KY KY - Brookelyn Farthing, 18, Berea, 22 Jun 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just bumping for Brooke. I contacted family members and asked about contributing to new banners.

Other than the article in our local paper over the summer, there's been zero news coverage. Poor Brooke. She didn't deserve this. Even if her death was accidental, she deserves a proper burial and closure.
New here and I don't really have anything to add to this very sad story - but my heart breaks for her family and especially her mother. To never know what happened to your child must be the worst pain you can experience.
I will be remembering this young lady and her family in my prayers, and I also pray that justice will be done.
New here and I don't really have anything to add to this very sad story - but my heart breaks for her family and especially her mother. To never know what happened to your child must be the worst pain you can experience.
I will be remembering this young lady and her family in my prayers, and I also pray that justice will be done.

:wagon: to WS teedww
Thought this case should have been solved, but sadly it won't.
:wagon: to WS teedww
Thought this case should have been solved, but sadly it won't.

It's strange, too, to see how many of the original key players (acquaintances, other kids at the party, significant others, and various people who the community thought might "know something") have since passed away. Quite a few have been arrested, which many of us thought might result in someone talking but, so far, no luck. Drugs are a HUGE problem around here and are getting many of our young people. I hope someone talks soon before everyone involved is gone.
Four years ago, Brooke graduated from high school and was starting her summer vacation. She was a beautiful, blonde, teenager with her whole life ahead of her. She liked country music, wearing little dresses with her cowboy boots, hanging out with her friends, and riding horses. Like many others in our area, she went to a party out in a field with people she'd known all her life. There is only one public high school in our town. Her friends were people she'd grown up with. Later that night, she caught a ride home with someone and, after getting creeped out by something that was going on, pleaded with other friends to come and get her. By 7am, she was gone. She has not been seen or heard from since. By now, she might be graduating from college. She could have a husband or children.

We are a small town. It is an artsy community where we still have folk dances on Saturday nights and traditional Applalachian crafts are made right on Main Street. Very little crime, although drug abuse is rampant, as it is is many rural places these days. The Appalachian Mountains encircle the county, providing foilage and cliffs. Once a year, school is let out for "Mountain Day" so that the students can go hiking. Everyone knows each other. We don't have big chain stores-just a Walmart-and everything still closes down on Sunday.

Brooke's disappearance is something that many of us cannot wrap our heads around.

This case is totally solvable. However, given our terrain and geographical limits, I do not believe her body will be found by accident. Not only do we have thousands of acres of forest, but we have hundreds of creeks, lakes, and ponds here. And a massive cave system-not to mention countless old wells and cisterns. From the last point she was seen on Dillon Court, within 20 minutes someone could have been in the forest, at a lake, to the river, in a cave, etc. There have been many searches on 4-wheelers, foot, and horseback but so far no clues have been uncovered.

I continue to hope that someone cracks and talks. I have a strong feeling that more than one person was involved in what happened. Whether it was an accidental death that was covered up out of fear or a more insidious attack, I hope that one day the heavy burden of guilt will weigh someone down and that they'll speak up. Brooke deserves to be found.

The couch WAS gone over, but not before it set out on the sidewalk, open to the elements, for two weeks. So whatever was left on it was almost certainly difficult to find. They've never released information pertaining to DNA. I think the sex trade *could* be a possibility, especially considering how young and pretty she was, but I don't think that's what happened here. Although Berea sets on I-75, the idea of sexual slavery, and being sold into it, is kind of a foreign concept here. It's something we occasionally talk about, but there is no anecdotal evidence to support it. Now, the drug trade is something else. People from Detroit make runs through here every week and Berea is definitely on THAT route.

Homeowner is still in the area, as are all the other key players. Actually, several from that night have been arrested for various things and at least one passed away from an overdose. One of the guy's vehicles was processed, but not the other. He has never publicly been interviewed or made any kind of statement.

I don't want to violate TOS so I can't bring up social media or anything like that. I can say, however, that through the grapevine there has been talk about what happened from people who might be close to the situation. (Not directly involved but close enough.) I believe that if that couch had been processed sooner, DNA from either vomit or semen (or both) would have been discovered. My own personal theory, strictly based on MSM reports, is that there were several people in the house with her and that she felt threatened. I believe she was attacked. (Texting "I'm scared" first.) And I don't think that was her texting her ex and telling him that she was leaving for another party. I think that was someone covering their tracks. Her death might have been accidental during the attack. I used to think that a drug overdose was involved, but I am starting to doubt that. Unfortunately, overdoses are fairly common here; there would be no real reason to cover it up.
Dying during an attack isn't "accidental"; it's murder.

I haven't seen one shred of evidence that anyone other than the homeowner was at the house with her. I believe he raped her and then killed her--Occam's razor.
:wagon: to WS teedww
Thought this case should have been solved, but sadly it won't.
On second thought, I was too negative about this case being solved... there is hope, and I'm hoping justice will be served.
Dying during an attack isn't "accidental"; it's murder.

