"Kyron saw it all...was involved."

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
I agree, seeing it in context of everything makes a world of difference. Sorry to jump to other conclusions ... but I'm still wondering what the motive is to disappear Kyron. Maybe he did know something.

Interesting to learn that there was a man by the truck at the school and Kyron was seen there, too. (what DY said Kyron saw)

My other thought from the video was "People who have nothing to hide hide nothing"
I found that statement extremely odd as well. I feel she has a definite theory behind it based on some kind of evidence vs. feelings because she was so matter-of-fact in the statement. I think there has to be some clues behind that statement. It would not surprise me if there are emails we haven't seen that could perhaps could lead her to believe this? But how would Kyron be involved???

Along with this statement AND the one when she's talking about the timelines and the wholes in them she says "3 hours" of unexplained time??? Both of these things struck me as odd...we are all under the assumption that the whole in the timeline is 90 minutes ior so when Terri was allegedly driving the baby around...Desiree sounded certain and adamant it was 3 hours...wondering if LE and the parents know a whole heck of a lot more than we do??? Do we have any confirmation from law enforcement or proof it was actually Terri at the gym that day? Is there any chance LE has proven she wasnt and isnt telling us?
Along with this statement AND the one when she's talking about the timelines and the wholes in them she says "3 hours" of unexplained time??? Both of these things struck me as odd...we are all under the assumption that the whole in the timeline is 90 minutes ior so when Terri was allegedly driving the baby around...Desiree sounded certain and adamant it was 3 hours...wondering if LE and the parents know a whole heck of a lot more than we do??? Do we have any confirmation from law enforcement or proof it was actually Terri at the gym that day? Is there any chance LE has proven she wasnt and isnt telling us?

The 3 hours of unexplained time...confused me, was she adding the time after the gym to the time that Kaine came home or was she taking about DeDe's missing time? IDK. No confirmation from LE she was at the gym that day, however the press is saying she was there at 11:39. In Terri's email she states 11:20. Something apparently isn't jiving with LE regarding her timeline.
The 3 hours of unexplained time...confused me, was she adding the time after the gym to the time that Kaine came home or was she taking about DeDe's missing time? IDK. No confirmation from LE she was at the gym that day, however the press is saying she was there at 11:39. In Terri's email she states 11:20. Something apparently isn't jiving with LE regarding her timeline.

Ya know, I know this may sound a lot like CSI or imply that I read too many novels or watch too much tv BUT...it is possible that LE has purposely allowed the public to believe the gym portion of the alibi just so TH feels more comfortable and may slip up....maybe the gym employees who are corraborating her only saw here from a distance or something like that...maybe they are withholding the true evidence by design...if they dont want Terri to know how close they are to an arrest they sure as heck arent going to tell us....
The 3 hours of unexplained time...confused me, was she adding the time after the gym to the time that Kaine came home or was she taking about DeDe's missing time? IDK. No confirmation from LE she was at the gym that day, however the press is saying she was there at 11:39. In Terri's email she states 11:20. Something apparently isn't jiving with LE regarding her timeline.

Gosh, maybe Desiree knows that LE doesn't have credible evidence that Terri was at the gym, or even has evidence that she was elsewhere, and that's why she (and Kaine) are so certain that Terri isn't telling everything about her day.

Although I believe Terri is guilty (mainly because she hasn't challenged the RO which separates her from her daughter for at least a year), I find the timelines we've been given to leave very little room for very much to happen.

Kyron's parents were both very confident that Terri is involved. There was no hesitation about this.

As much as the public wants Kyron home, no one can possibly want him home more than they do. I can't even imagine how they're living through this. Why would they insist so adamently that Terri is involved in Kyron's disappearance if they didn't know a whole lot more than we do?
I watched the video finally and I feel that Desiree's meaning behind Kyron being "involved and he saw it all" is that Kyron was not placed in a container or bag and abducted in a such manner if there was a witness who saw a "man" at the truck. Kyron went to the truck on his own or with another person and was seen at the truck, if the witness account is to be believed and subsequently verified by LE. JMO
IIRC, this comment was made when discussing the sighting of an unknown person with TH prior to the science fair. I am wondering if "it" refers to the interaction that the witness saw... maybe an obvious argument or disagreement. Maybe DY thinks the disagreement was between TH and her accomplice over the details of Kyron's abduction which would make sense.. that she'd point out that TH was so heartless that she'd argue with her associate about their plan in front of him.

