Kyron's doctors appointment

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She may have given the teacher the paper work to give to someone else.
The reason I don't think the appt is important is that even if she didn't think he had an appt the school policy was not to call the parents. In the grand scheme of things it would have made no difference because no call would have been made. She may well have been worried that she didn't see him after the morning science fair but since they never called I doubt she would have done so then.

The reason I and others think that the appointment is all important is that it buys someone nearly seven hours of time with Kyron. Not calling when a student is absent is not akin to not reporting a student that was PRESENT is now MISSING...unless that student's guardian popped in to say: "Kyron has an appt. bye!" jmho--AND absolutely my main reason for the suspect I cannot shake, try as I might and would love to.
The reason I don't think the appt is important is that even if she didn't think he had an appt the school policy was not to call the parents. In the grand scheme of things it would have made no difference because no call would have been made. She may well have been worried that she didn't see him after the morning science fair but since they never called I doubt she would have done so then.

Exactly. Additionally, if you take the appointment out of the equation, the perp had an hour and 15 minutes before the teacher even noted his absence - ample time to do their dirty deed.

The appointment just really doesn't matter.
I wonder if there were two times this 'appointment info' was given to the teacher? This extra detail of there being 'paperwork' involved and given to the teacher the day before Kyron went missing was given more recently by TH's friend. Previous to this, all we heard about was a rumor that TM shouted to the teacher about an appointment on Friday (that same day?) and the teacher assumed that Kyron was at that appointment. This comment was posted somewhere and was written by someone on behalf of TH or was a friend of TH (I don't have a link but it was posted about like crazy on here!)

Are we to think that there were two separate events to communicate this appointment to the teacher?

Above BBM. It seems as tho SM, TMH is indicating or implying that it was possibly one event(thru her comments that she gave permission to Finster to say to the media) As in Finster says that ~snip~Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment~end snip... TMH then turns around and makes an excuse for why teacher THOUGHT Kyron was at dr appt with SM on June 4th. ~snip~
Finster said that when Kyron didn't show up at the bus the afternoon of June 4, Horman talked to the teacher who said she thought that Horman had taken Kyron to the doctor that day. Horman told Finster that the child's teacher was new, in her first year of teaching, and was hard of hearing in one ear. "She doesn't know if she understood her," Finster said. ~end snip
So her excuse covers the part of why, if true that teacher did not understand, that it was due To teacher hard of hearing and new to teaching(which has since been proven a lie), BUT TMH's excuse does not cover for why the teacher would STILL misunderstand when there was actually written paperwork involved(& per TMH this paperwork given to teacher for her to fill out and complete and then RETURN to SM BEFORE said dr.appt).. What also is left out is if and when the paperwork was completed by the teacher and returned to SM. THIS PIECE OF INFO IS NEVER MENTIONED, WHY? IT IS VERY IMPORTANT AND IMO IS KEY. If said paperwork was infact completed by teacher and returned to SM, IMO it would coroborrate that teacher was indeed under the impression that Kyron was at dr.appt and therefore felt justified in her marking him absent. But if said paperwork had not yet been completed and therefore NOT YET RETURNED TO SM, then this coroborrates TMH statement that she said appt was until the following week and also would in turn NOT ADD UP with teachers assumption of Kyron being at dr appt that day June 4th, becasuse if the teacher had not yet completed and NOT YET RETURNED paperwork that was "DUE" BEFORE the appt it would imply that teacher infact did not think appt was until a later date(thus giving her time to complete and return it). This would dfinately play beneficial to SM and likewise look more truthful on her part(that shew did tell teacher the appt was for following week, June 11th)... All of this is why I believe that the info of knowing IF THIS PAPERWORK WAS RETURNED or WAS NOT returned to SM is a VERY BIG KEY of who is being honest here... I hope I am relaying this in somewhat of an understandable way, if I AM NOT MAKING CLEAR MY POINT AND EXPLAINATION OF IMPORTANCE plz let me know and I will try to simplify my explaination..
The reason I don't think the appt is important is that even if she didn't think he had an appt the school policy was not to call the parents. In the grand scheme of things it would have made no difference because no call would have been made. She may well have been worried that she didn't see him after the morning science fair but since they never called I doubt she would have done so then.

