GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #2

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Hi all, I admit I've not paid as much attention to the JY. case lately. Following Hannah Anderson on tv..this case (JY) has been a farce. He will behave til he hits 18yrs. then he'll be on his own I imagine. If he did do this murder and JG. covered for him does JG realize what an injustice he did by turning this guy loose? JY. will never change. He's been born and raised this way and happy with it. I hope he doesnt take anyone else down. I fell asleep and missed the whole thing today, plus had the gas Co. here. The little Jonathan boys' case seems so sad. I hope it goes better than this one.
One more note. I am so sick of HLN..I'm sure the good reporters are hanging on for benefits etc.. its going down the tubes. Trutv. is long gone. Its a shame to like most of the people and cant stand the station! hoping jodie gets her azz in gear soon. I want to see her BEHIND bars..Amen.:floorlaugh: IMO.

Amen about #GrodiJodi!!!! So where does JY go now?? Back to the foster parents?!?!?
I've been lurking and enjoying your posts during this trial. Now I have a question I'm hoping someone might could help me with.

I've dug around in all the articles I could find. My question regards JY's (not JG's) criminal history before he was returned to his father. The only involvement I can find that he had with LE is when he was (11?) when he was attempting to break into an auto, along with his mother's boyfriend. If ya'll know of other involvement with LE, can direct me to other resources, etc. I would appreciate it. I know it's asking alot, but I'd like some more information before I post. I've been thinking about all this alot, just as I know you have. It's just so sad. Just a sad, sad situation.

Appreciate any help....
He will kill again. How long before Gouker appeals his case and some physical evidence is found to exonerate him? :furious:

Wow, I just got home from a wonderful evening and find this. Stunned. Gouker, the Master Mind's plan worked out pretty well for him and his off-spring. Please God, don't let this murderer come to North Carolina.
Praying for the safety of all who testified against JY. They will need it. He's cold blooded. He idolizes his "Dad". He will be in contact with his "Dad" and finish the job for JG. Mark my words. This "kid" has been in a detention center for two years and he has a girlfriend? He should have been in there getting an education, doing something for a future, something positive. Nope! He got himself a girlfriend. He won't change because he doesn't think there is anything wrong with what he does or who he is! JMO

Can't help but wonder how the hell he got a girlfriend?????? Isn't she a bit young to court jailbirds?
I think the jurors had no other choice with this one. There's just no way of knowing what Josh Young's involvement was, if any, in Trey's murder. Did he lure him there? Did he do it alone? Did they do it together? Did his dad make him? Did he do it to impress dad? Did he swing a weapon? Did he only help with cleanup? It's just impossible to say. The only thing that places him there is a bunch of hearsay. And I'm sorry, but I do not believe Cassie Gouker. Her story just doesn't make sense. I do think he tried to lie for his dad so he knew, at the very least, dad killed Trey. Don't know. But there was no evidence.

Now, on to Sneiderman and Chrisman, to see our wonderful Juan get justice again.
Good morning, everyone. I haven't followed this case from the beginning and have only watched the JY trial this past week. I have to admit I'm struck by his baby face. I'm really torn with the verdict. I feel so sad about his childhood... he never had a chance with his "dad." I think he loved his dad so much, but was slapped in the face when JG testified and said he wouldn't die for his son and that he only loves him as much as he can love. I don't know why, but I woke up this morning wondering where JY is this morning and what life will be like for him and the foster parents. I hope he truly is innocent and moves forward with a quiet life.
Jury finds Josh Young not guilty in murder of Trey Zwicker

Zwicker's family has waited for this day, saying they believed in the justice system, and that's why they said they denied a request for a plea deal Thursday night from Young.

It's something Zwicker's stepmother, Leeda Zwicker, said that's not something an innocent person would ask for.
Jury finds Josh Young not guilty in murder of Trey Zwicker

Zwicker's family has waited for this day, saying they believed in the justice system, and that's why they said they denied a request for a plea deal Thursday night from Young.

It's something Zwicker's stepmother, Leeda Zwicker, said that's not something an innocent person would ask for.

This media outlet failed to report the plea was an Alford plea and JY had not agreed to it at the time it was presented to the prosecution. Also, the defense was on a fishing expedition.

