Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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I was just thinking. LE didn't arrest EG until about the Wednesday, and I think that's around when they would have been able to get a search warrant for her phone? And just a few days later LE said they would stop with the park searches unless there were further tips or info to lead them back to the parks.

So I wonder if instead of phone pings or anything evidential leading them to the parks, that maybe it's the other way around, that there isn't any phone ping evidence to the parks?

I'm still thinking that the VDay thing might be important. Of all the lies EG could have told, she's made up a story about Jamie..why?

If I could ask something right now, I would ask EG about Jamie, and I would ask Jamie any places she might have mentioned while EG was within earshot. Or even JH, he might have mentioned things from when he was with Jamie, places they used to go, places they took Lucas. If you go back to the school thing, EG made an allegation about Jamie. And it feels like something similar going if EG was worried that something might happen to Lucas would she attempt to set up Jamie? If the LL hadn't seen Lucas would EG have reported Lucas missing on Saturday but said that Jamie never returned Lucas after Valentine's Day? And if anyone said "where's the evidence someone took Lucas before Saturday", check the cameras at OG, because Lucas wasn't there and I'm a good mom, I wouldn't leave my baby boy alone.

This. Such a good point, about Saturday and just claiming JO never returned him - maybe the LL threw a wrench into the whole thing. Hmmmmm. The only part that doesn’t fit for me there is I’m not sure that this was premeditated, but if it was, then boom. That’s a pretty solid theory.

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I realize JH is considered a victim at this point, but MSM has put out documents that show allegations of abuse of JH harming a child, so I am assuming we can discuss that. We have seen no documentation with regards of EG physically hitting a child. I realize VI have stated Lucas told them that EG was mean to him and pulled him by his hair and drug him across the kitchen, and I have no doubt Lucas was telling the truth. EG's ex documents claim that her behavior was unstable and drug use, but unless I missed it nothing about her physically harming the children. In the altercations that police documented, both EG and JH had injuries so both of them were violent with each other. I keep reading about EG not taking Lucas to doctor when he was so sick, well JH was home at least part of the time when Lucas was extremely ill. I guess I am just so confused why there is so much talk about EG lying and tricking JH - are we to believe that EG was the perfect mom 10 days a month and then turn evil once JH went to work. IMO they are supporting each other because they have an abusive co-dependent relationship and have lots of dirt on each other. She makes excuses for his behavior, he makes excuses for hers.

I think once EG is charged with harming Lucas JH will still stand beside her. Hopefully she will go to prison for a long time and all the remaining children involved in this situation can be with family members that love and cherish them.

We don't have any direct statements that EG physically harmed her own boys. However, I found this to be telling:

She did not complete a court-ordered class on “parenting in a home with anger/violence nor a co-parenting class,” the affidavit says....

The father said in the affidavit that Glass told him “that her boyfriend (Jonathan Hernandez) said that the mark was ‘an accident’ and that she kicked him out after it occurred.”
“She then became angry, blamed the children’s behavior and hung up on me.” ...

By the time he filed the affidavit on Feb. 26, there had been “numerous news stories” about “family members who have had concerns of possible child abuse” in Glass’ home and “numerous reports made to authorities, which were unknown to me.” The father cited news stories about police being called to Glass’ home “multiple times” and about her being found guilty of disorderly conduct, “which also was unknown to me.”

Why was she ordered to attend these parenting classes, in particular? While not directly stating so, the affidavit makes me believe that the father had cause for concern due to her past violent behavior OR violent behavior in one of her past relationships, prior to JH. It makes me think that the father was not aware of the prior DV calls to the house between EG and JH--he's just aware of violent behavior by her or to her prior to JH.

I know that we see this case and look at JH and wonder "Why???????" It appears that he is an equal participant at worst and clueless at best.

I do not excuse his refusal to listen to his own family, especially family several states away.

While EG's boys stated JH hurt them, I have to at least wonder whether they were trying to protect their mother. The prior DV calls between EG and JH suggest they both accused each other of being the aggressor--given EG's accusation against JO at the school, I have to wonder if EG always blamed the other person. Hard to say if he actually hurt her or tried to restrain her while she was hurting him.

I'm not saying he is without responsibility in what Lucas had to endure. I just know that sometimes we believe in something or someone so strongly that it's hard to imagine them as anything different--he may be remembering times that he saw EG acting in a very nurturing way and can't reconcile that with the evidence. What is clear to us on the outside isn't always to people on the inside, and if she can look and sound the same when she's lying as she does when she's telling the truth, he could very well be extremely confused. After all we've seen, I tend to think the two of them have a very enmeshed relationship--he's not getting it, it's not something he can fathom. He may be holding on to the only family he "thinks" he has left--"us against the world" mentality.

