Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #22 *Arrest*

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OMG, You can't imagine how embarrassed I am for posting it in that shape, but you're welcome. :blushing:

No! Thank you for doing this!!!!! Perfection is only in the mind.

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General question regarding child support - does the state collect child support if there is an income withholding ordered and then the state pays the other party? If the person does not have a job are they required to pay the other party or do they have to pay the state directly some how?

In MIssouri, at least, it can happen a few ways. During a divorce or custody hearing, a judge will order if and how much child support a parent should be paying. If there is no divorce or custody hearing, the custodial parent can go to FSD and request they bring a child support order against the non-custodial parent.

If those payments aren't made, the custodial parent can push for garnishment of wages - this would include income from work, tax refunds etc. Anything not paid will just build up into a balance owed. Once a person owes a certain amount, they state can then go further with trying to force payment such as revoking a driver's license and having the person arrested and jailed for non-payment.

Sadly, at least in my case, most of this doesn't make a difference. My children's father currently owes me nearly $10k. The child support caseworker contacted me months ago and asked if I would cooperate in legal proceedings against him which I agreed to. I have heard nothing since and when I call to ask, they tell me they have my case marked to not be reviewd again until November 2018. He works under the table as a maintenance man for the trailer park he lives in so there are no checks to be garnished, no income tax refunds to be held back.

Anyway, that's how child support works in MIssouri, and I don't imagine it would be very different state to state.
I still can't help but wonder where they get their drugs, moo.


Eta: Maybe the potential blackmail aspect somehow centers around this....dealing, manufacturing....

Wait a minute, smoking man, the couple she so kindly wanted to invite in...could they have been customers (if not dealers or just fellow users)?


Can we confirm EG has a scientific background....hmmmm, I'm really starting to wonder now.


Maybe this is why the landlord came by? Maybe there were reports of people coming and going? Maybe he wanted to go in the house and take a look?

*maybe I'm running too far with this...just an idea...
Hi kschultz06082

There was 1 sentence she let slip that totally convinced me when this all went down. I know FLA told us to focus on Friday night and I believed that was accurate, and from then on, never even considered that LH went missing on Saturday. However, when Jamie said it and then said "scratch that from the record", that really set it in stone for me because I feel like that was a total accidental slip up.

(above BBM) I also listened in the middle of the night.....and feel like I missed this particular statement by JO. Do you recall where in the interview it approximately was discussed? I wanted to go back and listen to that part specifically. TIA if you can point me to even a general time frame out of the 90 minutes.
one reason im open to the blackmail theory is bc in today's world, everything is recorded via photos or videos. im around eg's age and if i had a penny for every not-flattering/embarrassing/weird photo or video randomly taken on my friends/ppls phones, i could quit my day job.

im wondering if what she has on him isnt all that scandalous but its videos/pics that include drugs in the home w the kids around or them very drunk and acting belligerent with kids around - even if JH isnt participating in the drug use, it would show he was aware and allowed his kids to be in that environment.

He ought to call her bluff!! No one is going to believe her now- if she had evidence on her phone I’d think they’d have found it- I wish he would just leave her by herself in there-and grow a pair!

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Hi kschultz06082

There was 1 sentence she let slip that totally convinced me when this all went down. I know FLA told us to focus on Friday night and I believed that was accurate, and from then on, never even considered that LH went missing on Saturday. However, when Jamie said it and then said "scratch that from the record", that really set it in stone for me because I feel like that was a total accidental slip up.

(above BBM) I also listened in the middle of the night.....and feel like I missed this particular statement by JO. Do you recall where in the interview it approximately was discussed? I wanted to go back and listen to that part specifically. TIA if you can point me to even a general time frame out of the 90 minutes.

I believe it was after the 75 minute mark, much closer to the end of the podcast. I know bcause I accidentally closed the window and the podcast page wouldnt let me fast forward back to where I was, so I had to download the whole file and ff to my spot that way.
IF she is blackmailing him, then maybe he can cop a deal with the DA, say "hey I did this back in so and so, or I've been doing this, but I will testify against her if you give me immunity for those charges".

Hmmmmm...could the identity theft, forgery aspects coming into play here? :thinking:

Guys, maybe I'm superstoned here but maybe they had a little fraud operation going of some kind collectively. The recent charges, the support and silence by certain parties....I am suddenly getting a really fishy smell.

***everything is speculation and moo***

Eta: A "Fraudulent Triangle", so to speak...

Eta: If this is the case then then they will be wise to throw her under the bus...I bet (hope) it's coming...but then again maybe not, maybe they all think if they just all keep their mouths shut nobody can prove anything, EG does the time for the misdemeanor, and they're all home free.
I just pressed play, I'm a little behind you, but if you got the ice, I got the bourbon. :cry:

I wish I wasn’t an alcoholic because a stiff drink would be nice when listening. God bless this poor mother who entrusted her child was in a good place with his dad, I hope she finds peace and comfort and doesn’t beat herself up forever [emoji20]
Oh little Lucas, let this be the thread that finds you finally! We don’t want a 23!!

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RSBM - I missed these couple things obviously speed reading. But why did this poor little man think his dad was going to jail. Was it something he saw or was someone threatening him with that. So sad. My heart just breaks with each little piece we hear.
And the polygraph thing. I don’t really know much about these as we don’t use here in Aus that I am aware. Is choosing your own questions something usually done ? I can see how this makes sense as much as i think it sounds strange also.

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Polygraphs are used as an investigative tool to help detectives determine where they need to apply pressure in a interrogation. Here in the states, they are not considered reliable enough to allow in court, so it’s just used this way. Many things can alter a polygraph. Example: a sociopath will have no emotion so their heart rate will not increase with questioning. Also several medical situations can change how one will respond to a polygraph.

