Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #17 *Arrest*

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So, we have BPD, pregnancy, losing weight and acting erratically, suspicions of drug use. (more than marijuana)
What a cocktail!
Oh! Maybe EG being pregnant is relevant than to Lucas missing. Maybe she went off her meds. Of course, I had the impression that her ex said she was diagnosed with BPD. We don't have proof that she was diagnosed with BPD, just what the ex said.
Yes, I'm wondering if EG maybe told him that for some reason (more gas lighting?). Wonder if she was diagnosed by a MD and being treated for that?
Man, I could crack a joke right now but it would be soooo bad I just cant and won't...

Imo, unless she is a fully conscious "recovering, sober" meth/heroin user I'm afraid such demons likely continue to tempt and overpower. I don't buy that it was only experimentation, moo.

Ohhh kkdg...your innocence is refreshing, but I'm afraid dear that "meth/heroin" and "ocassional" struggle to coexist in the same sentence.

You literally made me lol! I thought there could be recreational use.
So, we have BPD, pregnancy, losing weight and acting erratically, suspicions of drug use.
What a cocktail!

(OMG this reminds me of many years ago I drank whisky one night (which I wasn't used to doing) and acted like a lush idiiiiot, crying, etc, so embarrassing, anyway, so the next time I was sure to apologize to the bartender and said "I'm sooo sorry I acted like such an idiot the other night...whisky and PMS definitely do not mix...".

He said, "Darlin, PMS doesn't mix with anything!" :biggrin:

(True story)
You literally made me lol! I thought there could be recreational use.

Idk.....not in my's like crack, we are talking hghly addictive substances here, I've never seen it do anyone any good, ever...ever see that show "Intervention"? What a person will do to get their next fix...bad, bad stuff...

Maybe this is a good question for JH via PB...
(Eta: but if he is siding with her, he may not answer truthfully...)
Something I keep thinking about. If I awakened (and fwiw I don't believe EG's story) and my stepchild was gone and the door was ajar, who would be the first person I would call? My mate? The other parent? The police? Another parent of a friend he plays with? A neighbor? What order would those phone calls be made? Now, if I had anything to do with my stepchild being gone I would feel like I needed to behave as if there was a sense of urgency when I finally decided to make that phone call and I would call the police first.
A 5 year old and a back door ajar wouldn't make me immediately think my child had been kidnapped. Not in 15 minutes from the time I woke up to frantically going to the neighbors and calling the police. I haven't been in the situation but it has me thinking.

I’ve had two experiences in this...neither did I call police first.

First time we were home working in the yard and my two year old son was right with me playing. I turned around for a second and when I looked back, he was gone. We live in the country. I hollered to my husband and we ran around looking for him, outside, inside, then I took one more look in the house and then I was calling police. We found him in the back bathroom, with the lights OFF going potty [emoji15]. We had yelled for him and looked there and he never answered us. Ugh. Scared ya to death! Calling police was not my first thought. First thought is he ran off exploring.

Second was the same child, he walked away from school (pre-k). I was a few minutes late getting to school to pick him up and he got scared thinking I wasn’t coming and took off walking. We didn’t know this though. The teacher was talking with another parent and never knew he walked off (school changed the pickup policy after this!!). The teacher couldn’t tell us if he got in a car or walked off. Even the school didn’t call police. We looked everywhere for him, twice, all teachers on deck. We were getting ready to call police when a parent brought him back to school. My dad lived in the neighborhood and he was trying to walk to his house. The parent knew he looked way too small to be walking alone and brought him back (but then dear heavens, that brought another discussion again of not getting in the car with a stranger!!!). I didn’t call my husband. I called my dad because he lived nearby and told him not to leave his house, hung up and went looking for my son. My husband was furious at me for not calling him but honestly I was thinking fast. Where would he go? My dads, called, done. Back to physically looking. I wasn’t thinking of notifying everyone at that time. Had we had to call police, then I would have called him right away.

In both of these cases, our minds automatically went to he walked off and was exploring or hiding. Your initial thought isn’t that they were taken. You want to look first and rule it out THEN call police.

I personally think it would be telling to see if police were the first to be called then family. Or did she call family/friends first then called police? Because she ran to the neighbors house and asked them to call, I’m not sure. I would never ask my neighbor to call, I would call myself.

Happy to say my son never scared us like that again :/

IMO, anything I say is JMO
RIP Lisa Harvey ❤️
Let’s get back on topic, everyone.

EG has a court appearance tomorrow. Lucas is still missing.
Yes. and that her ex suspected she was using again.

From the article:

He thought she might be currently using drugs because she was losing weight and acting erratically.

