KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #1

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Have several questions or thoughts. It's obvious this was not a professional hit. Maybe someone younger who may not have any direction that may hang around with your dad. Feeling the need to impress, be respected or to belong would take it upon him self to do something like this. Not relizing that the actual act of killing someone was harder than he thought so in a panic he took her with him knowing she could id him.

2nd question. Was there any TV shows news programs or anything like that she watched daily or weekly on that day. If she was a regular news watcher and the TV was off that could mean it happened after 6 or when ever the news is over there. If there is a TV show durring prime time and the tv was left on maybe it happened after 7 pm.

and finally, about the money clip. If there were bills found in it, are there really a lot of people in the area who use a money clip? Doesn't seem like something a younger person would actually use. Would think someone using a money clip would stand out to a cashier. Unless they are in style now. I can see caring it around as a good look charm but to actually use it.

I wish there was something I could do to easy the pain of this wonderful family. This just isn't right. Will keep praying and brain storming. It's all I can do to feel useful so far away.

The tv wasn't on...no radio, nothing. Very quiet in the house. Don't know about money in the clip but it does seem like it's people in their 40's and above who use money clips the most...or someone using it because it belonged in their family.

We will take all the prayers, girl.
I'm sure it will be much harder to prosecute if there is no body.

I really do not think at this point that "dad" hired someone. I think he probably said too much to the wrong person. Which I hold him fully responsible for. I don't care how drunk he was when he said whatever he said to all the people he's said it to - his wish came true. I hope he's happy. Somebody terrified her and beat her and probably took her life...and devastated our lives for some sick reason and I hope he's happy.

Some people get 1000 chances and they never change.

If this was caused by your dad saying too much at a bar or wherever, wouldn't they have taken something? Has there been any activity on your Mom's bank account(s) since that night? IIRC, nothing was missing from her home???
I'm sure it will be much harder to prosecute if there is no body.

I really do not think at this point that "dad" hired someone. I think he probably said too much to the wrong person. Which I hold him fully responsible for. I don't care how drunk he was when he said whatever he said to all the people he's said it to - his wish came true. I hope he's happy. Somebody terrified her and beat her and probably took her life...and devastated our lives for some sick reason and I hope he's happy.

Some people get 1000 chances and they never change.

Rita, if by some chance the ex WAS involved in this--would he benefit financially in any way if something happened to your mom? In other words, is there a motive there, other than revenge, anger, hatred, or whatever? Would he be released from any financial obligations he might still owe to her? I know that you said she is still part owner of the lumber business--if something happened to her, does all of that ownership revert back solely to him or would it go to you kids?
If this was caused by your dad saying too much at a bar or wherever, wouldn't they have taken something? Has there been any activity on your Mom's bank account(s) since that night? IIRC, nothing was missing from her home???

No, no activity on her bank account, nothing missing. I guess I'm thinking more like a ransom but the plan went wrong and they didn't follow thru with it.
Rita, if by some chance the ex WAS involved in this--would he benefit financially in any way if something happened to your mom? In other words, is there a motive there, other than revenge, anger, hatred, or whatever? Would he be released from any financial obligations he might still owe to her? I know that you said she is still part owner of the lumber business--if something happened to her, does all of that ownership revert back solely to him or would it go to you kids?

She does not own any part of the lumber business. He would not be required to pay any more alimony but the portion awarded to her as settlement would still have to be paid. So, yes, some financial gain, but I am thinking at this point that he did NOT set this up. Maybe it's bad to have suspected him from the get-go but he's the ONLY likely suspect - we didn't have anything else to go on. She is not the kind of person who had any enemies.

Anything owned by Mom would be set out in her will which I know she has but I have not seen.
I'm sure it will be much harder to prosecute if there is no body.

I really do not think at this point that "dad" hired someone. I think he probably said too much to the wrong person. Which I hold him fully responsible for. I don't care how drunk he was when he said whatever he said to all the people he's said it to - his wish came true. I hope he's happy. Somebody terrified her and beat her and probably took her life...and devastated our lives for some sick reason and I hope he's happy.

Some people get 1000 chances and they never change.

