KY KY - Kathy, 48, & Samantha Netherland, 16, Botland, 21 Apr 2014

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DNA Solves
I will think more carefully about the cameras and the suspect vehicle. There is something I do not understand, and I need to look it better.

For now, other subjects. It seems that detectives showed great interest in a window and possibly the door in the west side of the house. The window is open, although it is possible that the police opened it (why?). Clearly they are working on it, and in another image it appears they are working also on the door, but that is not certain.

(All the pictures are vidcaps)

Since I have not seen pictures or images of an equivalent job at the front door, I guess the killer (or killers) came through that door or that window. That door may be the most used because the family parked the car there.

From the road, coming from Bardstown, there is no good view of that door and window, because a tree and the family car. We can see the tree in some video images, but the best view is in Street View of Google, and you can make the path towards the house and see how the tree and the car cover these key points.
I'm a little disappointed, and a little surprised, too. A sharp increase in the reward, but not much help from the police. No new information which may increase public interest. No information, no interest. So this works.

This thread has fewer visits than other threads that have been opened two weeks ago. No wonder. Now family and friends of the victims try to promote a new search of the Impala, but can offer little to attract attention, except the reward. A combination of a big reward with new information could attract new interest in the case. But it seems that detectives think otherwise. I hope they are right.

The Facebook page of Bardstown police do not even speak about the anniversary of the crime or the increased reward. But they pay great attention to a dog that had been stolen and has been recovered. Yes, they are not in charge of the investigation, but at least a little help...

Anyway, these days has come to the light an interesting peace of information (but not from police). I will discuss it in the coming days.
Kathy's sister, Stacey Hibbard, a lawyer, seems to be the spokeswoman for the family

Hibbard said the lack of motive behind the killing has been puzzling. She said Holly would have been the only person who could have had a motive — to collect life insurance. But Holly was ruled out long ago by police, Hibbard said.

Holly Netherland, 19, is the only surviving member of the family. She was at Morehead State University at the time of the murders. It is likely that her family convinced her to offer the reward, among other things, to calm rumors. That would also explain the rush to sell the house, which would be a way to get money.

"Actually, it's I guess you could say Holly's inheritance," Hibbard said. "We felt it was important enough, and so did she, that it would be worth putting up that amount of money so that hopefully there would be a conclusion."

Although the lack of information made me reserve my opinion, personally I have never believed that she had nothing to do, but I acknowledge she was probably the strongest initially suspect.
The last day of 2013 took place an event which slightly altered the tranquility of Kathy and her daughters. It does not seem too important, and only what happened four months later makes us pay attention to it. But there is something disturbing. It is vague, nothing specific, but ...

On December 31, 2013, Kathy wrote on her Facebook page:

Earlier this afternoon we heard a noise. I thought one our two cats had knocked over something. We didn't find anything disturbed so we thought it was nothing. Boy were we wrong. A little while ago Holly opens our front door to go outside to pick up the mail and finds both glass panes in our screen door shattered. We have taken pics and have carefully removed loose pieces of glass and the glass frames. All the shattered glass pieces have been swept up off the front porch. Guess I'll be heading to Lowes tomorrow to find replacements. Crazy how unexpected events happen.

Family and friends were interested and asked what had happened, and Kathy replied:

We're not sure. I think it wasn't latched and the wind must have caught it. The door frame is fine but the glass in both the top and bottom panes were shattered. Glass was all over the porch.

Foul play?, they asked her.

I don't think it was foul play. There was no rock or anything like that on the porch. There wasn't any damage to the wood door panes either. There were window clings that said Merry Christmas but I don't think anyone in this area would be bothered by that. I think it was a fluke wind that caught the door and broke the windows.

Kathy analysis is rational and well-founded, but the most she can get is to conclude that the absence of evidence of foul play (no rock, no damage in the wood) makes the wind explanation the most likely. Some of her friends and family seemed to be not very convinced. Perhaps what was said by Kathy was a form of reassurance, and perhaps to herself too.

(From Kathy´s Facebook, on December 16)

Look at two details of what was said by Kathy. The first is that if she was really convinced that it was the wind, she would have said from the beginning: The wind broke the glasses. The second is that she and her daughters did not see that the screen door was not latched, she thinks it was not. But if It had not been latched, surely it would have followed without being latched after breaking, unless the wind blow that broke the glasses had also closed the screen door.

And there is another problem, the wind.

There were not recorded high winds that day at stations around Bardstown. In fact, both the averages and the gusts are below the monthly average in each and every one of the stations. So it was a day with less wind than usual. It is possible, of course, that there were strong gusts undetected, just in Botland, near Kathy´s house. But the data at our disposal are quite clear, and tell us it was a day without strong winds.

If a door or window is not secured, the wind usually warns before break. If there are people in the house, the sound of the door slamming must be heard by anyone before reaching the break. The exception would be a very strong and surprising gust of wind, very unlikely, but possible.

