i found out i was pregnant again. The marriage drug on another year plus. My ex worked out of town every other week. I was mom only. The marriage crumbled. After he started visitation, i started going out on my off nights. The house was too quiet without them. I always made them a priority. There was violence when i was married. My oldest was very protective of me. Nothing ever happened to my girls by my hand. Anything i heard of from my ex was dealt in a very direct way. A way where i told him he will never see them again if i hear about a whisper of abuse. ( brush beatings) i have not always been stable. I have had hormone imbalances. My girls are now grown. Oldest in australia livin her dream. Youngest working 2 jobs since graduating last year. Has a good boyfriend. I have been married again since 2005 and we have a 10 year old. I dont understand the violence against children or animals. It is not just being young that makes you unfit. It is your essence. Your soul. I just wanted to show an example showing just because you are young that you fall into that party mode. Plenty of time for that on off days. Mom comes first all the time.

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As a child of adoption I think it's sad how women don't choose this option when they aren't prepared or able to care for a child. Or just choose to keep the baby out of selfishness:dunno::moo:

I'm adopted also, and am the oldest of my bio mother's two kids. She had the sense to give me up, and I've had a good life. She refused to let go of my brother and had him hooked on heroin before he turned 18. I pity her because she's a pathetic creature now, 54 years old and still a junkie and acting like she's 16. No idea why she thought she could handle a kid when she'd already screwed up so badly with the first few months of my life. I am amazed to this day that neither my brother nor I ended up dead. I did get hit in the face a few times before I was even a year, and starved off and on, but I survived. I am amazed that he made it at all.
I have been talking a break, but wanted to check and see if there was any news. Glad to see the dialogue is still going. Yesterday, I drove to OK on Turnpike and noticed black bags (maybe trash bags?) every so often. Is this common on the way to OK? I’ve never noticed this before. I visited the Aquarium yesterday, and couldn’t help but think about how much Lucas would have loved to feed the turtles and look at all the neat fish. &#10084;&#65039; God Bless this Angel.

I think he would love this place..[emoji22]

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Hiiiii!!!! I live here and the Aquarium is awesome! Glad you had a good time, Lucas would have loved it, I agree. I’m thinking the black trash bags were from probation crews cleaning up. They leave it on the side and someone else comes through and picks it up later.

IMO, anything I say is JMO
RIP Lisa Harvey &#10084;&#65039;
I'm glad to see so many people care about this little man.

One request - please use REPLY WITH QUOTE when appropriate. It makes reading the thread so much easier.

Thanks in advance.
Some women have babies because they want the child support. Don't ask me how this makes sense because it doesn't, but in their mind it's a meal ticket. I speak from first hand knowledge of such people.

That is true. And if one keeps getting one's children taken away because one is an unfit mother, then I guess the only thing left to do is to have another "replacement" baby. Her fertility was probably one of the only things she had going for her in her many relationships. It's pretty obvious she didn't want any of the kids she had and saw them as an inconvenience. Of course, I tend to think all people are just objects to her, not just her kids.
Is the Nancy Grace podcast dated Feb.22? Thats the only one I can find.
I believe another episode discussing the case in more detail was recorded either yesterday or today and will hopefully be uploaded by the end of the week.
Some women have babies because they want the child support. Don't ask me how this makes sense because it doesn't, but in their mind it's a meal ticket. I speak from first hand knowledge of such people.

I’ve never understood that theory but sadly I see it every single day. Then there’s others, like myself, that don’t get child support and have always been Mom and Dad and work crazy hours just to attempt to make ends meet. Hasn’t always been a good all in the park but selfishly I wouldn’t change it for the world. I don’t have to share or deal with someone who is mentally unstable and would hurt my children. I’m not perfect and have made mistakes along the way. The hardest job but most rewarding is being a parent. Unfortunately there’s just a lot of bad in this world and a lot of people out there shouldn’t be parents. I wish I could save them all. Every last one of them.

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based on her twitter I don't think EG thought she could have anymore children, think MH was a total surprise.
based on her twitter I don't think EG thought she could have anymore children, think MH was a total surprise.

Oh right, because she supposedly has endometriosis? Well, I don't think her daughter was a "total" surprise. I mean, she's had other kids...
I just can't wrap my mind around some of this. If she didn't want to be around kids why get involved with a man who had a child that she was gonna be responsible for most of the time by herself because of his work schedule, why go to court to try and get unsupervised visits with her two boys, why not leave the 1 yr old home alone as well. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Just an FYI but by sister has endometriosis and last February she went under a procedure to get rid of it. Her doctor wanted her to have it done and get pregnant ASAP because it would help her symptoms. A month later she got pregnant with my nephew. While I get that Endo can cause pregnancy issues I just wanted to point out by saying it is not always like that. My sister got pregnant right away on the first try of them trying for baby #2.
Can someone remind me when EG's next court appearance is?
Super--I thought I had read the rules thoroughly, but clearly, some didn't stick! My apologies--what's the protocol from here?

Please keep posting. Just keep FB stuff on FB and don't bring it here. We have a lot of facts in this case so just stick to the facts and you'll be fine.
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