Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #17 *Arrest*

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I am seeing posts about how Jonathan abused Lucas and how Jonathan was involved in his disappearance. Paraphrasing of course.

Yet, when I read the latest news report all I see mentioned about Hernandez and the day Lucas disappeared is:

Glass also told police that earlier that day she went to the garage, smoked a cigarette and talked to Hernandez by phone. She went inside, took a shower, noticed that Lucas was asleep and laid down for the nap. When she woke up around 6 p.m., she changed her daughter’s diaper. She looked around the house and couldn’t find Lucas. She noted the back door was open about three-quarters of an inch because it wouldn’t shut.

I see NOTHING that suggests Jonathan knows anything about what happened that day. All that was said was Glass talked to him by phone. I am going to take a wild and crazy guess and say when Jonathan Hernandez was out of town he and Emily talked on the phone. Going out on a limb here but I bet that happened often.

Can someone show me anything that remotely suggests this new information shows Jonathan knew about anything Glass did with Lucas?

Look, I am not defending Jonathan. He is obviously not a guy I would want my daughter to marry. He hit Emily's child. He's been involved with two women both had their children taken away, Jonathan is not stand up parent BUT we need to wait for SOLID evidence that connects him to Lucas' disappearance before we accuse him of anything related to this case.

Finally, while I believe it is a very strong likelihood I see nothing in this latest article that says Jonathan hit Lucas. I could have missed it so if there is information saying Jonathan abused Lucas please point it out to me. I would appreciate it.

Thank you,
There was definitely abuse happening to Lucas, but in Jan/Feb there was so much flu and stomach stuff going around he could of actually had a stomach virus like the Dr office stated.

During that timeframe, I took my son to the little clinic as he complained of headache and stomach ache- right away they tested him for influenza a&b. In fact, two weeks later my other son and hubby went in for coughing and extremely weak- they had the flu- they knew because they tested for it. Im sure they would have tested him if he showed up at a clinic. I’m guessing Lucas was either being slowly poisoned, or had internal injuries. You know he would have rather been at school than with that monster. He probably shuddered having to go home and be with her. If these are the things that we know about now, imagine the sheer horror this child encountered when it was not reported. What we see now, unfortunately, is a tiny view of Lucas’s everyday life. I hope all involved burns slow, way down south, in the burrows of their worst hell. MOO

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Bi-Polar Disorder and METH? Very ugly combination. Poor Little Lucas. My heart hurts. :cry:
My bet is that she is Bipolar 1 associated with severe manic episodes. Coupled with meth use, she's as dangerous and evil as the devil. Two peas in a pod. God bless you little one. I feel like I've been punched in the gut after reading the article. I've always thought EG probably went for that vulnerable area of Lucas during her beatings. Pullup was mentioned for a reason. He probably had inevitable bouts of diarrhea due to intestinal injuries inflicted by that monster of a b%¥€h.
Here I go mulit-quoting again. Today's news is so upsetting even though it's not surprising.

I have a couple things. Stomach aches and tumultuous household. I had an ulcer in the 3rd grade due to stress i was under. I peed my pants whenever my dad spanked me, because i was so scared of him, then i got spanked for peeing. I never had visible bruises, except when i got a split lip which hapoened in front of family friends who lived across the street. No one ever spoke about the abuse, ever. My mom finally figured out she could deflect her beatings to this day my parents will deny any of it. Only one person apologized for not taking me away. Kids live like this. What makes me mad is that people were talking and calling and nothing was done. That makes me most mad. I still stand by my opinion of what happened. She went too far and lucas died and she had to hide him. However, the stomach aches. Was it pinesol in the soup (example only) or was it a hit to the torso causing internal damage, or was it an ulcer from the stress of it all. This poor boy. I wonder if that nurse hated having to call emily to pick him up. I wonder if he lived in constant fear when alone with her.

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I forgot to add one thing. If was as bad as we think she may not want to reveal location in hopes much evidence will be gone.

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What you said about your mom deflecting the abuse onto you is one reason I get so angry when women in abusive situations do nothing to protect their children. I know it's not always the case but in some here that I've followed it sure looks like the mom could have - and should have - taken her kids and run for the hills but didn't because something else was more important, be it keeping a loser boyfriend, access to drugs or choosing to let her kids to take the brunt of anger.

I know it's not always the case and I do have sympathy for women in abusive relationships. But my sympathy dwindles when kids suffer too. You have great insight into your situation and worked to change the cycle of abuse with your own kids - I wish more moms could find the strength to overcome their own needs and realize the impact on the next generation. In my own life I've found that giving even minimal support to abused parents and children can make a huge difference. Heck, sometimes even lending an ear can help someone see her situation more clearly.

