KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

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Rita, I have nothing to add to this conversation except to tell you that I'm praying for you and your family. I am sure that you were a blessing to the news guy and I commend you and your family for your kindness to him.

God bless you!
Rita, You have been blessed by your Mother's love and I know that yesterday was hard for you all, but by sticking together, you will be better because of it. And this is something your Mom would want for you all. So lean on each other, when one is down, someone else can pull you up, lean on their strength and then do the same for them.

Even before your Mom disappeared, I had my eye on a ceramic nativity scene (those were her favorite), today I went down and bought it. It has a place for a tea light. I don't want to keep a tea light in it, I want it to burn until she comes home. So I bought one of those battery tea lights and lit it tonite in her honor. I bought a whole pack of lites and they will burn in the nativity by my chair in the living room until she comes home. I also have white ribbons on my computer and an ornament that your Mom got me years ago, that has hung on my refrigerator since I got it five years ago and my mail box.

If you decide to put the tree up with the white ribbons, let me know, I'll send you my white ribbon for the tree. I think it would a very special tree and very newsworthy, so give that a second thought.

If you need anything, holler. Anything at all.

Hope that the pressure put on people and the searches get you the answers you need.

Love & Hugs
Pam from TX
Rita, You have been blessed by your Mother's love and I know that yesterday was hard for you all, but by sticking together, you will be better because of it. And this is something your Mom would want for you all. So lean on each other, when one is down, someone else can pull you up, lean on their strength and then do the same for them.

Even before your Mom disappeared, I had my eye on a ceramic nativity scene (those were her favorite), today I went down and bought it. It has a place for a tea light. I don't want to keep a tea light in it, I want it to burn until she comes home. So I bought one of those battery tea lights and lit it tonite in her honor. I bought a whole pack of lites and they will burn in the nativity by my chair in the living room until she comes home. I also have white ribbons on my computer and an ornament that your Mom got me years ago, that has hung on my refrigerator since I got it five years ago and my mail box.

If you decide to put the tree up with the white ribbons, let me know, I'll send you my white ribbon for the tree. I think it would a very special tree and very newsworthy, so give that a second thought.

If you need anything, holler. Anything at all.

Hope that the pressure put on people and the searches get you the answers you need.

Love & Hugs
Pam from TX

Thank you so much Pam, if you want to send your white ribbon, we'll put it on our own tree if we don't get the tree downtown put up. We would still like to do the Hope tree, but it might be closer to Christmas - and maybe by then she'll be home...hoping, hoping, hoping.
Rita, I have nothing to add to this conversation except to tell you that I'm praying for you and your family. I am sure that you were a blessing to the news guy and I commend you and your family for your kindness to him.

God bless you!

Thank you so much for your prayers.
Well, believe me, my "dad" would have been the drunker of the two drunks having a conversation. Our thinking is that he gave out too much information - where she lived, that she was alone, that she "took everything he had", she's a rotten ***** and he'd like to see her dead, etc. I don't THINK "dad" thought someone would take that information and actually act on it, if that is what happened, I don't believe they did it on his behalf, BUT I am not ruling anything out or letting anyone off the hook yet.

As far as Taylor, the way "dad" and his friends behaved at the time of her death was more of a pity party for him. One of them said some pretty pointless things to one of my brothers when we were all together that next night and it was just about more than I could take. No, they did not have any clue the loss, complete devastation, that we all felt, most especially my brother and sister-in-law. That was in the middle of the divorce and that was "dad's" focus.

My "dad" has done such rotten things to my brothers as retaliation for all of us standing by our Mom in the divorce...I won't even go into all that. But I will never cut him any slack for his behavior. He brought it all about himself. Every. single. thing.

I agree that nothing should be ruled out. If your father was drunkenly talking to someone in bar, or elsewhere, i would think that if the person he was telling this to is the perp, there would have to be something that motivated him to kidnap and lord knows what and where take your mother.
To do harm to another is such a horrible thing, even if your dad told them drunken stories about your mom, most people wouldn't harm another or risk being arrested doing something.
There would have to be another factor involved, that the perp would have to be getting something out of this. It may not be something material, like money, it could be something else, like approval from your father.(approval being either real or if the perp is delusional, they may think your father would approve, when in reality he may not).
Do you know if your father or his new wife/girlfriend have any friends that may seem a bit "off" or mentally imbalanced?
The only other way i could see someone kidnapping, harming another human is if they were getting some type of personal gain, maybe promises of money, etc, if they were "hired" or paid to do it.

