Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #1: LE Press Conference & Release: June 5 2010

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Gates was asked if the family was out searching. His answer was "We haven't had the family out in the field with us". Then he says something to the effect they have someone with them constantly. That firstly is interesting to me, because it sounds like they LE didn't want them to go out searching. Secondly, when we were first going over this case in the original thread, someone who worked at a convenience store near the school, posted here that Kyron's brother came into her store and said he was searching for Kyron. I will see if I can find her post to verify when that was.

ETA Here it is, posted by animefemme:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17[/ame]

This is fact: Saturday morning at about 10:00 am, a teenager came up to our lobby gal and asked where he could find the energy drinks; he was wearing a Kyron t-shirt. She pointed him in the right direction, and then remarked on his shirt, shared her sadness about the case, and asked if he knew Kyron personally. "Yeah," he replied, "he's my brother." The young man set off on his way, presumably in search of the energy drinks, and vanished (no pun intended)...I don't know if he found or purchased them after the fact, but nobody remembered ringing him up or where he went. I'm implying nothing, just sharing a story.
Case Review Reference Links - Kaine Interviews w/Investigators

In this audio interview with the Oregonian, Kaine indicates that he was being interviewed by the investigators up until he had his poly. I think, then, it's a safe assumption that the interviews were taking place on our subject day, June 5, because Desiree says Kaine's polygraph was on Tuesday June 7.

Kaine: "They were working with me pretty heavily up till the polygraph"

This is right at the very beginning of the audio, the first thing discussed.

Kyron's desk is shown prominently in this photo. It is on the right, in the foreground.
Gates was asked if the family was out searching. His answer was "We haven't had the family out in the field with us". Then he says something to the effect they have someone with them constantly. That firstly is interesting to me, because it sounds like they LE didn't want them to go out searching. Secondly, when we were first going over this case in the original thread, someone who worked at a convenience store near the school, posted here that Kyron's brother came into her store and said he was searching for Kyron. I will see if I can find her post to verify when that was.

ETA Here it is, posted by animefemme:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

This is fact: Saturday morning at about 10:00 am, a teenager came up to our lobby gal and asked where he could find the energy drinks; he was wearing a Kyron t-shirt. She pointed him in the right direction, and then remarked on his shirt, shared her sadness about the case, and asked if he knew Kyron personally. "Yeah," he replied, "he's my brother." The young man set off on his way, presumably in search of the energy drinks, and vanished (no pun intended)...I don't know if he found or purchased them after the fact, but nobody remembered ringing him up or where he went. I'm implying nothing, just sharing a story.

Hmmm...and that looks like an energy drink bottle in the picture. Who took the pictures of the classroom?
- Searched through the night, 20 miles of road and 2 square miles.
* They started right out with that 2 square miles around the school. What was that focus based on? Did that come from the FBI based on statistics? Something like that?
If not strictly from protocol I think it's easy to see the search outward from the school was the prudent thing to do when you have a child basically vanish, even if Terri's story threw up red flags early on. You have to take seriously the possibility that the child wandered off and is in desperate need of rescue. Plus, it's a possibility that can be pretty much ruled out given enough time and manpower.
Gates was asked if the family was out searching. His answer was "We haven't had the family out in the field with us". Then he says something to the effect they have someone with them constantly. That firstly is interesting to me, because it sounds like they LE didn't want them to go out searching. Secondly, when we were first going over this case in the original thread, someone who worked at a convenience store near the school, posted here that Kyron's brother came into her store and said he was searching for Kyron. I will see if I can find her post to verify when that was.

ETA Here it is, posted by animefemme:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - #17

This is fact: Saturday morning at about 10:00 am, a teenager came up to our lobby gal and asked where he could find the energy drinks; he was wearing a Kyron t-shirt. She pointed him in the right direction, and then remarked on his shirt, shared her sadness about the case, and asked if he knew Kyron personally. "Yeah," he replied, "he's my brother." The young man set off on his way, presumably in search of the energy drinks, and vanished (no pun intended)...I don't know if he found or purchased them after the fact, but nobody remembered ringing him up or where he went. I'm implying nothing, just sharing a story.

Great find, Billylee! Thank you!
So, this is a teddy bear leg?


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Case Review Reference Links - Desiree's arrival

I've been unclear on whether Desiree arrived on June 4 or June 5. I've seen reports of both. So I'm noting this as a possible event for June 5, and if so, looks like it would have been in the wee hours of the morning.

This article is dated June 4 at 10:22pm, and LE says Desiree was on her way there. The article notes that they spoke with Lindstrand at 9:45pm.

Lindstrand said his mother, who lives out of the area, was on her way here.
From SurfieTX: I think you are absolutely right. I also noticed the differences between the times Terri's mother said she left (8:45) and was reported widely at first by MSM. Now we have the email that says 9:00 and that she went to go see "different exhibits."
Now, who is one more likely to be truthful with - one's mother or when one email a friend the next day? My bets are on the mother on the day of the incident.

