KS - Patricia Kimmi, 58, Horton, 6 Nov 2009 - #5

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Sorry to be obtuse and admit I haven't followed Pat's case from the beginning, but what was the motive? I read Pat's ex husband put RH up to murdering Pat because he didn't want to pay alimony. Is that correct?
Sorry to be obtuse and admit I haven't followed Pat's case from the beginning, but what was the motive? I read Pat's ex husband put RH up to murdering Pat because he didn't want to pay alimony. Is that correct?

Mom didn't have a single enemy in the world, except the ex. He hated her BEFORE he divorced her. He really hated her after the divorce, when she got about half of their assets. He's never had to be accountable for anything he's ever done wrong in life and he blames all of his problems, which are of his own doing, on other people.

He had the drunken nerve to say to me just five minutes ago, "Do you know what MY life's been like?" YOUR life, E??????????? No, E, because I DON'T CARE. Do you know how insane it is to say something like that when none of this would have happened if you hadn't done what you did?

What if our kids had been there that night, when this monster did what he did? WHAT IF?????????????????

People don't know the details now, but they will.

I thank God and praise God for His mercy and love, because if there wasn't a God in Heaven, I don't know how any of us would get thru this. To live w/ the details, the secrets, to not be able to talk about it, but you never stop THINKING about it, I can't stop thinking about it.

I haven't kept it together today, because church is the hardest place for me to be when I'm down. I don't know why. And with it being Mother's Day...how does that saying go? "It was all over but the crying." Fr. Earl read an email that Mom sent out to people the day she was abducted titled "Mean Moms" and the church gave us a tree, Blue Spruce which was her favorite, to plant as a memorial to her. Which is kind of a "coincidence" since that was our plan today anyway, to plant a special tree for her in remembrance.

I hope God has mercy on the souls of those who took her innocent life from all of us who love her so very much. I hope the weight of what they've done will some day come crashing down on them like a ton of bricks and that they SEE GOD for once, and not themselves.

By faith, with hope, in love...we remember Mom, Pat "Ninny" Kimmi on this Mother's Day. We love you Taylor, Gary, and Mom. See ya there.
Mom didn't have a single enemy in the world, except the ex. He hated her BEFORE he divorced her. He really hated her after the divorce, when she got about half of their assets. He's never had to be accountable for anything he's ever done wrong in life and he blames all of his problems, which are of his own doing, on other people.

He had the drunken nerve to say to me just five minutes ago, "Do you know what MY life's been like?" YOUR life, E??????????? No, E, because I DON'T CARE. Do you know how insane it is to say something like that when none of this would have happened if you hadn't done what you did?

What if our kids had been there that night, when this monster did what he did? WHAT IF?????????????????

People don't know the details now, but they will.

I thank God and praise God for His mercy and love, because if there wasn't a God in Heaven, I don't know how any of us would get thru this. To live w/ the details, the secrets, to not be able to talk about it, but you never stop THINKING about it, I can't stop thinking about it.

I haven't kept it together today, because church is the hardest place for me to be when I'm down. I don't know why. And with it being Mother's Day...how does that saying go? "It was all over but the crying." Fr. Earl read an email that Mom sent out to people the day she was abducted titled "Mean Moms" and the church gave us a tree, Blue Spruce which was her favorite, to plant as a memorial to her. Which is kind of a "coincidence" since that was our plan today anyway, to plant a special tree for her in remembrance.

I hope God has mercy on the souls of those who took her innocent life from all of us who love her so very much. I hope the weight of what they've done will some day come crashing down on them like a ton of bricks and that they SEE GOD for once, and not themselves.

By faith, with hope, in love...we remember Mom, Pat "Ninny" Kimmi on this Mother's Day. We love you Taylor, Gary, and Mom. See ya there.

I'm so very sorry. I didn't know her child was on this forum or I wouldn't have inflicted that question on you.

You are so very lucky that you love your mom.
I'm so very sorry. I didn't know her child was on this forum or I wouldn't have inflicted that question on you.

You are so very lucky that you love your mom.

Please don't be sorry. At all. The people from this website have been so very kind and helpful to our family. It's been hard to hold back from voicing some of the facts and our opinions. Finding part of her remains this week, having a confrontation today w/ E, and today being Mother's Day...I wrote what I wrote. And I'm not sorry.

We are very blessed to have had her as our Mom. That's a huge understatement, really.

