KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Rita, do you guys have a website set up for your mom yet? You could put a link to the flier there so we can print them. I will plaster Leavenworth with fliers for you! (has this area been done???) Also out over the bridge into MO/Weston area????
Rita, do you guys have a website set up for your mom yet? You could put a link to the flier there so we can print them. I will plaster Leavenworth with fliers for you! (has this area been done???) Also out over the bridge into MO/Weston area????

A student at the high school set up a website for her, its: www.patriciakimmi.ezweb123.com

I will check on the flier - a friend of mine made them so I'll have to get w/ her about that - thanks for the idea. I think Weston area is taken care of but I don't know if Leavenworth is. I'll get to work on this.
No news. Every day is just another day of hell, waiting and waiting and nothing happening. Tomorrow we are doing a news conference w/ several stations in hopes of getting someone to come forward with information. We are consulting with some outside individuals, just to get a 2nd opinion on what the motive is that we're dealing with. I'm going to set the scene here for you guys to see what you think. I'm willing to listen to ANY thoughts that you have.

Nothing taken from her house, a struggle takes place on the porch. One of the dogs alerted at the end of the sidewalk where we assume she was put into a vehicle. (Do I have it right so far, evil person, if you're reading this????) They get down the driveway and head west where about 1/2 mile down the road, she manages to get away from them and evidence is left at the scene. Dogs lost the scent about another mile and a half down the road continuing west. Question: if someone wanted her "out of the way" why did they not just do something to her at the front door and leave her there? When she fought back and got away from them down the road, why didn't they just cut their losses and let her go, or take her life then and leave her there? Why were they so intent on TAKING her with them? She was so cautious, she would NOT have opened the door to a stranger, unless they tricked her somehow but I can't imagine how they did it. She would have seen and heard a vehicle driving up her driveway, even w/ it's lights off, and if it did have the lights off, she would have been on her phone calling us. So did she know this person, open the door to them, and then things went really wrong? It is impossible to imagine who she knows who would do something like this. We circle and circle back around to the same answers every time. It just makes no sense.

My daughter said, "Mom, I want you to take this picture and put it at Ninny's house so she can see it when she comes home." Then she said quietly, "Well...if she comes home." HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THIS EVIL, EVIL, EVIL THING????????????????? We love her and need her so much.

We don't know who they are...yet. But they better get ready for their day of reckoning.
I appreciate your sharing your thoughts with us.
Day of reckoning indeed!
Maybe this should be your signature.

A website online would be good.
A facebook page would be good.
A myspace page.
A link to the posters, so people can download
and print them off.
Adding the missing status to
online forums devoted to missing people
and their families.

I think some of these have been suggested before.
I am not saying you should do them, but maybe there are extended
family or friends who would love to help, and have a little experience
on the computer who could help.
I guess my only suggestion ---and I would hope that she is found before then--- would be to ask everyone in the area to take long walks after their Thanksgiving dinners and to look in every barn, shed, pasture and along their road for any clues they might find. Tire tracks in an unexpected place, a jacket on a roadside, a pasture gate open that shouldn't be.....anything at all unusual for their area.

eyes, I am so glad that you are doing a press conference today! Keep this in the media! Also, have you attempted to contact any of the search groups yet??? Project Jason or TES (linked here). If not, it is my opinion that it would help you tremendously...! If one of my family members ever went missing they would be the second phone call I made after the police!
No news. Every day is just another day of hell, waiting and waiting and nothing happening. Tomorrow we are doing a news conference w/ several stations in hopes of getting someone to come forward with information. We are consulting with some outside individuals, just to get a 2nd opinion on what the motive is that we're dealing with. I'm going to set the scene here for you guys to see what you think. I'm willing to listen to ANY thoughts that you have.

Nothing taken from her house, a struggle takes place on the porch. One of the dogs alerted at the end of the sidewalk where we assume she was put into a vehicle. (Do I have it right so far, evil person, if you're reading this????) They get down the driveway and head west where about 1/2 mile down the road, she manages to get away from them and evidence is left at the scene. Dogs lost the scent about another mile and a half down the road continuing west. Question: if someone wanted her "out of the way" why did they not just do something to her at the front door and leave her there? When she fought back and got away from them down the road, why didn't they just cut their losses and let her go, or take her life then and leave her there? Why were they so intent on TAKING her with them? She was so cautious, she would NOT have opened the door to a stranger, unless they tricked her somehow but I can't imagine how they did it. She would have seen and heard a vehicle driving up her driveway, even w/ it's lights off, and if it did have the lights off, she would have been on her phone calling us. So did she know this person, open the door to them, and then things went really wrong? It is impossible to imagine who she knows who would do something like this. We circle and circle back around to the same answers every time. It just makes no sense.

