Kyron Horman Discussion Thread 2020 - 2022 - #2

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Kyron, where are you?
You deserve to come home, to be be lost no more. Those who love you need to know where you are, to have you close.
Now, you are alone in some isolated place.
The one who disappeared you (imo Terri) could change this but refuses, and her supporters give her aid and comfort.
My hope is that you will be home soon.
That actually can't be true. Dede was confirmed at her worksite at 9:00 am, which is when Terri arrived at the first FM. She also wasn't said to have been missing from work until 11:30 (her car remained on site all day) which is mere minutes before Terri checked into the gym.

Apparently there was a tylenol recall at the time, meaning stocks were low in several stores.
Not true. No one can confirm where DeDe was after 9:00 AM because she was supposedly off working by herself. Just because her car was at work doesn't mean she was there the whole time.

The tylenol was for Kyron most likely.....and to set up an alibi. There were other brands of acetaminophen available to buy if she really needed it for a sick child.
Not true. No one can confirm where DeDe was after 9:00 AM because she was supposedly off working by herself. Just because her car was at work doesn't mean she was there the whole time.

The tylenol was for Kyron most likely.....and to set up an alibi. There were other brands of acetaminophen available to buy if she really needed it for a sick child.

I think you've mixed up the times. 9:00 is when DeDe arrived at the farm for work. No one claims she was missing or off working alone until hours later. That means she can't have been at the school.

I don't see why she would need to set up an alibi if she took him. The only reason would be if a third, unknown individual took Kyron from the school (since we know it can't be DeDe), on Terri's behalf. I suspect this was the working theory of the MCSO, but they obviously could not find any evidence for it.
I used to wonder if Kyron's stepmother simply walked him out of the school why she wasn't worried about being seen. But now having seen another recent case here in which a stepmother took many such foolish chances, it's clear to me that it's a possibility.

Actually several cases come to mind in which the perpetrator did parts of their crime right out in the open, just assuming they still wouldn't be caught.

So IMO it's possible she she did this and possible she did it all on her own.
All MOO.
I used to wonder if Kyron's stepmother simply walked him out of the school why she wasn't worried about being seen. But now having seen another recent case here in which a stepmother took many such foolish chances, it's clear to me that it's a possibility.

Actually several cases come to mind in which the perpetrator did parts of their crime right out in the open, just assuming they still wouldn't be caught.

So IMO it's possible she she did this and possible she did it all on her own.
All MOO.

she maybe had an alibi for this ready to go in case someone claimed to see them walking out together..but it never
came up..there was no way to nail it down..

the banality of murder always makes me sad..
I think you've mixed up the times. 9:00 is when DeDe arrived at the farm for work. No one claims she was missing or off working alone until hours later. That means she can't have been at the school.

I don't see why she would need to set up an alibi if she took him. The only reason would be if a third, unknown individual took Kyron from the school (since we know it can't be DeDe), on Terri's behalf. I suspect this was the working theory of the MCSO, but they obviously could not find any evidence for it.
No you're just trying to misdirect. I never said DeDe was at the school. Kyron left Skyline with Terri Hormon, and there were witnesses to that. Whatever role DeDe had in Kyron's disappearance came after Terri drove away with him. I'm not at all confused about who was at the school, what time it was, and who took Kyron from Skyline that morning. It was Terri Horman, and no one else. There was no third person. And I seriously doubt MCSO ever had that as a working theory because it makes no sense and doesn't fit the known details. They already had witnesses. They did extensive interviews of everyone at the school. They knew who took Kyron pretty early in the investigation.

I said that AFTER 9:00 AM no one can reliably say they know where DeDe actually was because apparently she was working alone in an area where no one came by to check on her. She left her job at some point, but WHEN she left exactly has been reported as anywhere from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM by the media. IIRC....her co-workers noticed she didn't show up during their lunch break. MCSO probably knows, but the times released to the public have varied, so we can't say for certain. She showed up for work at 9:00 and went to her work area. She went AWOL at some point after that. That's what we know. She has refused to answer any pertinent questions. MCSO no doubt has much more information about DeDe, and if there's ever an arrest and trial we will get more concrete details.
No you're just trying to misdirect. I never said DeDe was at the school.

The person I initially replied to said that Terri left the school, picked up DeDe and went to the first Fred Meyer. That is physically impossible. But I agree, DeDe was never at the school.

Kyron left Skyline with Terri Hormon, and there were witnesses to that.