I deleted that post from this thread and moved it to its own thread because I think BeanE wants conclusions like that to branch out to threads and for this thread to stay informational.
[ame=""]Terri: Waved Goodbye at 8:45/Left School at 9:00 -- Significance - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
the teenage boy could easily have been Desiree's son, if he lives so near to the Hormans.
I have been wondering what TH was reading that made her send that email defending herself so early on. Yep, it's out there, the blogs underneath the second news article link BeanE posted, posters were already posting accusations about TH the morning of the 5th. They mostly swelled from novel ideas, such as "the butler did it!" or "it's always the stepmother!" Geeze! But, I found this comment mixed in there also:

Those of you who say look at the stepmother, not all stepmom's are bad. I am a stepmom myself and I love my husband's daughter like my own. I happen to know the stepmom in this story. She loved Kyron like her own and would never, ever do anything to harm him. Please don't accuse someone just because they are a stepmom.

Saturday, June 05, 2010 at 9:20 PM
the teenage boy could easily have been Desiree's son, if he lives so near to the Hormans.

Yes, I don't know which stepbrother it was. What I find interesting is that Gates said the family wasn't out in the field searching for him.

Does anyone know why LE might prohibit a family from joining the search? I know I'd be out there calling his name from the get go. Another question for that day I now have, TH called the school from the bus stop, correct? The school called 911, correct? Gates explains why they did a reverse 911 mentioning that it would show unlisted numbers. The school's number wouldn't be unlisted. Hmmmm?

Is that verified? Did KH & TH go back to the house, jump in the car and head to the school to start looking for their son while waiting for LE to get there? I know that's what I would have been doing. Never saw this information anywhere.
OT: Just want to say "Thank you!" to BeanE for all the time and effort that she's put into this case review. Bravo! :clap: Will there be an exam? :D
JUNE 5, 2010 - 10:16 AM: Terri posted a status on her FB wall, which was open at the time for everyone to view, that people should not listen to the news because it was wrong, that the family would talk as soon as they could.

JUNE 5, 2010 - 10:21 PM: Terri posted that Baby K was getting a lot of hugs from people and that she was going to Kyron's room a lot to read his books on his bed.

I was unaware we were permitted to discuss TH's FB pages, but thrilled to see this post. I personally viewed pages when they were public, as well. I wish I had captured them (copy/pasted). I had yet to join WS and have learned much since then! HOWEVER, I distinctly recall a happy face after the baby K going to Ky's rm to read his books post--NOT one that is an emoticon one chooses, such as here at WS. Instead it was one TH made herself with a colon for eyes and parenthesis for the mouth. Every post that had ANY face was just that--a "happy face." I was and am dismayed not to find ONE SINGLE sad face--let alone a comment about worry/grief/sadness...NOTHING sleuths in days of posts! If anyone captured these pages, they would make such an impact on a Case Review, and I'm confident LE gave them weight as well. imo.
I was unaware we were permitted to discuss TH's FB pages, but thrilled to see this post. I personally viewed pages when they were public, as well. I wish I had captured them (copy/pasted). I had yet to join WS and have learned much since then! HOWEVER, I distinctly recall a happy face after the baby K going to Ky's rm to read his books post--NOT one that is an emoticon one chooses, such as here at WS. Instead it was one TH made herself with a colon for eyes and parenthesis for the mouth. Every post that had ANY face was just that--a "happy face." I was and am dismayed not to find ONE SINGLE sad face--let alone a comment about worry/grief/sadness...NOTHING sleuths in days of posts! If anyone captured these pages, they would make such an impact on a Case Review, and I'm confident LE gave them weight as well. imo.

It is out there. Just google "screenshot facebook terri horman" and you'll find it.
I have been wondering what TH was reading that made her send that email defending herself so early on. Yep, it's out there, the blogs underneath the second news article link BeanE posted, posters were already posting accusations about TH the morning of the 5th. They mostly swelled from novel ideas, such as "the butler did it!" or "it's always the stepmother!" Geeze! But, I found this comment mixed in there also:

Those of you who say look at the stepmother, not all stepmom's are bad. I am a stepmom myself and I love my husband's daughter like my own. I happen to know the stepmom in this story. She loved Kyron like her own and would never, ever do anything to harm him. Please don't accuse someone just because they are a stepmom.

Saturday, June 05, 2010 at 9:20 PM

"loved". past tense. :eek:
Law Enforcement never allows immediate family members to join searches in a case like this. If they were to find the dead body of their child, they might screw up the crime scene. ala JonBenet. If they were to find the dead body of their child, it might indicate that they knew exactly where to look. It just isn't done.
Yes, I don't know which stepbrother it was. What I find interesting is that Gates said the family wasn't out in the field searching for him.

Does anyone know why LE might prohibit a family from joining the search? I know I'd be out there calling his name from the get go.

I think it's standard that LE doesn't allow families to participate, or asks them not to, isn't it? I mean, could you imagine what would happen if one of them found the child's body, or were nearby when someone else found their body?

I think the natural tendency would be to pick up the child and hold them, and there goes all the evidence.

Gruesome and sad to think of, but I think that's the case.

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