KY - Breonna Taylor, 26, unarmed, fatally shot multiple times by police, Louisville, 13 Mar 2020

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Bottom line. More people to sue.
Even 6 months ago, I would have agreed that this is claim is wackadoo and greedy. Now, after watching a man kneel on another man's neck, cool as a cucumber, I'm not sure it's all that paranoid to think that there are financial benefits to getting people out of neighborhoods, and that harassment & evictions might be part of the picture. Not saying they intentionally killed her as a way of getting them out, but harassment that leads to eviction? That's been known to happen in the name of real estate, though hopefully not by the police. But depravity abounds.

But we'll see what comes out, if anything.
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Even 6 months ago, I would have agreed that this is claim is wackadoo and greedy. Now, after watching a man kneel on another man's neck, cool as a cucumber, I'm not sure it's all that paranoid to think that there are financial benefits to getting people out of neighborhoods, and that harassment & evictions might be part of the picture. Not saying they intentionally killed her as a way of getting them out, but harassment that leads to eviction? That's been known to happen in the name of real estate, though hopefully not by the police. But depravity abounds.

But we'll see what comes out, if anything.

I'm at a loss trying to understand how one man renting a house could hold up this redevelopment.
Breonna Taylor’s Family Claims She Was Alive After Shooting but Given No Aid

The coroner did say that her injuries were so severe she could not have been saved.

I'm at a loss trying to understand how one man renting a house could hold up this redevelopment.

Yes, I'm not sure it's just him, though. And IF it's about gradually clearing the neighborhood, I'm sure they didn't intend to kill anyone for that purpose - probably harassment with unintended consequences. Far-fetched, but we'll see. JMO. Remember, there was another shady case with a no-knock warrant (in TX), but at least there was swift justice (won't comment on the racial optics, but I wonder). Sometimes there are motives we wouldn't believe.

Two former Houston police officers indicted after botched raid that killed two people - CNN
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Newly released audio recordings show that cops involved in the police shooting death of Breonna Taylor realized they screwed up and that investigators later soft-pedaled their interview with the cop who led the deadly raid.

The recordings reveal that a plainclothes officer went up to Taylor’s boyfriend after the fatal March 13 shooting and told him there had been a “misunderstanding,” NBC News reported Thursday.

This is unbelievably upsetting.
I am just so tired. So very tired of nonstop protests and clashes every night between civilians and LEOs. So sick of the violence and strife between both sides, and the CoVid always in the background.

If we want protests & riots to stop, there has to be justice and some recognition that, no, clearly not all lives matter. More than eventual justice, there has to be some expectation and assurance of justice, with some clear pathway and timeline, with transparency and real attempts at reconciliation.

I cannot get over the indifference shown to this innocent young woman. Left to just die alone on the floor??Then, her death just callously ignored and lied about in the report??? If all lives matter, then why didn't hers? When are we actually going to act like we all matter?

Those with power must take the lead and set the example. It is time for them to learn how to say, "I'm sorry the people we hired did this. We will change to prevent it from ever happening again. What changes do you want to see? How can we best protect and serve you?"
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I feel ALL of this. Well put. My heart breaks for her boyfriend and her family. If someone had broken into one of those cops homes at night and shot someone in THEIR FAMILY how well do you think they would be taking it? And do you think Brionna would have left someone dying on the floor she knew had been shot? NOPE. SO THOSE COPS SHOULD ROT IN JAIL FOR NOT RESPECTING HER LIFE.
This is unbelievably upsetting.
I am just so tired. So very tired of nonstop protests and clashes every night between civilians and LEOs. So sick of the violence and strife between both sides, and the CoVid always in the background.

If we want protests & riots to stop, there has to be justice and some recognition that, no, clearly not all lives matter. More than eventual justice, there has to be some expectation and assurance of justice, with some clear pathway and timeline, with transparency and real attempts at reconciliation.

I cannot get over the indifference shown to this innocent young woman. Left to just die alone on the floor??Then, her death just callously ignored and lied about in the report??? If all lives matter, then why didn't hers? When are we actually going to act like we all matter?

Those with power must take the lead and set the example. It is time for them to learn how to say, "I'm sorry the people we hired did this. We will change to prevent it from ever happening again. What changes do you want to see? How can we best protect and serve you?"

By the time the NBA plays its first games in Orlando, it will have been nearly five months since police in Louisville shot and killed 26-year-old Breonna Taylor in her home. The cops who shot her remain free, and Sixers forward Tobias Harris doesn’t want people to forget it.

Harris’s message during his time with the media on Monday was brief but crystal clear: Arrest the officers who fired more than 20 shots and hit Taylor eight times.

Harris was asked about the T-shirts with social justice messages that Russell Westbrook and the NBPA are producing and whether players plan to feature them at all during this season.

“Nothing against the T-shirts, but we want to make sure that [Kentucky Attorney General] Daniel Cameron will arrest the cops and officers involved with Breonna Taylor’s death. And that’s all I’ve got to say,” Harris said.

When another reporter tried to ask a question, he continued, “That’s going to be my answer for every question. Daniel Cameron, step up. Do what’s right. That’s the only message I’ve got today. I appreciate everybody. Thanks.”
Just a question. One officer fired 10 shots from outside the apt. & has been fired & I would expect some charges filed against him. I'm assuming the other two officers were given orders to search the apt. After being fired upon, they returned fire. What would be appropriate charges against these two officers?
Just a question. One officer fired 10 shots from outside the apt. & has been fired & I would expect some charges filed against him. I'm assuming the other two officers were given orders to search the apt. After being fired upon, they returned fire. What would be appropriate charges against these two officers?
Just came across this article

Police officers should not be charged with Breonna Taylor's death, criminal law experts say

The lawyers brings up some interesting points. If it's true that the officers knocked and announced themselves despite it being a no knock warrant, that could completely change things.
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