i get what you're saying, DairyGirl about the "no call" policy and that could very well be the answer we get when/if we get an answer from the school as to why no alarm was raised. but if that is the best answer they can give, then imo it is not good enough. he WAS at school. his things were at school, i am sure his teacher saw him there as he was in his classroom putting his exhibit on display. so unless the teacher had reason to think he wasn't going to stay for the rest of the day wouldn't that be different than a simple absence?
IMO, the Dr. appt. "confusion" is important because Kyron was at school that morning and then he wasn't.

If he had simply been absent, and had not arrived for the science fair, and not had his photo taken in front of his project, and had not been seen by others, but had simply not come to school that morning, then I can see how no one (including his teacher) would have thought anything of it. They may have thought "Oh, Kyron is absent, I wonder if he's sick... what a shame that he's missing the science fair."

But since Kyron WAS at school & then he suddenly wasn't, the Dr. appt. is crucial because it provides plausible deniability. I suspect that without the Dr. appt. "confusion", if a child who was known to be at school that morning suddenly went missing with no explanation, someone would have looked into the why & where out of concern for the whereabouts of the child (not to mention the liability of the school).

Without the Dr. appt. scenario, the alarm might have sounded sooner. One minute a child is present, the next he's absent. Somehow, I have a hard time believing that Kyron's teacher or the school staff is so apathetic as to not be concerned when one of their students (especially a 7 year old) is suddenly not there, when he was there a few minutes ago. Without the Dr. appt. scenario, LE might have been contacted sooner, or, at the very least, the Horman household might have been contacted sooner.

As it is, no one seemed worried, and by the end of the day, according to accounts I've read, his teacher had assumed Kyron left with his stepmother. IMO, that assumption was made as a direct result of the Dr. appt. "confusion". MOO
What I feel is key, is that it appears that when someone (the sub ?) noticed Kyron missing, the teacher said 'maybe Kyron went to get a drink of water or is in the bathroom' she didn't believe him to be absent at that time. That says to me that the teacher, at that moment, believed Kyron to be present at school that day, but not in class presently because he was doing something else (water bubbler, bathroom).

What then compelled her to later mark him as absent? If she thought he was at the bubbler or bathroom, when he never came back, why didn't she send someone to look for him? Clearly something was wrong if he never came back to class - but the teacher didn't think anything of it. It didn't raise any alarm bells that he never came back.

Leads me to believe she was under the impression that he had something else going on that day and there was no cause for alarm. I REALLY want to know why she marked him as absent, after someone noticed him missing, she assumed he'd be back from the bathroom or bubbler, then thought nothing of it that he NEVER came back.
Actually, what is strange is why the teacher would say that Kyron was in the bathroom or getting a drink when it was pointed out to her that he was missing if she supposedly thought he was at an appointment at that time. She would have said then- no worry, he's at an appt.
If she did not think he was at an appointment at that time, then how would she explain how Kyron never came back to the room, he did not return to the room, and nobody came to the classroom for him? Doesn't seem likely the SM would be expected to pick Kyron up as he's roaming the halls- if the teacher REALLY thought Kyron had an appt., how does she explain how nobody came to pick him up.

[[/B]QUOTE=miakelly;5338751]What I feel is key, is that it appears that when someone (the sub ?) noticed Kyron missing, the teacher said 'maybe Kyron went to get a drink of water or is in the bathroom' she didn't believe him to be absent at that time. That says to me that the teacher, at that moment, believed Kyron to be present at school that day, but not in class presently because he was doing something else (water bubbler, bathroom).

What then compelled her to later mark him as absent? If she thought he was at the bubbler or bathroom, when he never came back, why didn't she send someone to look for him? Clearly something was wrong if he never came back to class - but the teacher didn't think anything of it. It didn't raise any alarm bells that he never came back.

