GUILTY KY - Paige Johnson, 17, found deceased, Florence, 23 Sept 2010 *arrest in 2020*

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Prosecutor Rob Sanders is using the same media to spread the word about Johnson. He says cases like this often are broken when an innocent person overhears a conversation or stumbles into something. “If somebody that stumbles across that information happens to have seen the poster come across their Facebook page or Twitter account they'll know they're talking about this missing girl and we need to call police. And that's what we're hoping happens. “

Sanders says they are also monitoring Facebook to see if Paige logs in. She was an avid user and her last known contact was a message sent on Facebook. “There was, close in time to when Paige went missing there was a message left on a Facebook page. I don't know that that person got a chance to return that message.” That last message was essentially, “Call me, it's important.”

Police are not sure if she was in trouble and aren't speculating.

The prosecutors office has subpoenaed phone and internet records of the last few people to interact with Paige Johnson. They are gathering information but have not opened a criminal case.

If they don't know if the person got a chance to return that message...then one would think that person isn't cooperating with them. Otherwise, they would know, right?

You just ask "did you have a chance to call her back?" The person says yes or no. It's quite simple. Unless they are not cooperating or you don't think they are being honest.

So unless whatever she wanted them to call about would make that person look like they had a motive.... you would think LE would already know. :waitasec:

By Jim Hannah • • October 14, 2010

COVINGTON – The last person to be seen with missing 17-year-old Paige Johnson was arrested on a parole violation 11 days after the girl disappeared.

Jacob Thomas Bumpass, 22, has been at the Kenton County jail on the parole violation since Oct. 4 after investigators found what appeared to be dried blood and two latex gloves in his sink.
Just saw this on the local news...

"Bumpass says he dropped her off at 15th and Scott about 1 a.m. The cell phone records show he, or at least his phone, was somewhere else. The affidavit says at 1:03 that morning Bumpass' phone accessed or pinged a cell phone tower on Tanner's Lane in Florence, a few blocks from Johnson's home. At 1:32 it pinged from a tower in Wilder... the one closest to Bumpass' home. Just before 3 a.m., his phone pinged on a tower in Edgewood and at 4:13 a.m., it pinged on a tower on Filager Road in Batavia. Five minutes later there is a hit on a tower on Half-Acre Road near the entrance to East Fork Lake State Park. At 9:43 the phone was back near the Wilder tower. All on the night Paige Johnson was last seen with Jacob Bumpass."


I am local to this area. Filager Road is near the county jail and the sheriff's office. The animal shelter is also on that road. Once you pass all of this though the road becomes very "woodsy" and somewhat rural. The East Fork of the Little Miami River is also close to where Filager meets what I would call a main road...St Rt 222. This is practically my back yard and there are LOTS of woods in this area :(. East Fork State Park is huge, also with a lot of thick woods and the lake is very large. What doesn't make sense to me though is that the pings between Filager and Half-Acre were 5 min would have to drive awfully fast to make it there in 5 min. Part of it is highway (SR 32) and not heavily traveled at 4-5 am so it would be possible to go way over the speed limit on this road for a short amount of time, I suppose but 5 min is still quick. I may try to drive it this weekend to see.

This area is a great distance to the Florence, KY area a little over a half hour. (Batavia is in Ohio) I'd be curious to know if he was friends with someone in this area because these are pretty random places to be if you don't know the area (and people from Ky generally do not) The other entrances to East Fork are more commonly used. I don't know that this entrance is even signed very well from the main roads. I'll have to venture out and take a look.

I'll keep my ears open and definitely eyes since now I know he was in my area. Paige, hopefully you are okay and hiding out somewhere here in Batavia and we can bring you home to your family!

ETA: This does not look good. At all. From the same news story...

Bumpass ran when police announced who they were but they caught him. He let them inside the home, where Frodge says he saw what he thought was dried blood on a sink and a latex glove. Bumpass refused to talk.
WOW. That's strange. I can't imagine someone getting from around Filager Rd to Half-Acre in 5 minutes. Even at that time. You'd have to go incredibly fast.

Batavia is a random place to be. As is any place around that area; Owensville, Williamsburg, Milford, Amelia, whatever. Especially at 4 in the morning.

