Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #32

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That's the article. I wasn't sure if I could post it. I noticed they lumped "sleuthing" him online as harassment. Is a thread like this considered harassment? I wonder who is actually posting crap like if he's currently home or not. But I sure think he'd want to move out of that horrible house. :/
Can someone please tell me if the Nancy Grace broadcast referencing police "back to the house to check the bathroom" at Lucas residence. Has it been verified that police investigators did return to the house to obtain evidence. It's being bantered around, and I don't know if it's unfounded or I missed something. Thanks!
The only source I'm aware of was the NG podcast, but I could be mistaken.
That's the article. I wasn't sure if I could post it. I noticed they lumped "sleuthing" him online as harassment. Is a thread like this considered harassment? I wonder who is actually posting crap like if he's currently home or not. But I sure think he'd want to move out of that horrible house. :/
I would want to move regardless. And it’s mostly in the site that shall not be named that the majority of stuff he is talking about happening and worse

“My job requires me to be out of town three weeks at a time. I want to be here for my daughter and do everything it takes to regain custody of her. That requires me to be available anytime for whatever the state needs or my daughter needs. I need to stay local now that I am her only parent and what I’ve got to do.”

Do you think he's learned his lesson? For some reason I don't. I wouldn't trust someone else to watch my child so easily after going through what he did. I also wouldn't want to go back to that house! No way!
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I suppose that at this moment, I am looking at it from a different direction. LE was at their home several times for domestic violence episodes between EG and JH. LE performed a "well check" called in by Lucas' mom JO back on Valentine's Day of 2015 was it? LE was not stranger to EG and JH. They both have records, both for violence.

Lucas goes missing, and now some questions arise. One of them is what did they miss in the bathroom during their initial investigation that they had to go back much later to try and gather evidence? Why was there no pleaing to the public to call in if they saw Emily's SUV out anywhere that Friday night or Saturday morning, on the side of the road? Why didn't they show her picture in the beginning, when they considered her a POI?

All folks got was "if you saw someone running barefoot, blah blah blah" and Lucas didn't leave the house on his own. That could be interpreted in many ways- from Emily being barefoot, to the baby, to Lucas. Define "someone" for the public. Help them out here- even if you just said "an adult female running barefoot" or "a child running barefoot"- that's much more than the word "anyone". Heck, they could have been referring to a man, for all we know.

I could go on and on about things that have miffed me in terms of how this was handled, but I think everyone gets the gist of what I am saying.

Truthfully? I don't think LE ever would have found Lucas. It would have either been one of the wonderful searchers, or someone out exploring- most likely teens, that might have found his remains eventually, if Marshburn hadn't got Emily to show where he was.

I am a HUGE LE supporter. In this case, though, I have more questions about how they handled this than answers. Not all LE are good guys, unfortunately. Same with doctors, nurses, politicians, clergy, etc. There's good, great, excellent, bad and corrupt to every field of employment out there. LE is no exception.
You have some valid points here. Food for thought. I'm not saying that I think LE was perfect - not at all. I'm just not sure I'm ready to say they were up on the 6th floor eating bon-bons, either. If that makes sense.
That's the article. I wasn't sure if I could post it. I noticed they lumped "sleuthing" him online as harassment. Is a thread like this considered harassment? I wonder who is actually posting crap like if he's currently home or not. But I sure think he'd want to move out of that horrible house. :/

I can't believe that he is living in the home!!! WTF!?!? WHY? The stalker/harasser is a creepy Facebook user, who is in the Lucas Facebook Group that I was kicked out of. They were posting up pictures a couple months ago, too. Some of those people go too far with stuff.
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That's the article. I wasn't sure if I could post it. I noticed they lumped "sleuthing" him online as harassment. Is a thread like this considered harassment? I wonder who is actually posting crap like if he's currently home or not. But I sure think he'd want to move out of that horrible house. :/

I would like to think we here in WS do not engage in harassment. I can see it happening on Facebook or less moderated sites, though.

“I’ve got to move out of the house I shared with Emily.” Perhaps people would be more sympathetic had he said he has to move out of the house he shared with LUCAS.
I can't believe that he is living in the home!!! WTF!?!? WHY? It is a creepy Facebook user, who is in the Lucas Facebook Group that I was kicked out of. They were posting up pictures a couple months ago, too. Some of those people go too far with stuff.
I know! That's crazy! I would constantly be creeped out! Does he sleep in the room where she shot herself? Yikes! I'd want to be far far away from that house. Too many horrible memories and regrets!
“My job requires me to be out of town three weeks at a time. I want to be here for my daughter and do everything it takes to regain custody of her. That requires me to be available anytime for whatever the state needs or my daughter needs. I need to stay local now that I am her only parent and what I’ve got to do.”

Do you think he's learned his lesson? I wouldn't trust someone else to watch my child so easily after going through what he did. I also wouldn't want to go back to that house! No way!

I hope that he doesn't get MH back, and if he does get her back, he needs to live in the same location as his job. JH also needs to put her in public daycare, not a home daycare. Home daycares are kinda sketchy. It would be stupid of him to get a new girlfriend, get MH back, and be like here you watch her for three weeks straight.
I would like to think we here in WS do not engage in harassment. I can see it happening on Facebook or less moderated sites, though.

