Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #6 *Arrest*

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Have you guys made a determination on the knuckle injuries, as to how/when they occurred, etc? (Or are those shadows?) Sorry really trying to keep up here.


I would say shadows, just like her rainbow arm, or is rainbow arm a sign of a meth user?

"I keep thinking and I keep thinking what could have happened, you know. And I keep thinking back to these two people that were outside of my house a few days prior. A black man and white woman," Glass said.

Investigator Devon Fasbinder asked if Glass knew these people.

"No," she answered. "They were standing outside and talking and smoking a cigarette and it was actually pretty early morning so I went out there to be like hey is everything okay? Do you need to come inside? Are you stranded? They were just like, no and just like looked at me like I offended them or something."

She continued, "And I said okay, I'm sorry. It's cold outside and I didn't know if you needed to come in. I was just being nice. They stuck around for maybe another 15 or 20 minutes. I actually did snap a picture of them walking away because I wanted to send it to their dad to say hey what's going on? Because I'm at home alone."

Glass said she did end up sending the picture to Jonathan, Lucas' father.

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Could these people be somehow involved in her drug buying and she's trying to set up an alibi in case anyone reports/reported seeing her outside talking to them that day?
Maybe she is thinking SHE was the one outside with a man Smoking for the neighbors to see.
Some Truth In her Lies.
Could these people be somehow involved in her drug buying and she's trying to set up an alibi in case anyone reports/reported seeing her outside talking to them that day?


Agreed !

This EG is something else !Even if she was buying drugs/meth from them... it doesn't mean they kidnapped Lucas. She is a liar; imo.

Lucas himself stated who was abusing him--- and LE have stated this was NOT an abduction.
Makes me think they know a lot more than we do.
Right who does that? Then in the same breath she sends a photo to JH because she is suddenly concerned about being alone with two small children.

Who does that? Manipulators.

She is posing herself as cool and helpful to strangers, but also vigilant and worried at the same time. She is everything good!!

The problem with that is - perhaps unlike her usual audience - we're clear-headed and see immediately the story makes no sense.

Cops are clear headed too.

Show the picture, then I'll believe there was at least a couple hanging out in front of her house. Until then, I say b.s. to this story.

Waiting to hear they were barefoot.....

Nothing you did is wrong.
I'm just pointing out she didn't specify.
2 men
2 women or
A man and a woman.
I find that odd, therefore much less believable!


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Yeah, 2 people. Smoking man and herself.

Show the picture, then I'll believe there was at least a couple hanging out in front of her house. Until then, I say b.s. to this story.


If the picture is real, I’m sure media would have it by now. They would be releasing it everywhere so these people could be questioned.

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Watching the KWCH live feed with more details on the interview as well as footage from the search today at Cottonwood Park.

Again, why are people bringing their CHILDREN to look for clues/evidence to criminal activity and possibly.....Lucas.
The woman being interviewed had a toddler on her hip whilst giving the interview. While I love that these people are concerned community members who care enough to take time out of their day to search, searching with your children forget it.

Agreed !

This EG is something else !Even if she was buying drugs/meth from them... it doesn't mean they kidnapped Lucas. She is a liar; imo.

Lucas himself stated who was abusing him--- and LE have stated this was NOT an abduction.
Makes me think they know a lot more than we do.

Makes me think that EG hasn't heard the news that LE doesn't think this was an abduction.
I'm not caught up but "my son?" yet she insists being called live-in girlfriend, not stepmom? UGgghh.

I think the only place I have seen the live in girlfriend comment is from Nancy Grace— which probably shouldn’t be considered MSM. She is great at bringing these cases to the public eye but she throws in the craziest “facts”.

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This: ""I keep thinking and I keep thinking what could have happened, you know. And I keep thinking back to these two people that were outside of my house a few days prior. A black man and white woman," Glass said." strangely reminds me of this: " he was attacked by three male intruders, one black and two white. A fourth intruder, described as a white female with long blonde hair and wearing high heeled boots and a white floppy hat partially covering her face,".'s_account
I don't think Lucas is alive.
I have a negative vibe about this case--- Lucas just looked scary thin and abused and so sad in the photos... :(

Sure , it'd be nice to think someone is hiding him and protecting him -- but I've never heard of that actually happening, ever.

Jaycee Dugard was 'hidden' and abused, so were the Ohio girls.
But hidden and kept safe ???
When has that happened... except in a rare custody case where one parent (non-custodial or shared custody) kidnapped and tried to keep the child(ren) hidden ??
Makes me think that EG hasn't heard the news that LE doesn't think this was an abduction.