At the time when Taylor passed, the pity party behavior by and for your father is very pathetic in a sad way. I have seen others behave as such before. (My father in law was dying of cancer and his brother was over complaining about all his own health problems diabetes, etc, nevermind my FIL was literally dying of cancer. That type of "pity party" is very sad, as it seems the ones wanting pity are looking for attention from other family and friends yet the timing of wanting pity is horrible.
So i've never quite understood why people do that, however i am sure that depression is the basis of that as well as alcoholism. I can guess that maybe they don't know how to make proper conversation if they are "black sheeps" of a family, maybe they use the oppurtunity of the family gathering for a death to try and get sympathy from family who wouldn't otherwise seem them and show it? It's anyone guess, it's hard to understand the behavior and it may vary depending on the individual. The common ground seems to be that the individuals are depressed.
Depression is the basis of anger, hurt, sometimes people's emotions don't always come out in the exact emotion they are feeling.

Your father's friends seem to be pretty loyal to him..
Do you know if his new wife/girlfriend has any children? If so, are they around your father and friendly with him?

If you don't mind be asking what times of things has he done to your brothers out of retaliation?

Did your mother let her dog outside to roam when it had to go out or did she put it in a fenced area, or on a lead or something?

This just occured to me -Maybe she put the dog out when she got home -- then she sat down to the computer when someone knocked at the door.

When she looks out she sees a person with HER DOG IN THEIR ARMS!!
She doesn't take the time to think of herself -- only what happened to my dog!? did the dog get hit by a car? attacked by another animal and this person saw it??? She flings open the door and the person tries to grab her dropping the dog -- she manages to fight and then..................??????

It seems wierd how we keep guessing -- i sure hope she can tell us what really happened when she comes home.
I know that Patricia lives near a small town.
I was just wondering if the direction the red dually pickup went was toward town and if there are any security cameras in town? Perhaps, a bank or service station or
a doctor's office?

Although I have to say, I live at the south end of a small town,
and there are no security cameras near me.
Just miles of forest and the freeway is about 2 miles away.
I agree that nothing should be ruled out. If your father was drunkenly talking to someone in bar, or elsewhere, i would think that if the person he was telling this to is the perp, there would have to be something that motivated him to kidnap and lord knows what and where take your mother.
To do harm to another is such a horrible thing, even if your dad told them drunken stories about your mom, most people wouldn't harm another or risk being arrested doing something.
There would have to be another factor involved, that the perp would have to be getting something out of this. It may not be something material, like money, it could be something else, like approval from your father.(approval being either real or if the perp is delusional, they may think your father would approve, when in reality he may not).
Do you know if your father or his new wife/girlfriend have any friends that may seem a bit "off" or mentally imbalanced?
The only other way i could see someone kidnapping, harming another human is if they were getting some type of personal gain, maybe promises of money, etc, if they were "hired" or paid to do it.

At the time when Taylor passed, the pity party behavior by and for your father is very pathetic in a sad way. I have seen others behave as such before. (My father in law was dying of cancer and his brother was over complaining about all his own health problems diabetes, etc, nevermind my FIL was literally dying of cancer. That type of "pity party" is very sad, as it seems the ones wanting pity are looking for attention from other family and friends yet the timing of wanting pity is horrible.
So i've never quite understood why people do that, however i am sure that depression is the basis of that as well as alcoholism. I can guess that maybe they don't know how to make proper conversation if they are "black sheeps" of a family, maybe they use the oppurtunity of the family gathering for a death to try and get sympathy from family who wouldn't otherwise seem them and show it? It's anyone guess, it's hard to understand the behavior and it may vary depending on the individual. The common ground seems to be that the individuals are depressed.
Depression is the basis of anger, hurt, sometimes people's emotions don't always come out in the exact emotion they are feeling.

Your father's friends seem to be pretty loyal to him..
Do you know if his new wife/girlfriend has any children? If so, are they around your father and friendly with him?

If you don't mind be asking what times of things has he done to your brothers out of retaliation?