Not in evidence. The only source for this is Desiree, and it contradicts all info that we've gotten from law enforcement.

Whatever role DeDe had in Kyron's disappearance came after Terri drove away with him. I'm not at all confused about who was at the school, what time it was, and who took Kyron from Skyline that morning. It was Terri Horman, and no one else. There was no third person.

Yet the MCSO asked about another person, one who they didn't think was DeDe:

Authorities are seeking to identify the person, or persons, who may have been spotted by the truck as it was parked outside the school's front fence in the shoulder of Northwest Skyline Boulevard. Someone possibly moved the pickup and parked it up a gravel path in front of the school's playground while [TMH] was inside the school with her stepson for his science fair.

Investigators have learned they have reason to believe it may not have been DeDe Spicher, the friend of Kyron Horman’s stepmother Terri Moulton Horman, who was seen in a truck the morning Kyron disappeared.


Investigators have witnesses who saw an adult in and around the truck in front of Skyline School between 8:15 and 8:45 that morning.

Investigators aren’t identifying the gender of the person in the truck but have reason to believe the person may not be Spicher.

And I seriously doubt MCSO ever had that as a working theory because it makes no sense and doesn't fit the known details. They already had witnesses. They did extensive interviews of everyone at the school. They knew who took Kyron pretty early in the investigation.

It explains why they kept going after potential accomplices, the gardener, DeDe, the mystery third person. Quite frankly, the idea that Terri had Kyron in the truck for over an hour in public spaces, often alone, is ridiculous and I think once her timeline was confirmed for that initial hour any idea that Terri personally took Kyron became a dead end for the MCSO. As for the supposed witnesses, if they existed, would the MCSO have asked about trucks moved onto the access road pointlessly? No, they'd arrest and indict Terri, for custodial interference if nothing else. Not to mention one of the supposed witnesses being inside the school at the point where he was supposed to witness Terri and Kyron strolling across the parking lot.

I said that AFTER 9:00 AM no one can reliably say they know where DeDe actually was because apparently she was working alone in an area where no one came by to check on her. She left her job at some point, but WHEN she left exactly has been reported as anywhere from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM by the media. IIRC....her co-workers noticed she didn't show up during their lunch break. MCSO probably knows, but the times released to the public have varied, so we can't say for certain. She showed up for work at 9:00 and went to her work area. She went AWOL at some point after that. That's what we know. She has refused to answer any pertinent questions. MCSO no doubt has much more information about DeDe, and if there's ever an arrest and trial we will get more concrete details.

As far as we know, she has not refused to answer any question from the investigators.
Meanwhile, there was a huge breakthrough in the criminal investigation. Horman's good friend, Dede Spicher -- who previously refused to answer questions in court -- testified before an investigative grand jury in the past week or two.

A friend of Kyron Horman's stepmother, DeDe Spicher, claims she has been unofficially cleared of suspicion in connection with the boy's disappearance, according to a crime blog.

Spicher said she testified before a Multnomah County grand jury in July, passed a polygraph test and agreed to an immunity deal with prosecutors.

I've always wondered why she needed an immunity deal?
Meanwhile, there was a huge breakthrough in the criminal investigation. Horman's good friend, Dede Spicher -- who previously refused to answer questions in court -- testified before an investigative grand jury in the past week or two.

A friend of Kyron Horman's stepmother, DeDe Spicher, claims she has been unofficially cleared of suspicion in connection with the boy's disappearance, according to a crime blog.

Spicher said she testified before a Multnomah County grand jury in July, passed a polygraph test and agreed to an immunity deal with prosecutors.

I've always wondered why she needed an immunity deal?

<modsnip - not an approved source>

It really looks to me that they had all their eggs in the DeDe basket, and when that collapsed, we get the desperate request for another sting (which is insane to me after the disastrous first attempt). While it's clear that the investigators haven't abandoned Terri as a suspect, there hasn't been any indication they have further interest in DeDe since her grand jury testimony (as far as I know).
We don’t have any idea what the terms of the immunity deal are. She still could be a piece of the puzzle in the future.

I doubt it, myself.

Quite frankly, I have no idea what DeDe's purpose in this even was supposed to be. There really doesn't seem to be even a hypothesis that credibly includes her. Their "free" time barely overlap, DeDe's car wasn't used, and the whole concept kind of falls apart when you realize that noone would even know about DeDe if she hadn't openly inserted herself into Terri's life after Terri had become a public (if not official) suspect. If she was involved in the abduction/murder, why would she do that? It just fails to make sense on any level.