I get what you're saying though--I'm really trying to imagine all the things he could possibly be trying to make sense of right now. She lies whenever it suits her, to whomever she pleases--I'm sure JH was no exception.

I hope that he soon decides he'd rather know the truth than be right about EG.


I want so badly to feel at leisure to speak openly but learned long before this case not to entrust 'the masses' with that which can be misused- and there are many types which lurk hard in places like these for something to hustle for themselves at high cost to those who've lost the most already.

Gosh, this reminds me of something I saw a while back and I think I actually posted about it...maybe I can find it, but basically it is that it is so common for bottom of the barrell dirt bags to attempt to harrass and exploit the families of missing persons that there is actually an established special term the FBI uses for that, iirc. For instance, when they call the families and falsely claim to have their child, or information...was it maybe Beth Holloway... :thinking: )

Eta: holy cow I'm trying to Google this and look what I just found...this article looks very exciting!! (Wow, it's a book that has won awards it seems :happydance: )

The Crime of Family Abduction: A Child's and Parent's Perspective - NCJR › pdffiles1 › ojjdp

(Eta, ot, I think I've reached the jackpot, just stumbled across another interesting article (this one talks about why a parental kidnapping doesn't necessarily ensure the child is safe (we already know this)...

Most kidnapped children are taken by a parent. That doesn’t mean they’re safe. )

(Eta waaaay O/T, wow:

"Accompanying families of missing persons in relation to armed conflict or other situations of violence - ICRC Shop - International Committee of the Red Cross
PDF › icrc › pdf › view

"Accompanying the Families of Missing Persons: A Practical Handbook aims to serve all those having to endure the anguish caused by the .... In administrative terms, the situation can be something of a nightmare. In som..." )
Circling back to the dumpsters. In thread 13, post #182 ESO states that she "definitely worry(s) about the commercial dumpsters. The guys have been trying to pay as careful attention as possible but with the way the commercial dumpsters get picked up, it’s almost impossible to see what’s getting dumped. They have dumped homeless people before because it’s hard to see, and hear, when those trucks are going."
Does the commercial trash in/around Wichita go in landfills? Does it ever get incinerated? With PBs statement (confirmation) that EG is lazy, I'm just trying to work out scenarios that play into that. Plus, it was said that there are several large commercial dumpsters around the new house. I am not local; I don't know what is fact, just what I read here Re: the location of the new house.
I would hate for this dumpster scenario to be what happened to sweet Lucas...
She is a confirmed drug user as per court records, but it wasn't specified what type of drugs.

There are indications of heavy drug use, in my opinion, however, like the 'napping' which was the excuse two times when EG failed in her responsibilities as caregiver. Both EG and JH 'napping' in the afternoon, and oversleeping and being unreachable by phone to Lucas' school, which is why JO had to come pick up Lucas is a huge red flag in my opinion. There are rumors out there (from family members/acquaintances/exes) as to what she specifically used, but it's not officially confirmed.

According to one of the domestic incident call outs with police prior to 2017, the argument was over a bar tab paid for by JH. It would be interesting to see which bar that was. I'm still pondering over why there'd be a domestic over the paying of a bill. My assumption is that EG racked up a large tab, and JH was furious his earnings were going to booze instead of caring for the kids/household necessities. JMO.

I’d like to know what bar that was!

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This. Such a good point, about Saturday and just claiming JO never returned him - maybe the LL threw a wrench into the whole thing. Hmmmmm. The only part that doesn’t fit for me there is I’m not sure that this was premeditated, but if it was, then boom. That’s a pretty solid theory.

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No, I don't/didn't think it was premeditated, either. I was thinking of of her making up a 'what if' scenario because something started prior to Friday? What day was EG seen in the garden at the flowerbeds with baby girl?

EG's also trying to work in these two strangers, and we've now had them put back to the 11th, even though EG said in her interview with the media that they were around just 'a few days prior'.

I guess these things, combined with someone else saying the whole week from the 11th to the LL incident seems to lack sightings of Lucas, it's making me wonder if she was developing a story during that week and the LL has thrown off the story, so she's then struggled to get it straight in her mind but she had to report Lucas missing on the Saturday and hasn't had a chance to re-do the story effectively? So we end up getting two things woven together (badly), the original story that she was planning, and then the ad hoc version where she needs more time to think about it, she only has a few ideas at the moment but if you come back later she might be able to tell you more!