"Again" being the key word...because that's all meth heads want to do. I know one who constantly endangers her kids and boy have we HAD IT OUT.

Foxfire mentioned that there seems to be a common link to meth in so many of these cases, and I tend to agree with him. I mean meth is like disgusting bathtub's so gross I don't even want to goooooo there...

As for heroin, she could have "nodded out for a while..."

Imo I don't think hard drugs are some big secret in that household. Moo/Speculation
In light of the information that EG told JH that Lucas was with JO on Valentine’s Day, I’m wondering if we should expand the flyer campaign to include the areas south of Wichita to the Oklahoma border. I also remember mentioning that EG was familiar (or at least had visited) the Oklahoma Badlands, which is near the Oklahoma border. JO lived in Oklahoma. Any feedback is appreciated. TIA

ETA: Areas such as Belle Plaine, Riverdale, Wellington, South Haven...
I thought perhaps she brought him over the boarder.
Place the blame on someone else if found.
Idk.....not in my's like crack, we are talking hghly addictive substances here, I've never seen it do anyone any good, ever...ever see that show "Intervention"? What a person will do to get their next fix...bad, bad stuff...

Maybe this is a good question for JH via PB...
(Eta: but if he is siding with her, he may not answer truthfully...)

I have personally known a few people (back in the day) that occasionally sniffed heroin and cocaine. I did know a heroin addict too. So that is my point of reference.
I know some do but I just can't imagine using while pregnant! I can't imagine using while caring for children either! This is so difficult for me to accept. I wonder if her dealer is the unknown perpetrator.

I wouldn't put it past her one bit to use while pregnant, moo.
Do you think this has anything to do with her using meth and heroin? I haven't heard anyone say she's an addict so I'm under the impression she's an occasional user.
I need to state this clearly, this is my simple opinion.If she is indeed diagnosed with Bipolar 1 then the meth would satisfy her drive for the ever increasing desire for the mania. The heroin would be a replacement of the chemical her brain is lacking. She has to come down to survive the manic psychosis. The heroin provides the euphoric balance attempting to restore her sanity. The human body can survive with a lack of food or water longer than it can of sleep.
I have personally known a few people (back in the day) that occasionally sniffed heroin and cocaine. I did know a heroin addict too. So that is my point of reference.

(You're killing me kkdj heehee, there's this other joke, about people who say they don't use cocaine, they just like to smell it :biggrin: ...(I think Chevy Chase might have said that)... I hear ya girl though! I think it all comes down to money. When there's no money, there's no drugs....hmm maybe this was a source of contention? JH out there busting his butt on the rigs for weeks at a time...while EG is spending up all the money doing drugs? Hmmmm...again, speculative brainstorming, moo. Yes, "weeeeks" at a time....that poor little boy, this gives me chills.
Let’s get back on topic, everyone.

EG has a court appearance tomorrow. Lucas is still missing.

What specifically is the EG court appearance for?

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Yes, I'm wondering if EG maybe told him that for some reason (more gas lighting?). Wonder if she was diagnosed by a MD and being treated for that?
Maybe she was trying to get disability for the bipolar disorder.

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Do you think this has anything to do with her using meth and heroin? I haven't heard anyone say she's an addict so I'm under the impression she's an occasional user.

Unfortunately there is not such a thing as an occasional user- when you don’t have it, u are trying to find it- “experimenting with it” is more than likely the end all be all- I have always maintained she was a meth user- looks just like one, and has odd patterns of sleep- goes up on meth, comes down on heroin or weed.

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(You're killing me kkdj heehee, there's this other joke, about people who say they don't use cocaine, they just like to smell it :biggrin: ...(I think Chevy Chase might have said that)... I hear ya girl though! I think it all comes down to money. When there's no money, there's no drugs....hmm maybe this was a source of contention? JH out there busting his butt on the rigs for weeks at a time...while EG is spending up all the money doing drugs? Hmmmm...again, speculative brainstorming, moo. Yes, "weeeeks" at a time....that poor little boy, this gives me chills.

The people I knew that sniffed (lol) occasionally did it only occasionally because they thought they wouldn't get addicted that way. I was in a rock and roll band and drugs of all kinds were readily available to those who wanted them.
What specifically is the EG court appearance for?

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My mistake. I believe her court date has been continued. The Wichita Eagle article states that the records will be sealed after EG’s next court hearing on April 27th.

On Wednesday, juvenile court Judge Kevin Smith allowed an Eagle reporter to view the petition and take notes for this article. After an April 27 hearing on the case, it will be closed to the public, Smith said.

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