Hopefully she's just hiding. I'll be looking for her!
Great info in this article. Ping information is interesting. I grew up in and near the areas listed. Interestingly enough, the Filager Rd. location is where the clermont county jail and courthouse is located, Half Acre Rd. is just a few minutes from there going eastbound on 32, eastfork entrance is on old st. rt. 74. Return trip from eastfork state park in OH to wilder, KY approximately 45 minutes.
A name was mentioned in the article from my previous post... this is the indiviual's FB page. PJ is listed as a friend. If you cannot get to the P's, click on the drop-down window next to the word, show, select "no networks" she will be on pg. 6.

He is currently in jail for a parole violation. The comments made from his mobile on Sept. 22 in light of the cell ping info doesn't look good. I should mention the park has a huge lake.!/profile.php?id=100000205477221&v=wall
Paige was on my mind today so after work I took a drive, paying particular attention to the cell phone towers. It turns out the towers on Filager road are definitely visible from SR 32 as is the tower on Half-Acre drive. Given that, it's entirely possible to drive between these two towers in 5 minutes. It would be a bit longer if he was actually ON Filager but I don't think he was. I think he drove down 32 on his way to the park/lake and the tower pinged him from there and then the other tower pinged him at Half-Acre. I'd love to see the record of all the pings.

If anyone is interested I can map this out for you and try to figure out how to post it.

I also drove into the East Fork Lake area. It's about 3 miles from the cell phone tower to the actual lake with LOTS of woods in between. Three weeks ago those woods would have been much thicker than they are now as of course trees are losing their leaves and the brush is dying here. I'm curious if he was familiar with this area at all if this was a common place for him to come camp or boat. Considering if he was coming here to dump her body I'm wondering if he would chance taking that entire drive down to the lake at that hour and risk someone seeing him or if he would have dumped her in the woods somewhere along the way. Surely they are or will bring dogs out there to search. The optimist in me wants to believe that he was just helping Paige hide here and she's there camping at the campgrounds. At this point someone else would need to be helping her though because I'm sure she would not have had 3 weeks worth of supplies.

Going to read Facebook to see if there is anything there that was not reported on the local news. If I find anything new I will post.

Please let someone find her soon.

Somehow I don't think she is camping. This case has been on my mind too (even though I am in Florida). It doesn't look good. And the longer it goes without any further news makes it worse.
Yeah that's why I said the optimist in me wants to believe he is helping her hide at the lake. The sleuth in me knows better.

I've been doing more thinking tonight. He would have come up Interstate 275 from Kentucky. There is a sign on the highway for East Fork that tells you the two exits for the park/lake. It tells you what exit to take for the beach and what exit to take for campgrounds. I think it's a fairly new sign. The exit for the beach is first and the camp exit is about a mile down from that. Once you exit the Park/Lake is several miles from both exits. Anyway, what I was thinking is if he was unfamiliar with the area and strictly wanted to dump her in the lake I think he would have taken the first exit. Why go to campgrounds if you want the lake? So I think he was probably somewhat familiar with the camping area and dumped her in the woods there. Someone unfamiliar with the area and just wanting to get to the lake would take the first exit. Also, he crossed the Ohio River on his way to the lake, if he wanted to just dump her body in water somewhere why go to the lake? Why not dump her in a huge river that has a very swift current? She is in those woods, imo. Another report said his cell pinged on a tower near Kellogg Ave at 5:00AM. That's near the bridge on 275 that goes back to Kentucky. That puts him in Ohio for just about an hour. About 20-25 min to and from East Fork each way...that's 10-20 min of non-drive time. An awful far drive to spend such a short amount of time doing anything honest.

I found another news link that gives info about Bumpass's brother's car...

"According to court documents, the roommate told police Caleb Bumpass had extensively cleaned his car two to three days after Johnson went missing. The roommate said that he found it odd because Caleb was "a trashy person" and he had never known him to clean his car

The roommate told police he had heard Jacob asked to borrow the vehicle, according to the affidavit. After the car was cleaned, he saw spilled red paint in the trunk area."

There is supposed to be a group of her friends and family searching at the lake tomorrow. The police are being so tight lipped (I understand why) but surely they have been to the area with dogs or something? That park is 5000 acres though and a lot of woods, so would take some time to search. I hate where my mind is going with this.

ALL IMOO of course.
There was just mention on facebook of somebody possibly hearing on the scanner that Paige had been pulled over in a I immediately ran to the scanner forum... It's not there... so obviously somewhere else in the world they listen to the scanner. :waitasec:

Since Paige's "boyfriend of a few years" has also been named in the media....‘sunshine-ripped-out-of-my-life’

Here is her boyfriend's facebook:!/profile.php?id=100000973285482&v=wall

And her boyfriend's my space:

I don't think he hurt her either. I think he's just young and immature. I can see him helping her hide as well. Paige's family has commented on there, so their facebooks are on there as well.