I hate saying anything at all negative, (for fear of hurting you) but know at this point... you just want to find her no matter what.
I really think that they need to put divers in any deep water around the area... or a submersible camera. Over and over I say, ' in Kansas.. where could you hide someone?' and that comes back to me. Is "Molt's" the quarry pond? As a kid, they always called it

How deep is it, does anyone know? I haven't been there is 20+ years and don't really know where it is in relation to your mom's house anway. I just think about this all the time and want her found for you all.

I wonder, is there any way to trace old wells that could be on people's property in our area?

I am watching all over the Topeka area for a truck that matches the description. I was at Lowes the other day and I swear it was the red truck convention... no duelly's though. We are all still thinking about you all... we won't let this rest and will continue to pray.
Still reading here and praying for your mom and your family. My thoughts... it seems doubtful to me that anyone would have done this just from hearing your dad talk about her in a bar....not w/o getting SOME kind of financial gain from it, that is. To me it still seems more likely that it was a stranger. It just doesn't make sense in any way to me that they took her away, really no matter who it was, and that nothing was stolen from her home. It's just baffling, and I can't even begin to imagine your pain, it just breaks my heart. I pray Mrs K is found soon.
I'm sure it will be much harder to prosecute if there is no body.

I really do not think at this point that "dad" hired someone. I think he probably said too much to the wrong person. Which I hold him fully responsible for. I don't care how drunk he was when he said whatever he said to all the people he's said it to - his wish came true. I hope he's happy. Somebody terrified her and beat her and probably took her life...and devastated our lives for some sick reason and I hope he's happy.

Some people get 1000 chances and they never change.

I hate saying anything at all negative, (for fear of hurting you) but know at this point... you just want to find her no matter what.
I really think that they need to put divers in any deep water around the area... or a submersible camera. Over and over I say, ' in Kansas.. where could you hide someone?' and that comes back to me. Is "Molt's" the quarry pond? As a kid, they always called it

How deep is it, does anyone know? I haven't been there is 20+ years and don't really know where it is in relation to your mom's house anway. I just think about this all the time and want her found for you all.

I wonder, is there any way to trace old wells that could be on people's property in our area?

I am watching all over the Topeka area for a truck that matches the description. I was at Lowes the other day and I swear it was the red truck convention... no duelly's though. We are all still thinking about you all... we won't let this rest and will continue to pray.

"Molts" is the old quarry pond that everyone has been referring to. I don't know how deep it is but I believe that the deepest part was the southern edge...or southeast edge. (making it the side closest to Pat's property) I could be wrong, but I don't believe that the pond is visible from any road. I am not sure of the exact distance of the pond from Pat's house...but it would be in the same section.

As far as old wells go, it would seem that there would be many. I know there is one on the property that I owned, but that one is very near Hwy 159 and would be highly visible to anyone driving by.
Was Pat dating anyone? Had she ever tried out any of the online dating services since the divorce? Did she have an ebay acount or had she put anything up for sale on ebay? Could anyone have used the ruse of asking to hunt on her property? (just thinking out loud...)

I hope today is the day that Pat comes home.
have they used side scan sonar to check the bodies of water in the area?
I'm sure it will be much harder to prosecute if there is no body.

I really do not think at this point that "dad" hired someone. I think he probably said too much to the wrong person. Which I hold him fully responsible for. I don't care how drunk he was when he said whatever he said to all the people he's said it to - his wish came true. I hope he's happy. Somebody terrified her and beat her and probably took her life...and devastated our lives for some sick reason and I hope he's happy.

Some people get 1000 chances and they never change.

I hate saying anything at all negative, (for fear of hurting you) but know at this point... you just want to find her no matter what.
I really think that they need to put divers in any deep water around the area... or a submersible camera. Over and over I say, ' in Kansas.. where could you hide someone?' and that comes back to me. Is "Molt's" the quarry pond? As a kid, they always called it

How deep is it, does anyone know? I haven't been there is 20+ years and don't really know where it is in relation to your mom's house anway. I just think about this all the time and want her found for you all.

I wonder, is there any way to trace old wells that could be on people's property in our area?

I am watching all over the Topeka area for a truck that matches the description. I was at Lowes the other day and I swear it was the red truck convention... no duelly's though. We are all still thinking about you all... we won't let this rest and will continue to pray.

