Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #25 Arrest

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Oh goodness....the photos do add a certain depth of sadness. The reality kinda hit me in the face.

I am thankful they were shared, I have been wondering and I had envisioned it all wrong, it is helpful to see the pics.

Imagine a jury seeing these, and I am guessing LE has photos of their own. It's very disturbing.

I want to say really mean things about Emily right now. I won't.........but I want to!

ETA: I didn't expect to see so much water.
Hi andalso, there really was not that much water. I am probably going to go out and measure water lever for accuracy, but I’d say guessing, around 2 inches underneath. The area of ground next to the concrete 2ft wall, I’ll call it a sluice, was much soppier as I stepped in it, my boot was 1/2 way submerged. But the actual area Lucas was found, was not high at all. A guesstimate is 2 inches- there is not enough flow in that area to create enough energy to move something heavy, if that makes sense. I am going to markup the pics later this evening when I have time. Hopefully that will clarify things for y’all. I will also try to measure water depth.
I stated elsewhere that his services have been paid for. I was very mistaken. His services have not been paid for at this time.

I HIGHLY suggest contacting your local PD for victims services. Not only will they reimburse costs for travel to and from trial, housing during trial, and a wealth of services for counseling and funeral costs but they saved our lives when my family needed those services! These services exist specifically for crime victims and family. The advocate helps you to understand and navigate what’s happening legally on the case as well! I continue to pray for you and the rest of the family as y’all face the coming seconds/minutes/hours/days/weeks/months and years.
Quick question I haven't seen asked. This will be for the locals and more specifically those who were out there...the bridge/culvert where Lucas was placed - is that a standard one for the area? As mentioned it is quite small and you wouldn't know it was there unless you were looking for it or knew it was there. Are there more like it in the area that are the same or similar? I am just thinking if this is a standard type of runoff used in the rural areas, if you've seen one you've seen a dozen type things - like maybe she hadn't been to this EXACT one before, but she knows there are lots of them around? Thanks in advance for anyone who can advise :)

It is not so much standard, but common. It would be unusual to drive more than a mile or two on any rural road without crossing over at least one type of large culvert or another. They vary from large and round prefab "pipe" type to rectangular "tunnels". Most locals would actually call them drainage canals or culverts rather than labeling it an actual bridge. Many of them have little to no water on a day to day basis, but are meant to funnel runoff water during heavy rains that otherwise would flood across the road itself.
You are very observant. When you view the location from google street view (not aerial), it's definitely not a spot you'd even know about if you were out randomly driving around. She had to have known about this particular culvert's features prior to bringing Lucas out there. From the road (according to google street view), it doesn't look like anything.
If we think about it- she had to have known about this place and it's exact location, OR, if she had help, that person might have known about it. This is why I swear, it was premeditated. Even if she was familiar with that area (how? What is her connection to it? There's no trails or park there, isn't there a wheat field around there?), how in God's name did she find it in the dark, alone? Even the PI said that he was confused, because they all looked the same (bridges).
Quick question I haven't seen asked. This will be for the locals and more specifically those who were out there...the bridge/culvert where Lucas was placed - is that a standard one for the area? As mentioned it is quite small and you wouldn't know it was there unless you were looking for it or knew it was there. Are there more like it in the area that are the same or similar? I am just thinking if this is a standard type of runoff used in the rural areas, if you've seen one you've seen a dozen type things - like maybe she hadn't been to this EXACT one before, but she knows there are lots of them around? Thanks in advance for anyone who can advise :)

They are pretty common. What I think makes this one unique is the large grate in front of it they are describing that keeps larger debris from passing through.
I can't sleep and my mind keeps racing about sweet Lucas.

I've been seriously thinking that EG wasn't alone when Lucas was placed under the bridge. When we were told to focus on the late hours Friday/early Saturday (I can't get into her mind at all) but I imagine it would probably have been pitch dark. It is very, very rural even in February without the foliage. Yikes. I would have been terrified climbing down there. She must have parked on the road. Even during the night she risked being seen by someone driving by.

I just can't even begin to understand, especially if she was alone.

Yes. Where was her baby girl during this time?

Home alone? Or was she left in the car alone, parked on a deserted road? OR did she ask someone to watch her?
It is not so much standard, but common. It would be unusual to drive more than a mile or two on any rural road without crossing over at least one type of large culvert or another. They vary from large and round prefab "pipe" type to rectangular "tunnels". Most locals would actually call them drainage canals or culverts rather than labeling it an actual bridge. Many of them have little to no water on a day to day basis, but are meant to funnel runoff water during heavy rains that otherwise would flood across the road itself.

