Found Deceased KY - James 'Mike' Kimsey, 48, Louisville, 29 May 2015

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Lots of that property is owned by developers for future resources I'm sure, and they don't live there.


That's really problematic for searches. Landowners permission is required, and if there are corporate owners that may take time and perseverance to obtain.

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I thought it has been stated that Mike was going for walks in his neighborhood? I did not realize he was still physically impaired?
Ok, let's try a different path. He's had many surgeries, right? And for this last one, he's been out for close to a year? Could he have started to like the pain meds too much? No drug testing when you're out on disability. (As an aside, would ups drug test their pilots as much as passenger airlines? Different level of liability, so maybe not?) Could he have left on foot to meet a dealer? Maybe had a burner phone?

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I have many UPS pilot neighbors.... yes, they regularly do random drug tests.
I would consider suicide a possibility if it wasn't for the giant red flags elsewhere. It's not that I think Mike isn't capable of it--anyone is--it's that circumstances definitely do NOT point in that direction.

What are the giant red flags?
My understanding from all the posts and reports is that his wife was the one who initially was dealing with LE, and as a result, nothing was investigated initially. Family in Tennessee could get no answers to questions from anyone. Something happened to change the tone of things within the PD, and not sure exactly what forced the change. A different team of detectives took over the investigation and then there was the search at the 3 week mark, and subsequent ongoing investigation. On the day of the search, when neighbors questioned his wife and the police, they were still not given any real information regarding why police were there other than it was a "private family matter". Mike's Tennessee family (parents) still have not been filled in on any of those things. Neighbors can substantiate that easily and that is also on the FB page.

This is very odd, and I can only relay my own experience here in Michigan - long story short I have a brother who walked off into the sunset 3 weeks ago (and left a note indicating this fact) and after waiting a couple of days for him to come back home, I put a missing persons report in.

The detective came to my house within 2 hours and searched every inch of my apartment (brother lived with me), including the crawlspaces above the closets and in the laundry room, went through every piece of paper, every item on the floor, and did the same in my room.

So for no home search to be done after a report was made is very strange to me.

(P.S. I haven't posted him on WS because we are still waiting for the financial institution his debit card is from to comply with the search warrant asking for transaction info. If he's alive I will leave it where it is and let him be "gone").
This is very odd, and I can only relay my own experience here in Michigan - long story short I have a brother who walked off into the sunset 3 weeks ago (and left a note indicating this fact) and after waiting a couple of days for him to come back home, I put a missing persons report in.

The detective came to my house within 2 hours and searched every inch of my apartment (brother lived with me), including the crawlspaces above the closets and in the laundry room, went through every piece of paper, every item on the floor, and did the same in my room.

So for no home search to be done after a report was made is very strange to me.

(P.S. I haven't posted him on WS because we are still waiting for the financial institution his debit card is from to comply with the search warrant asking for transaction info. If he's alive I will leave it where it is and let him be "gone").

Thank you so much for sharing and I surely hope all is well with your brother.
Someone mentioned how people are disregarding suicide because "he would never do that" but I don't think that's the reason. The reason so many are opposed to the possibility of suicide is that it seems these are friends and neighbors and they know things they are not permitted to post on here regarding those close to home. There are a lot of things not being said on this thread only because they can't be and those details that are known to friends and neighbors make it easier for them to suspect foul play. If you only know what is reported on the media, then I can see why it would seem like suicide because of the lack of information and odd silence on a missing persons case that should have been all over the media for the last 4 months.
If you only know what is reported on the media, then I can see why it would seem like suicide because of the lack of information and odd silence on a missing persons case that should have been all over the media for the last 4 months.

Then there isn't much to go to but suicide then - because we only go by what media reports.

