Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #18 *Arrest*

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Has anyone read where Emily Glass is no longer suppose to be called or referred to as "stepmom'' but referred to as "fiancé"? (I guess this would go along with not referring to EG as common law wife or wife).

I do not know if this was media or family or whomever deciding the correct term for Emily Glass. Since hey were no married legally I would say fiancé is correct for now. read it recently and now cannot find that statement.

I can understand that she is not a 'step mom' because there was no marriage, even if she considers it common law because it has not been documented by the court in anything I have read.
(O/T, Chi, I was just thinking, with your experiences, and work/commitment to suicide prevention, perhaps there is a way you can help here on WS too, as far as helping to provide resources, etc....maybe we can start a thread for that, or you can contribute if one already exists.)
Addicts who choose not to go down the path of snorting or injecting often mix their weed with meth sprinkled in. It's more common than you'd think.

Makes sense. Perhaps her bowls were meth laced bowls... (gross)
I just want to say how much I appreciate all you guys. This is really a fantastic group here with no arguing, snark, etc. A very caring and civil bunch here (not always the case in every thread, unfortunately).
Morning Margarita.
Good thoughts as always.
We have to remember that Lucas was down from about 60 pounds to around 40ish when he "disappeared". :(
And the bruises on his face we have all seen are brutal IMO.
EG had a fit, likely fueled by anger towards Lucas being an "incidental little problem" in her book.
Did she ever really love him?
Probably at some point and since she kept him all the time she must have cared for him to say the sad words "Emily doesn't like me anymore".:tantrum:
Hi Chi,

I don't think Lucas was ever 60 pounds at any point. When I saw him in December, I remember being a little sad because he seemed to have had a recent growth spurt. He was starting to shoot upward and thin out a little bit as kids do.

But he definitely was never anywhere near 60 pounds.

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(O/T, Chi, I was just thinking, with your experiences, and work/commitment to suicide prevention, perhaps there is a way you can help here on WS too, as far as helping to provide resources, etc....maybe we can start a thread for that, or you can contribute if one already exists.)
I will reach out to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Each life is so very valuable, and each loss is one too many.:peace:
Has anyone read where Emily Glass is no longer suppose to be called or referred to as "stepmom'' but referred to as "fiancé"? (I guess this would go along with not referring to EG as common law wife or wife).

I do not know if this was media or family or whomever deciding the correct term for Emily Glass. Since hey were no married legally I would say fiancé is correct for now. read it recently and now cannot find that statement.

I can understand that she is not a 'step mom' because there was no marriage, even if she considers it common law because it has not been documented by the court in anything I have read.

I don't know how we are supposed to refer to her, but I will only refer to her as EG. She doesn't deserve that, but all my other ideas would put me in time out.
Hi Chi,

I don't think Lucas was ever 60 pounds at any point. When I saw him in December, I remember being a little sad because he seemed to have had a recent growth spurt. He was starting to shoot upward and thin out a little bit as kids do.

But he definitely was never anywhere near 60 pounds.

Sent from my SM-S327VL using Tapatalk
Thanks dear.
That is a sad memory for you.
This is my first post as I am new to WS. Anyways, I keep going back the old saying... keep it simple! EG is not a mastermind and thinks to highly of herself to involve anyone else. I fear he is on private property an acquaintance not a friend . Someone that may not have even remember that she ever had been on the property.

Welcome Voicesfortheunknown :)

BBM: Or maybe when police arrived, she was barefooted with nice clean feet, which wouldn't make since if she had been supposedly running around barefoot looking for Lucas. JMO IMO

i think the speculation on the shoes/barefoot is that a few days before the arrest she had put a pair of her tennis shoes for sale on marketplace. I believe the were pink and white at that time there eas alot of speculation on that. I did see them. Saw the ad. I didnt screen shot or keep a link. Does anyone else remember or have it saved?
i think the speculation on the shoes/barefoot is that a few days before the arrest she had put a pair of her tennis shoes for sale on marketplace. I believe the were pink and white at that time there eas alot of speculation on that. I did ser them. Saw the ad. I didnt screen shot or keep a link. Does anyone else remember or have it saved?
I saw that somewhere but no where I can link right now.
She reminds me of the type who abuses animals, jus sayin. Smacks puppies around...

Do we know ifnEG was a victim of abuse herself (not defending her by any means, just asking).

Also, I had asked upstream, sorry if I missed the response, was there a Life Insurance Policy on Lucas, tia.
One thing that has been nagging at me is her telling JH that she was going to go to the garage to “smoke a bowl”. In my wild days (which are far behind me) I acquired knowledge of multiple types of substances. 9 times out of 10....if someone said they were going to smoke a bowl, they were referring to meth.

Maybe things have changed in the past 10 years?

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Now that is interesting!! I never knew that!!

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This is going to be out there...

Just a thought but maybe she had him confined or tied up while she went to OG, and he "got out"...and that enraged her....
BBM: Or maybe when police arrived, she was barefooted with nice clean feet, which wouldn't make since if she had been supposedly running around barefoot looking for Lucas. JMO IMO

(This reminds me, probably irrelevent, but I've seen on "Intervention" where they shoot heroin in their feet (and hands)...this has probaby no significance but just mentioning it)
(This reminds me, probably irrelevent, but I've seen on "Intervention" where they shoot heroin in their feet (and hands)...this has probaby no significance but just mentioning it)
I was exposed to pretty shady characters through most of my life and from my experience IMO she does not strike me as the type of person that would use needles now that means perhaps she would let another person shoot her up but I do not believe that she would personally do it herself
Can anyone explain in simple terms for a 63 yo PROUD GRANDMOTHER WHO IS NOT A TECHIE, how to copy a link to this thread? I usually call my grandchildren but this part of me is private. Thank you.
Here again today to check in-praying for Lucas!

I see we are back to throwing out theories a bit... I’ve changed my theory a good two or three times. I’ve been down the road where Lucas is super close, this was not premeditated, back to premeditated, I tend to believe now he is further away. I believe EG has thought about Lucas dead but not sure if she really planned it. I’m more starting to think Lucas was dying slowly(bleeding internally, organs shutting down) with the throwing up, bruises, bumps, and abrasions. I tend to think he was possibly getting beat worse when EG’s ex claimed JH had hit their son. I’m not sure if after the LL saw Lucas, if EG beat him one last time and he finally died at the hands of her violence or if she really just kill him. I’m leaning towards she beat him too hard, for too long and his little body had enough. I believe this because EG seems confident she did no wrong- in her crazy whacko brain she believes beating him wasn’t murder. “She didn’t necessarily mean to”. Not how I see it, but she sees it that way IMO. I think she is an absolutely crap person and the fact she could repeatedly do this to Lucas baffles me- always will. I’m at the point now that I pray Lucas died in his sleep, in little pain, dreaming of becoming Batman one day and saving all the poor innocent children like himself- the ones who endure too much at the hands of someone who was suppose to love them and keep them safe ❤️❤️❤️ I’m crying now- checking out for a bit. Poor Lucas ...
Sorry I've been MIA for a bit... I'm quite sick. But I needed to check in for Lucas. PB has been keeping me up to date :heartbeat:

Get better soon! :heartbeat:
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