<modsnip - not an approved source - if you can't link it here, you can't talk about it here>
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If anyone has substantial information on the whereabouts of Kyron Horman, please call in a tip:

A $50,000 reward is being offered for information that leads to the resolution of Hormans’s disappearance, according to officials. People can call the MCSO TipLine at 503-988-0560, email or contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children TipLine at 1-800-THE-LOST or provide an online tip at the organization’s CyberTipLine.

Updated: Jun 2, 2023 / 05:34 AM PDT
The person I initially replied to said that Terri left the school, picked up DeDe and went to the first Fred Meyer. That is physically impossible. But I agree, DeDe was never at the school.

Not in evidence. The only source for this is Desiree, and it contradicts all info that we've gotten from law enforcement.

Yet the MCSO asked about another person, one who they didn't think was DeDe:

It explains why they kept going after potential accomplices, the gardener, DeDe, the mystery third person. Quite frankly, the idea that Terri had Kyron in the truck for over an hour in public spaces, often alone, is ridiculous and I think once her timeline was confirmed for that initial hour any idea that Terri personally took Kyron became a dead end for the MCSO. As for the supposed witnesses, if they existed, would the MCSO have asked about trucks moved onto the access road pointlessly? No, they'd arrest and indict Terri, for custodial interference if nothing else. Not to mention one of the supposed witnesses being inside the school at the point where he was supposed to witness Terri and Kyron strolling across the parking lot.

As far as we know, she has not refused to answer any question from the investigators.
I.....once again.....never said Terri left the school with Kyron and immediately drove to pick up DeDe. You do like to twist words.

Desiree got her information from she is a very credible source. She has actual facts about the case. Since her husband is a detective he's also a good resource for Desiree. He knew early on that Terri was guilty.

LE has never said there were no witnesses, and they have never released the names of any witnesses either. You have no way of knowing where anyone was that day, inside or outside, because LE has not publicly released everything they know about that morning.

MCSO asked questions and thoroughly investigated everything and everyone who was at Skyline that day. They were gathering information and following up on all leads while at the same time doing a parallel investigation on those who were in Kyron's family and circle of friends. That's how LE does missing persons investigations. It's standard procedure. So Terri was never a dead end, and in fact she became the prime suspect for good reason. The evidence led them to her.

Kyron lived with Terri and Kaine,and she was a stay-at-home mom and step-mom. She had the permission of his custodial parent to act as a primary caregiver, and she was legally married to Kyron's Dad. There was no court order at that time that she had to follow, so there was no basis for custodial interference. They would not arrest her for that because it would be a waste of time.

It's not ridiculous that Terri had Kyron in the truck since she left the school with him. It's not hard to conceal a child, especially when you park where she did in the store parking lots. Kyron was not even allowed to get out of bed in the mornings until Terri gave him permission to get up. He just laid there in bed..waiting. I have no doubt he would've stayed hidden in the truck if she told him to do that. I also think it's even possible that he was drugged as soon as they left the school.

She wanted Kaine's truck that day for a reason.....and it had nothing to do with his science exhibit. It was a generic vehicle and easier to drive on wooded backroads.

Terri had the means, the motive, and no alibi. The guilty party is usually someone close to the child in cases like this one. Terri gave up her baby to save herself and never looked back...because she is guilty. It's not a complicated crime. DeDe was given immunity for a reason. We don't know what that reason is, at this point.

DeDe pleaded the yes....she has refused to answer questions.

I'm pretty clear on what I mean when I post something. And I have closely followed this case since the day Kyron went missing.
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I.....once again.....never said Terri left the school with Kyron and immediately drove to pick up DeDe. You do like to twist words.

And I said the person I originally replied to made that claim. I was responding to it, then you responded to me.

Desiree got her information from she is a very credible source. She has actual facts about the case. Since her husband is a detective he's also a good resource for Desiree. He knew early on that Terri was guilty.

Desiree has told demonstrably wrong things.

* That Terri couldn't see Kyron from the top of the stairs.
* That Terri left the second Fred Meyer at 9:40 and not after 10:00
* That Terri arrived at the gym at 12:20 and not 11:39

It's also one thing to get information from the police, another to understand it or remember it correctly.

LE has never said there were no witnesses, and they have never released the names of any witnesses either. You have no way of knowing where anyone was that day, inside or outside, because LE has not publicly released everything they know about that morning.