Jacob is the friend I have been talking about for a week that was in custody.... thank you very much. I feel vindicated. (Can we please call him Jacob... I feel evil every time I giggle at his last name.) :innocent:

Now I can share my links with all of you.

Jacob's myspace:

This album is Paige:

Jacob's facebook:

Jacob's booking information:

If they can't get him to talk, I would vote they send his best friend T in. But that's just me...

I agree with Paige's sister that he simply does not strike me as the type to hurt Paige. He has known her for years and he is the protector of the group. He doesn't appear to have a motive to hurt her, though I can see motive to HIDE her. The only thing that makes me pause, is that one comment on his my space about someone carrying his child. But I think that was sarcastic or something.

Paige having alcohol was not unusual and she often had it with Jacob at the parties she attended. That doesn't even raise an eyebrow for me, completely normal for Paige.

If they found blood in his house, they should know by now if it was consistent with Paige's. At the very least they could have blood typed it.

If his cell phone was pinging at this place that is perfect to dump a body...why has it taken 3 weeks to search it? It doesn't take 3 weeks to get cell phone records.

If this place his phone was pinging was out of state... did they consider that it would have been a violation of his parole to be there? So that may be why he lied about it? We all know what stupid things people will lie about in the middle of a much bigger investigation.

Jacob is also a stage 4 cancer survivor and seems to be a very relaxed type of person. He is quite close to his Mom, but not so much to his brother. I don't think he would help him cover anything up.

I also considered that his brother is engaged and his girlfriend may not take kindly to the messy car. My ex lived right down the street from Destiny Norton. He had his car cleaned out and detailed the day after she went missing... because he was sick of hearing me complain about it being messy. :angel:

Jacob's brother's facebook has always been private, his mother's just went private recently.

Okay... I think that is all that I had on people that have now been named in the media.‘friends’-with-jailed-man_5246784

“Something is wrong, something is not right. Something is going on. Either she is hiding out somewhere or something happened,” Haywood said.

On Sept. 21 Johnson chatted with Bumpass on Facebook. Just after 2 a.m. she posted on his wall to come and get her, her sister and her friend to “party ASAP!” He declined because, as he posted, he had a job interview the following morning and needed to get some sleep.
Friends and family members of Paige Johnson searched several locations in Northern Kentucky Saturday, looking for clues that might answer the question: What happened to the 17 year old Florence girl.

More than 30 people gathered Saturday morning on Decoursey Avenue in Covington before starting the search.

Among the places they combed were an area off Locust Pike in Taylor Mill, near the Licking River and in Covington, around 47th and Decoursey, near Banklick Creek.
They also looked in a scrapyard near the railroad bridge that crosses the Licking River between Covington and Newport.
Praying for Paige today. Not much in the news about her last night or this morning, just that some friends and family searched around in Kentucky and also a few at East Fork. There was some confusion on FB that a local search and rescue was going to search at East Fork. A S&R member finally posted that they will search but are working with LE as to when and where so they do not destroy evidence. They urged everyone to follow the police request. I just wish that LE would come out with something. To me, a lot points to that she could be in that park and I don't understand why they would not launch a full scale search.

If she's there I don't think she would be too far off from the road. It would have been pitch black at the time of night Jacob was there and I can't imagine that he would have bothered to carry her far in. Vegetation would have been thick. I don't think he was there long enough to dig much of a grave so if there is one, it would be very shallow. Thinking about driving over there later today just to observe from the road to see if I can see anything that stands out as unusual.

I know that in other cases, there's been questions as to the accuracy of cell phone pings - do we know for sure that these pings were accurate?

It's sad this case isn't given more coverage - unfortunately, just another example that the media will only cover cases with certain types of victims.
I followed this case from the beginning when Paige was first reported missing. I thought it would just turn out that she wanted to get away for awhile, but it looks like there is more to it, sadly. It appears this JB person dropping her off may know more. It seems like everytime a statepark with a lot of woods comes into the picture nothing good comes out of it. There really is no good reason for this guy to make a trip like this in the middle of the night (4am) to a desolate area such as this other than to hide something or someone. From the online map, it appears that the approx distance between the Filager Rd. tower and the one off Half Acre is only 7 miles so it seems he would be able to cover this distance easily with no traffic. I also bet the ping was from traveling on St. Rt. 32 past the tower, not actually being on Filager Rd. Of course I know cell towers can only give a general radius of location.

