Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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I have so much respect for you guys on the ground. Thank you. Iam a grandmother and I look at his face and have no understanding of how you could hurt him. I also have a hard time getting into EG Head. I really believed he had to be close because of her story. But as time passes I lean more towards her having help.
Just an opinion here.. we have to start prosecuting more w/o bodies. It’s almost becoming an epidemic . If I hide them well enough I’m home free. I know I’m not stating it well
I know I’ve been MIA due to a demanding work project I’ve been working on. Doesn’t mean I haven’t scrolled through at 1:15am after working 18 hour days. Thankfully my project is completed and I just have to babysit my 24 men on the ground in FL, GA, VA and TX.

Please don’t take this the wrong way as posts, texts and emails can be misconstrued... With that said - I am local. I have searched hours independently. I have studied maps. Have gone through locations with GigTu, Henry, PB, N6, Scarlett and others. IMO if you aren’t local or haven’t been part of these searches it’s hard for me to sit here and read how those of us must just be overlooking Lucas due to him being in plain sight. Have you ever been to Wichita? From the house on Edgemoor you can be in the middle of a field in less than 20 min. Fields and tree rows for days. It’s not that simple. It’s just not. I have been in the Andover area for 24 years. I grew up out here. I went to school here and so do my children now.

Is it possible LE, TES, locals have missed something? Absolutely. Doesn’t mean we haven’t braved all different kinds of elements (we are known for high winds most of the year) and tried our hardest. So, if anyone wants to come join us in this heartbreaking search please do. We’d love to have the additional help. If you’re not local head on over to the Flyers for Lucas thread and help us there. We need all of the help we can get to keep his sweet little face in front of others.

What Lucas has been through has put my heart through the ringer. I’ve gone through every emotion possible but mainly anger towards EG for ever laying a hand on that sweet boy and sadness for what he has been through in his short life. No one, especially innocent children, should ever go through this.

Sorry for the rant. Today is my first day off in 21 days. Exhausted to say the least.

PS - Pink I’ve mentally replied to you 37588436 times. This weekend I will actually hit send. [emoji23]

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That is why it kills me to see 'reward money' thrown about like a bait and not applied to the hard labor needed, the gas, food, supplies, and time off (child, elder, disability care) required. How many carwashes and bakesales have to happen to scrape up necessities? Sure 'someone' 'knows' yada yada, lots of someone's KNOW something. What must be done still must be done.
It's all wrong.

I do feel the greater need for steady, reliable hands and eyes to diligently elucidate the What Is, from the What If. Did I miss a how to guide, presented and packaged for specific situations?

I want so badly to feel at leisure to speak openly but learned long before this case not to entrust 'the masses' with that which can be misused- and there are many types which lurk hard in places like these for something to hustle for themselves at high cost to those who've lost the most already.

This is not the movies, and it's nothing simple or bite sized as the news prefabricates tragedy into.

It's an endless, impossible journey to pick up the pieces of lives broken through selfish carelessness.

Just checking knowns against unknowns, and further scrutinizing those Unknowns into more concise concepts, again and again.
Just an opinion here.. we have to start prosecuting more w/o bodies. It’s almost becoming an epidemic . If I hide them well enough I’m home free. I know I’m not stating it well
I agree.
As a retired funeral director, there have been so many poor murdered souls come thru our facilities that were never able to be identified.
Therefore there was never a case for the DA.
Still haunts me to this day.
I know I’ve been MIA due to a demanding work project I’ve been working on. Doesn’t mean I haven’t scrolled through at 1:15am after working 18 hour days. Thankfully my project is completed and I just have to babysit my 24 men on the ground in FL, GA, VA and TX.

Please don’t take this the wrong way as posts, texts and emails can be misconstrued... With that said - I am local. I have searched hours independently. I have studied maps. Have gone through locations with GigTu, Henry, PB, N6, Scarlett and others. IMO if you aren’t local or haven’t been part of these searches it’s hard for me to sit here and read how those of us must just be overlooking Lucas due to him being in plain sight. Have you ever been to Wichita? From the house on Edgemoor you can be in the middle of a field in less than 20 min. Fields and tree rows for days. It’s not that simple. It’s just not. I have been in the Andover area for 24 years. I grew up out here. I went to school here and so do my children now.

