GUILTY KY - Trey Zwicker, 14, beaten to death, Louisville, 11 May 2011 #2

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I know.. Again I will be in the minority but here goes nothing.

I think this kid was not guilty. I believe that his dad murdered Trey and that he used his son he had only known a short time to see if he could get away with it and see if JY would get less time. I think that JG is a monster. A true ugly monster. I believe that nothing in JY up to the time he went with his dad showed him to be at all capable or interested in killing someone but JG is a monster through and through.

There was nothing to directly tie JY to the murder. No evidence. Nothing that said he was even there.

I hope that he remains with his foster family and gets as far away from that clan of misfits that was his biological family and has a decent life.
I think he was so enamored with his dad and wanted so badly to be loved by him that he went along with whatever JG wanted or was doing. IMO. He tried so hard to impress him and make him "proud." I think JG is a sociopath. As for JY, I don't know. I need to see more of him when he's not around his father. As far as I heard, he was a normal kid before going to live with JG. But that's only as far as I know. These kinds of things can be genetic, though, of course.

I hope his eyes are open now, if they can be. I guess we'll see what comes of him with time. And I hope if he can he goes on to live a normal life. I can't help but sympathize with him. I guess it's his baby face. It's hard to separate. But I watched the trial, and there was not one thing that made me go, "he's guilty."

Isn't he 17 years old? If so than that means he will only have one more years with the foster parents? Or when he turns 18 he can remain with them on his own. I hopehe has a healthy future! I'm torn also about. His guilt. He i feel participated. Moo
I know.. Again I will be in the minority but here goes nothing.

I think this kid was not guilty. I believe that his dad murdered Trey and that he used his son he had only known a short time to see if he could get away with it and see if JY would get less time. I think that JG is a monster. A true ugly monster. I believe that nothing in JY up to the time he went with his dad showed him to be at all capable or interested in killing someone but JG is a monster through and through.

There was nothing to directly tie JY to the murder. No evidence. Nothing that said he was even there.

I hope that he remains with his foster family and gets as far away from that clan of misfits that was his biological family and has a decent life.

well said Scarlett....and totally agree with you! :clap::clap::clap:
I must say I'm already a bit worried about the little foster sister and the Stoneburner's solid belief that Joshua Young is the young, innocent kid that they thought they had in their home for a whopping "seven months".

I think the stoneburners are very naive. I also think jy hascthesame ability as his father! To deceive,manipulate.
"I started out in EMS with the City of Louisville in 1991, but felt I could do more for my city as a police officer," Russ says. He credits an uncle in the FBI as an inspiration to pursue a career in law enforcement. Russ worked in crimes against children before coming to homicide two years ago. "Homicide takes plenty of patience, especially when interviewing suspects." Detective Scott Russ

Am I missing something? What's this to do with jg?
His true colors will come out, bet you.

His "new" parents can have him....but I would sleep with one eye open.

I so agree with you. You can't fix in seven months what took 17 years of being in a dysfunctional drug infested inviroment. With parents with no stability! Boundaries.
Is it true that yg looked at the family of trey with a smirk? I missed it.
This is the last case I will ever follow where the victim is a minor. I no longer can tolerate children being robbed of justice they deserved.

I'm out of this baby faced killer's case and on to the Sneiderman case.

Rest in Peace are now among the many young victims who never received the justice they deserved.

This isn't the first and only case where a juvenile has comitted murder. If you research you will find that it's not as uncommon as some may think. In some cases way young than jy.
I know.. Again I will be in the minority but here goes nothing.

I think this kid was not guilty. I believe that his dad murdered Trey and that he used his son he had only known a short time to see if he could get away with it and see if JY would get less time. I think that JG is a monster. A true ugly monster. I believe that nothing in JY up to the time he went with his dad showed him to be at all capable or interested in killing someone but JG is a monster through and through.

There was nothing to directly tie JY to the murder. No evidence. Nothing that said he was even there.

I hope that he remains with his foster family and gets as far away from that clan of misfits that was his biological family and has a decent life.
I think the bat and the clothes in the bag directly tied him to it, I would dread to be the foster family that would bring this <mod snip> into their home, it will be a sleepless night, every friging night IMO
This isn't the first and only case where a juvenile has comitted murder. If you research you will find that it's not as uncommon as some may think. In some cases way young than jy.
There are children who commit heinous crimes and this is one of them, just wait he will be back in the news IMO
I think the bat and the clothes in the bag directly tied him to it, I would dread to be the foster family that would bring this monster into their home, it will be a sleepless night, every friging night IMO

Based on what? hearsay? Someone says he had it? But no bat is found, No clothes are found and not finger prints are found..

I don't know how to say this politely so forgive me.. But these are not mensa candidates here. I believe if JY had killed him or participated there would be something to link him to it.