My daughter said, "Mom, I want you to take this picture and put it at Ninny's house so she can see it when she comes home." Then she said quietly, "Well...if she comes home." HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THIS EVIL, EVIL, EVIL THING????????????????? We love her and need her so much.

We don't know who they are...yet. But they better get ready for their day of reckoning.

A few thoughts...
I think I read that Pat had a dog...would she have opened the door to let the dog in or out....
could the bad person have been out there hiding in the dark when she opened the door...(for the dog)
do you think the bad person followed Pat home or knew she would be there between 5:30 & 7:30...
No news. Every day is just another day of hell, waiting and waiting and nothing happening. Tomorrow we are doing a news conference w/ several stations in hopes of getting someone to come forward with information. We are consulting with some outside individuals, just to get a 2nd opinion on what the motive is that we're dealing with. I'm going to set the scene here for you guys to see what you think. I'm willing to listen to ANY thoughts that you have.

Nothing taken from her house, a struggle takes place on the porch. One of the dogs alerted at the end of the sidewalk where we assume she was put into a vehicle. (Do I have it right so far, evil person, if you're reading this????) They get down the driveway and head west where about 1/2 mile down the road, she manages to get away from them and evidence is left at the scene. Dogs lost the scent about another mile and a half down the road continuing west. Question: if someone wanted her "out of the way" why did they not just do something to her at the front door and leave her there? When she fought back and got away from them down the road, why didn't they just cut their losses and let her go, or take her life then and leave her there? Why were they so intent on TAKING her with them? She was so cautious, she would NOT have opened the door to a stranger, unless they tricked her somehow but I can't imagine how they did it. She would have seen and heard a vehicle driving up her driveway, even w/ it's lights off, and if it did have the lights off, she would have been on her phone calling us. So did she know this person, open the door to them, and then things went really wrong? It is impossible to imagine who she knows who would do something like this. We circle and circle back around to the same answers every time. It just makes no sense.

My daughter said, "Mom, I want you to take this picture and put it at Ninny's house so she can see it when she comes home." Then she said quietly, "Well...if she comes home." HOW COULD SOMEONE DO THIS EVIL, EVIL, EVIL THING????????????????? We love her and need her so much.

We don't know who they are...yet. But they better get ready for their day of reckoning.

I just want to say that my prayers are with you and your family during this time... she looks like such a sweet woman, i can't imagine why anyone would want to harm her. Hopefully Websleuths can help catch the perp that has her and bring justice!

The information you have given us is telling. From that i'm going to go over the info, please correct me on anything if i am mistaken.

That the perp took nothing from the house, looks like it was personally motivated. Robbery wasn't the motive. If they wanted to rob the house they also could have waited until no one was home. It's a personal attack against your mother by the perp.

Your mother is a fighter, and defended herself from the attacker in the home and also 1/2 mile down the road she was able to escape the vehicle and more evidence is found.

The perp would be familiar with the area, knowing where to find your mother. She was a half mile away from the nearest neighbor in a rural area where an attack could potentially go unheard.

Her move was after a long difficult divorce with an ex-husband who is very bitter?

Has the ex-husband and all his friends,family, associates been looked into?
Not to mention the friends of his new wife and all her family and associates. If he is bitter about your mother he may be obsessively bitter to the point where it has spilled over onto his new wife and she is bitter about your mother as well. (If i didn't explain this right, let me know and i'll try to better)

He owns a lumber mill, and most of the family quit after he left your mom for a younger woman, which made him bitter. He was also mad that your mother got what she was entitled during the divorce?

A dually pickup truck was seen near the residence, does anyone know if LE checked for tire tracks (all 4 of them) to see where it was parked and if they got impressions of the tire tracks? This is extremely important as if they were to find the vehicle, it may have a couple of new different brand tires on it (say one had a blow out and was replaced) that would help differentiate it from other duallys.

LE should check the DMV for records of duallys, and also any that may be registered to any rental companies near the county or also businesses.

The exhusband is bitter so that would give him a motive, his anger would be his reasoning. Possibly the new wife, as well.
They need to be looked into. Also any property or relatives' property that the ex-husband has access to.

Until LE clears him of any wrongdoing and has very good reasons for clearing him, not alibi's, i would look into him. He may have hired someone to "kidnap" your mother for him, if not done it himself.

Would your mother have opened the door to him or anyone of his family or friends that she knows?

Does he have any sons from previous marriages that may blame your mother for what happened with the divorce and the mill? If most the immediate family quit after he married the younger woman ( i don't blame them for quitting, i wouldn've too) he may blame your mother for any financial problems he is having as well.

