Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #20 *Arrest*

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Why would anyone even take this picture? I thought it came from EG's side/family? Who took this?
I absolutely can't bare to look at this photo- he looks so miserable and ready to cry. I just want to hug him.

Edited to add- he also looks scared to death. Maybe that's why this photo haunts me so much.

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If an adult walked into a police dept with the same bruisies the cops would arrest the person responsible.
Why cant abused chidren be treated the same way?
CPS claims " no findings" after children name the offender.
This has to change.

Law makers want to hold other adults in the household responsible if they dont make the call and a child dies.
Adults call all the time. They called for Lucas.
Why doesnt the law extend to CPS workers who fail the children when they chose to ignore the evidence and bruises?

Very Good Point!! Often times the children are “challenged “ with their recollections of events. Children’s minds are somewhat simple- if they would just “hear” what is being said!

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good point. Thank you for the reminder. Although it would be a very generic response as in parks or ponds or pipes, tunnels and culverts

If you look at a map of Wichita, ponds, pipes and tunnels cover pretty much the whole city. If you think you are frustrated, image how the boots on the ground feel! MOO

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I just want to remind everyone just what the flow of information really is, at least here in our area of the world (city of Wichita, Sedgwick County, State of Kansas)’s not LE that decides what is and what is not, public information. It’s the legal/court system that does that. If you pay really close attention, the information we do know comes from the legal filings on the case. The police will release details about the initial call because it’s what would be on a police report or in a 911 call. Any additional details that might be released aren’t up to the police, that’s not their job. They are supposed to enforce laws, protect the public and investigate crime. They are not public information officials. I know it’s frustrating, believe me I know it is......but once information is put on a legal document and filed with the court, it has been properly vetted, thoroughly investigated and it has been tested to hold up in court. Basically, every piece of information released should have a publicly available document to back it up. So until the DA is ready to put it on a legal document, the information will more than likely not be released. It’s been a real struggle trying to figure out what is real and what isn’t, but the luxury of being a volunteer searcher is we can indulge some of what might be rumor versus what is fact.

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Well Stated. Thank you!![emoji172][emoji172][emoji172]

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You are so right. The document that came out was perhaps misleading. You're helping me to climb out of that rabbit hole. I appreciate your directness. It's not my intention to detract from finding Lucas. Point made and considered. Thank you.

That being said, it would be Extremely rare for a person to “experiment” with meth and heroin- experimenting would consist of the first time usage. If you know anything about these two drugs in particular, “experimentation “ would be so rare in an individual. They always go back to the high- I personally have yet to see a case of pure “experimentation”.

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PB we all so appreciate you and FLA. your dedication, calm and decisive answers, you have both been anchors for us in this. May I ask a question? I keep seeing the discussion about EG’a hands. IIRC, you said that there were no bruises on her hands at the time she was arrested, right? Does that mean that there were no scratches either? Or that there were...? Just something I’ve been wanting to get clarity on as I continue to see posts about scratches on her hands and hoping to know whether that’s conjecture or more. Thank you for all you do!

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I was told that her knuckles weren’t bruised when she was arrested, but she had scratches on the back of her hands.
Are there any forests near Wichita Kansas?

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Other thoughts... what type of residence did she live in prior to moving? Did she own a digging shovel? Was a shovel present at her house? Or was one missing?

It’d be great if we could come up with some lead as to how she hid him..

Edit: how hard was the ground on the 17th? Was it even possible to dig a shallow grave?

I wish I could believe that LE would know the answer to this question: What is missing, if anything, from the household?

Perhaps they do know, but there's a part of me that fears they don't because who would they ask? Who would know besides EG? JH

If he did notice, would he--did he--speak up?
I wish I could believe that LE would know the answer to this question: What is missing, if anything, from the household?

Perhaps they do know, but there's a part of me that fears they don't because who would they ask? Who would know besides EG? JH

If he did notice, would he--did he--speak up?

And they just moved. My husband wouldn’t know if anything was gone, unless it was his Farm Journal or his underwear.
If JH did know of anything missing I too wonder if he would comment, or wait for it to come out.
:Frustrated: [emoji83]

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Are there any forests near Wichita Kansas?

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You would have to elaborate. Do we have National Forests? No. But we do have heavily wooded areas. All around the perimeter, and neighboring counties. Take your pick. N, S, E, and W.