Leads me to believe she was under the impression that he had something else going on that day and there was no cause for alarm. I REALLY want to know why she marked him as absent, after someone noticed him missing, she assumed he'd be back from the bathroom or bubbler, then thought nothing of it that he NEVER came back.[/QUOTE]
Actually, what is strange is why the teacher would say that Kyron was in the bathroom or getting a drink when it was pointed out to her that he was missing if she supposedly thought he was at an appointment at that time. She would have said then- no worry, he's at an appt.
If she did not think he was at an appointment at that time, then how would she explain how Kyron never came back to the room, he did not return to the room, and nobody came to the classroom for him? Doesn't seem likely the SM would be expected to pick Kyron up as he's roaming the halls- if the teacher REALLY thought Kyron had an appt., how does she explain how nobody came to pick him up.

The only thing I can imagine is: when Kyron was noticed missing at first (around 8:45 - 9:00) maybe the teacher truly believed Kyron was getting a drink of water or in the bathroom.

Then, when he didn't come back, maybe she remembered that he had an appointment, and checked her paperwork that TH had given her about the appt, and maybe that paperwork said he had an appt that day, so the teacher assumed TH had taken him to the appt or signed him out.

If this is the case, then I feel the teacher SHOULD have followed up to be certain, but we don't know the relationship the teacher had with TH and we don't know exactly what was said to the teacher about the appt so maybe the teacher trusted that TH had him. Maybe the teacher felt it would be overkill to call TH to verify KH was with her at an appt, if in fact the teacher had paperwork or had been told by TH that KH DID have an appt that day.
If a trusted parent who has volunteered many times in the school tells me that there is an appt, I would believe her.

When the trusted person takes the child, ,I would assume as a teacher that said parent signed the child out as said parent knows the rules and is reliable and responsible.

There would be no need to check up on such a trusted parent. Well, I guess this is a lesson for everyone, isn't it?

As far as the backpack and the jacket, in a low income school, a teacher would be concerned about those items as a child may really really need those items.

With well -to-do parents, the children probably have multiples of those items. Children are forgetful, and to remind the child teaches no responsibility. So the teacher would be no more concerned than finding the child's pencil.

They will only learn by experience if they really need an item and they don't have said item.


Terri and Kyron were seen before school started so he did not have to be checked out. Kryon was seen with a person he was suppose to be with. The teacher was led to believe that Kyron had a doctors appointment so she may have assumed that Terri and Kyron stopped at the school before the appointment.

The teacher may not have noticed Kyron's backpack if it was hung on a hook.

The appointment and what Terri told the teacher about it is a key point IMO.
The only thing I can imagine is: when Kyron was noticed missing at first (around 8:45 - 9:00) maybe the teacher truly believed Kyron was getting a drink of water or in the bathroom.

Then, when he didn't come back, maybe she remembered that he had an appointment


gmta :snooty: that's what i came up with, too. Except the part about checking the paperwork. Imo, she might have just said to herself *oh, yeah, the appointment.* But I'm still wondering, in that case, about how the teacher felt about not having the paperwork completed in time (jessigirl). Or maybe it was two different appt's and the teacher knew/thought that. Or maybe that's what the alleged appt. discussion was about, in fact -- "like, oh no, THAT appt. (the one w/ the paperwork) is NEXT friday. Today is the appt. for blah, blah"

jm pure speculation...
If I was the teacher, then I would wonder why I thought the appt was the 11th. If he was missing, then I would have someone call the parent to check and see if I had misunderstood and the appt was actually today.

I would apologize and tell the parent that I thought the appt was on the 11th and that is why it was not done. I would ask the parent how soon the doctor needed the paperwork

I think that the teacher had been teaching long enough to know that a head count is important , especially on a day like that.

What if he had wandered off outside? Or what if he was throwing paper towels into the toilet as children do sometimes? Where was he?

SM and teacher must have had some conversation about the paperwork at some time. If SM told teacher the appt was on the 11th, where did the teacher think the missing child was?

He was snagged off by his mother at 9:45 or whatever time it was after the groups and she didn't tell anyone that she was taking him from the group?

He was in the group, but then he disappeared with no one seeing SM take him?

Wouldn't the teacher ask the group leader who had taken him from the group?