I pray that she is okay, but my brain tells me probably not in this case. East Fork State Park is huge and a great place to hide a body at night. I just hope that if something terrible happened to her that her family is able to locate her and not have this drag on giving them more grief. :( Here is a map of the approx cell tower ping locations., Batavia, OH 45103___e_&mode=D&rtop=0~0~0~
Okay in addition to why they didn't have the cell phone pings earlier and the blood ruled in or out as matching Paige.... there are a few other things here that make no sense to me.

If his phone pinged near her home at 1am, I would think someone would have known she was there... rather than already gone for a couple of hours.

Paige left a facebook message on her sister's facebook at 12:12am saying she needed to talk to her immediately. (She says this wasn't an odd message from Paige, that's just how she talked.) Where did she post this from? It seems an odd thing to do at a friends house.

If she was on her way to her sister's house... why post that message at all? You will see her in an hour.

11 HOURS later her sister responds on facebook and says minutes aren't free, but she can text her.

If Paige doesn't have a cell phone, why is she telling her to text her? Not just email her?

If Paige was supposed to be at her house 11 hours before, why isn't she concerned? It was only a few hours later that Paige was reported missing.

(It is said by a family member that Paige doesn't have a cell phone on the Paige You Are Safe Here facebook.)

Paige's sister's facebook, remember facebook adjusts times for YOUR timezone.!/profile.php?id=100001640020055&v=wall

The album of pictures that her sister put up of Paige:!/album.php?aid=10167&id=100001640020055

Paige was supposed to be dropped off at Brittany's house around 1 a.m.

The teen, who is a mother to a two year old daughter......

From the video and article here:‘friends’-with-jailed-man

After she is reported missing...
usually in a missing person's case you hear "Well I don't think she would ever run away, but I hope that's it!"

In this case... any "rumor" that would result in Paige being okay... they are getting angry about! That is just astonishing to me. I am not getting the impression that the police are doing a whole lot if the family is out searching a possible crime scene. So the family really does need to be checking out these tips.

Example: A woman said that she worked at a hotel... that a woman there had a grandson who introduced Paige as his new wife, they had just gotten married. She had a picture of Paige and possibly one of these two together. The entire staff, not just one person, recognized this girl and discussed how to handle it. They did contact police but didn't hear anything... so they wanted to contact the family. They took the time to follow up with the family after not seeing the police follow up.

The family's response was "Paige can't get married, she's 17!" and "She wouldn't do that, she has a boyfriend."

What?! Seriously? :eek:

I can pretend for a minute they are correct and Paige did not run off and get married to another guy. (Tiffany Tehan anyone?)

They could have lied about the marriage. If Grandma knows they are living together and wouldn't approve. I've been the "wife" since 2002 and I'm still not married!

However, much more critically... she could be there against her will.

Elizabeth Smart was "married" and Jaycee Dugard was the "daughter"!

I was just stunned to the point of tears... that they are just completely disregarding a tip that would be so easy to prove or disprove.

The thought that she could be being held as someone's "wife" and her family disregarded it... makes me sick. I am not sure why the tips of her being alive are being disregarded. Those would be the ones I would want to check out...rather than searching the trees and water. :cry:

Paige isn't my family member though... so how to handle tips is simply not my decision. I just really hope they don't disregard the tip that would lead them to Paige. :twocents:

This beautiful girl with so much personality, so full of life....deserves to be found. Regardless of what that might mean.


Paige with her Mom and her sister


All from facebook.
I now believe LE is actively involved in this case and is just playing VERY close to the vest. I went out to the park today and there were water rescue units from the sheriff's department of both jurisdictions (one from the county where the park is, in Ohio and one from the county where Paige is from, in Kentucky.) I do not know if they found anything or not. I also saw two different cars with "Kentucky official" license plates. One where the water search was going on and one stationed by the woods up near the entrance.

This park is huge (5000 acres- 2,000 of which is water) and it's entirely possible that they have been searching since the cell phone pings put him in that area. The media only picked up on the pings on Thursday. No one from the media was at the park today while I was there so I do not expect to see it in the news that there was an official search today.

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