I'm saying Desiree can't have it both ways. Either the classmate witness was inside the school, which she herself claims (and it was after 8:45 so he should have been in the classroom with everyone else) or he was in the parking lot at 8:50. According to Desiree she got the information about these witnesses at the same time she was informed about the landscaper's testimony, Terri driving her red car on rural roads the days before and the upcoming sting, all on June 26th (interestingly, it is kind of shoved in there and then not really referred to in subsequent chapters - and Desiree would not speak publicly about it for many years). By August 11th, the MCSO were still trying to get info about Terri's parking at the school - why, if they knew she had left with Kyron? And what would be the point of parking in a "hidden" area (as Desiree claims) if she's just going to stroll across the parking lot in full view of everyone?

The classmate has never spoken publicly about seeing them leave together. In fact, we have comments from him in the media, and they are inconsistent with him having seen Kyron leave with his step-mother. We do have a public comment from someone who saw Terri leave - Kyron's classmate TP - and he says he saw Terri leave alone.

MCSO asked questions and thoroughly investigated everything and everyone who was at Skyline that day. They were gathering information and following up on all leads while at the same time doing a parallel investigation on those who were in Kyron's family and circle of friends. That's how LE does missing persons investigations. It's standard procedure. So Terri was never a dead end, and in fact she became the prime suspect for good reason. The evidence led them to her.

This is what almost every botched investigation looks like before it's revealed to be botched. Brittanee Drexel, Jacob Wetterling, Meredith Kercher, all cases where the investigators did fatal errors early on and then went down the wrong investigative path for years. Even Desiree admits that the FBI had a different kind of suspect in mind, but the MCSO was the lead on the case and they called the shots.

Kyron lived with Terri and Kaine,and she was a stay-at-home mom and step-mom. She had the permission of his custodial parent to act as a primary caregiver, and she was legally married to Kyron's Dad. There was no court order at that time that she had to follow, so there was no basis for custodial interference. They would not arrest her for that because it would be a waste of time.

No, sorry, that doesn't work. Even if Terri could be considered a custodial parent, there is one who actually was - Kaine Horman - and he was deprived of his custodial rights by the one who removed Kyron from the school, custodial or not. If Terri was the one who removed Kyron from the school and took him away from his home, they could absolutely charge her and have a pretty good case too - if there were actual witnesses who saw them leave.

But there weren't.

It's not ridiculous that Terri had Kyron in the truck since she left the school with him. It's not hard to conceal a child, especially when you park where she did in the store parking lots. Kyron was not even allowed to get out of bed in the mornings until Terri gave him permission to get up. He just laid there in bed..waiting. I have no doubt he would've stayed hidden in the truck if she told him to do that. I also think it's possible that he was drugged as soon as they left the school.

She parked in perfectly visible spots in public parking lots.



As you can see, plenty of parked cars around, not to mention driving past. If Kyron was drugged, with what? What would a housewife have access to that would work within minutes and leave the child knocked out for at least an hour?

She wanted Kaine's truck that day for a reason.....and it had nothing to do with his science exhibit. It was a generic vehicle and easier to drive on wooded backroads.

Nah, it was the project. She had thought she could bring it back after Kyron's presentation, but then there wasn't one, so she left and emailed the school to ask when she could pick it up.

Terri had the means, the motive, and no alibi.

Means? She had no time to kill Kyron before her errands and no way of keeping him unobserved if she did it after.

Motive? What motive? All we have is emails that Desiree claims means Terri wanted Kyron dead, emails that Kaine says don't say that. What else? From everyone else's account, Terri was an involved, attentive though slightly overbearing mother figure. Why kill Kyron? What would she gain?

No alibi? She was seen leaving the school without Kyron, then confirmed at multiple locations in public right up until 10 - without Kyron. Kyron was seen in the school after she left, and was confirmed missing at 10. I'd call that an alibi.

The guilty party is usually someone close to the child in cases like this one.

Cases aren't proven by statistics - the very thought is horrifying. If this was a stranger abduction, yes, it's an outlier - but outliers do happen, and precisely because they're rare and unconnected to the victim, they're much harder to solve. 13 years is considerably less than the Wetterling family had to wait for their son's murderer to be apprehended, though more than the Drexel, Hedgepeth or Celis families.

Terri gave up her baby to save herself and never looked back...because she is guilty. It's not a complicated crime. DeDe was given immunity for a reason. We don't know what that reason is, at this point.

DeDe pleaded the yes....she has refused to answer questions.