Has LE did a DNA test on the baseball cap? Maybe get the DNA of the owner out or off of it. They could run it through the system to see if it matches up to anyone, not to mention once there are suspects the DNA from the hat can be compared and matched.

Was their fingerprints on the money clip?
It is possible whoever did this doesn't have a criminal record, however prints are another good way of securing a solid case against a suspect.


Marc Klaas and KlaasKids desperately needs help NOW from each and every Websleuther to support Trucker TV through America. This could be the single most important thing any of us can ever do for missing children.

Please take 3 minutes to read the above link, click the REPLY button, express your support or voice your concerns, click SEND.

Then forward the above link to your email contacts, everyone, everywhere, so they can do the same.

A few thoughts...
I think I read that Pat had a dog...would she have opened the door to let the dog in or out....
could the bad person have been out there hiding in the dark when she opened the door...(for the dog)
do you think the bad person followed Pat home or knew she would be there between 5:30 & 7:30...

AMW is interested in doing a segment - we're working on it. Yes there is a house dog that she may have let out - I supposed it could have happened that way. We're looking at the angle that there's only one person given that she was able to get away from them down the road. So they would have had to have driven up the driveway to the house, she would have seen them coming and gone into the house to get her phone. I know her - this is what she would have done. There appears to be no attempt from the inside of the house for her to have grabbed her phone. I also think she would have taken the phone w/ her when she took the dog out, BUT the dog was inside the house when I pulled up Sat. morning. I also think from the way her house looked that this all started from the doorway and went outside, so I don't think she was outside when the individual pulled up. This all just leads us back to her knowing the person who did this. Is that a correct assumption? I wish I knew.
I just want to say that my prayers are with you and your family during this time... she looks like such a sweet woman, i can't imagine why anyone would want to harm her. Hopefully Websleuths can help catch the perp that has her and bring justice!

The information you have given us is telling. From that i'm going to go over the info, please correct me on anything if i am mistaken.

That the perp took nothing from the house, looks like it was personally motivated. Robbery wasn't the motive. If they wanted to rob the house they also could have waited until no one was home. It's a personal attack against your mother by the perp.

Your mother is a fighter, and defended herself from the attacker in the home and also 1/2 mile down the road she was able to escape the vehicle and more evidence is found.

The perp would be familiar with the area, knowing where to find your mother. She was a half mile away from the nearest neighbor in a rural area where an attack could potentially go unheard.

Her move was after a long difficult divorce with an ex-husband who is very bitter?

Has the ex-husband and all his friends,family, associates been looked into?
Not to mention the friends of his new wife and all her family and associates. If he is bitter about your mother he may be obsessively bitter to the point where it has spilled over onto his new wife and she is bitter about your mother as well. (If i didn't explain this right, let me know and i'll try to better)

He owns a lumber mill, and most of the family quit after he left your mom for a younger woman, which made him bitter. He was also mad that your mother got what she was entitled during the divorce?

A dually pickup truck was seen near the residence, does anyone know if LE checked for tire tracks (all 4 of them) to see where it was parked and if they got impressions of the tire tracks? This is extremely important as if they were to find the vehicle, it may have a couple of new different brand tires on it (say one had a blow out and was replaced) that would help differentiate it from other duallys.

LE should check the DMV for records of duallys, and also any that may be registered to any rental companies near the county or also businesses.

The exhusband is bitter so that would give him a motive, his anger would be his reasoning. Possibly the new wife, as well.
They need to be looked into. Also any property or relatives' property that the ex-husband has access to.

Until LE clears him of any wrongdoing and has very good reasons for clearing him, not alibi's, i would look into him. He may have hired someone to "kidnap" your mother for him, if not done it himself.

Would your mother have opened the door to him or anyone of his family or friends that she knows?

Does he have any sons from previous marriages that may blame your mother for what happened with the divorce and the mill? If most the immediate family quit after he married the younger woman ( i don't blame them for quitting, i wouldn've too) he may blame your mother for any financial problems he is having as well.

Has LE did a DNA test on the baseball cap? Maybe get the DNA of the owner out or off of it. They could run it through the system to see if it matches up to anyone, not to mention once there are suspects the DNA from the hat can be compared and matched.

Was their fingerprints on the money clip?
It is possible whoever did this doesn't have a criminal record, however prints are another good way of securing a solid case against a suspect.

Thank you for your prayers. We agree personally motivated. Is it our father or his girlfriend? Everyone is still a suspect - no one has been ruled out, per LE. Our father agreed for his house and truck to be search, gave DNA but got a lawyer and refused a polygraph.

Have to go - I'll follow up later.
Thank you for your prayers. We agree personally motivated. Is it our father or his girlfriend? Everyone is still a suspect - no one has been ruled out, per LE. Our father agreed for his house and truck to be search, gave DNA but got a lawyer and refused a polygraph.

