Found Deceased KY - Gabriella Doolin, 7, Allen Co., 14 Nov 2015 #2 *Pled Not Guilty, rec'd Life Sentence*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Interesting choice of words in this article from January 19.

This isn't the first article that I've read which quotes Madden's attorney as pointing out that Madden has children at home. Yes, we know he has children at home! All the more reason to keep him locked up for now and to prosecute him for his crime, if he is guilty. Sympathy for his children dictates that he NEVER be allowed to hurt another child again ever. My two cents. This case makes me so angry, it is best that I continue to lurk!
Good point, MotherOcean. What struck me was the audacity he has to keep bringing it up when the Doolin's will NEVER see their precious little girl again.

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Interesting choice of words in this article from January 19.

You said it. The nerve and the near-cruelty (I'm sure that cruelty was not the intent at all, but nevertheless...) of the statement below just cut right through me. And if he was going for pity for his client, IMO he blew that one, big time. Grrrrrr.

"No matter which way you look at it there's a six month old little boy, a seven year old little girl, a 12, and a 16 year old that do not have their daddy right now," added Lock.


This isn't the first article that I've read which quotes Madden's attorney as pointing out that Madden has children at home. Yes, we know he has children at home! All the more reason to keep him locked up for now and to prosecute him for his crime, if he is guilty. Sympathy for his children dictates that he NEVER be allowed to hurt another child again ever. My two cents. This case makes me so angry, it is best that I continue to lurk!


We certainly don't want you to get in trouble, but do let us hear from you from time to time. I always learn something from what you say, and I will miss that wit and wisdom if you are "in lurk." All of us are spitting mad at this ~man~. The nerve of what he says -- or is he just that ignorant? JMO. Grrrrrrr.

Except for a few more court appearances on bond or discovery or scheduling, etc., we're now in The Long Wait -- that period between arrest/hearings/remarks and the trial.
Chris Conte ‏@NC5_ChrisConte

9m9 minutes ago
Chris Conte ‏@NC5_ChrisConte
DNA testing in Gabbi Doolin case is still being done by the state right now @NC5

This worries me.
They didn't arrest him without a DNA match did they?
It doesn't take this long to do a DNA test. What is wrong?

Madden is the oldest looking 38 year old I have ever seen! He is actually scary looking to me, a grown adult.
This worries me.
They didn't arrest him without a DNA match did they?

No. The warrant specifically states the biological evidence was a match to him. This is JMO, but they probably fast tracked the DNA match from her body and his swab. They are likely still testing any evidence removed in the search. (Any of her articles.His clothing, shoes, etc.) I imagine that takes more time in labs.
It doesn't take this long to do a DNA test. What is wrong?

Madden is the oldest looking 38 year old I have ever seen! He is actually scary looking to me, a grown adult.


No, it doesn't take that long. We had a case in 2010 where a woman had been raped & murdered. A rape kit revealed semen, and DNA was established for the rapist. It did not match any DNA on file. Under surveillance, a suspect threw a cigarette down onto a parking lot; the cig. butt was confiscated by LE, taken to the NC SBI, and they had a match within 24 hours. An arrest was made that same day, and a conviction followed in a couple of years.

No, it doesn't take that long. We had a case in 2010 where a woman had been raped & murdered. A rape kit revealed semen, and DNA was established for the rapist. It did not match any DNA on file. Under surveillance, a suspect threw a cigarette down onto a parking lot; the cig. butt was confiscated by LE, taken to the NC SBI, and they had a match within 24 hours. An arrest was made that same day, and a conviction followed in a couple of years.

DNA testing from evidence can actually take quite a long time. It has to be handled differently. Comparing a swab of DNA to a swab of DNA, is completely different than getting samples from clothing, shoes, off items like jewelry, belt buckles, etc. Also, more time is allowed for testing evidence vs. making a match to get an arrest. It all depends on how the labs test and in what order according to priority, as well.
It is maddening to me that we unlikely will hear anymore on this case until the end of March when there will be a hearing on whether Prosecutor will seek death penalty.
Oh man, what's wrong with this family..

I wonder if the madden family have slowly come to the realization, that
husband/father did indeed commit this heinous crime. DNA doesn't lie! Point/blank. Poor kids/wife, how repulsively gross to know you lived with this type of monster.
I don't know if this is on here yet, but says that the charges against Bradley Madden in Allen County may be dropped, if the grand jury doesn't act soon.
Imo, Allen County will likely let it drop. They didn't seem like they even wanted to arrest him in the first place. I think they're hoping he's scared enough to chill out now, especially the way he sobbed so much in court that day.
Good old boys that maybe realize his mom's gonna need him to help her when his daddy is gone (hopefully UNDER the jail). Jmo

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I did not know we were to a new thread. :(

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