Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #25 Arrest

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Very true, I know that the animal noises alone creep me out! I would be interested to know if the closest house had any dogs that picked up on anything that night? I know that at this point that is a long time ago, but my dog picks up most unusual noises. Also if anyone has any trail cameras out that could have picked up any sounds or cars going by? Not sure how rural of an area it is.
Unfortunately, I don't think any cameras out there will have any evidence on them now because it's been three months. If he had been found in the first few days of his disappearance, I would think there would be some kind of camera evidence available. To be honest, I have no idea how long these cameras record for. Does anyone else know the answer to this?
Unfortunately, I don't think any cameras out there will have any evidence on them now because it's been three months. If he had been found in the first few days of his disappearance, I would think there would be some kind of camera evidence available. To be honest, I have no idea how long these cameras record for. Does anyone else know the answer to this?

True. My hope would be that someone would notice if a car showed up. I know my fil has a trail cam on his property and views it every day or so. He also lives on a pretty rural road to the point that a car driving by in the middle of the night would stick out and he would remember. Is this road that rural?
Do you think he was moved from another location and then put there in the culvert later?
This is a question I think that many of us have always wondered- if someone moved him once or twice. Now, I have no idea how he was found, but........if he had been placed in something, like say, a suit case, a tote, a suit cover, etc- it would make it a bit easier to move him from place to place. However, if he was just placed without anything covering him, just in his clothes, then I would say probably not. We probably won't know the answer to this until the trial, but I will admit, I have wondered this myself- especially since this case became known all over the world. If anyone moved him, then they knew that searchers were out almost every day, looking for him, and he would eventually be found.
True. My hope would be that someone would notice if a car showed up. I know my fil has a trail cam on his property and views it every day or so. He also lives on a pretty rural road to the point that a car driving by in the middle of the night would stick out and he would remember. Is this road that rural?
I've read that it's very rural. Oh and yes, in our rural area, a car going by at midnight can be heard for at least a mile, especially during the warmer months (that echo from the water again). Even in winter, you can hear them coming or going, if you're outside, from a mile away.
I know what you mean about his voice echoing, had he been alive at the time she placed him there. I live on a body of water, and everything echoes once the ice melts here. You can hear our neighbor's conversations several houses down. Fireworks several houses down sounds like they are exploding in your own back yard. A child's voice would definitely be heard, especially if they were crying. However, didn't someone mention that the closest house was 1/4 of a mile away? It could also be said that they would have had all their windows shut and doors closed, being winter. Any noise he might have made might have not been heard that far away, or assumed it was an animal (we have a lot of animals here that scream loudly at night- quite eerie, those fisher cats!).

Welcome!! I do not think he left his house alive, either.

Doesn't mean there was no echo...

"...went out there to be like hey is everything okay? Do you need to come inside? Are you stranded?"

Just thinking about how much cussing & muttering dragging Lucas 'up under' there would incite from EG.
It all makes me wonder if a shower curtain was missing from the house. She probably used one for transport and easily manipulating his tiny body into that culvert. Makes me sick to my stomach even trying to figure out the evilness in this woman.
I've read that it's very rural. Oh and yes, in our rural area, a car going by at midnight can be heard for at least a mile, especially during the warmer months (that echo from the water again). Even in winter, you can hear them coming or going, if you're outside, from a mile away.

Wonder if any of EG’s cousins or dealer live in that area? Something could have happened at their house, they are aware of the area and know of the bridge. Sorry for all the posts, just can’t help myself, can’t stop thinking of Lucas.
It all makes me wonder if a shower curtain was missing from the house. She probably used one for transport and easily manipulating his tiny body into that culvert. Makes me sick to my stomach even trying to figure out the evilness in this woman.