I agree. We only saw a few culverts that looked like this.
My heart goes out to anyone who loses a child but I can't accept denial and loyalty as an excuse. It is not like Lucas death came out of the blue and there were no signs. The bruises were seen, there was violence in the home, drug use, long term illness etc. He might not of believed it would ever go this far, but he accepted and participated in the lifestyle these children were put in. I may come across as very cold but I can sympathize that he lost his child in a horrific way and still feel like he played a part in the final outcome by not taking steps to stop and protect the children and I believe it is time that people be held accountable for their choices, Lucas wasn't given a choice.
Oh I am with you 1000%.
This post is not a sleuth. I am examining EG’s own words included in the jailhouse interview transcription. The word “cousins” will become an integral piece of information in the trial. One way or another. EG began her narrative in her “choice” to participate in the interview. IMO
I just gave away how short Mr. Pink is!!! He has a customer who is really big who calls Mr. Pink his little buddy. It cracks us up!! I love my shorty man!
Hahah well I appreciate the help in understanding the size as well as how common this specific type of bridge/culvert/drain is. I'm about 3-4 hours away so I'm close enough to feel local but too far to come be helpful. I'm on the Missouri side so I'm used to seeing different types of drainage ditches but I haven't inspected many of them, especially not in my adult life. Thank you so much for filling me in :D
I just feel like he continues to gravitate towards the wrong people. I feel more for him if went more towards family instead of SM strangers
I've been thinking about this too. Why listen to strangers? The only thing I can think of is that they somehow kept hope alive for him. People jumped all over JO from the beginning and were looking for any connection to her -- even some who were "with" her in the beginning.

Pure speculation ahead --
I can imagine if some of these people who were involved in the very beginning searches and fundraisers were to go to JH and suddenly say, "You can't believe he's dead. You can't give up on Lucas" and bring up people who were found years later (Steven Stayner, Jaycee Dugard, etc), it gave him permission to believe in a miracle.

Now, if he was to believe in a miracle, that would mean Lucas was kidnapped, not dead -- and who would kidnap him and stash him away somewhere? He wasn't crazy -- a whole article was written about it; other people believed JO was behind it. He needed to believe JO succeeded, but it also made him angry -- how dare she? Similar to his family -- how dare they challenge his parenting, his mate of choice, his family, his life under his roof that he supported with his hard work? He blamed JO for all of that too -- if his family was going to play into her "drama" then they were against him, not for him.

These people served to soothe him, make him believe everything was ok and would be ok. He would get his son back and MH back and EG would come home and they wouldn't have to deal with JO anymore -- things would be "better than normal" if they could just find Lucas.
I've been thinking about this too. Why listen to strangers? The only thing I can think of is that they somehow kept hope alive for him. People jumped all over JO from the beginning and were looking for any connection to her -- even some who were "with" her in the beginning.

Pure speculation ahead --
I can imagine if some of these people who were involved in the very beginning searches and fundraisers were to go to JH and suddenly say, "You can't believe he's dead. You can't give up on Lucas" and bring up people who were found years later (Steven Stayner, Jaycee Dugard, etc), it gave him permission to believe in a miracle.

Now, if he was to believe in a miracle, that would mean Lucas was kidnapped, not dead -- and who would kidnap him and stash him away somewhere? He wasn't crazy -- a whole article was written about it; other people believed JO was behind it. He needed to believe JO succeeded, but it also made him angry -- how dare she? Similar to his family -- how dare they challenge his parenting, his mate of choice, his family, his life under his roof that he supported with his hard work? He blamed JO for all of that too -- if his family was going to play into her "drama" then they were against him, not for him.

These people served to soothe him, make him believe everything was ok and would be ok. He would get his son back and MH back and EG would come home and they wouldn't have to deal with JO anymore -- things would be "better than normal" if they could just find Lucas.
There is none so blind, as he who will not see

Considering whether the crime scene processors found any cigarette butts for the evidence collection. Considering whether LE is interrogating the neighbors about the area or events of a few months prior:

"They were standing outside and talking and smoking a cigarette and it was actually pretty early morning so I went out there to be like hey is everything okay? Do you need to come inside? Are you stranded? They were just like, no and just like looked at me like I offended them or something."

Lets talk about hidden meanings.

Lets talk about ends left WIDE open.
You and I are seriously on the same wave length today... It’s a little scary. Lol. Every time you post something in my head I say “I know, right?!” I feel like there is some hidden meaning for sure.
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