Well... maybe she isn't clear headed very often... if you get my drift.
But in that case--- she shouldn't have been watching any children at all.
Right who does that? Then in the same breath she sends a photo to JH because she is suddenly concerned about being alone with two small children.

To be honest if I see two people out in the street smoking a cigarette I don't really worry that they might be stranded and go and invite them inside?

What would make you think they were stranded? If they were standing by the side of a car that had its hood up, that would make me wonder if they were stranded.

She's okay to invite them in (because she's worried they might be stranded, and she's just being nice). But at the same time she's so scared of these people that she snaps a pic of them to send to her boyfriend.

I wish the write-ups of the interview would include the exact questions asked. It's hard to know why she's saying certain things if you can't rule out a leading q. For instance the pull up's excessively explanatory, unless the question was "how come he was wearing a pull up in the afternoon?"
I'd like to see the picture she took or at least proof that she really did send a photo to him. I'll believe it when I see it.

Otherwise....isn't she nice to call out to strangers acting strange in front her house where she just moved and where she is alone with two young children. She even had the heart to invite them into her home. Wow, what a sweetheart.

Yeah I wouldn't even be going outside if I was alone with 2 little kids. Not prudent.
If I were concerned I'd call police non-emergency number.
So I am not a techie type person at all. But I pulled the picture up in Microsoft Office (it's all I really have) and I just put brightness on -47 and midtone to -88. Then I put the picture on 250% size and the box is pretty clear to me. How odd. Not sure if you'll be able to see it here or not....the pixelization (I can't spell) is also different on the bottom of his nose compared to the rest. Maybe someone more tech-savy can take a look. I normally wouldn't be bothered by something like this because of lighting and whatnot in photos. But the fact that it's a perfectly straight line is weird.


In this picture, you can really see that his nose is crooked. I understand that some people are born with a crooked nose, but I hadn't seen it in any other pictures until this one.
It looks like half of his eyebrow is missing above his right (our left) eye... what in the world.

God. This picture makes me SICK.
ohhhh I keep beating my head against the table every time I read something else MSM posted :gaah:...

So correct me if I'm wrong but EG had "supervised" visits ONLY with her 2 older sons CORRECT ?!.... here's why I ask... in the neighbors recalculation of "first time seeing Lucas and ONLY time seeing Lucas" was when EG seen toys in their front yard and wanted the kids to meet each other (which jmo seems odd to me they haven't even been there in the home but 4 days the neighbor kids weren't even outside they were inside when EG went over to introduce them ?! i have no kids... but i have niece's who now live 2 hrs away but use to stay with me a good bit an so i have multiple kids toys in my back yd BUT i have never had a neighbor just randomly come to my door to ask to meet "my kids" again thats jmo) but the it was stated that it was EG 2 older boys one 7, one 6 and then Lucas 5 whom EG introduced and "she mentioned she also had a 1 yr old daughter" sooo... where was the 1 yr old during this interaction with the neighbor ?! ( im not a mom BUT i know i would NEVER leave my 1 yr old unattended in my home exspecially not somewhere i just moved in 4 days prior !) also WHY DID EG HAVE HER 2 OLDER BOYS ALONE ?! IF SHE ONLY HAS SUPERVISION VISITS ? shouldnt there have been someone there while the visit was being done ?! it was also noted the the kids played for about an hr between the two houses... and that the wife stayed outside with the boys the whole time they played... so where was EG for that hr that the boys played outside ?! did she never check on them ? she just left her kids alone to play at someones house EG HAD JUST MET ?! ODD... another thing i noted was it was stated that Lucas did not play with the other boys that he stayed off to the side by himself... so was he made to stay outside ? even tho he didnt want to play ? it was also noted that the other 2 older boys where VERY ACTIVE... and they were playing swords with "rake handles"..... (again jmo could the older boys been mean to Lucas... i know sometimes when kids are younger or not blood related that kids can be tough on other kids is this even a possibility ? ugh i hate even thinking bout it or mentioning it but i haven't seen it been mentioned or brought to light :tantrum: we all never wanna admit that kids get bullied by other kids everyday ) also is it known as to how often EG had her other two boys ?! being that the 11th was on a Sunday and the 17th was a Saturday was it possible that she did have her sons on that very day ? or was to pick them up or drop them off ? again I'm of course like the rest of us just speculating and trying to find LUCAS !! And answers and all of this is jmo or stated facts as mentioned.

One last thing I don't know if it is me or if everyone else feels the same way but the whole recalculation of seeing Lucas on Feb.11th just seems so odd to me... and leaves me with many questions after reading the reported and seeing the footage... ugh the WHOLE story leaves baffled... anyone else feel the same way ?
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