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I googled and found a very likely spot in my opinion and forwarded it to all the searchers.
I pray it was searched.
The dates fit exactly IMO.
The grave would have been open that night/early dark morning hours.
So soft ground, little if any digging necessary.
This location was in Eureka, Kansas.
Praying this is not the truth, as it would be so difficult to find.
I say this as a longtime (now retired) funeral director who has personally worked in all areas of that "industry" during my training/apprenticing times. I did many many removals.
We had at least one case in the 11 cemeteries/funeral homes that I worked in conjunction with where this happened and was only discovered after a very unexpected and startling confession..
Even tho that incident involved gang activity and drugs, there was also an innocent woman buried alive too. :(
Warning---do not read this link if you don't really want to, it doesn't contain pictures or anything but it is very troubling.
Snipped by me:
[On March 3, 1994, about one week after a missing person report was filed on Delois and Marcellos Anderson, Jonathan Montgomery directed Detective Jack Ruby of the Memphis Police Department to the grave of Dorothy Daniels at the Rose Hill Cemetery on Elvis Presley Boulevard.5  Daniels' grave was located six plots away from the grave site of the Montgomery brothers' cousin.   Daniels had been buried on February 25, 1994.   Pursuant to a court order, Daniels' casket was disinterred, and the authorities discovered the bodies of the three victims buried beneath the casket under several inches of dirt and a single piece of plywood.]
[The State also recalled Dr. Smith who testified that none of the victims died instantaneously and that all suffered as a result of their separate injuries and being buried alive.   Although Anderson was paralyzed below his chest, Dr. Smith testified that he would have felt some of the effects of the trauma to his airway and particularly his windpipe, which is according to Dr. Smith, a very painful injury.   According to Dr. Smith, the bullet wound to Anderson's head would not have been fatal had he received proper medical attention and would not necessarily have caused unconsciousness. :tantrum:]
And this:
[With an open grave readied for burial yawning beside them, the three bound and prostrate victims begged for their lives before two were shot and Mrs. Anderson was thrown in alive, authorities have said.]

Lord have mercy, if this happened in this case it could go unsolved forever.
And even tho there are specially trained dogs that can not be distracted by other recent or old graves, cemeteries can really confuse many search dogs in general.
I hated typing this more than any of you could know.
I just don't know what to think anymore, but it is possible (slim chance) that EG knew someone in the removal services or on the outer fringes of this type of work.
Please come home little Lucas.
Our hearts are heavy and hurting and your family that cares about you and tried so very hard to help you miss you so much....
Similar situation that just came to light recently in my (and Margarita's) area...
Are there any forests near Wichita Kansas?

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Depends on your definition of forest but we definitely have our share of thick tree filled areas. Not sure I’d describe any of them as forests in our area.

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Didn't one of our VIs say that the lie about JO and VD didn't get told until after Lucas went missing?

This is why we really need a clear timeline of *everything*. I regret now that I haven't been taking written notes, and I feel like I need to go out and buy a notebook for this purpose, but even if I had done that I still feel I'm not clear on so many things.

I never joined any of the FB groups so I don't have anything from them in my head, and I'm still unclear on some points.

I was under the impression, from the VIs, that Lucas' whereabouts on VD might be in question but that he wasn't home alone that day?

If the lie about JO and VD wasn't told until after Lucas went missing, it's interesting to wonder what precipitated that lie. What really happened on VD, and why did EG lie about it after JH got back?

I said in one of the earlier threads, between Lucas being reported missing and EG's arrest there are days that EG likely spent with JH. During that time she must have been putting up a pretense for JH's benefit that she was innocent.

I asked before for a clear timeline from the perspective of Lucas. I would love one for EG's movements as well, I just figured that would be less possible to get due to the privacy of the investigation.

The way I see it is that if the lie about JO and VD was told before the Saturday, then that stinks of premeditation and setting up a scapegoat. That might suggest a location that in EG's mind has connections to JO. Take out the lie coming before EG made the missing person's report and we lose the association with JO. We don't entirely lose the premeditation aspect, because I think things between EG and Lucas have been going severely downhill in the three months leading up to that day. Over the time that EG's been in the lives of JH and Lucas she's had one reason after another to become confident and complacent about her lies regarding her treatment of Lucas. I still fear her treatment of Lucas was cruel and mean, and not just moments of internal anger that she took out on Lucas

The bruising visible on the 28th January would have happened before JH got back from work, assuming the 20 days on and ten days off schedule. JH gets back and this coincides with some of Lucas' vomiting days. JH goes back to work and within 2 days of that Lucas is seen with bruising on his face.

All these facial bruises and hearing that EG threw a bottle of water at Lucas, of course there could be brain trauma. The vomiting could also have been a flu bug. In a child of Lucas' age it could be anxiety-related.

We've also got the question of *why* does EG go out to dinner without Lucas? Is it a habitual thing? Has she done this before? Had something changed in EG's head recently and going out without Lucas and only with the baby girl was psychologically separating herself from Lucas, because in future it would be EG and the baby with no Lucas and this decision was about her already feeling/knowing that in future she wouldn't be taking Lucas out or spending time with him? Or was it pure selfishness that she just could not be bothered spending time with a sick child that she didn't even like any more?