Schuler said there was some discussion with prosecutors Thursday about a possible deal, where Young would plead guilty by Alford plea to a Class D felony, meaning he maintained his innocence but admitted the jury had enough evidence to convict him of a lesser charge. The deal would have included Young getting out of jail immediately.

Schuler said prosecutors said they would talk to Trey’s family and get back to him, but they never did.

Terry Zwicker said the family did not want to take the deal, saying they wanted a murder conviction and for Young to spend more time in prison.

Schuler said he is unsure if Young would have agreed to the deal and that he was just “feeling the other side out.”
Good morning, everyone. I haven't followed this case from the beginning and have only watched the JY trial this past week. I have to admit I'm struck by his baby face. I'm really torn with the verdict. I feel so sad about his childhood... he never had a chance with his "dad." I think he loved his dad so much, but was slapped in the face when JG testified and said he wouldn't die for his son and that he only loves him as much as he can love. I don't know why, but I woke up this morning wondering where JY is this morning and what life will be like for him and the foster parents. I hope he truly is innocent and moves forward with a quiet life.

I think he was so enamored with his dad and wanted so badly to be loved by him that he went along with whatever JG wanted or was doing. IMO. He tried so hard to impress him and make him "proud." I think JG is a sociopath. As for JY, I don't know. I need to see more of him when he's not around his father. As far as I heard, he was a normal kid before going to live with JG. But that's only as far as I know. These kinds of things can be genetic, though, of course.

I hope his eyes are open now, if they can be. I guess we'll see what comes of him with time. And I hope if he can he goes on to live a normal life. I can't help but sympathize with him. I guess it's his baby face. It's hard to separate. But I watched the trial, and there was not one thing that made me go, "he's guilty."
This media outlet failed to report the plea was an Alford plea and JY had not agreed to it at the time it was presented to the prosecution. Also, the defense was on a fishing expedition.

Schuler said there was some discussion with prosecutors Thursday about a possible deal, where Young would plead guilty by Alford plea to a Class D felony, meaning he maintained his innocence but admitted the jury had enough evidence to convict him of a lesser charge. The deal would have included Young getting out of jail immediately.

Schuler said prosecutors said they would talk to Trey’s family and get back to him, but they never did.

Terry Zwicker said the family did not want to take the deal, saying they wanted a murder conviction and for Young to spend more time in prison.

Schuler said he is unsure if Young would have agreed to the deal and that he was just “feeling the other side out.”

I do not believe for one second that Josh Young's own attorneys would do anything without his knowledge first.

But it does show even they thought there was enough evidence for a guilty verdict. At least they weren't blind to that.

I can also understand the Zwicker family turning down any type of plea deal.

Justice was denied but then we have seen justice denied in other cases. While it is never easy to swallow most know the justice system never metes out the correct verdict each and every time. Innocent people are convicted and guilty are found NG. Most of the time jurors do get it right.

Imo, this is just another case among many where it is extremely hard to get justice for a minor child. Its even harder when the murderer 'appeared' to look like a baby faced nerd as he sat in court.

I'm glad they didn't accept the Alford plea deal, that would have been a cop out. If he's going to be let out of prison at all, better that he's let out without a standing conviction hanging over his head, at least that way there's some chance he'll move on with his life.

Privately, I think he did it but this is probably the right verdict given the "he said/she said" nature of the prosecution's case, not to mention the credibility problems with most of their witnesses.
I just hope he goes back to his previous foster home, gets plenty of therapy, and has a chance to get an education and make something out of his life. He had everything going against him in life given who his parents were, but I'd like to thing he has a chance in life with the right support and environment.
People who commit monsterous acts do not necessarily look like monsters.

Pretty people do not always behave nicely.

A baby face does not equate innocence.
<modsnip> hope to hell everyone in Kentucky that you don't live near this little **** because he is his fathers son. IMO MOO and god help all that come into contact with him.
I just found out about the NG verdict this morning and I'm shocked. I hope his foster family are very careful around this kid and try to and watch his every move. SMDH..

Thanks everyone for your posts and updates on this case...much appreciated!
I must say I'm already a bit worried about the little foster sister and the Stoneburner's solid belief that Joshua Young is the young, innocent kid that they thought they had in their home for a whopping "seven months".
Can't help but wonder how the hell he got a girlfriend?????? Isn't she a bit young to court jailbirds?

I understood that to be his younger foster sister in court with the foster parents, not his girlfriend...
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