Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #27

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I don't know how to tag another member (or if you even can), but PhoneJockey was describing behavior of people using meth, saying " It also causes you to have a VERY hard time keeping track of time. You can spend what feels like 10 minutes on Facebook or doing some thing and you realize it's actually been 2 hours.".

We'll, I've never done meth, but I definitely have this problem - it happens to me every time I get on WS!! o_O:rolleyes::D

ETA: I'm still working on getting thru thread 26, so I'm behind (which is why I couldn't reply).
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Wonder what EG will be doing while the public memorial for Lucas is going on.

Swiping Right on tinder?
I don't know how to tag another member (or if you even can), but PhoneJockey was describing behavior of people using meth, saying " It also causes you to have a VERY hard time keeping track of time. You can spend what feels like 10 minutes on Facebook or doing some thing and you realize it's actually been 2 hours.".

We'll, I've never done meth, but I definitely have this problem - it happens to me every time I get on WS!! o_O:rolleyes::D

ETA: I'm still working on getting thru thread 26, so I'm behind (which is why I couldn't reply).

Yes, you can tag someone by putting the @ symbol in front of their username, like @Tricia

Just one of the many things I love about our new forum. :)
That would be in such poor taste that "tacky" wouldn't even cover it. They may be able to hire a private security team so that looky-loos and weirdos don't disrupt anything. Honestly, a funeral, especially one for a murdered child, is not an appropriate place for people who want to get inside information. I don't even have words for a person who would actually do that.

We have a very active group of Patriot Guard in the area. I am sure they would be more than happy to show up in force if they were requested to do so.
Sympathy for JH? HELL NO!!!!! Where was his sympathy for his son who was suffering at the hands of his abuse live in side kick?

I feel bad he's burying a child- I wouldn't wish that on any parent. I won't say he's devastated now and has regrets, but he seems to have an abusive little temper himself- two domestic violent incidents with Emily in front of the kids, and he's up for charges for abusing one of her kids.
I feel like she even conned us. Poor Lucas was under a bridge right off the road. :( Jamie was right— she’s lazy and a pathetic criminal at that.

Her arm cuts were obviously from grabbing plant debris to put on top of him.

I’m still incredibly interested if she talked to JH on Friday night after getting the kids down. It’s a very unsettling feeling when I think of how that conversation went or what was talked about.

So we’ve heard that her cellphone was still on when she was disposing of LH, correct? Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it also noted that her phone was turned off at some point that night/day? Does anyone have details on this?
I just ran to the grocery store for a few things and lo and behold as I was pulling into a parking spot a young pretty petite blond pulled up facing me. She was super hyper, disheveled and even a bit creepy. I knew what I was looking at. A meth head. It scared me for a sec. She got out of her car, seemingly talking to herself. I got out of mine and looked inside her car to make sure she didn't leave a child in there! It was fine. I proceeded into the store to find her already at checkout. Yup. Boos. That was it. Boos. I thought of Emily and little Lucas the whole time.
Websleuths has me hyper vigilant. That's a good thing.
Morning, caught up again and am lost as usual at some posts. Don’t really follow anything other than news and here. However what I love best about WS is not only what is happening with the crims and victims background, but the way posters think, how sharp their ideas are and the way they interpret things. I love to read everyone’s thoughts even when they are not the same with how I am thinking at the time, as a ending up at least half agreeing. I literally learn something everyday and find posters engaging and informative in this group.
One thing I have noticed when reading comments etc on news online is beside people being vile and nasty - they have taken photos, obviously of peoples private pages and repost etc but they also demand answers and or statements. They forcefully put their opinion “fact” out their.
The family’s would not have the care or energy for this at the moment. They would be in a painful hell, a grief I don’t even want to try and imagine and could not if I tried. I just hope everyone in the public realises that the statement to back of, may actually be directed at them themselves, not necessarily at who they “think” it’s directed too.
I am in no way directing this at anyone here at all.
I encourage everyone to hang around for when this does go to courts, I have followed a case or 2 in court and it’s interesting.
This is the only case I have followed from the start that’s gone to this many threads and thank everyone for their continued ideas and thoughts.
I feel like she even conned us. Poor Lucas was under a bridge right off the road. :( Jamie was right— she’s lazy and a pathetic criminal at that.

Her arm cuts were obviously from grabbing plant debris to put on top of him.

I’m still incredibly interested if she talked to JH on Friday night after getting the kids down. It’s a very unsettling feeling when I think of how that conversation went or what was talked about.

So we’ve heard that her cellphone was still on when she was disposing of LH, correct? Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it also noted that her phone was turned off at some point that night/day? Does anyone have details on this?
I don’t have details on this. But I feel and am probably wrong but my gut feels like she did this Friday night still, Saturday was a scattered drive by to check the daylight visibility. Just MOO for the moment.
I could post so many of these current job openings and similar positions, but here is an example:

State of Kansas
Child Protection Specialist 2.7

Job Description:
The Kansas Department for Children and Families (DCF) currently has an unclassified Child Protection Specialist position in the Protection and Prevention Services Division located in our Garden City DCF Service Center. Annual salary is $40,000.00 for Licensed Protection Specialist and $38,000.00 for an Unlicensed Protection Specialist.