I believe you're right, that the VD lie was after Lucas went missing.
I need to find the link, but I believe EG herself first told LE that Lucas hadn't seen JO since the incident at the school in Dec ... ???? Then she changes her story...?
I also remember toward the end of the last thread or beginning of this one, a poster put forth several ideas, one of which painted EG as a "hamster" desperately lying to get out of this mess -- PB agreed with that characterization.
EG couldn't account for what happened on VD or why she didn't have Lucas -- so she says JO had him. She couldn't say JO kept him since JH face-timed with Lucas on the 15th.

I have wondered about the sick days when JH was home. I'm not saying Lucas wasn't truly sick, but just a thought -- one of my own kiddos used to think she was throwing up when she spit out anything. If it came back out of her mouth, she thought she was throwing up and would go to the nurse's office thinking she was sick. Could Lucas have wanted to be home with JH--lonely for him, wanting his attention, possibly even hoping for opportunities for 1-1 time with him -- knowing he would hit the road again soon? Or (I hate this), could JH have done anything to hurt him? Could this be why he's steadfastly protecting EG?

The most simple reason why NOT to take Lucas to OG would be fear of questioning about the bruises. But I also think she could have done this before. It could have been to get some time away -- it could have been a punishment for him.
I am not nit picking I swear. But why do we keep assuming she was doing meth. There is ZERO percent proof that this is factual. She may have done it in the past, and there may be suspicions from her ex, but this seems to be stated as fact far too often on this forum. I have NO love for EG, but sometimes these assumptions just lead to theories that are out in left field and that is NOT helping Lucas.

There are many reasons to suspect she was doing meth, imo. I could write a book on why I suspect this in my opinion, actually I think I already have since day 1, even beeeefore it was even mentioned she had a history of this, yes it's moo and speculation as much and most is here in these threads. I may have missed the stated as fact posts on this, I sure never stated it as fact...Imo discussing this as a possibility does not retract from efforts to find Lucas (if anything it lends itself to her possible whereabouts, associates, etc.), nor does it come from "left field"...personally it's insulting as many have put in hours and hours and hours and hours to help find him and now it's "not helping" if a possible meth connection is discussed? Trying to be nice here. Unless we know of a definitive rule out, it's all on the table as far as I'm concerned...just because she did it in the past...just because a sex offender did it in the past...history is history, compiled with actions and indicators, etc...If I called out every speculative theory with good intentions that I didn't agree with and said "it's NOT helping"...not the style here .jmo. We are all trying to help here. Sorry if I'm abrasive and misinterpreting your post.

Eta: Does this mean I don't believe in drug rehabilitation? Absolutely not. I know plenty of addicts who have gone sober and improved their lives.
There are many reasons to suspect she was doing meth, imo. I could write a book on why I suspect this in my opinion, actually I think I already have since day 1, yes it's moo and speculation as much and most is here in these threads. And imo discussing this as a possibility does not retract from efforts to find Lucas, nor does it come from "left field"...personally it's insulting as many have put in hours and hours and hours and hours to help find him and now it's "not helping" if a possible meth connection is discussed? Trying to be nice here. Unless we know if a definitive rule out, tt's all on the table as far as I'm concerned... If I called out every speculative theory with good intentions that I didn't agree witn said "it's NOT helping"...not the style here .jmo. We are all trying to help here. Sorry if I'm abrasive and misinterpreting your post.

Absolutely. [emoji817].

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I am not nit picking I swear. But why do we keep assuming she was doing meth. There is ZERO percent proof that this is factual. She may have done it in the past, and there may be suspicions from her ex, but this seems to be stated as fact far too often on this forum. I have NO love for EG, but sometimes these assumptions just lead to theories that are out in left field and that is NOT helping Lucas.

Do you know that she didn’t use meth?? How can ANY theory involving meth lead to any more crazy theories involving Lucas’s disappearance than what is already on the table? There is a history there- it has to be discussed. It’s in a formal document.

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:lurk:I got caught up and don't think I have anything to add right now.
God be with the searchers.
Bless you FLA.
Land. A field. With all of her lies that are so easy to disprove, I don't think she probably even hid him very well. There are just so many places to look :(

Also, if LH wasn't with JO on VD, and he wasn't with EG, who was he with? That's a person who needs to be talked to. Let's think about people EG would have frequently left LH with... hmmm... Seriously, if that person isn't found to be connected with this whole thing in some way, I'll be beyond shocked.

My mind keeps going back to the benadryl or cough medicine. Doctors still give cough syrup with codeine in it to kids. I'm not convinced that Lucas left the house on VD. I'm sorry to say this and it hurts to do so but I feel like he was drugged and put in a closet or a hiding spot in the house. Unless someone else is lying or hasn't come forward to say they had Lucas on VD, that seems to be the only logical explanation as to where he was.
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