That would be the best ever, if EG was dumb enough to tear down her own shower curtain to leave with Lucas... no getting around murder charges there.
I don't know. There are so many things going through my head and I guess time will tell. I hope.
If he was moved:
  • Is it logical to assume it would have been after he was reported missing during those three days (?) that she had Jonathan with her before she was arrested?
  • Or could Lucas initially been placed elsewhere late Friday night and moved sometime Saturday in early morning light?
  • Or could an accomplice during or after the fact moved him for her?
  • Or (insert your thoughts)
Do you think he was moved from another location and then put there in the culvert later?
Thinking this over, I am thinking no, for the simple reason that Emily was there when the PI found Lucas. He was reading her body language as they went by bridges, he mentioned in an interview that they went over that same bridge 30 times before he stopped to look. She obviously knew where he was placed, and unless some sicko decided to put him back there after moving him from their originally, I don't believe that he was moved at all.
Here is something to think about. You know how she stated the two people standing outside of her home by the road, the black guy and white lady, and she stated she asked if they were stranded etc, hmm maybe it was her and someone else on the side of the road when putting that poor baby there and someone stopped and asked if they needed help. Ugh... so many thoughts. Justice is coming Lucas
Oh, you made me laugh out loud. I like to laugh. That was a good one. Thanks.
I hate to admit it, but I did, too. It was the way tnith put it that made me giggle. Well, for once, we all had a giggle at Emily's expense. To be honest, it kind of felt good, with all the sadness we've experienced with the little guy since he went missing.
This is a question I think that many of us have always wondered- if someone moved him once or twice. Now, I have no idea how he was found, but........if he had been placed in something, like say, a suit case, a tote, a suit cover, etc- it would make it a bit easier to move him from place to place. However, if he was just placed without anything covering him, just in his clothes, then I would say probably not. We probably won't know the answer to this until the trial, but I will admit, I have wondered this myself- especially since this case became known all over the world. If anyone moved him, then they knew that searchers were out almost every day, looking for him, and he would eventually be found.
The first day I heard of Lucas Allen Hernandez. I was of the opinion she wrapped him in something as she either buried him or hid him. Now, I’m leaning the opposite way. Her first ploy was to imply he disappeared on his own. I think she just dumped him. Geez, that’s hard to type.
I hate to admit it, but I did, too. It was the way tnith put it that made me giggle. Well, for once, we all had a giggle at Emily's expense. To be honest, it kind of felt good, with all the sadness we've experienced with the little guy since he went missing.

EVERYTHING in the home can be easily traced back to owners and dna linked to killer- thought gapejawed madness if EG rushed to 'wrap it up' in her own miserable sweat, cells, and hair! Her dump site was pretty lackluster as JO called it- minimal effort, maximum mouth.

Oh, you made me laugh out loud. I like to laugh. That was a good one. Thanks.

Just following the lead left by the rest here.

I wonder if they have a COD yet?

I'm feeling pretty good about the conditions of this site- it really depends on a lot of things between skin and fresh bones- can tell a lot about what Lucas was enduring prior to death IF they cannot claim 100% certainty one cause OR another due to lack of organs.

We know that he was one hell of a fighter by now; it's possible in liu of COD ME may be led to remark on the fact Lucas survived more than he should have been able to.
I hate to admit it, but I did, too. It was the way tnith put it that made me giggle. Well, for once, we all had a giggle at Emily's expense. To be honest, it kind of felt good, with all the sadness we've experienced with the little guy since he went missing.
I love sarcastic wit. I totally get tnith. Especially at a time when we all need a little levity.
If we think about it- she had to have known about this place and it's exact location, OR, if she had help, that person might have known about it. This is why I swear, it was premeditated. Even if she was familiar with that area (how? What is her connection to it? There's no trails or park there, isn't there a wheat field around there?), how in God's name did she find it in the dark, alone? Even the PI said that he was confused, because they all looked the same (bridges).

I agree she either had help to find that spot or had been there before another time. I just cannot see how else she could have just happened upon that spot at night in the dark. The only other way I can think of is if she had driven around looking for a place in the daylight hours but the timeframe doesnt allow much daylight hours unless she left really early saturday morning to find it before anyone got up and it was just getting daylight out.

The other thought I had was about her scratches on her hands. That location offers plenty of opportunities for her to scrape up the back of her hands.

One simple way it could happen is if she was carrying him down to the bottom of the culvert area and took a forward fall with her hands wrapped around him in front. Both hands would get scraped up about like we saw if something like that happened.

Thanks everyone for all the pictures of the area as things are becoming a little clearer now. I keep thinking back to how only a guilty person would go to the extent she went through to hide him.
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