Is it possible LE, TES, locals have missed something? Absolutely. Doesn’t mean we haven’t braved all different kinds of elements (we are known for high winds most of the year) and tried our hardest. So, if anyone wants to come join us in this heartbreaking search please do. We’d love to have the additional help. If you’re not local head on over to the Flyers for Lucas thread and help us there. We need all of the help we can get to keep his sweet little face in front of others.

What Lucas has been through has put my heart through the ringer. I’ve gone through every emotion possible but mainly anger towards EG for ever laying a hand on that sweet boy and sadness for what he has been through in his short life. No one, especially innocent children, should ever go through this.

Sorry for the rant. Today is my first day off in 21 days. Exhausted to say the least.

PS - Pink I’ve mentally replied to you 37588436 times. This weekend I will actually hit send. [emoji23]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have also been out searching with family members. We have searched many miles of country roads. It is possible we missed him somewhere. Personally I think we just haven't been in the right spot.
I have also been out searching with family members. We have searched many miles of country roads. It is possible we missed him somewhere. Personally I think we just haven't been in the right spot.
Bless you and know that you are in our thoughts and in our prayers and this is being shared not only locally but worldwide.
Heck even Mark Wahlberg messaged me back and said to say he is praying for ya'll and sharing the story of Wichita's son.
And he's just an ordinary man when it comes to loving kids.
She's a confirmed druggie, right (more than herb)...

So, again, broken record here, who is her supplier? And who has she been banging because I suspect she's been doing soooomeone, jmo... (pure speculation).
I don't recall ever seeing she was on drugs other than MJ. She has an appearance of a user, but I don't know that was confirmed.

Just thinking out loud...
Lucas everyone is working really hard to get you home. I double pinkey promise.
She is a confirmed drug user as per court records, but it wasn't specified what type of drugs.

There are indications of heavy drug use, in my opinion, however, like the 'napping' which was the excuse two times when EG failed in her responsibilities as caregiver. Both EG and JH 'napping' in the afternoon, and oversleeping and being unreachable by phone to Lucas' school, which is why JO had to come pick up Lucas is a huge red flag in my opinion. There are rumors out there (from family members/acquaintances/exes) as to what she specifically used, but it's not officially confirmed.

According to one of the domestic incident call outs with police prior to 2017, the argument was over a bar tab paid for by JH. It would be interesting to see which bar that was. I'm still pondering over why there'd be a domestic over the paying of a bill. My assumption is that EG racked up a large tab, and JH was furious his earnings were going to booze instead of caring for the kids/household necessities. JMO.
She is a confirmed drug user as per court records, but it wasn't specified what type of drugs.

There are indications of heavy drug use, in my opinion, however, like the 'napping' which was the excuse two times when EG failed in her responsibilities as caregiver. Both EG and JH 'napping' in the afternoon, and oversleeping and being unreachable by phone to Lucas' school, which is why JO had to come pick up Lucas is a huge red flag in my opinion. There are rumors out there (from family members/acquaintances/exes) as to what she specifically used, but it's not officially confirmed.

According to one of the domestic incident call outs with police prior to 2017, the argument was over a bar tab paid for by JH. It would be interesting to see which bar that was. I'm still pondering over why there'd be a domestic over the paying of a bill. My assumption is that EG racked up a large tab, and JH was furious his earnings were going to booze instead of caring for the kids/household necessities. JMO.
At least we know neither of Lucas' parents was on drugs when he was born.

In one word: money. Some women have children simply as a source of money from the fathers and the gov't. They don't care about the child, the child is a means to an end, with the end being getting free money and the bonus prize of exercising power over the father of the child. I know it's hard to even comprehend that someone would do that to another person but we've all seen it play out time and time again with sociopathic personality types like EG. They use the child as a bargaining chip.

I disagree, I think that she just didn’t like to lose. She likes the control and thrives on the chaos.
I was just thinking. LE didn't arrest EG until about the Wednesday, and I think that's around when they would have been able to get a search warrant for her phone? And just a few days later LE said they would stop with the park searches unless there were further tips or info to lead them back to the parks.

So I wonder if instead of phone pings or anything evidential leading them to the parks, that maybe it's the other way around, that there isn't any phone ping evidence to the parks?