I may be the one apologizing by saying this, but from what you wrote, maybe you don't love your Mom? I certainly don't love E, my "dad". But I know God loves him, so I pray for him. I HATE what he's done, but I pray for him. We've all been very lucky to have had Mom to raise us right, in spite of the dysfunction around us. We've been lucky that she always loved us and sacrificed so much for us. When I would think about the dad we didn't have, I would look at it like this: some day...some day, we'll all be in Heaven w/ our Father who has ALWAYS loved us, who is "THE" perfect Father. And what we didn't have on earth, won't matter any more.
He had the drunken nerve to say to me just five minutes ago, "Do you know what MY life's been like?" YOUR life, E??????????? No, E, because I DON'T CARE. Do you know how insane it is to say something like that when none of this would have happened if you hadn't done what you did?

What if our kids had been there that night, when this monster did what he did? WHAT IF?????????????????
Rita It is none of my business and you don't even have to answer - I am just curious..... where in the world did u see your dad Surely he didn't come to church today?? I am just surprised since I know that you don't really have much contact with him. I wondered if he came to see you ~ you know, after all that has happened this week...? Which in normal circumstances when the children of divorced parents lost one of them - the other parent would want to be there for them.... but this circumstance is anything but normal. So you can see why the curiousity
I haven't kept it together today, because church is the hardest place for me to be when I'm down. I don't know why. And with it being Mother's Day...how does that saying go? "It was all over but the crying." .

I know Rita. You have been tryijng to be strong for so many months! As you know, you won't always be able to be strong and it is OK.

I remember 6 years ago when our mother died, my sister and I determined that no matter what we would keep it together and make mom proud. So, we did -- but when the company leaves,,,, I remember one night, I just bawled and bawled! I screamed to God and as ridiculous as it sounded even to me at the time- I couldn't help it-I cried "God, please, I want her back! I just want her back!!"

...and that was after a "normal" loss. I feel so badly for you, and I can't really imagine what you are going through. Your loss is so much worse. But I am so GLAD that you have a certainty of where your momma is. No matter what -- you know without a doubt that you WILL see her again even if the wait is sooo danged hard and seems cruel.

I admire your determination to pray for your dad. I know we are commanded to do that and I am so glad that you are. I think that you are doing your mother proud.
I missed the information regarding the receipt. Would someone be so kind to tell me where this receipt was found and the information regarding it? I had always wondered how or when the dually was seen. I think I may have joined after this info was established. TIA

I just finished re-reading most of the 2nd thread. (Unfortunately a lot of the referenced articles were no longer available.) This is where the burned/dismantled dually truck (which was seen in the area at the time of Pat's disappearance) bed was discovered buried on the RoHo property.

I wasn't able to find anything specific regarding a receipt...just info stating that the truck had been disassembled, parts sold/taken to a salvage yard and then they were apparently tracked via vin number by LE.
Love to all the Kimmi Kids and Grandkids on what has to be a very sad and difficult 1st Mother's Day without their beloved Mother & Ninny.
Rita It is none of my business and you don't even have to answer - I am just curious..... where in the world did u see your dad Surely he didn't come to church today?? I am just surprised since I know that you don't really have much contact with him. I wondered if he came to see you ~ you know, after all that has happened this week...? Which in normal circumstances when the children of divorced parents lost one of them - the other parent would want to be there for them.... but this circumstance is anything but normal. So you can see why the curiousity

He had the unfortunate timing of walking out of my neighbor's house just when we were driving by to go home today. Other than a few messages left on his answering machine last week, I have had zero contact with him since Nov. 6, 2009. This was the first time I saw him face to face. I had a lot to say. And if you were in a five block radius, I would imagine you probably heard me.

If he ever showed up on my doorstep, I would be calling the police.
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to check in here. I lost my WS password and my daughter has had the laptop with the pwd memory in it. I have been following along but not able to post and it was driving me nuts. I have no idea why it did not occur to me until this very moment that I could contact you at Pat's Facebook page.

Kimmi family and all who truly love Pat,
I am so sorry for you loss.
I am sorry it is all so final now but I am relieved that you have answers.
I know there are still many, many more questions yet to be answered but I am relieved that Pat is not among the forever missing.

One of my friends has a sister (Star Boomer) who has been missing since 1999 and every time a body is found anywhere near where she went missing there is the reopening of the wounds, the hope, the frustration, the tears, the questions, the prayers, the... it just never ends.

I am glad your mom has been found and you can do what you need to in order to properly lay her to rest.

Quite honestly I have to be in Missouri in June and I was planning to bring my friends cadaver dog to look for your mom because it is only a few hours away. My own dogs are not yet ready, soon... a lot of work yet to be done with them. I'll probably never get to meet you now but please know that your family has touched my heart, that God has touched me through you and your faith.