It would have been so much easier for her to tell JH that Lucas was with a friend or a relative or a neighbor but she chooses JO?? Why?
Organized searches are not going to find Lucas.

What's your line of thinking on this?
ETA Good morning kkdj:)

How do you figure? They are out there day in and day out, as much as they can and they are not giving up.

I so agree 100% and haven't gotten an answer from the OP yet.
I know how tired the searchers must be....
My prayers and thoughts are with them always.:heartluv:

Why? Where is he?

As one of the local searchers I can tell you this-when we search and find nothing we are clearing areas so LE can focus on the target areas. We aren’t necessarily searching just for where Lucas is, we are looking also for where he isn’t. And that is so valuable to LE.

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I agree with your post on so many levels, which begs me to ask this question- why did she even try for custody of her older children? Clearly, as you mentioned, she didn't take the parenting serious enough to do the parenting classes. Also, why didn't the judge follow up to make sure she did those classes before agreeing to let her have visitation with her children? In between the time she lost custody of them and when she was given visitation rights- there were several violent episodes between her and JH. Did the court not follow up on her actions between those times to make sure that this was a safe environment for her older children?

How did poor Lucas end up in her care while JH was away? Was this agreed upon by JH, JO, and EG verbally, or is there anything documented that this arrangement was done legitimately through the court? I can't imagine any judge worth their salt, seeing her past actions, losing custody of her own children, putting Lucas in her care, especially with JH being out of town for work for 20 days at a time, and JO not being in the picture on a daily/weekly basis to make sure that Lucas was ok in her care. She USED poor Lucas as a way to try to get custody back of her boys (IMO), and when she finally got visitation rights back, he conveniently disappears?

Did she have the baby with JH to trap him? What was her motive to have another baby, which in my eyes, would trap a person further, if they didn't want to be a parent in the first place? Was this just a game to her, with the men in her life? Men who love their children, supported them and took care of them, while she emotionally tortured the men by playing head games and being violent towards them and the children, loving the fact that she could get away with it and nothing would happen to her? She was able to place blame on JH for the recent abuse of her child and then blamed the child for poor behavior when she talked to her ex about the situation when he called her. Did she love the fact that her ex is scared to death of their children being in her care for several hours a week- is this a control issue on top of a mind game to get back at the men in her life that she thinks caused her problems?

Personally, with her past, I am just stunned that she was even allowed to raise Lucas in the first place, and I am even more stunned the that children's protection agency didn't step in and take their baby out of her care!

She is mean and violent not only towards children- her own included!, but we know of at least two episodes to which she was violent with JH! How do women like this get to keep their children as well as other people's children, with this kind of a past, especially where she didn't even have custody of her older children and was suppose to be earning the privilege to have visitation rights with them? How does this happen?

So many good thoughts! I'm not a professional so I'm not qualified to diagnose EG's mental state but in my own personal layperson's opinion (so all MOO) the overall "feel" I get about her is that she's not capable of seeing beyond the here and now and her own personal wants in the moment and damn the consequences.

And as others have pointed out power may play a big role with her. We often see parents doing awful things not because they want their kids but because they want to thumb their nose at their ex and what better way than fighting for custody? In the extreme cases they hurt the kids in order to get back at the ex.

As to why EG (and so many other women) had a baby with JH - who the heck even knows? It seems IMO that in our current society having babies without any thought to their nurturing, financial and emotional needs, a stable home environment or even who's gonna raise them has gone into the weeds. I'm sick to death of the phrases "baby mama" and "baby daddy." Having a baby isn't a game that you can quit when you get bored.

I know crap like this has been around for many, many years but IMO it seems like it's not only becoming socially acceptable to breed without committing to raising the babies it's also becoming the norm. It's not normal to have a kid then abuse it or hand it off to a relative to raise. Maybe we need to rethink the notion of "motherly love." I don't know.

Anyhow, it's going to take a huge shake up in society, the agencies which oversee the protection of children and a paradigm shift from those who see kids as a toy or a money source. Good luck with that. :(
As one of the local searchers I can tell you this-when we search and find nothing we are clearing areas so LE can focus on the target areas. We aren’t necessarily searching just for where Lucas is, we are looking also for where he isn’t. And that is so valuable to LE.

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(Tim, is that you? :wink: JK :heart: )
Bless you and know that you are in our thoughts and in our prayers and this is being shared not only locally but worldwide.
Heck even Mark Wahlberg messaged me back and said to say he is praying for ya'll and sharing the story of Wichita's son.
And he's just an ordinary man when it comes to loving kids.