She didn't plead the 5th to the investigation, or the Grand Jury. She pleaded the 5th at Desiree's ill-advised civil trial, which no one besides Desiree wanted. And if there is an actual criminal investigation ongoing from which you yet have no immunity, then yes, you plead the 5th regardless of guilt. Any lawyer would tell you that.

DeDe went before the Grand Jury. She answered their questions. She got immunity. She even took a polygraph (ugh). She has cooperated with law enforcement. Much like Kaine isn't required to accede to Desiree's demands to have private parties do additional searches of his property, DeDe isn't required to cooperate with a civil trial whose official purpose is to gain money for the plaintiff, not to investigate the case.
According to
A stepparent who has not adopted his or her spouse's children does not have parental rights. In fact, under Oregon law, he or she has rights that are similar to those that grandparents have.

Oregon's custodial interference law (bbm for focus):

A person commits the crime of custodial interference in the second degree if, knowing or having reason to know that the person has no legal right to do so, the person takes, entices or keeps another person from the other person’s lawful custodian or in violation of a valid joint custody order with intent to hold the other person permanently or for a protracted period.
Kyron Horman: Mother hopes for answers after 13 years

JUL 5, 2023 / 08:22 AM CDT

(NewsNation) — It’s been 13 years since seven-year-old Kyron Horman vanished, shortly after showing off his science project at his school in northwest Portland, Oregon.

His case captured the attention of people around the globe, resulting in a documentary and even a book by a New York Times best-selling author. But Kyron remains missing and his mother is still hoping to bring him home.

On June 4, 2010, Kyron left for school with his stepmother, Terri Horman, looking forward to showing off his second-grade science project on tree frogs.

The pair took Kyron’s father, Kaine Horman’s, truck to Skyline School that day. Terri didn’t normally drive the car but said she’d need it to bring Kyron’s science project back home.

Terri snapped a picture of Kyron with his project, which she posted to Facebook that afternoon. But she said when she went to pick Kyron up from the bus at 2:30 p.m., he wasn’t there.

But Kyron’s mother, Desiree Young, said witnesses saw Terri and Kyron leaving the school together that morning. “They were seen out in front of the school by one of Kyron’s friends, his grandma and sister, as well as his bus driver,” Young said. “They were walking out to the main road, which was where the truck was parked.”

Kyron’s teacher had been told he had a doctor’s appointment that day, so nobody questioned his absence when he was missing from class.

Terri said she drove around town that day, stopping at two grocery stores to get medicine for her infant daughter, who wasn’t feeling well. She said after that she spent time driving around to settle her down.

Police investigating the case found Terri’s phone pinged around Highway 30, an area known in Oregon as a road less traveled.

Later, Terri told People Magazine and ABC News she was always an outsider in the case even though she was caring for Kyron daily.

“When the police started questioning us, they took into account more what Kaine and Desiree were saying as opposed to what I was saying, and I spent my days with him,” Terri said.

When Terri spoke privately with police, they told her she failed two polygraph tests. Although a judge and a lawyer for Terri have called her a suspect in court papers, she has never officially been named a suspect or person of interest by police. “I was willing to talk about anything. I want him home,” Terri said.

The Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office did not agree to an interview with NewsNation, but ahead of the 13-year anniversary of Kyron’s disappearance, they issued a statement.

“Kyron’s disappearance continues to have a profound impact on our community. The case remains open and active. Investigators are using advances in software, digital forensics, and geospatial technology to support and advance their work,” the statement read.

Meanwhile, Kyron’s mother is still searching for answers, especially from Terri, who was the last person to see Kryon before he disappeared.

Young filed a civil suit against Terri 10 years ago, accusing her of kidnapping Kyron. Young dropped the lawsuit, but she has been fundraising in hopes of getting a task force and private investigator in place to file a new case again.

More at link:
Kyron Horman: Mother hopes for answers after 13 years
@osu already posted the article; however, I wanted to post twitter link and point out (underlined) a few interesting mentions from the article. Moo

Missing: Kyron Horman. It's been 13 years since the little boy with a big smile and glasses was seen. The 2nd grader was supposed to be presenting his science project at school in the Portland area... but never got off the bus at the end of the day.


  • Police investigating the case found Terri’s phone pinged around Highway 30, an area known in Oregon as a road less traveled.
  • When Terri spoke privately with police, they told her she failed two polygraph tests. Although a judge and a lawyer for Terri have called her a suspect in court papers, she has never officially been named a suspect or person of interest by police.

Kyron <3 :)

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