I just can't see a reasonable explanation.

gmta :snooty: that's what i came up with, too. Except the part about checking the paperwork. Imo, she might have just said to herself *oh, yeah, the appointment.* But I'm still wondering, in that case, about how the teacher felt about not having the paperwork completed in time (jessigirl). Or maybe it was two different appt's and the teacher knew/thought that. Or maybe that's what the alleged appt. discussion was about, in fact -- "like, oh no, THAT appt. (the one w/ the paperwork) is NEXT friday. Today is the appt. for blah, blah"

jm pure speculation...

wouldn't that assume that the missing child had been placed in a group?

That would mean that he had to have left during the group time. Wouldn't the teacher ask the group leader if the missing child had been picked up by the mother then or did the group leader bring the child to the office?
It's beyond strange and very conflicting that the teacher goes from saying that Kyron must be in the bathroom to thinking that maybe he had a dr. appointment that day. There's no way I believe that the teacher did not know exactly what that paperwork to give the doctor was for. If there were some behavior or learning difficulties then she had already been consulted about the issue. I don't care what anyone says, I've had teachers literally dog and harass me daily about my grandkids doctors, dosage of medication, and even trying to diagnose them. It's sickening and caused us a lot of harm and emotional suffering. Not that this teacher did that, but she knew what the paperwork was all about and that his appt. for that was not that very day. No one like Terri would only give a teacher one day's notice to fill out paperwork with something like the chaos of Friday going on the next day. I'd love to know if she was really not in the room when the aide/volunteer noticed Kyron missing and then just blew it off. As I said before, I believe the dr. appointment reason could be very important for various reasons that we can't discuss yet.

Also: I'd love to know if or why the teacher wasn't in the room when the aide was getting kids into a group. Was she there when the bell rang at 8:45? Just because the kids were to get into groups at 9:00 doesn't mean that they were to totally disregard the regular school time and be off wandering all over the place after the bell without permission. If they did allow that, then that school is weird.
I thought it might be helpful here to sum up a scenario of how the appointment might have come into play in Kyron’s disappearance. This is purely from my imagination, using what we know from Jaymie Finster’s comments in: Friend: Terri Moulton Horman to take another polygraph in Kyron Horman's disappearance

Terri Horman could have premeditated, calculated and carefully executed Kyron’s disappearance. She would have chosen the day of the science fair because she knew it would afford her the opportunity to have extra time and a good cover story, taking advantage of the off-balance chaos of a non-standard day. She possibly used Kyron’s vision or obedience issues to generate a need for an appointment with a specialist of some kind. She scheduled an appointment with that doctor for Friday, June 11, then she acquired the inventory from the doc’s office for the teacher to complete. A lot of offices have those forms available on their web pages to download.

Kyron usually rides the bus, but for some reason, Terri is there on Thursday the 3rd, perhaps she is there doing her volunteer work as a reading teacher. She gives the forms from the doctor to Kristina Porter in the noisy gym, anticipating that it will support her position later when she needs to say, “Mrs. Porter misheard me” and help cover her lie. She says something like, " Kyron has an appointment Friday, could you please fill this out, so we can get it back in time for his appointment? I'll be coming with him to school tomorrow morning for the science fair anyway. Could you please get it completed for me so I can get it from you then? Thanks a million."

The next morning, (Friday, June 4, day of science fair) she asks for and collects the completed paperwork from the teacher, and says something ambiguous about the appointment, perhaps, “I really appreciate you getting this done on such short notice. I'm really hopeful that this will help Kyron with yada-x-blah-x-yada I'm so glad they could get us in.” (notice how this still sounds like the appointment is that day, even though she doesn't SAY that. Alternately, she could have actually told the teacher the appointment was for that day, planning all along to deny it later, and knowing she had it scheduled for the 11th, in order to support her version of events.)

They leave Kyron’s jacket and back pack in the classroom, and Terri snaps Kyron’s picture in front of his project, Kyron and Terri tour the other classrooms together. While they are walking around the halls, they are seen by many witnesses, students, parents, faculty, and staff. As time moves closer to 8:45 when the bell will ring, parents are leaving so the school day can begin, TH lingers with Kyron in the halls at the science fair. The children have all reported to their classes, and the parents are trickling out to their cars, and the halls are mostly empty, because most of the kids have gone on to their classes.