As far as this case should have been "all over the media" - the vast majority of adult missing persons are never even reported on, and the ones that are tend to be very clearly foul play or vulnerable adults, and he was neither of these (per media reports).
So the fact that he is missing, family and friends have personal knowledge of things going on in Mike's life that cause them to suspect foul play from someone close to Mike, delays in investigating after only hearing the wife's side of things, no interviews of Mike's family, Mike's friends, Mike's close neighbor friends, Mike's work friends, or Mike's boss, and this doesn't sound fishy? Seriously? No one even knows if his wife was questioned! LE has not shown any sympathy toward Mike's family in TN either, and his 80 yr old parents are driving back and forth looking for their missing son that they dearly love. They have "not been allowed" to see their grandson either. So how are these things not of the utmost concern? Where is the accountability from LE?

These are things YOU are telling us. Per the TOS here, if it's not in MSM we don't go there. If we limit the possibilities to what is in the media, suicide would naturally be the easiest conclusion to jump to.

The grandparents driving, not being able to see their grandson - those are things LE cannot help them with. They need to get an attorney and pursue visitation in court.

As far as LE's accountability, at this point they're responsible for listing him in the state database for sure, and I don't know how much poking around they do for a missing adult in KY where there is no clear evidence of foul play and no evidence that he is cognitively challenged/vulnerable. Adults ARE allowed to go walking off into the ether if they wish. As far as accountability, my assumption is that they are communicating with his next-of-kin (wife), but I could be wrong.

If you cross off suicide based on the fact that he's not someone who would do that, then you're left with him choosing to walk away because there is no evidence that he was killed or kidnapped that you are aware of.

It's very difficult when someone you know disappears. Everything and nothing can sound fishy.
All the strange behaviors by those involved coupled with the fact LE didn't search the home/property for three weeks... adds up to very worrisome results. (imo)
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I have many UPS pilot neighbors.... yes, they regularly do random drug tests.

If he is on leave for surgeries, though, he is not being tested. Even if he was, he would obviously be taking some level of pain medication. I personally believed these pain medications may have had some role in all of this from the get go.
I was the guy who opened this thread and I am very happy to see how far it has come. A lot of people concerned for Mike. To this day, I still think about him. I have written the news stations recently in hopes that they continue to stay on this story.

Some thoughts:
Could possibly a boyfriend of his wife have done away with him?
Could his wife have done something and had somebody help her in disposing his body?
Could a drug deal gone bad helped to have ended his life?
Could a painkiller addiction have caused enough depression and hopelessness for him to commit suicide?

Mike or his body is out there somewhere. Let us never give up.
I don't believe it is suicide in this case for one major reason -- he didn't leave w/ his car. Therefore, the police would know his body would be in the vicinity. Thus, they would have searched a lot more for his body in the surrounding areas than they have. I personally think they have an idea what has happened, but have no apparent evidence. I just think they are biding their time and watching and waiting.
IMO... The most interesting paragraph from your link (has nothing to do with searches):

"The usual working assumption in the case of most missing adults is that they are “missing” voluntarily and there is no need to actually look for them. (Legally, of course, any competent adult may simply choose to disappear.) However, every missing person’s case carries the potential for the possibility of something more sinister, and as such, even a seemingly
simple missing adult report should be treated as having the possibility of leading to a more serious investigation. Like other cases, a missing person’s case may go cold, but they are always remembered by the family and friends of the loved one. Even years later, some cold missing persons cases have been resolved by the locating of a wrecked car, with the missing subject still inside, for example. Other missing persons are actually the victims of homicide and any delay in investigating the report is also a delay in the homicide investigation. Care must be taken not to decide too quickly that a missing person, even an adult, is a voluntary walkway.

("Adults" Page 4)

** For those thinking "suicide", then wouldn't it fall under the category of "sinister" (as opposed to simply walking away)? So, again... why wait 3 weeks to search the home and surrounding area??

I've thought quite a bit about this too. My only assumption is that perhaps when they first got the case, took in the facts, they thought that he's an adult, no known enemies, good standing in the community, isn't known to have any involvement in drug/gang/criminal circles. Of course, I know nothing about the atmosphere or frame of mind of the LE or the wife or anyone else interviewed at that time, but perhaps once the information was taken in, they decided he was low risk for being a victim of foul play or suicide. They maybe thought it was more likely that he had left out of a domestic argument with wife, possibly to cool off, to seek an alternate living arrangement (get his own apartment etc after a domestic argument was disclosed etc), or they thought perhaps he may have left the wife for another woman.