I believe it is because they know who this kid really is. Not the kid that was subjected to JG for a few months. I believe whether JY was sent back or not, Trey would still be dead because it was JG who did it.
Based on what? hearsay? Someone says he had it? But no bat is found, No clothes are found and not finger prints are found..

I don't know how to say this politely so forgive me.. But these are not mensa candidates here. I believe if JY had killed him or participated there would be something to link him to it.

I believe it is because they know who this kid really is. Not the kid that was subjected to JG for a few months. I believe whether JY was sent back or not, Trey would still be dead because it was JG who did it.
As a juror I could not let this little **** walk away, I hate these jurors IMO
OK, I was leaping off of posts stating that she was his girlfriend.

I may be wrong. I've seen it reported both ways, as a girlfriend and as his foster sister. I'd be interested to know which it is.
I may be wrong. I've seen it reported both ways, as a girlfriend and as his foster sister. I'd be interested to know which it is.
Josh is kissing cousin, lets see what his murdering son does IMO
<modsnip> take him in and see if you would feel the same oh poor ** ****en Josh oh my poor little man have him sleep next to your kids, see what you would you feel, no eh
For all you that think he is so innocent have him live in the house next door to you and see how the **** you would feel and ask that of the jury they are in Kentucky so I hope you live with your decision, and have him live next door to your kids MF, but I want to see where the this kid goes for the next 5 years, cause believe me will bee a detriment to your family.
Isn't he 17 years old? If so than that means he will only have one more years with the foster parents? Or when he turns 18 he can remain with them on his own.

I read they are trying to adopt him.
Based on what? hearsay? Someone says he had it? But no bat is found, No clothes are found and not finger prints are found..

I don't know how to say this politely so forgive me.. But these are not mensa candidates here. I believe if JY had killed him or participated there would be something to link him to it.

I believe it is because they know who this kid really is. Not the kid that was subjected to JG for a few months. I believe whether JY was sent back or not, Trey would still be dead because it was JG who did it.

Fingerprints on what? The bat was never found nor his clothing. Just because the defendant gets rid of the weapon and clothing doesn't mean he didn't do the crime.

You rarely will find mensa candidates in families who are this dysfunctional so I certainly wasn't expecting to see any in this case. But even intelligent people can act pretty damn stupid since I have seen rocket scientists, doctors, and lawyers leave obvious evidence behind when they murdered. Perhaps it is because they weren't raised to be criminals and wasn't aware of what must be done when they did resort to murder.

The ADA in the sentencing phase for Gouker stated in open court that Josh Young videoed his father murdering the dog and laughing as he did so. That is not a normal person and never will be. Just because he looked like a baby faced nerd doesn't mean he is one either. Imo, he is vile and as wicked as his father. He just hides it behind the mask pretending to be a benign kid.

In a way this case reminds me of when Mel Ignato got away with murder. It was a CE case like most the Young case too. They had no forensic evidence whatsoever linking him to the murder of his ex-girlfriend but they did have an eye witness to the crime. The thing is though she was much like a Gouker groupie would be. Had a criminal past, used drugs etc etc.

She testified that she was there with him when he raped, tortured, and finally murdered his gf. She testified that he even had her video tape it he was so proud of what he was doing. Of course by the time police came to do a SW no video could be found. Gone.........just like Josh Young's clothing and the weapon he used was long gone by the time they arrested him in late June. So the jury of course did not believe this dare she testify against this business man......she used drugs so she just couldn't be telling the truth. So the jury sets him free as a bird.

Later on though he had sold his big home (the one he murdered her in) and the new owner was having new carpet put in causing the carpet layer to have to remove the vents in the floor and yep, there it was the video showing the entire rape/torture/murder of a young beautiful woman just like the drug user testified truthfully to. Her family didn't get justice either just like the Zwickers didn't because all the evidence had been hidden however he was as guilty as Josh Young is. They both were just lucky. Josh got lucky by have an ex-felon for a dad who knew how to save him from going to prison. He said he would do it and he did. Ignato got lucky because he knew no one would believe a highly dysfunctional woman. A woman much like the ones we have seen in this case.

It doesn't take many brain cells to know to discard the weapon and clothing before anyone else who cares even knows the person is dead. He was brought up in homes where criminal activity was known and acceptable. This didn't just begin with Gouker. He grew up in a home with a mother who was a drug addict and had people in her life that were just as sorry as Gouker and his misfits in society.

The ones who know how to do crimes and get away with them are ones who have never respected the law during their lives in the first place. While most citizens aren't thinking of ways to cover up crimes these kind of people think of it often and are often good at it too. So many cases are unsolved today. More and more people know how to cover up crimes just like those in this case.

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