As a Child Protection Specialist, you will:
Provide protective and preventive services. Prevention is defined as prevention for out of home placement for children. The social worker with investigate allegations of abuse and neglect, perform risk and safety assessments, develop safety plans, provide information about and referrals to community resources for at risk families, and make appropriate referrals to contracted family preservation and foster care providers.

This position works in a cooperative fashion with customers, staff, and agency partners to provide efficient and effective service. At DCF, the customer is placed at the center of planning, policy development, program implementation, and practice with customer outcomes driving decision-making at all levels. By integrating services, we create and maintain a prevention focus as a way of doing business by interacting and engaging with others to proactively foster well-being.

Biased opinion: We dedicate our careers and gravitate toward public service for many reasons.
It ain’t the money, folks.

I am tired and falling asleep so maybe it's just me...but this is an extremely poorly written job posting, in my opinion. And perhaps reflective of the problems within DCF.

Provide protective and preventive services. Prevention is defined as prevention for out of home placement for children.
BBM: Prevention is defined as prevention? and that is followed by the word 'with' where it should be 'will', Seriously, the whole paragraph is bungled and made my head spin.

And then...who may I ask, is the "customer" in this case? Please do not tell me we are calling abused children "customers"? Just please, no.
Morning, caught up again and am lost as usual at some posts. Don’t really follow anything other than news and here. However what I love best about WS is not only what is happening with the crims and victims background, but the way posters think, how sharp their ideas are and the way they interpret things. I love to read everyone’s thoughts even when they are not the same with how I am thinking at the time, as a ending up at least half agreeing. I literally learn something everyday and find posters engaging and informative in this group.
One thing I have noticed when reading comments etc on news online is beside people being vile and nasty - they have taken photos, obviously of peoples private pages and repost etc but they also demand answers and or statements. They forcefully put their opinion “fact” out their.
The family’s would not have the care or energy for this at the moment. They would be in a painful hell, a grief I don’t even want to try and imagine and could not if I tried. I just hope everyone in the public realises that the statement to back of, may actually be directed at them themselves, not necessarily at who they “think” it’s directed too.
I am in no way directing this at anyone here at all.
I encourage everyone to hang around for when this does go to courts, I have followed a case or 2 in court and it’s interesting.
This is the only case I have followed from the start that’s gone to this many threads and thank everyone for their continued ideas and thoughts.
Great post Horror!
I've followed different cases in the courts, like Jodi Arias. I nearly vomited at some of that but I wanted to watch justice happen and it did. Me heart broke for Travis's family. I don't think we know all the truth yet, but at least Jodi is imprisoned. Emily always gave me a vibe of Jodi, especially in her responses to Jamie when Jamie wanted to know where she put Lucas. Just plain creepy. I'm not quite sure why your post made me think of this but it did.
I am tired and falling asleep so maybe it's just me...but this is an extremely poorly written job posting, in my opinion. And perhaps reflective of the problems within DCF.

BBM: Prevention is defined as prevention? and that is followed by the word 'with' where it should be 'will', Seriously, the whole paragraph is bungled and made my head spin.

And then...who may I ask, is the "customer" in this case? Please do not tell me we are calling abused children "customers"? Just please, no.
The customers are the Families they ‘serve’ the families that are identified and who become part of the system...
One thing confuses me about the timing. How long could the poor child have been in the home, deceased? Didn't they have cadaver dogs do a home check at some point?

I am not sure that it is that easy to 'clean' the residual smell that triggers the cadaver dogs. But I don't think we have heard anything about the dogs alerting inside the home or car.

Maybe we just haven't heard about it?

Or they never sent them in to check?
Sympathy for JH? HELL NO!!!!! Where was his sympathy for his son who was suffering at the hands of his abuse live in side kick?

I feel bad he's burying a child- I wouldn't wish that on any parent. I won't say he's devastated now and has regrets, but he seems to have an abusive little temper himself- two domestic violent incidents with Emily in front of the kids, and he's up for charges for abusing one of her kids.
Can he be charged with anything for knowingly leaving Lucas in a dangerous situtation?Does any one know if JO ever tried to get custody of Jucas once she got straightened out?
One thing confuses me about the timing. How long could the poor child have been in the home, deceased? Didn't they have cadaver dogs do a home check at some point?

I am not sure that it is that easy to 'clean' the residual smell that triggers the cadaver dogs. But I don't think we have heard anything about the dogs alerting inside the home or car.

Maybe we just haven't heard about it?

Or they never sent them in to check?
Cadaver dogs may have picked something up. All we know is that dogs didn't locate Lucas, and that they also were certain he didn't walk away from home. A hit from a cadaver dog would have told them he didn't leave the home on his own.
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