Another factor that may have been at play. I am not saying it did, this is only IMO. but Mike was ex military, and there's a brotherhood and kinship and extreme respect between military and police. Because of his military status, they could have been more inclined to back off and allow Mike time to come home, etc., in order to spare him embarrassment and lack of intrusion later. Again, this is all my speculation, but we don't know what info LE had at time report was made, what consensus they came up with.

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I don't believe it is suicide in this case for one major reason -- he didn't leave w/ his car. Therefore, the police would know his body would be in the vicinity. Thus, they would have searched a lot more for his body in the surrounding areas than they have. I personally think they have an idea what has happened, but have no apparent evidence. I just think they are biding their time and watching and waiting.

You mentioned he didn't leave with his car. I'm assuming that family is certain that there's no activity on his cell phone since the wife went to bed (has this been verified???).... If so, how far, I wonder, would Mike have to walk in order to catch a taxi or bus? Or could Mike have had a "throwaway" pre-paid cell for any unknown reason (the prepaid is a bit out there but if anything was pre planned it is quite easily obtained, often the case, and inexpensive).

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You mentioned he didn't leave with his car. I'm assuming that family is certain that there's no activity on his cell phone since the wife went to bed (has this been verified???).... If so, how far, I wonder, would Mike have to walk in order to catch a taxi or bus? Or could Mike have had a "throwaway" pre-paid cell for any unknown reason (the prepaid is a bit out there but if anything was pre planned it is quite easily obtained, often the case, and inexpensive).

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I don't think the cell phone activity has been verified. I don't see him walking to catch a bus. It would take him a while to get up to the main road to get on a bus -- it's a couple of miles away. He could have called for a taxi, but I don't think the police have said anything about his cell phone activity. The fact that his car remained at home leaves us with four possibilities:
1) He walked away to commit suicide.
2) Someone picked him up (friend, drug dealer, taxi, girlfriend, hitchhike pickup, etc.)
3) Someone forced him away
4) He was killed and his body is nearby
Just a thought: who is to say that the wife is telling the truth about him leaving in the middle of the night? Was he even there for the previous hours?
As I have stated before, a ten minute walk would get Mike to any number of heavily wooded areas. No car needed. In fact, if he wanted to in some way get back at someone my committing suicide in a way that he appears missing, he would NOT want to have his car nearby. The police only searched behind the houses and the walking trail area, from what has been posted here. There are many other areas nearby that people do not frequent---only because there is no reason to. This is not a farming area, and I am sure hunting is forbidden due to the subdivisions nearby.
But I am still open to other scenarios being plausible. Since we evidently do no know all the details, we can only continue to talk amongst ourselves until something breaks. Let hope it does.
As I have stated before, a ten minute walk would get Mike to any number of heavily wooded areas. No car needed. In fact, if he wanted to in some way get back at someone my committing suicide in a way that he appears missing, he would NOT want to have his car nearby. The police only searched behind the houses and the walking trail area, from what has been posted here. There are many other areas nearby that people do not frequent---only because there is no reason to. This is not a farming area, and I am sure hunting is forbidden due to the subdivisions nearby.
But I am still open to other scenarios being plausible. Since we evidently do no know all the details, we can only continue to talk amongst ourselves until something breaks. Let hope it does.

Police obviously have their reasons for the actions they do or do not take. If police believed this was a suicide, they would be all over those surrounding areas looking to finish this case and find Mike. The point being, if he did not take his car and went to commit suicide in the middle of the night, the search area radius would be relatively small and the officers could close this case by searching for him.

All that stated, it seems that police seemingly have other thoughts and do not see a reason to actively search the surrounding areas.

I personally think this is not a suicide. I personally think everything is too fishy for it to be a suicide.

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