My theory is that there was an argument that morning in or around her truck between TH and an unknown party but that it not about doing Kyron in... it was about something else however Kyron became the means by which the other party responded to TH. She can't say that without implicating herself in way that would end up making her look less innocent of Kyron's abduction than she already does (which isn't very much.)
Just a question here...would would Desiree want it known that "Kyron saw it all" if he is alive and those who have him "stashed" might hear her and decide they better not let him remain alive?

I really think Desiree is just thinking out loud, trying to figure out what may have happened that could allow Kyron to be alive. She has said repeatedly that she is speaking out on her own about her own feelings and I believe her.

I think this case is tragically simple, not outrageously complex...either Terri or an unknown assailant took Kyron and he has been gone from this world since June 4. Because Desiree is so articulate, it is easy to think she knows exactly whereof she speaks...but I think she is simpy struggling to come up with scenarios she can cling to.
Could you supply a link to prove this? I'm just want to know, for sure. Thanks

OH well it was listed in the Oregon newspapers and I didn't save the link but I am sure if you did a search you would find it as I most certainly wouldn't post something that was not in the media as I don't live up in Oregon. It was in a couple of the papers up there.
Could you supply a link to prove this? I'm just want to know, for sure. Thanks

"Can we have the list of law enforcement agencies that have assisted in the Kyron Horman investigation?

Gresham Police, Fairview Police, Troutdale Police, Portland Police, Port of Portland Police, Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office, Clackamas County DA MCT, Multnomah County DA’s investigators, Washington County District Attorney’s Office, Washington County Sheriff’s Office, Gladstone Police, Oregon City Police, Milwaukie Police, Canby Police, Lake Oswego Police, West Linn Police, Vancouver Police, Hillsboro Police, Beaverton Police, FBI, DEA, ICE, Secret Service, DOD Defense Criminal Investigative Services, Oregon DOJ, Oregon State Police.


Looking at the list of agencies that have been involved in the investigation I'm struck by the gist of a comment Desiree made in the interview above...something to the effect that Terri never expected this to get this big...something like that.

I am more convinced than ever that there is more that Terri was involved in and that her goose is cooked on one of these levels anyway.

Just my humble opinion.
As I posted in another thread - I found that statement interesting. "Kyron saw it all and was involved."

Could Desiree be suggesting that Kyron may have been a willing participant in his kidnapping?

I've always thought it was possible that he might have been very attached to TH, and that she might have told him that she and Kaine were splitting, and that unless he went with her, she would never see him again (or something along those lines) and convinced him to go willingly. If so, I think that would increase the odds that he might have snuck out of the school unseen - because he KNEW he was sneaking and had to avoid being seen, rather than just that he was going to the doctor and it didn't matter if anyone saw him.
Maybe she just told him that she was going to allow him to play hooky for the day and go the the movies, get ice cream etc, so he went along with sneaking out.
Reading that quote, my immediate thought is that Kyron saw all of the players in this case, possibly even knew who they were, and that maybe this whole thing was bigger than just him being kidnapped. Maybe they told him if he didn't do what they said to do, they would hurt his mom, dad, and any other family members that would get him to cooperate (I'm thinking mom and dad would be enough to get him to do whatever they wanted). Or maybe they said if he did what they told him, he'd be able to go home and see his parents again.

The what, I have no idea. Maybe they decided it was too risky to let him go back home. Or maybe something went horribly wrong, and he died, and they all had to cover it up and hope they didn't get caught. Either way, at some point Kyron's life became less important to these people than covering up his demise or making sure he couldn't tell on them.

Poor Desiree. The scenarios that must be running through her head must be terrifying. I so wish someone would break and Kyron could be found.
Every friend or acquaintance of TH has had needs to be investigated. What a job for LE!

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