Was there foul play? I think as well that the most likely explanation is the wind or something similar, but I also think there is a reasonable possibility that someone broke those glasses on a voluntary basis, and it makes imperative a deep investigation.

Was this investigated by police? I do not know, but if they did not, perhaps they are still on time. They should seek permission from the new owner of the house and put a similar screen door, if it has been changed. Then wait for a day with stronger winds than in December 31 and leave the screen door not latched and watch what happens. Does the wind move the screen door? Breaks it? Are the pieces scattered on the porch? They can be compared with the pictures they took, and with the memory of Holly.

They should also break the glass with a stone and with an iron rod or similar, and see how they break and how the pieces of glass fall. They should also ask in shops and insurance companies if that day there were wind damages in other houses. Also check if there were complaints of broken glass or vandalism at that time. And then, with all the information, reach a conclusion.

Although there are many possibilities, I think the four most likely, without determining the order, are:

1) A gust of wind broke the glass.

2) Someone voluntarily broke the glass, but it is not related to the crime.

3) It was an attack on the family, a little manifestation of the evil which devastate the house months later.

4) It was a test. Someone was checking if he could come, damage and leave without being seen.

One more thing. In videos made just after the crime we can see that there is a damage in what looks like a wooden panel, next to the door, at upper right, as we see in this picture.


That damage was not there when christmas photo was made, so unless the damage was done by the police or relatives of Kathy on April 22, it is very likely that should happen in the first months of the year. This time Kathy wrote nothing about it, or at least I have not found.

It would be very important to know when the damage at the door occurred, and why was not fixed. Maybe it was very close to the date of the crime?

Two such damages in a few months, that is odd.
Kathy said that she took pictures of the door and the shattered glass. Maybe those could be rounded up.

What way did the glass fall? I would think that if someone on the outside of the house intentionally hit the glass to break it, it would have fallen towards the inside door. If the door slammed and broke the glass, I would think the glass would have fallen outwards towards the porch.
Kathy said that she took pictures of the door and the shattered glass. Maybe those could be rounded up.

What way did the glass fall? I would think that if someone on the outside of the house intentionally hit the glass to break it, it would have fallen towards the inside door. If the door slammed and broke the glass, I would think the glass would have fallen outwards towards the porch.

Glass was all over the porch. But it is difficult to conclude anything without doing the experiment. If you hit the glass hard, for example with an iron bar, many crystals can bounce against the door and go the porch, and others can remain between the door and the screen door. It is an idea that can rejected or confirmed doing the test.

It should also be tested with the wind, or pushing the screen door. If the wind pushes the screen door against the frame, that is, toward the house, is not very clear why the crystals are all over the porch, out of the house.

One explanation for both cases would be that when the screen door was opened, some crystals that were hanging from frames were thrown out. Without seeing the pictures or a reliable description of how the crystals were on the porch, I can´t say more.

Wind theory still has two major problems:

1) The records indicate that day there were not strong winds.

2) Quite a few times I (or family) left windows or doors open or improperly secured, with strong wind, and never ended in breakage. There was always someone who heard the noise and secured on time.

Anyway, I still believe that wind theory is the most likely. Perhaps 50% or 60%.
I find it very unusual that both windows of the door glass broke. I also think that the glass in those outside doors are not usually thin and easy to break by a door slammed by the wind.

In Spain these screen doors are rare. Anyway, I do not think they break easily.

The police had a good opportunity (and still has), as they not often have the chance to reproduce a past event so easily.
Very interesting. Good catch. It does sound like someone broke both those windows. Someone had some grudge or hatred. I can not believe this hasn't been solved.

The wind theory has problems, but a person breaking the glass too. There were no rocks or other objects, so if someone broke it, had to risk reaching the front door, and could have been seen as leaving.

Another issue: The house was empty for many hours every day, so if someone wanted to cause damage without being seen by the family, he could do so without risk.

Everything in this case is puzzling, and the lack of information only complicates more.

For example, I do not understand the confidence of the police in that if the car is find they will solve the case. Rather, that they will be able to recognize the car when they find it. That confidence would only can been explained if they have DNA or fingerprints, or both.
The neighbors seem so close. I wonder if they witnessed the car there. Otherwise, why wouldn't the police also consider it could be someone on foot. Or do the police just know the car passed by their house and want to see if they witnessed anything unusual or anyone on foot.
Nothing. I check the news every three or four days, but nothing new.

One detective has said that they will not solve the case without outside help, that is, without someone talking, so do not seem they are doing much, other than to continue looking for the car.