(Starstruck :heartbeat: )
I’d like to know what bar that was!

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I’d bet it was “The Port”. It’s right across the street and very popular. When I lived in Fox Run a hundred years ago, we spent a lot of time in that bar!

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I’d bet it was “The Port”. It’s right across the street and very popular. When I lived in Fox Run a hundred years ago, we spent a lot of time in that bar!

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The Port LOL that brings back some fun memories.
I’d bet it was “The Port”. It’s right across the street and very popular. When I lived in Fox Run a hundred years ago, we spent a lot of time in that bar!

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I went in there once but never went back because it was a little rough. But, that was at least 15 years ago.
Thanks for replying and I also took a nap.:blushing:
Hoping yours' was as pleasant as mine.
I understand your point about CA.
I was just praying and hoping that you weren't dissing the searchers in any way.
They are to be respected and cherished for every single thing they do trying to locate Lucas.:yes:


Oh my! Heavens no! I have so much respect and love for the searchers! I wish I was there being one of them! They are to be admired and absolutely cherished! Absolutely!
In this article it says "In one court document, her son's father accused her of physically assaulting him while he held the children."

In my opinion, she has hit her sons. Maybe not enough to show abuse like poor little Lucas did but enough for her not to have them. There may be a lot more documents in regards to the custody situation involving her son's.

I wish there was a way to ask anyone who has surveillance cameras to go through them and see if anyone spots EG's car driving somewhere on the 16th and 17th. So many people have surveillance cameras nowadays due to all the package and car thefts. Here in Topeka surveillance cameras are hot on the market and we are a small town. I would bet in a city as big as Wichita there would be that many more people who have them. How great it would be if the neighbors could come together and map out EG's path. At least give the general direction she was heading in, even if she walked somewhere. Would something like that be possible. Like passing out fliers asking for owners of surveillance cameras to check their footage from Feb 16th at 6 pm to Sat at 6 pm? I bet there would be a lot of people willing to do that.
She is a confirmed drug user as per court records, but it wasn't specified what type of drugs.

There are indications of heavy drug use, in my opinion, however, like the 'napping' which was the excuse two times when EG failed in her responsibilities as caregiver. Both EG and JH 'napping' in the afternoon, and oversleeping and being unreachable by phone to Lucas' school, which is why JO had to come pick up Lucas is a huge red flag in my opinion. There are rumors out there (from family members/acquaintances/exes) as to what she specifically used, but it's not officially confirmed.

According to one of the domestic incident call outs with police prior to 2017, the argument was over a bar tab paid for by JH. It would be interesting to see which bar that was. I'm still pondering over why there'd be a domestic over the paying of a bill. My assumption is that EG racked up a large tab, and JH was furious his earnings were going to booze instead of caring for the kids/household necessities. JMO.
She is a confirmed drug user, but the only drug specified is marijuana. There may be indications of other drugs, but as I've said, there has been no confirmation. I know several adults who take short naps because of odd schedules or sleep disorders, etc, and I'm fairly sure none of them are hard drug users. Heck, I take a nap probably 3 days a week, and I've never even used marijuana, which is legal where I live...and I've definitely never used a hard drug.
I think we've all let our speculation revolve around her being far into drugs, but we have nothing to support this as a fact, beyond marijuana.

Just thinking out loud...
This. Such a good point, about Saturday and just claiming JO never returned him - maybe the LL threw a wrench into the whole thing. Hmmmmm. The only part that doesn’t fit for me there is I’m not sure that this was premeditated, but if it was, then boom. That’s a pretty solid theory.

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That would mean that EG knew the LL saw Lucas...otherwise she wouldn't have used the open back door story, etc. She would have said her stepson was never returned by she knew the cat was out of the bag on whatever she was planning before she reported LH missing.

Just thinking out loud...
She is a confirmed drug user, but the only drug specified is marijuana. There may be indications of other drugs, but as I've said, there has been no confirmation. I know several adults who take short naps because of odd schedules or sleep disorders, etc, and I'm fairly sure none of them are hard drug users. Heck, I take a nap probably 3 days a week, and I've never even used marijuana, which is legal where I live...and I've definitely never used a hard drug.
I think we've all let our speculation revolve around her being far into drugs, but we have nothing to support this as a fact, beyond marijuana.

Just thinking out loud...

I think the speculation is based upon a couple of things. One, her apparent short fused, and violent temper. That is not indicative of marijuana use.

And incidents, like when she took a nap and didn't wake up in time to pick up Lucas from school. That kind of irresponsibility seems like it is a bigger drug issue, imo.
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