I haven't seen one shred of evidence that anyone other than the homeowner was at the house with her. I believe he raped her and then killed her--Occam's razor.

Not arguing that it wasn't murder. Someone is responsible for her death. I simply meant that her death was the result of an attack that may have started out as something else (like a sexual assault), as opposed to a pre-mediated murder.

At least one of her texts out that night spoke of there being other people in the house with her. I'm not sure at which point they left. While only one person may have been responsible for her death, I do believe that others were responsible for the disposal of her body.

Curious, Ozoner, do you do live here in the county or do you have connections to Brooke's family and friends? Whether it's bravado or simply attention-seeking, people have very brazenly and offhandedly spoken of what happened that night (or what allegedly happened) in public settings for the past few years. That's one of the things that makes this case so frustrating. It's being treated as a joke, with Brooke's disappearance (and likely death) spoken of as a punchline. At this point it would be helpful if they'd simply come out and said where her body was. She at least deserves a proper burial. They didn't do a great job of dragging Owsley Fork and I think that should be revisited.

I watched an episode of DISAPPEARED last night and the case of Ashley Summers reminded me a lot of Brooke. A young girl who was floating around between family members, never staying long at anyone's house, and then disappearing after a party.
Just spent my afternoon reading all 17 pages. My toddler shares the same name. As a parent it would take a ball and chain to hold me back from me asking the home owner where my daughter is. I would be like Liam Neeson in the Taken movies. How frustrating for her family. I agree with the other posters that keeping her face in the small town could help with this case.
Not arguing that it wasn't murder. Someone is responsible for her death. I simply meant that her death was the result of an attack that may have started out as something else (like a sexual assault), as opposed to a pre-mediated murder.

At least one of her texts out that night spoke of there being other people in the house with her. I'm not sure at which point they left. While only one person may have been responsible for her death, I do believe that others were responsible for the disposal of her body.

Curious, Ozoner, do you do live here in the county or do you have connections to Brooke's family and friends? Whether it's bravado or simply attention-seeking, people have very brazenly and offhandedly spoken of what happened that night (or what allegedly happened) in public settings for the past few years. That's one of the things that makes this case so frustrating. It's being treated as a joke, with Brooke's disappearance (and likely death) spoken of as a punchline. At this point it would be helpful if they'd simply come out and said where her body was. She at least deserves a proper burial. They didn't do a great job of dragging Owsley Fork and I think that should be revisited.

I watched an episode of DISAPPEARED last night and the case of Ashley Summers reminded me a lot of Brooke. A young girl who was floating around between family members, never staying long at anyone's house, and then disappearing after a party.

Sorry for the slow reply; I must have missed your post initially. To answer your question, no, I don't have any connection to the case, geographic or otherwise.

I don't know what people are saying brazenly, but unless they're saying that the homeowner raped and murdered her, then I don't think those people know what they're talking about.
There's not really any new news about Brookelyn, but some Lexington news outlets (the closest "city" to where she lived) are having 5-yr anniversary stories about her disappearance.
The most (easy to find) info on her disappearance is basically on her Charley Project profile (Brookelyn Shae Farthing). Some details (and another picture) were added in 3/2018 but I'm not sure what info was added or edited.

And I wonder what kind of party she'd go to in Rockcastle County. I generally think of parties that young folks would go to would have alcohol. I was pretty sure, but I just verified that it is indeed still a "dry" county. It's a beautiful area, but you have to bring your booze with you if you're going there.

Five-Years Since Brookelyn Farthing Disappeared
WLEX-18 (Lexington, KY)
Friday marked five years since a Madison County teen disappeared after attending a party.

18-year-old Brookelyn Farthing was last seen at a house in Berea. She texted family members saying she wanted to come home, but would catch a ride with a friend. Brookelyn's sister also said she sent a few messages saying she felt "unsafe."

5 years later: Still no sign of Brookelyn Farthing as family seeks answers
(Lexington, KY)
"You're just constantly wondering what happened to her," Brookelyn's mother Shelby Tillery said, "Is she still going through some kind of living hades right now?"

Tillery has yet to receive the answer to that question, but she believes someone is out there who can help investigators solve this case.

"We're just hoping someone speaks up," Tillery said.

(Lexington, KY)
Police say Brookelyn Farthing, 18 at the time, was last seen at a house in Berea on June 22, 2013. Friday marks the fifth year since that day she went missing. Still, she hasn’t been found.
According to state police, Farthing was at a party when she got a ride from a friend who took her to that house on Dillon court.
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a lot of the links are no longer valid. Would someone have the photo of her taken on the night/day she disaapeard. Any visual aids available such as photos of the house she was at. thank you in advance.
Just read all 13 pages of this thread and I can't believe there weren't charges. Maybe the drug arrests mentioned above were LE trying to hold the people they thought responsible for whatever they could to pressure them into talking. My initial thoughts were the homeowner or someone present is seriously involved in drug dealing where no one else would testify against him or them for fear of retaliation.

