KY - Rowan County clerk Kim Davis Jailed for Contempt, 2015

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Maybe Josh Duggar will visit her too? Hypocrites unite or something.

So glad she is in jail so that all the couples could get their licenses today <3

No one gets to judge what love is for someone else, especially Kim who has been married 4 times. She doesn't know herself.
I am proud of that couple. I think I would've gone to another county to avoid the woman, but holding out for their right to a license was the best thing to do and benefits others who come after them. Bravo, gentlemen!

Same here. Shame they had to work so hard to have what others take for granted but yay for them. I wish them the best. Interesting article. F bombs are dropped for anyone that doesn't like that sorta thing.

snippet .... "One last thing to say about Kim Davis...

When people pointed out that Davis's own marital conduct seemed less than biblical&#8212;three divorces, four husbands, pregnant by husband #3 while still married to husband #1, convincing husband #2 to adopt the children of the man who would eventually become husband #3, divorcing husband #3 and then marrying husband #4 (who was also husband #2&#8212;Davis's defenders on the right insisted that her conduct prior to husband #4 was completely irrelevant:"

LOLOLOL prior to becoming Apostolic Christianity she was Baptist. Cheezits, this is rich!!!!!!!!!!!! Interesting article. F bombs are dropped for anyone that doesn't like that sorta thing.

snippet .... "One last thing to say about Kim Davis...

When people pointed out that Davis's own marital conduct seemed less than biblical—three divorces, four husbands, pregnant by husband #3 while still married to husband #1, convincing husband #2 to adopt the children of the man who would eventually become husband #3, divorcing husband #3 and then marrying husband #4 (who was also husband #2—Davis's defenders on the right insisted that her conduct prior to husband #4 was completely irrelevant:"

LOLOLOL prior to becoming Apostolic Christianity she was Baptist. Cheezits, this is rich!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah when I here people say that she has been forgiven for all her past sins. I ask them how about the sin she's currently participating in GLUTTONY.

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Her confidence in her actions has been bolstered from the minute gay marriage was legalized in Kentucky. She made her position known immediately and right away there were protesters and supporters on the steps of the courthouse. I have family in Rowan and surrounding counties. I am so tired of seeing Kim Davis's name pop up on my Facebook news feed.
She should do her job or resign. <modsnip>

Perhaps because she is being a hypocrite. Married 3 times before her current husband. And he was married 3 times before her as well. Her job is not one that she should be "preaching" about her religious beliefs. It is not her job to decide that gays can not marry. It is her job to issue marriage licenses. She is illegally denying certain people with their right to obtain a marriage license.....using God as the excuse for it. People have the right to speak about her actions "as a Christian" since she is using her "Christianity" as the reason for not doing her job.

Criticizing someone for being a discriminatory bigot who happens to be Christian and who justifies her hateful actions with recourse to her Christianity is *not* an indictment of Christianity -- it is an indictment of someone who exploits her religion to promote hatred.

Criticizing someone for being a discriminatory bigot who happens to be Christian and who justifies her hateful actions with recourse to her Christianity is *not* an indictment of Christianity -- it is an indictment of someone who exploits her religion to promote hatred.


Thank you, you beat me to it. Her Christianity is not the issue here, at least not for me (aside from my disdain for what I perceive as her hypocrisy).

The issue is that as a government employee, she is not allowed to deny citizens their legal rights based on her own personal beliefs. She is obligated to follow the law whether she personally agrees with it or not.

And this is true whether she is a Christian or a member of the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Somehow, though, I don't think she'd have so many supporters defending her in the name of "religious liberty" if she claimed to be a Muslim.
I would agree regarding name calling but I find it hard to feel any kindness toward people like KD.
My grandma used to say "sometimes you just have to let er rip"
In other words let it out.

I went back through the thread searching for the so called name calling. The only thing I found was hypocrite. To me that isn't name calling but saying what Davis is. Perhaps I missed some name calling somehow but I fail to see how those that disagree with Davis, on this thread, can be called out for something that didn't happen.

Thank you, you beat me to it. Her Christianity is not the issue here, at least not for me (aside from my disdain for what I perceive as her hypocrisy).

The issue is that as a government employee, she is not allowed to deny citizens their legal rights based on her own personal beliefs. She is obligated to follow the law whether she personally agrees with it or not.

And this is true whether she is a Christian or a member of the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Somehow, though, I don't think she'd have so many supporters defending her in the name of "religious liberty" if she claimed to be a Muslim.