I was 95% sure that the murder of Jason Ellis was not related to the the Kathy and Samantha murder. I still think it, but now at 75% - 25%. And down.
I am still on the fence as to whether these murders are related to Crystal Rogers disappearance and the murder of Officer Ellis but it is certainly interesting to learn that glass on a storm door was shattered in broad daylight months before the Netherlands murders. We know LE has been looking for a Chevy Impala they believe is the key to solving this crime and now we learn Crystal Rogers drove a maroon Chevy Impala fitting the description of the car seen near the home on the night if the Netherlands murders. LE also stated they believe the car could have been borrowed by the perpetrator(s). I realize they originally described it as a black or navy Impala but I believe a dark maroon might also look to be black or navy. I wonder if the Harry Houck, registered sex offender, younger brother of Brooks was known to Kathy Netherlands or either of her daughters? He is a 20 year registrant but his conviction was for a charge of possession of pornographic material. Is it possible Kathy and/or Samantha were a witness to whatever crime he committed? His original charge could have been much more serious and perhaps he accepted a plea bargain? Just thinking aloud but feeling more convinced ever day that these 3 separate crimes share a common thread. MOO
Seems odd both panes would break in a door. Unfortunately, older glass doors do sometimes break for no apparent reason. Usually it's some type of stress crack that isn't visible, but impurities in the glass, temperature changes, wind, anything really can cause them to break. I think for them to seemingly break at the same time (one sound versus two) makes it sound like just a fluke. Not saying someone couldn't have intentionally broke them, of course. I just think there would be some kind of evidence, like a rock or BB/pellet.

Regarding the damage to the sidelight/paneled area around the door, I thought it looked like it was originally sidelights that had been painted over and the paint had peeled off. But it could very well be wood that's been damaged. The picture isn't super clear, so it's hard to tell.

It's a shame LE are looking for a very popular car model. I assume they have very good reason to suspect it's that car, rather than just assuming it had to be them because it showed up on cameras near the house. Did any of the neighbors have security cameras? I'm having a hard time getting the videos to play. Was approximate time of death ever stated? Is that why they are after this specific car?

I highly doubt the killer(s), if he/she/they were driving that car, still has possession of the car, if it was their car to begin with. In the video, with the screenshot of the car, it almost looks like there could be a second person, it looks slightly lighter at the back of the passenger side window, but it's so grainy it's impossible to tell for sure. The driver looks male, judging by driving posture alone. It appears he's got the seat leaned back just a bit, with his arm resting over the steering wheel or maybe resting at the bottom of the driver side window. Hard to tell, could be completely wrong.

Definitely time to release more info. Obviously the car lead isn't getting them anywhere.
Seems odd both panes would break in a door. Unfortunately, older glass doors do sometimes break for no apparent reason. Usually it's some type of stress crack that isn't visible, but impurities in the glass, temperature changes, wind, anything really can cause them to break. I think for them to seemingly break at the same time (one sound versus two) makes it sound like just a fluke. Not saying someone couldn't have intentionally broke them, of course. I just think there would be some kind of evidence, like a rock or BB/pellet.

Regarding the damage to the sidelight/paneled area around the door, I thought it looked like it was originally sidelights that had been painted over and the paint had peeled off. But it could very well be wood that's been damaged. The picture isn't super clear, so it's hard to tell.

It's a shame LE are looking for a very popular car model. I assume they have very good reason to suspect it's that car, rather than just assuming it had to be them because it showed up on cameras near the house. Did any of the neighbors have security cameras? I'm having a hard time getting the videos to play. Was approximate time of death ever stated? Is that why they are after this specific car?

I highly doubt the killer(s), if he/she/they were driving that car, still has possession of the car, if it was their car to begin with. In the video, with the screenshot of the car, it almost looks like there could be a second person, it looks slightly lighter at the back of the passenger side window, but it's so grainy it's impossible to tell for sure. The driver looks male, judging by driving posture alone. It appears he's got the seat leaned back just a bit, with his arm resting over the steering wheel or maybe resting at the bottom of the driver side window. Hard to tell, could be completely wrong.

Definitely time to release more info. Obviously the car lead isn't getting them anywhere.

BBM The car was seen on a business's video around 8 pm on the date of the murder. The only video LE has mentioned came from a business. They were reportedly checking with residences in the area. Obviously, LE feels that the time of death is approx 8 pm, since that is when the car was seen driving away from the crime scene.
I still think that the car comes from the time of the murder, and not vice versa. That is, that the police have information about the time of the crime, surely someone heard gunshots, and that's the beginning. I think there's another camera involved, and detectives searched vehicles that appeared in one and took too much time to appear in the other, at the time of the crime.

First they had three suspicious vehicles, and in just one day found and discarded two ot them. And only Impala was left.

I like Rick McCubbin, but his complaints about the rumors that interfere with police work are misplaced. It is the secrecy of detectives which multiplies the rumors. People want to know, and if they do not receive information, we have speculation and suspicion.

Secrecy in the murder of Kathy and Samantha crosses all lines and becomes ridiculous. I will say more about this tomorrow.

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