“I’ve got to move out of the house I shared with Emily.” Perhaps people would be more sympathetic had he said he has to move out of the house he shared with LUCAS.
Agreed. I, personally, don't believe I'd have been able to go back into the house once it was suspected that Lucas died there. MOO.
I hope that he doesn't get MH back, and if he does get her back, he needs to live in the same location as his job. JH also needs to put her in public daycare, not a home daycare. Home daycares are kinda sketchy. It would be stupid of him to get a new girlfriend, get MH back, and be like here you watch her for three weeks straight.
I agree! And for some reason I picture him doing it all over again for the convenience. I think that's why he ignored the abuse.
I would want to move regardless. And it’s mostly in the site that shall not be named that the majority of stuff he is talking about happening and worse

I've heard reference to another site but have no idea what other site people are talking about. I would definitely never want to live in a house my child most likely died in and then my child's murderer committed suicide in.
You’re not alone. Until we’re privy to all information, I’m reserving judgment. My husband is former LE and I’ve seen the toll these cases take (especially involving missing or deceased kids).

Bless your family for speaking on the harsh reality those nearest the fire, burn.

But. Also. And.

'Don't look at what LE uncovered and suppressed information about the Hernandez household, because cops have feelings'- (what left field...)
Of course they're human.
So are the surviving loved ones in this awful mess and Lucas, and every other victim LE was not successfully empowered to intervene for- workplace is insufficient and invests X resources to save face instead of just get better.
Ask a question why, and naturally watch it taken to mean a personal affront & vicious attack on their own LE attachment rather than why they're left to perform to perfection when their organization simply needs transparency & a tune up.

Why would we ever bother joining this site it if an excuse were enough to avoid the question?
We'd 'know our place, shut up and pretend nothing was going on, leaving those working in the LE field burdened all the more... as humans we want more for those in our world and are willing to work selflessly to achieve a state of mutual betterment.
Clearly whatever is going on 'up there' in civil management isn't enough most of the time as this is hardly the only site many dedicate much time & energy into resolving crime & civil troubles. Maybe it's all based in efforts to assist & understand their struggles or alter the factors that allow their jobs to trudge on with unerring understanding that cruelty and chaos are ever among us (moreso under certain imposed circumstances).

This isn't about anyone's LE friends and family, public opinion, civil rights marching and protests some are clearly concerned about. Surely it's uncomfortable to see what we are expressly told to not see.
One could drive a entire parade of armored tanks into the 'plot holes' this leaves behind.

I'm observing a financially motivated, privately brokered, deeply broken system that fails to support those on both sides of the perps' crimes.
That EG as a criminal can game it against her victims, get away with it many multiple times and ways, and LE is left in the lurch 'helplessly unable to incarcerate the unstable element', but must allow it to wander on & obtain a deadly weapon to act out with is frankly, terrifying for all involved.
Mayhaps a little too much protection of freedoms, virtual license to kill is given to those who've clearly shown such alarming antisocial proclivities.

Yes, I'd prefer to look at the motivation to suppress and deny connecting evidence long before any trial has been orchestrated because it's not only telling, but downright damning when aligned with of EG's assorted illicit activities and connections.
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KS - KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #5 *Arrest* post #33

and post #37 DAnthrplgst Feb 24, 2018:

"....She doesn't strike me as a very complex or thoughtful person. She acts out of illogical anger, her actions are not very well thought out, she seems impulsive. I don't think she made a calculated plan to kill Lucas I think it was the result of some impulsive action or accidental. Whether impulsive or accidental she would have freaked out, as most anyone would with a dead child on their hands, she would want to get rid of Lucas as quickly as possible, get as much distance between her and Lucas as possible without drawing any attention. If my theory is correct, I think she probably left him somewhere within the city or just on the outskirts. I wouldn't be surprised if he's found in a ditch or culvert covered up with leaves and such..." BBM
Crediting the above posts and authors, a Profiler with no affiliation to Kansas LE and/or this case tells me EG herself the likely source of police tip (which unfortunately excluded the correct county).

Also pointed out how EG was arrested for CE only because she self incriminated herself (a charge she was later found not guilty of). EG didn't cooperate with police because in her mind, she'd already given them the body location clue which in her mind they couldn't figure out -- feeding her delusion that EG smarter than LE! EG would have felt very empowered everyday LE did not find Lucas body, and probably what helped her get through time in jail.

No longer isolated in jail, IMO, making more sense to me why EG led private investigator DM to Lucas body almost immediately.
I would like to think we here in WS do not engage in harassment. I can see it happening on Facebook or less moderated sites, though.

“I’ve got to move out of the house I shared with Emily.” Perhaps people would be more sympathetic had he said he has to move out of the house he shared with LUCAS.
BBM: Yes, this.
Dear pet detective

Thanks for picking up my slack. You are an incredibly smart person and it’s honorable to have so many intelligent astute members to interact with especially in this case. I don’t say thank you near often enough.

I’m pretty sure I’m blushing after reading this. Thank you for saying such kind words about me! I feel the same way about you and so many others here ❤️
Crediting the above posts and authors, a Profiler with no affiliation to Kansas LE and/or this case tells me EG herself the likely source of police tip (which unfortunately excluded the correct county).

Also pointed out how EG was arrested for CE only because she self incriminated herself (a charge she was later found not guilty of). EG didn't cooperate with police because in her mind, she'd already given them the body location clue which in her mind they couldn't figure out -- feeding her delusion that EG smarter than LE! EG would have felt very empowered everyday LE did not find Lucas body, and probably what helped her get through time in jail.

No longer isolated in jail, IMO, making more sense to me why EG led private investigator DM to Lucas body almost immediately.

Oh, that's very interesting, the idea of her being the source of the tip. I'm still very confused about her motivation though. I just don't get her motivation to out herself instead of hide what she did. Why call to disclose the location of the body? Why incriminate herself with the using drugs and driving with her child? Why give up the body to DM after being released? She wanted to get caught? I don't get how her mind worked at all!
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