The things that confuses me some is EG wasn't hiding Lucas, she sent him to school with the bruises, she had him at drs at least twice that we know of, she had him out meeting neighbors the week he disappeared.

IMO Given the long history of abuse Glass rained onto Lucas and JH continuing to support her to the point of alienating those who spoke out against her she may have gotten comfortable knowing she wouldn't be called out and suffer consequences. Abuse tends to escalate over time and the abuser tends to push the envelope.

All MOO.

I think it's time for a big :grouphug: and an extra one for FLA and - and those members who are working so hard to search for Lucas. :grouphug: :loveyou: you all!
Will keep you and your family in my prayers. Stay safe - if you need to evacuate - leave. Hugs!

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thank you so much. Our community alert system is calling residents announcing, "please do not call 911 to report smoke, as the system is overwhelmed" Glued to tv news reports...
Yes. And the DCF report is incorrect. It was reported on the 17th as soon as we were told he was missing. I made that report right before I drove to Wichita to speak to LE in person as a way to make sure that every detail I could remember was documented. I have a letter from dcf stating that they'll be investigating my call (Which was a punch to the gut to receive).

I don't want anyone to respond to this but: I will never stop wishing I had done more. I will never stop feeling guilty that I didn't personally take more action. At the time, we felt like we were. We were told they were investigating so we trusted that they were.

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Honey, what more could you have done? If heaven forbid, any one of you had "kidnapped" Lucas to save him, you'd be in jail right now and he'd be back home in an abusive situation all over again.

The system failed him, not you! I am just heartbroken to read your post- I wasn't even going to post tonight, after reading that document, but you're heartbreaking post forced me to respond. I could just cry for you right now. I am so so sorry, but the blame lies with EG, JH, the system, LE that ignored the signs of abuse, DCF- those people deserve the blame.

Hugs and strength to you. :hug: :rose:

You're really breaking my heart...............
Tricia, I think the point being made about the phone call is that it has been said that Jonathan had difficulty getting signal at his work so they facebook messaged etc - we know on the 16th the conversation was done through facebook or text because LE has it on her phone. Just brings up the question on why an actual phone call vs - facebook message on the day Lucas was reporting missing.

· February 14, 2015: Jamie Taylor, the biological mother of Lucas, becomes worried about him and asks police to check on the boy at his father’s house. Police don’t find anything unusual going on and noted Lucas as “fine.”
· February 22, 2016: Police arrest Glass and Hernandez for fighting during a domestic dispute incident.
· March 2017: A witness told the Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) that Lucas was covered in temporary tattoos to hide the bruises on his body.
· May 16, 2017: A report is filed with DCF with complaints that Lucas is being abused at home, with Glass and an unknown person as the culprit. The reports noted that the witnesses said they saw a slap mark across the boy’s cheek and bruising on his arm in the shape of a hand.
· October 2017: Glass visited Hernandez while he worked in New Mexico, and brought Lucas along with her. Family members in New Mexico reported that they saw Lucas with two black eyes. The incident was reported to children’s services in New Mexico.
· November 2017: An updated report reflected that bruises appeared on Lucas after Glass fought with his father.
· December 3, 2017: A witness spotted Lucas with bruising on his arms, legs, and forehead. Lucas said Glass got mad at him and “threw a water bottle at his face.”
· December 16, 2017: Glass was supposed to pick Lucas up from school but claimed she fell asleep.
· January 22, 2018: Lucas arrived to school with numerous bruises and abrasions, according to an interview conducted by DCF with the school nurse. The nurse found abrasions and bruising on the boy’s right eyelid, right cheek, right knee, nose, left eyebrow, left cheek, and left eyelid. He also had a large cut on his nose that measured around three inches long.
· January 23, 2018: Lucas visits the nurse again at school and complained of a stomach ache. Glass picked the little boy up from school and took him to a doctor. He returned to school a few days with a doctor’s note that said his injuries looked like he fell.
· February 1 and 6, 2018: Lucas continued to have stomach issues, even vomiting, and missed two days of school.
· February 5: Glass’ ex-husband filed a report with DCF, claiming that her two biological sons were being abused while at her home. The father alleged that his sons told him that Hernandez was physically abusing them.
· February 8, 2018: A DCF worker interviewed one of Glass’ sons at school. The boy said he got punished for spraying air freshener and that Hernandez pushed him. DCF didn’t notice any marks or bruising. The boy also said Hernandez yelled “bad words” at Glass.
· February 9, 2018: Lucas attended school for the last day before he disappeared. A doctor’s note indicated he had a stomach virus.
· February 16, 2018: Glass allegedly admitted she smoked a bowl of marijuana in the garage while Lucas and her 1-year-old daughter were in the home. She then drove to Olive Garden with her daughter, leaving Lucas home alone.
February 17, 2018: Glass reported Lucas missing.
I am so heartsick after having read the latest news report. I had to take a self imposed time out earlier, but now that I am caught up, I just have to say:

Lucas' suffering has moved me to literal tears. I'm so angry, frustrated and appalled by all of the failures to protect this poor child. Someone needs to create some legislation that will finally make the system more efficient nationwide. And if there are any significant breeches of conduct or failures to follow through at the CPS/DCF level, they need to be held accountable, there needs to be a probe into the Kansas office at the very least.

I dearly hope that LE with the FBI are building a compelling, watertight case that can lead to a conviction, even if poor Lucas' body is never recovered. I have utterly no hope that he's still alive. IMO he died in those crucial 24 hours after he was seen alive by the landlord on the 16th. After reading this latest article, I believe Lucas had internal injuries over those last couple of weeks due to escalating abuse. I think he may have passed from those injuries, rather than suffering from a final temper outburst where EG snapped. However, that's JMO.

I have a lot I'd like to say about JH and his dismissive attitude regarding the abuse allegations too, but I will refrain and sit on my hands to remain compliant with the TOS.

My heart goes out to the extended family and to JO, who must be still reeling with grief and loss from this whole situation. I sincerely hope that you will get answers, closure and justice for Lucas in due time. I know it's small comfort, but I don't think there's more any of you could have done when it's clear that the ball was dropped by others so badly; those who had far more legal power to intervene on Lucas' behalf than you did.
Yes. And the DCF report is incorrect. It was reported on the 17th as soon as we were told he was missing. I made that report right before I drove to Wichita to speak to LE in person as a way to make sure that every detail I could remember was documented. I have a letter from dcf stating that they'll be investigating my call (Which was a punch to the gut to receive).

I don't want anyone to respond to this but: I will never stop wishing I had done more. I will never stop feeling guilty that I didn't personally take more action. At the time, we felt like we were. We were told they were investigating so we trusted that they were.

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I know this hurts so much! I don't know what more you could have done. Reporting the abuse is all and you did report it. You didn't have any legal rights to Lucas so you couldn't just keep him. Authorities would force you to give him back to the custodial parent. I can sure say something! It's obvious you love Lucas and are doing everything you can think of to find him! Thank you so much for being here too. We're all rooting for our little guy and you, PB and the rest of the family. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
omg, I just now logged in since early this morning. There is so much to read to become current but I have seen enough on these last two pages to know its bad, very bad. I am so sorry FLA for you and your family.

P.S. we are in the midst of gigantic wildfires. We can't see our hand in front of our face out in the yard due to the smoke. The fires started 80 miles from us. Two county workers have already lost their lives trying to help firefighters. My sons and husband are out watering our roof down. My son-in-law is a Paramedic and Lieutenant for the OKC Fire Dept. I'm worried. I'm adding FLA and Lucas to my prayers right now.

Do we have a thread for these fires, tia? If not, /flagging/ marking to start one. Unfortunately I/we have a lot of experience covering fires here. California was baaaad...

Best to you and your family, ima.grandma.
Yes this is important. She admits talking to him on the very day LH is reported missing. No time was given for that call to him. She likely had to mention she contacted him because she knew LE would find the phone records.

And she definitely lied about the last time she saw him according to her own statements because look at what she says.

"She told officers that she last saw Lucas at around 3 p.m., that he was in his bedroom playing a game."

But that cant be true because then she says this...

"She went inside, took a shower, noticed that Lucas was asleep and laid down for the nap."

So the last time she saw him she says he was sleeping not playing a game. So what time really was it when she last saw him.

Its all a bunch of crud IMO. The important thing is she admits contacting JH that very day. It would be interesting to know the exact time of any phone calls made that day.

I wonder if they had a fight. The timing of that phone call might crunch the timeline down a little more.
My heart is breaking for FLA and Lucas’s bio momma.
I can't help but wonder if Lucas sometimes got caught in the crossfire of EG and JH fighting. In a one bedroom apartment probably wasn't many places for the little guy to hide and get away from them fighting.
Slam dunk case imo. The victim has spoken.

Eta: see post ahead, I'm emotional right now, not to mention biased.
Slam dunk case imo. The victim has spoken.

I hope you are right, I don't have the stomach to read the article again but I don't think Lucas actually told a DCF worker that it was EG doing it - he told family members, which I believe he was telling the absolute truth but will family member statements stand up in court? I just don't know how all that works.
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