Many hugs and prayers,
My warmest thoughts are with the Kimmi family on this Mother's Day.

While I am not a religious person, I know that your mother is with you in spirit and memory and will always be part of you. To have the strong love that you so evidently have for your mother says a lot about her....and you.
Been thinking about you and your family and praying for you today.

Thank you so much.

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to check in here. I lost my WS password and my daughter has had the laptop with the pwd memory in it. I have been following along but not able to post and it was driving me nuts. I have no idea why it did not occur to me until this very moment that I could contact you at Pat's Facebook page.

Kimmi family and all who truly love Pat,
I am so sorry for you loss.
I am sorry it is all so final now but I am relieved that you have answers.
I know there are still many, many more questions yet to be answered but I am relieved that Pat is not among the forever missing.

One of my friends has a sister (Star Boomer) who has been missing since 1999 and every time a body is found anywhere near where she went missing there is the reopening of the wounds, the hope, the frustration, the tears, the questions, the prayers, the... it just never ends.

I am glad your mom has been found and you can do what you need to in order to properly lay her to rest.

Quite honestly I have to be in Missouri in June and I was planning to bring my friends cadaver dog to look for your mom because it is only a few hours away. My own dogs are not yet ready, soon... a lot of work yet to be done with them. I'll probably never get to meet you now but please know that your family has touched my heart, that God has touched me through you and your faith.

Many hugs and prayers,

Your post means so much to us, and we would love to still meet up w/ you someday even if it's not for a search. Thank you for being with us here throughout this six months. My Mom would be so pleased with what you have written. GOD BLESS!!!!!!!! And I pray for you to have many successful searches, in bringing closure to other families.

My warmest thoughts are with the Kimmi family on this Mother's Day.

While I am not a religious person, I know that your mother is with you in spirit and memory and will always be part of you. To have the strong love that you so evidently have for your mother says a lot about her....and you.

Thank you so much. She was everything a Mom should be and a whole lot more. There are a hundred things a day that make me miss her in this life...telling her something silly the kids said, checking to see if she can watch the kids for a doctor's appt., planning birthdays and holidays, hearing about her pack job that day. The craziest thing is wanting so badly to tell her of the things that are going on in her case. I have so much to TELL her, and she's not here. She'd call every morning and say, "Just checking in..."

Blessings to all on this cold and rainy (pretty ugly) Kansas Day.

It is dreary for sure!

Sorry if this has already been posted. It takes up the whole front of the newspaper.

I did not see a news article. I viewed a pic of the Sheriff and a blurb below his pic.

I am sure it had the latest information.

All I can say is, I am so very very happy that Patricia has been found.

Of all the moms I have ever heard of, she is number 2 in my book.
The exception, the number 1, is my mom.
I think they would have been friends, they are so much alike.

Patricia had a hard life in some ways, but has wonderful children and grandchildren and friends.

It has been a blessing for me to have met Rita and her brother online.
And to meet the rest of the Kimmi family as relayed by Rita.
(minus X)
I did not see a news article. I viewed a pic of the Sheriff and a blurb below his pic.

I am sure it had the latest information.

All I can say is, I am so very very happy that Patricia has been found.

Of all the moms I have ever heard of, she is number 2 in my book.
The exception, the number 1, is my mom.
I think they would have been friends, they are so much alike.

Patricia had a hard life in some ways, but has wonderful children and grandchildren and friends.

It has been a blessing for me to have met Rita and her brother online.
And to meet the rest of the Kimmi family as relayed by Rita.
(minus X)

Link below quotes from article.

It was a trip she hoped could be rescheduled in happier times. Instead, Mrs. Blakeley sorted through her range of emotions on Thursday and purchased a special statue for her friend Patricia Kimmi. Earlier the same day, she identified a watch and ring that law enforcement had discovered along with human remains in rural Nemaha County

Mrs. Blakeley wears a ring of identical design to the one she identified for law enforcement as one of Ms. Kimmi's belongings.

Mounted atop filigreed inscriptions that read "I love you" are birthstones of their respective grandchildren.

There was a secondary link, here it is, it will make you cry.

I just read the article and accompaning interviews.
Tears are flowing.

It brings up my first emotions when Patricia Kimmi went missing and then knowing
someone had abducted her.. Why?
Who would want to harm a nice woman like Partricia?
And then realizing that the evidence was pointing to a suspect and then ultimately to the one who gave the order.
So d a m n sad. Such a loss!

But we cannot turn back time...
Patricia is found.
'I once was lost but now am found. Was blind, but now I see.
Amazing Grace.
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