Have to go - I'll follow up later.
Well, at least your father gave DNA.
I would guess LE would know if he had a red truck with dually wheels
or know if he had access to one.
Was there anything between them, like a court date, or
pending financial arrangments?

I do not know your relationship with your dad and certainly do not
want to point a finger at him.
Let's hope your mom is found very soon.
He "refused" a poly and lawyered up??? That sounds hinky but than again he did giver permission for the searches...

Does your mom smoke? (just wondered if that would be another reason she was out on the porch)

Also, she went out for lunch/shopping with friends that day, correct? Just on a chance that she was somehow targeted/followed home, have the friends been interviewed and tapes pulled at the locations she was at? Stores often have cameras...

I agree with you that this seems personally motivated and I also agree with you that she struggled into that vehicle and while in the vehicle. Whomever did this to her will have the marks to prove it....

Have LE received any tips in the case???

Did your mother have a boyfriend? Have the people that she worked with been checked out as well??? (ie, any hinky people that could have possibly been stalking her?)
Thank you for your prayers. We agree personally motivated. Is it our father or his girlfriend? Everyone is still a suspect - no one has been ruled out, per LE. Our father agreed for his house and truck to be search, gave DNA but got a lawyer and refused a polygraph.

Have to go - I'll follow up later.

Good Lord, he got a lawyer and refused to polygraph?!...
At first i was unsure if it was your father or step-father, i apologize if i added confusion in my post.
I don't want to ask anything to personal, if you don't want to answer it's perfectly okay.
Do you think your father capable of doing something like this to your mother or hiring/enlisting someone's to "help" him get revenge on your mother?

If i am out of line with my question, i apologize, sometimes i'm not sure where the lines are.

My prayers for you and your family, this is a very hard time..
am doing this on behalf of the owner of this board, Tricia Griffiths ... she is making a plea for all WSrs to help immediately !!



Marc Klaas and KlaasKids desperately needs help NOW from each and every Websleuther to support Trucker TV through America.

Please take 3 minutes to read the above link, click the REPLY button, express your support or voice your concerns, click SEND.

Then forward the above link to your email contacts, everyone, everywhere, so they can do the same.


This may be the most important action you can ever take on behalf of missing children. THANK YOU TO ALL WSrs WHO MAY HAVE ALREADY RESPONDED TO THIS CALL !!
Good Lord, he got a lawyer and refused to polygraph?!...

First, I know nothing about the divorce or the status of the ex-husband as a suspect in this case, so take this with a grain of salt. This is just a generic comment about ex-husbands/wives in any case.

I don't find it surprising for a man to hire a lawyer and refuse a polygraph when accused of a very serious crime against an ex-wife, especially if the divorce was not friendly and there's been little contact between the two since. That is to say, many times suspicions automatically act against the ex-husband just because he's an ex-husband. Of course that's reasonable, but if I try to put myself in an ex-husband's shoes, I'm not sure it's immediately a sign of guilt for him to be concerned about defending himself.

Regardless of what has or hasn't happened, my hopes are with Patricia Kimmi's children, friends, and family for her safe recovery. The pain for them must be excruciating.
First, I know nothing about the divorce or the status of the ex-husband as a suspect in this case, so take this with a grain of salt. This is just a generic comment about ex-husbands/wives in any case.

I don't find it surprising for a man to hire a lawyer and refuse a polygraph when accused of a very serious crime against an ex-wife, especially if the divorce was not friendly and there's been little contact between the two since. That is to say, many times suspicions automatically act against the ex-husband just because he's an ex-husband. Of course that's reasonable, but if I try to put myself in an ex-husband's shoes, I'm not sure it's immediately a sign of guilt for him to be concerned about defending himself.

Regardless of what has or hasn't happened, my hopes are with Patricia Kimmi's children, friends, and family for her safe recovery. The pain for them must be excruciating.

There were comments on the first 3,4 pages of this thread by a friend that said that the divorce was long and difficult.

I sit on the fence about hiring a lawyer and refusing a polygraph.

Polygraphs aren't always accurate.
Yet if one truly is innocent, then they have nothing to hide.

As like you, my hopes are with Patricia's family and friends, for her safe recovery as well. It is a very painful time for them, they don't make words to describe it, if they do i don't know what words to use :(
Keep them in your prayers.
Hello everyone. I am Pat's son. First, thank you to all for the thoughts and prayers. They are definitely needed at this time.

I have added a place on my website to download the flyer that we are putting up. If anyone wants to put some out in their area, go to www.kimmis-cww.com and scroll down to the "click here for Mom's flyer" link.
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