I'm still thinking that the VDay thing might be important. Of all the lies EG could have told, she's made up a story about Jamie..why?

If I could ask something right now, I would ask EG about Jamie, and I would ask Jamie any places she might have mentioned while EG was within earshot. Or even JH, he might have mentioned things from when he was with Jamie, places they used to go, places they took Lucas. If you go back to the school thing, EG made an allegation about Jamie. And it feels like something similar going if EG was worried that something might happen to Lucas would she attempt to set up Jamie? If the LL hadn't seen Lucas would EG have reported Lucas missing on Saturday but said that Jamie never returned Lucas after Valentine's Day? And if anyone said "where's the evidence someone took Lucas before Saturday", check the cameras at OG, because Lucas wasn't there and I'm a good mom, I wouldn't leave my baby boy alone.
What was the purpose of the LL visit again? Sorry if I missed this.

I'm curious about no recent statement from JH, you know, "I won't stop searching for my son", or "thanks to everyone for your continued search efforts"...I realize his attorney may have advised him to keep quiet, and if so, why? I know he could be working with LE or whatever, and I understand some people just don't like public appearances....the whole thing with JH is just odd to me. I do realize he is considered a victim at this time so choosing my words very carefully. Hopefully I haven't violated TOS.

Does he have an attorney? If so, for CINC case or for Lucas? If he's communicating with EG by video or email still, I would think her CINC atty might also work to help him. Either way, this is a publicized case and even if he's wanting the peace and privacy to tend to work and family issues, an atty can--at minimum--help prepare a public statement. I know I may be completely wrong, but I would think that EG would want him to have the baby and his continued support so she would advise her atty to help him look good--now that I think about it, though, her atty may be conflicted because the duty is to fight for EG and no one else, and if making EG look bad and creating distance benefits JH he may have to do that whether he really feels that way or not...sorry, got sidetracked. Point is, if he has an atty, my thoughts are that the atty is well aware of the importance of public opinion and could draft at least something along the lines you were describing, such as thanking the community.
I realize JH is considered a victim at this point, but MSM has put out documents that show allegations of abuse of JH harming a child, so I am assuming we can discuss that. We have seen no documentation with regards of EG physically hitting a child. I realize VI have stated Lucas told them that EG was mean to him and pulled him by his hair and drug him across the kitchen, and I have no doubt Lucas was telling the truth. EG's ex documents claim that her behavior was unstable and drug use, but unless I missed it nothing about her physically harming the children. In the altercations that police documented, both EG and JH had injuries so both of them were violent with each other. I keep reading about EG not taking Lucas to doctor when he was so sick, well JH was home at least part of the time when Lucas was extremely ill. I guess I am just so confused why there is so much talk about EG lying and tricking JH - are we to believe that EG was the perfect mom 10 days a month and then turn evil once JH went to work. IMO they are supporting each other because they have an abusive co-dependent relationship and have lots of dirt on each other. She makes excuses for his behavior, he makes excuses for hers.

I think once EG is charged with harming Lucas JH will still stand beside her. Hopefully she will go to prison for a long time and all the remaining children involved in this situation can be with family members that love and cherish them.
She is a confirmed drug user as per court records, but it wasn't specified what type of drugs.

There are indications of heavy drug use, in my opinion, however, like the 'napping' which was the excuse two times when EG failed in her responsibilities as caregiver. Both EG and JH 'napping' in the afternoon, and oversleeping and being unreachable by phone to Lucas' school, which is why JO had to come pick up Lucas is a huge red flag in my opinion. There are rumors out there (from family members/acquaintances/exes) as to what she specifically used, but it's not officially confirmed.

According to one of the domestic incident call outs with police prior to 2017, the argument was over a bar tab paid for by JH. It would be interesting to see which bar that was. I'm still pondering over why there'd be a domestic over the paying of a bill. My assumption is that EG racked up a large tab, and JH was furious his earnings were going to booze instead of caring for the kids/household necessities. JMO.

Or maybe he picked up the tab for someone else at the bar and she didn't like it?
Or maybe he picked up the tab for someone else at the bar and she didn't like it?
Good theory. Or maybe it was just a reason to fight. DVs can happen over the stupidest stuff, especially if one/both is/are under an influence.

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