It's fair to discuss an "offender" (subject of this thread) as it relates to "her" Christian beliefs especially since she is objecting in the name of Christianity. I think the subtle negativity as it relates to Christians in general is unfair. IMO. I have seen this done with both Christians and Muslims.
It's fair to discuss an "offender" (subject of this thread) as it relates to "her" Christian beliefs especially since she is objecting in the name of Christianity. I think the subtle negativity as it relates to Christians in general is unfair. IMO. I have seen this done with both Christians and Muslims.

I am responding because you quoted me and I don't understand your response.

Are you agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or just jumping off my post?
I am responding because you quoted me and I don't understand your response.

Are you agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or just jumping off my post?

Jumping off your post and agreeing in my own way with your comment on Muslims. I need to be mindful when discussing someone that claims to belong to a certain group of people. I don't think it's ever good to alienate large groups based on their religion.
Jumping off your post and agreeing in my own way with your comment on Muslims. I need to be mindful when discussing someone that claims to belong to a certain group of people. I don't think it's ever good to alienate large groups based on their religion.

You're very right. And I do want to say something. Someone (was it you Flourish?) said something about having to qualify when someone is a "true" Christian because there are so few. I actually don't believe that. We hear the news about people like this woman, Josh Duggar, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard. But it's called "news" for a reason. It's considering "new" because it is unusual.

Yes, we have a culture problem with certain right wing Christian movements whose goals seem to be eradicating reproductive rights of women and an obsessive quest to destroy equality when it comes to LGBTQ persons. But I don't think that's really the majority of Christians.

And I also actually think - and this may freak people out- that even people who adhere to tenets that I abhor or feel are hypocritical- like denying the poor financial assistance, or wanting to deny rights to whole segments of the population, can be otherwise good people. Nothing and no one is black and white. Sometimes people are misguided but coming from a sincere place and are sincerely motivated.

Imo, this woman is not one of those. Nothing about her seems good or sincere. Everything about her screams bigotry, anger and hate. But she certainly doesn't represent Christians as a whole.
You're very right. And I do want to say something. Someone (was it you Flourish?) said something about having to qualify when someone is a "true" Christian because there are so few. I actually don't believe that. We hear the news about people like this woman, Josh Duggar, Jimmy Swaggart, Ted Haggard. But it's called "news" for a reason. It's considering "new" because it is unusual.

Yes, we have a culture problem with certain right wing Christian movements whose goals seem to be eradicating reproductive rights of women and an obsessive quest to destroy equality when it comes to LGBTQ persons. But I don't think that's really the majority of Christians.

And I also actually think - and this may freak people out- that even people who adhere to tenets that I abhor or feel are hypocritical- like denying the poor financial assistance, or wanting to deny rights to whole segments of the population, can be otherwise good people. Nothing and no one is black and white. Sometimes people are misguided but coming from a sincere place and are sincerely motivated.

Imo, this woman is not one of those. Nothing about her seems good or sincere. Everything about her screams bigotry, anger and hate. But she certainly doesn't represent Christians as a whole.

Hi sweet thing! I indicated that I mentally distinguish in the little mental "titles" I give people. My mental identification labels aren't all in terms of religion, but some are if religion is a big part of their lives.

For instance, my friend Laura is "my actual-Christian friend" in my head. Her specific title came to be because unfortunately my experience has been the majority of the people I've come in contact with who self-identity as Christian but, when observed and spoken with, don't seem to actually hold any values that I understand to be what their Jesus emphasized or embodied. Unfortunately I've found my friend Laura to be such an exception to what I've found to be the majority that she earned that title.

I recognize intellectually that the population I grew up around, and my experiences and perspective, in general are likely not "typical," but it's been my reality and people like Kim Davis sure don't help.

Eta: one of my mental identifiers for Kim Davis is "Christian." With huge quotation marks. Unfortunately there is no plain Christian category. It's either actual-Christian or "Christian." Wow, I'm feeling very...."autism spectrummy" this morning.
She should do her job or resign. That being said, there are some on this thread criticizing her actions as a Christian.

Real Christians don't throw stones, or judge other people. It's people like her that make me rethink things. Keep her (_/_):facepalm: in jail.
Criticizing someone for being a discriminatory bigot who happens to be Christian and who justifies her hateful actions with recourse to her Christianity is *not* an indictment of Christianity -- it is an indictment of someone who exploits her religion to promote hatred.


I agree, so disregard my statement about 15 mins. ago

ETA: have no clue after 2 1/2 yrs here how to delete it.:blushing:

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