I don't know who any of her friends are, but even knowing who some of HIS friends are, there aren't really any who come to mind who I would ever have thought capable of this. The girlfriend does have children and grandchildren and rumor is "dad" calls them his "new" family.

I'd rather not go into specifics of how he's treated my brothers - I feel like that's more their business to tell if they want. Bottom line is, of all the rotten things he'd done and how he treated my Mom, I never thought he'd cheat, but he did. And it wasn't as simple as he cheated and then was sorry, or he cheated and came clean w/ it, he lied and lied and lied and then lied some more. He made his entire family out to be the ones who were lying and some people believed him...it was very hurtful. He told everyone my Mom cheated first and she never cheated AT ALL. She never would have. He threw away his entire family for this woman and expected everyone to be ok w/ it. Mom put up w/ too much for too long and there is no way we would have acted any differently - we stood by her and supported her completely. He thinks she took everything and ruined it all for him, when the truth is, everything that happened as a ripple effect of his cheating is ENTIRELY his own pathetic fault.

I remember asking Mom after Taylor died if there was EVER a time that "dad" acted like he really wanted a family and her answer was about a time when I was a baby...I don't know when and if he ever really loved our family. And we truly are nice people :) We have 13 of the most beautiful kids you'd ever want to see. He doesn't even recognize some of them or remember all of their names. It just isn't important to him.

Something I remember that he did during the divorce - my Mom stayed at their house, which none of us liked or were comfortable with, but that was her home and she didn't want to give it up until she had to. "Dad" stayed in another building on their property. One morning he got out the backhoe and made a big trench across the entrance of the driveway so that she couldn't drive out, along w/ my Grandma (his elderly Mom) who lives up the same driveway.
Does she have any friends who your mother may not know by sight that have potential to do this?

I'm sure she does have friends who my Mom doesn't know...but I wouldn't know who they are either. I don't know the extent to which LE has looked into it.

Did your mother let her dog outside to roam when it had to go out or did she put it in a fenced area, or on a lead or something?

This just occured to me -Maybe she put the dog out when she got home -- then she sat down to the computer when someone knocked at the door.

When she looks out she sees a person with HER DOG IN THEIR ARMS!!
She doesn't take the time to think of herself -- only what happened to my dog!? did the dog get hit by a car? attacked by another animal and this person saw it??? She flings open the door and the person tries to grab her dropping the dog -- she manages to fight and then..................??????

It seems wierd how we keep guessing -- i sure hope she can tell us what really happened when she comes home.

That is possible - although the dog only went out on the small front porch and was gated in. I'm sure if she put her out though, that she would have just left the front door open while the dog was out...

BUT there is no way she wouldn't have heard a vehicle coming up her drive unless we go back to the 2-person theory and one person hid or walked up to get Mom outside and then the 2nd person drove up.
I know that Patricia lives near a small town.
I was just wondering if the direction the red dually pickup went was toward town and if there are any security cameras in town? Perhaps, a bank or service station or
a doctor's office?

Although I have to say, I live at the south end of a small town,
and there are no security cameras near me.
Just miles of forest and the freeway is about 2 miles away.

They went west which heads out into the country. So they could have taken back roads to get to wherever they're going or took back roads until they were comfortable getting onto a main highway.
It is hard to fathom what happened here.

When someone is abducted from their home,
it is either for ransom or
a for hire scheme.

If someone wanted her gone,
they could have done something to her right on the porch and
no one would know anything.
If someone wanted money, no one has contacted the family
for any kind of ransom demand.
If she was badly injured, I would think
the person who took her, would not keep
her around long.

I just googled adults kidnapped. There are not many.
Mostly very rich people, sometimes for political reasons.

So, back to this being a personal reason to abduct Patricia.
This is an off the wall question and maybe it has been asked and answered.
Did Patricia have an old flame from high school?
Someone she could have made contact with recently?
Was there a reunion of sorts held in the last few months?

What about Patricia's brother's in law?
(Just asking because of Jayme Austin, Coquille OR,
Her bil abducted her on 11/9/9, she was found dead

I am not trying to throw suspicion on anyone, just
throwing out ideas.

Did TES ever say if they would come and search?
This is the form to request their help.
I'm not very familiar with this site. How do we get to the chart?



You can find it here...

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