Kyron's case on Dr. Phil 9/17 *includes tape of the show*

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How do we know TMH was the last person to see Kyron? He was in his school. Not at home alone with her. JMO.
She is the last *known* person to have seen Kyron before he went missing. That's what we know.
How do we know TMH was the last person to see Kyron? He was in his school. Not at home alone with her. JMO.

"Terri is the last known person to have seen Kyron before he disappeared," Gates said. "We are releasing this information at this time in hope that it helps jog people's memory of that day."

LE said way back when that she was the last known person to see him and even released a flier to that effect.

(That may of course have changed after more information was gathered or after the last known person there could have been another unknown person to see him.)
<Mod Snip>

I suppose we are free to disbelieve Desiree's interpretation of the matter if we want to think that she's organized a smear campaign against Terri just for the heck of it but if not, some may have difficulty reconciling loving motherhood with extreme hatred for a child in your care and talking about hurting him.

Ah, the elusive "emails". More evidence, I suppose? Where are these emails? Have you read them in their entirety, conscious of the context in which the alleged "hatred" was displayed?

No. Nobody has seen the emails. As far as we know, they are a manipulation at best and a fabrication at worst in order to obtain better position in the ongoing civil matters.
Ah, the elusive "emails". More evidence, I suppose? Where are these emails? Have you read them in their entirety, conscious of the context in which the alleged "hatred" was displayed?

No. Nobody has seen the emails. As far as we know, they are a manipulation at best and a fabrication at worst in order to obtain better position in the ongoing civil matters.

As far as you know, perhaps, but I don't know any such thing. I have seen no evidence that anybody fabricated anything. Do share please, if you have. Desiree had no civil case going on against Terri in Nov 2010 when this was in the news. She says that the investigators showed the emails to her, and IMO this would be an extremely silly move if she just made it up since they would know she made it up.
I'm not sure you understand what evidence means in a criminal investigation or in a courtroom. If there were evidence, any evidence, we would have had an arrest by now. We don't after 3 years.


I am sorry to pull your quote to post, because I am in no way trying to single you out, but yours was the latest of so many saying essentially the same thing "no arrest=no evidence". I am so sick of hearing this! In order to convict a person, you need a certain amount of evidence to prove your charges. Since this case has (*assumption here*) pretty much all circumstantial evidence, obviously they are going to need to have not only the most circumstantial evidence possible, but every t crossed and i dotted before an arrest is made. Once an arrest is made, the clock begins to tick for trial. In summary, no arrest does NOT mean there is no evidence!
Ah, the elusive "emails". More evidence, I suppose? Where are these emails? Have you read them in their entirety, conscious of the context in which the alleged "hatred" was displayed?

No. Nobody has seen the emails. As far as we know, they are a manipulation at best and a fabrication at worst in order to obtain better position in the ongoing civil matters.

The emails exist. The only way Desiree could have gotten them is if the police showed them to her or someone else. I am sure the police have them. But saying you hate someone is not a crime. It all has to be tied together.

There is no need to Desiree to lie about this. IT is her son that is missing. She wants him found.
She said the police told her about them (or showed them to's been so long I don't remember which.)

Unless someone believes Desiree (the mother of the missing child) is lying, the letters certainly do exist.
Incorrect. He has studied the case in detail. He was not simply winging it when he stated quite declaratively that evidence points away from Terri. That was no mistake. I expect, however, that anything outside of the predetermined opinion that Terri did it will be summarily dismissed by the crowd here.


How do you know he studied the case in detail?
Haven't been on here in quite a while. It doesn't seem like a lot of new information was revealed but a couple of additional tidbits and clarifications were made known.

- I noticed DY used the word "tons" when referring to the infamous hatred for Kyron emails and that they would turn your stomach to read them. I didn't realize there were tons. I thought maybe one or two....

- Inconsistency in TMH statements. It was nice to get clarification about what the stories were that she told. How she said she dropped him off at 8:15, then changed it to she was in the classroom and other exhibits before going up the East Stairwell and waving goodbye (impossible says DY) Then she said they BOTH went up the main stairwell by the office and she waved goodbye to him there.

- Interesting that DY says the recent searches were based on something Dede said and "other witnessess" and that's why they were searching fire lanes and ravines. What could Dede have said that pointed there?

- Didn't sound like Kaine disputed his "reported" affair. I think all of them have pretty large skeletons.

- On the Skeleton note, I wondered why Dr Phil didn't tackle the question as to why DY didn't have custody. Or did I miss it??

- On why KH didn't allow the private searchers....I don't blame him for wanting to make sure LE is present considering all the loony people following the case on FB or other social media sites. Have you read any of that stuff? some of folks on those sites volunteered in DY search. I wouldn't let them anywhere near my property either. Have LE do another one if she wants, but the crazies on the fringe? No way! For the record, I'm not talking about Klasskids, I mean some of the other volunteers.

- Lastly, did you all catch that DY confirmed the receipt at FM was for Motrin!!! Not sure if it's hugely important but I know we spent many threads trying to figure out if it was coffee at Starbucks. Then why did she go to a second FM? Hmmmm?
Ah, the elusive "emails". More evidence, I suppose? Where are these emails? Have you read them in their entirety, conscious of the context in which the alleged "hatred" was displayed?

No. Nobody has seen the emails. As far as we know, they are a manipulation at best and a fabrication at worst in order to obtain better position in the ongoing civil matters.

the emails actually weren't even presented in her civil filing which i find highly strange
the emails actually weren't even presented in her civil filing which i find highly strange

My bet is since they are part of a criminal investigation they can not be used in her civil filing?? I don't know but I do not doubt them and neither did KH. He said he was unaware of the information but never disputed the emails.
Does anyone know if the show is available somewhere on the interwebs so I can watch it?
I dvr'd it. You can sometimes catch it on rerum at night or the next day.

Ahh, some more things make sense now. From what I gather, Desiree apparently read in an email that not only did Terri say she hated Kyron, but claimed that she'd told Kaine she hated Kyron. And Kaine said Terri never admitted her hatred of Kyron to him. (honestly, it would make sense that Terri wouldn't admit this to Kaine). And that Terri wanted to get rid of Kyron and give him back to Desiree, but naturally Kaine wasn't willing to lose his son. So that must be part of why Desiree is so angry at him - she believes that Kaine must have known how much Terri hated Kyron, but still kept custody of Kyron, and it sounds like Desiree feels like Kyron's disappearance is somehow Kaine's bad karma and bad judgment in stepmothers.

I feel so much for Desiree. I think Kaine was seriously oblivious to or simply ignored a lot of red flags in Terri, too. I'd carry a lot of anger too if I were Desiree. I don't think Kaine could have stopped what happened, and I'm sure like most parents, giving up custody of his own son wasn't even on the table - but considering what happened it's easy to see retrospectively how serious that situation was, and how urgent the necessity was to deal with it.
Such an adorable little boy ... where are you, Kyron ?

One apparent inconsistency I did not know about that came out in the show is that Terri said she waved goodbye to Kyron from the stairs at the east end when he was near his classroom door. But Desiree says it's not possible to see Kyron's classroom from those stairs because there is a wall.

And (Dr Phil's words) her story apparently changed regarding whether she dropped Kyron off at 8:15 or if they toured the science fair together and there is confusion about whether she was in Kyron's classroom or not.

I suppose it's possible she was confused about time and people might say "dropped off" even if they stayed a while to do something before leaving but it's strange if she didn't remember being in his classroom since there was the photo she showed off.
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