It's sick, Brookelyn deserves more than this.
a lot of the links are no longer valid. Would someone have the photo of her taken on the night/day she disaapeard. Any visual aids available such as photos of the house she was at. thank you in advance.
the last text sent about a party was to stall for time. They new she like to party so saying going to a party was within her nature. BUT not at that early morning hour, but they sent it knowing she liked to party. The couch was much more burnt then i imagine. without water calling the fire department perhaps only option, especially if insurance came into play. I send a photo of her looking as if she smokde. But i think when that last text was sent about the party she was incapicated or dead. And the fire to the couch was started to burn any evidence left behind. But whom started it im not sure of or whom sent the final text message. how far from where the first guy was dropped off that night/moring to the house she was at. what is the distance on that.
being early in the morning without power. It must had been extremely dark inside, with no lighter or flashlight, it would be hard to see but she did have her phone with may had provided some light. but that still without power would not exhibit alot of light, maybe there was some moonlight coming through, that was the longest day of the year i believe the 21st June the summer poultice. and to use a restroom if need be with no ruining water, did she have to go outside into an outhouse. when she made the calls for a ride and mention she was getting scared. Must had been really quite inside and she could hear any little noise made with nothing running. but when she mad e the call for a ride too several persons she sounded as if she was alone at the time. i dont recall reading or watching a report stating he was their as she made her calls. I wonder if someone did go their to get her, perhaps not one she called, but someone whom overheard where is was and wanted a drive. My first question to the LEOS would be did anyone remember after receiving her call for a ride did anyone almost immediately leave unexpectedly with some quick spontaneous reason too do so.
being early in the morning without power. It must had been extremely dark inside, with no lighter or flashlight, it would be hard to see but she did have her phone with may had provided some light. but that still without power would not exhibit alot of light, maybe there was some moonlight coming through, that was the longest day of the year i believe the 21st June the summer poultice. and to use a restroom if need be with no ruining water, did she have to go outside into an outhouse. when she made the calls for a ride and mention she was getting scared. Must had been really quite inside and she could hear any little noise made with nothing running. but when she mad e the call for a ride too several persons she sounded as if she was alone at the time. i dont recall reading or watching a report stating he was their as she made her calls. I wonder if someone did go their to get her, perhaps not one she called, but someone whom overheard where is was and wanted a drive. My first question to the LEOS would be did anyone remember after receiving her call for a ride did anyone almost immediately leave unexpectedly with some quick spontaneous reason too do so.
int the latest video from the new station released it does seem to show her holding a cig in her hand it looks like a white cig. even though it made had been one that burns itself out, they do burn for a while before they extinguish themselves. It could be plausible she fell alsseep on the couch not expecting a ride untill later and dropped it between the cushions, and someone show up to take her away, and she just jumped up to leave and left things behind with the intend to picked them up later. or as others have stated, it was burnt to hide a crime that occurred on it. But they may imply she was killed or bind somehow and taken out to a vehicle and then the perp returned inside to start the couch fire to eliminate any evidence of a crime.

The homeowner i think is off limits to discuss because he has not been thought of as a suspect or POI so I dont think we can discuss him for being a volition. if he has been i didnot see it.

I think someone knew she was their along, and either went back, or someone knew she was seeking a ride and left somewhere surprisingly to go there where she was at. she was asleep on the couch waiting tell bf, ex bf got there to get her after work. this person may had know that also from hearing the conversation coming from her, and sent that last text of going to a nother party to stall for time, and prevent the bf xbf from showing up when expected too. Yes, i would still the LEOS if anyone she tried to contact for a ride, he someone whom was their and heard the conversation left unexpected, or quickly after she called them.
they could of stuck her in the couch then set it on fire. There is also the possibility the couch and fire were red herrings and the crime took place elsewhere in the house.
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It's strange, too, to see how many of the original key players (acquaintances, other kids at the party, significant others, and various people who the community thought might "know something") have since passed away. Quite a few have been arrested, which many of us thought might result in someone talking but, so far, no luck. Drugs are a HUGE problem around here and are getting many of our young people. I hope someone talks soon before everyone involved is gone.

Do you happen to know, of ones who've passed away, what were their deaths from?
Has anyone thought of contacting the Live PD producers about Brooke's story?

They do a segment every week on their show of missing people and because of the success of the show it has been very beneficial at getting exposure to missing persons cases. I believe they've been credited for finding 6 of the people shown on their segments thus far (which hasn't been running that long). Just something that may be worth looking into.

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