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I keep wracking my mind - what could be SO terrible, that even having murdered/disappeared his child, he would still stay silent? It would have to be something of similar severity IMO - for example, if I was JH and she was telling me she would get me locked up for something, it wouldn't be just drug use or even domestic violence....because those things are nothing compared to the death of my child and would not be enough to compel me to silence. I keep thinking to maybe a hit and run where there was a serious injury? Maybe a violent brawl or confrontation with someone who ended up severely injured? IMO the only thing, if I were JH, that would make me stay silent up to this point would be if EG knew/had evidence I had killed or grieviously injured someone (even that wouldn't keep me shut up if it came down to my kid, but maybe not for him?)....

Obviously, I'm just throwing out ideas and speculation - MOO IMO and all of that jazz
Hi kschultz06082

There was 1 sentence she let slip that totally convinced me when this all went down. I know FLA told us to focus on Friday night and I believed that was accurate, and from then on, never even considered that LH went missing on Saturday. However, when Jamie said it and then said "scratch that from the record", that really set it in stone for me because I feel like that was a total accidental slip up.

(above BBM) I also listened in the middle of the night.....and feel like I missed this particular statement by JO. Do you recall where in the interview it approximately was discussed? I wanted to go back and listen to that part specifically. TIA if you can point me to even a general time frame out of the 90 minutes.

Try about 1:28. At about 1:31 is when she says "scratch that from the record."
Hi kschultz06082

There was 1 sentence she let slip that totally convinced me when this all went down. I know FLA told us to focus on Friday night and I believed that was accurate, and from then on, never even considered that LH went missing on Saturday. However, when Jamie said it and then said "scratch that from the record", that really set it in stone for me because I feel like that was a total accidental slip up.

(above BBM) I also listened in the middle of the night.....and feel like I missed this particular statement by JO. Do you recall where in the interview it approximately was discussed? I wanted to go back and listen to that part specifically. TIA if you can point me to even a general time frame out of the 90 minutes.

It's very near the end, I was going to remark upon the 1:25 statements- this specific part came about at 1:31

The player was obnoxious to rewind/fast forward until after the first hour point, only allows for large chunks of time to be passed rather than minutes/seconds.
I hope spending Mother’s Day in jail is a stiff reminder of what a horrible Mother she is.
My heart goes out to her boys, her daughter and her unborn child.
Mother’s Day will always be a reminder to them of what they don’t have.
And Lucas’s mom will never get spend Mother’s Day with this sweet boy that was taken from her by a monster.
Hugs all around.

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Hi Phonejockey-

Do you recall if it was before or after they took the 3 minute break, and then came back with people calling in with questions? I'm still trying to find the part where she says "scratch that from the record". Thanks!
Hi Phonejockey-

Do you recall if it was before or after they took the 3 minute break, and then came back with people calling in with questions? I'm still trying to find the part where she says "scratch that from the record". Thanks!

Very far after, I believe tnith is correct about the 1:31ish mark. I lost my progress at 1:24 and it hadn't been said yet.
Another random thought, we've seen in both Malik's AND Sherin's cases that "they wouldn't drink their milk".

Has it been confirmed yet what was ordered at OG and if she brought something home for Lucas? Maybe leftovers? Maybe he wouldn't eat it, especially if his stomach was....maybe she force fed him and he choked...gosh all these speculative terrible thoughts that go through our heads...but between her apparently various methods of abuse (marks on throat, impact bruises, throwing things) I think COD could be anything here, maybe even more than one. Especially, as discussed, if already he had internal injuries, meth poisoning, neglect, who knows...Moo.

Gosh we've got to find his body, not only to just bring home and give him a respectful burial, but she can not get away with this! I'm afraid she is going to walk after she does time for the CE charges! We need that autopsy!
Polygraphs are used as an investigative tool to help detectives determine where they need to apply pressure in a interrogation. Here in the states, they are not considered reliable enough to allow in court, so it’s just used this way. Many things can alter a polygraph. Example: a sociopath will have no emotion so their heart rate will not increase with questioning. Also several medical situations can change how one will respond to a polygraph.

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(Just O/T kinda and for my interest, is there anywhere that polygraphs are considered reliable and therefore can be used in court?)
OMG, You can't imagine how embarrassed I am for posting it in that shape, but you're welcome. :blushing:
Thanks so much for your notes!!! I was up at 1am catching up on everything and couldn't play the audio. Very much appreciated!!!
I keep wracking my mind - what could be SO terrible, that even having murdered/disappeared his child, he would still stay silent? It would have to be something of similar severity IMO - for example, if I was JH and she was telling me she would get me locked up for something, it wouldn't be just drug use or even domestic violence....because those things are nothing compared to the death of my child and would not be enough to compel me to silence. I keep thinking to maybe a hit and run where there was a serious injury? Maybe a violent brawl or confrontation with someone who ended up severely injured? IMO the only thing, if I were JH, that would make me stay silent up to this point would be if EG knew/had evidence I had killed or grieviously injured someone (even that wouldn't keep me shut up if it came down to my kid, but maybe not for him?)....

Obviously, I'm just throwing out ideas and speculation - MOO IMO and all of that jazz

Yeah, if there is something, it's gotta be big. Not that that should keep him from getting justice for his little boy and a final resting place. :mad:

(Btw, at first, I thought you said "WOULD it be so terrible, if after murdering/disappearing his child, stayed silent." :eek: Good thing I read it again :lol:)
I think we (well LE) needs to look at the money trail here...
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