There is nothing you can say that will be hurtful, because the worst of the worst thoughts have all gone thru our minds. We told LE not to spare our feelings, just tell us how things are. The not knowing is harder than knowing the truth. I heard the quarry was very deep (like 60 ft), but then another person thought it was not as deep as it used to be, so I'm not sure.

We will check every idea and lead, but I have thought for a while that she is not close (just my feeling, I don't know that my brothers feel the same). It would have taken so much time for one person (we think) to take her from the vehicle, carry her across someone else's property and put her in something. I still think the plan went wrong, maybe he thought he'd been seen, and when he got her back in the vehicle, he got out of there as fast as he could and who knows when he stopped.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.
Still reading here and praying for your mom and your family. My thoughts... it seems doubtful to me that anyone would have done this just from hearing your dad talk about her in a bar....not w/o getting SOME kind of financial gain from it, that is. To me it still seems more likely that it was a stranger. It just doesn't make sense in any way to me that they took her away, really no matter who it was, and that nothing was stolen from her home. It's just baffling, and I can't even begin to imagine your pain, it just breaks my heart. I pray Mrs K is found soon.

I think he told his sad story too many drunken times to too many people, and one of them happened to be psychotic. Whether he thought he could get money or just knew that she was alone - it wasn't like it was a secret where she lived, but I know my "dad" told people where it was - who knows.

It will shock the living daylights out of me if this turns out to be a stranger. It is just too coincidental beyond words that she made it thru the divorce battle and Taylor passing away, only to have some stranger abduct her. This kind of thing doesn't happen here. I'm certain it was someone she knew.
Was Pat dating anyone? Had she ever tried out any of the online dating services since the divorce? Did she have an ebay acount or had she put anything up for sale on ebay? Could anyone have used the ruse of asking to hunt on her property? (just thinking out loud...)

I hope today is the day that Pat comes home.

No dating or any interest in it. Someone she grew up with came by her house once and another time called the house, but she wanted nothing to do with him. I believe he came by a 2nd time and she didn't answer the door and wouldn't even answer the phone for a time because she didn't want to talk to him. He possibly would have been our main suspect if he hadn't been killed in a car wreck about 6 months ago. There was nothing wrong with this guy or suspicious - she wasn't interested, period.

She was happy and at peace in her life. She had family and friends and her place in the country. That was enough for her.

I don't think she'd ever listed anything on ebay, possibly had purchased stuff that would come in the mail, but I don't know how recent.

I don't know about being approached for hunting - it's possible.
When your Mom built her new home, did she already own the property or did she buy some land to build on? Was anyone else interested in buying the property?
I think he told his sad story too many drunken times to too many people, and one of them happened to be psychotic. Whether he thought he could get money or just knew that she was alone - it wasn't like it was a secret where she lived, but I know my "dad" told people where it was - who knows.

It will shock the living daylights out of me if this turns out to be a stranger. It is just too coincidental beyond words that she made it thru the divorce battle and Taylor passing away, only to have some stranger abduct her. This kind of thing doesn't happen here. I'm certain it was someone she knew.

I agree with you on the "someone she knew", it makes no sense that at that time of day a random stranger would take a chance that someone else might be arriving home from work at any minute, or that a random stranger would know she was in the house alone in the first place. It may not be someone she knew well, but at least someone who knew her well enough to know her living circumstances.

When your Mom built her new home, did she already own the property or did she buy some land to build on? Was anyone else interested in buying the property?

No, my husband and I bought the land from a friend maybe two yrs ago and when Mom's divorce was final, she bought the north half from us. Our intention was to build a new house to the south of her but our house has been on the market for two yrs and hasn't sold...we couldn't afford two mortgages.
I saw the KHP (or someone) had a small plane flying over Banner Creek Reservoir around noon today. It makes sense, noon is when the shadows are the smallest.
I need to get my facts straight - apparently "dad" did NOT give dna.

Sorry to hear this. So, no DNA and no poly-but allowed search of house and land. Is that correct?
And now he has lawyered up? Not good.

Hoping for some answers soon.
Thoughts for Pat and her beloved family and friends.
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