Then, with just minutes to go before the bell rings, Terri tells Kyron, ‘Hey, Buddy, I heard about a really special project that uses electricity and includes moving parts. Let’s go check it out!” She starts leading him in the direction of the door nearest her truck, passing the door to his classroom where they see TP, to whom Kyron says ‘Hi! I’m going to see this cool one. It’s electric.’ (please note that in the article Classmate:’I hope My Best Friend Comes Back’ it is not clear if TP saw Kyron alone or with TH, it actually doesn’t say. So I’m going with the notion that she was still with him when Kyron stopped to talk to TP.)

TP knows he needs to get to class, so he goes on inside. Terri & Kyron proceed. Once she has him alone in the hallway, she gives him a plausible reason why they have to go back out to the truck, “Oh shoot! Kyron! we left your lunch in the truck, let’s run get it!” They go out to the truck, unseen, and she then takes actions that result in his disappearance.

Later, when questioned, and the subject of the appointment comes up she can claim that the teacher misunderstood her about the date of the appointment. Even though she purposely mislead the teacher. At that point it would be an issue of one woman’s word verses another. My opinion is that this was not a spur-of-the-moment-crime-of-passion, but rather, she carefully orchestrated her plan well in advance, chose times that would maximize chaos and foster confusion.

I’m still trying to work out how TP’s other information fits in with this. He is quoted in Search for missing Kyron Horman is now a criminal case This is where he talks about the ‘substitute’ who I believe is really a parent volunteer. What’s not clear to me is if Kyron was ever part of one of these tour groups. Clearly, this is the portion of the morning where LE really buttons their lips. We the public don’t know, but I’m betting LE has LOTs of information. I bet they have a map of the parking lot and they know roughly where everyone was parked, what time people came and went, which doors they used. Etc. Etc. I don’t doubt for a minute that they know plenty plenty plenty that isn’t being released right now. That’s why it sort of amused me when someone suggested that LE may not have noticed the “mystery man” in that photo of Kyron by his tree frog project. I was thinking, “are you kidding me!? OF course they noticed it. They’ve gone over everything with a fine toothed comb.” I was embarrassed :iamashamed0005: that anyone would even suggest that the man in that photo hadn't been seen yet. It reminded me of the rocks in Aruba that those people thought must be Natalee Holloway's skeleton. :no:

One thing that IS significant to me about the mystery man is that LE was very quick to say that they know who he is. They’ve interviewed him and that he is NOT a person of interest. They sure haven’t jumped up to defend anyone ELSE the public has openly suspected in this case! :waitasec: Hmmmm…

All from my own imagination, using information we've collected :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog:
wouldn't that assume that the missing child had been placed in a group?

That would mean that he had to have left during the group time. Wouldn't the teacher ask the group leader if the missing child had been picked up by the mother then or did the group leader bring the child to the office?

not necessarily, imo, but it is giving me trouble. we have so little information about when and under what circumstances Kyron was actually last seen. Was he on the way to class and in sm's sight....was he by himself or in a group walking in the hall to go see an electric project.

Is the group leader (assuming this is a parent/helper) certain that Kyron was in her group in the beginning, or was she just noting the lack of proper number of children in her group at the end and Kyron was the only kid in the class not accounted for?

If he was in her group, did she lose track of him going from room to room and not notice till the end. And who might have intervened in those moments?

I would LOVE to know whether that parent knew for a fact she had Kyron in her group at the beginning but not at the end. I guess we will know eventually :( If she did know for certain that Kyron was in her group at the beginning but not at the end, I do agree that changes things entirely.

I thought it might be helpful here to sum up a scenario of how the appointment might have come into play in Kyron’s disappearance. This is purely from my imagination, using what we know from Jaymie Finster’s comments in: Friend: Terri Moulton Horman to take another polygraph in Kyron Horman's disappearance

Terri Horman could have premeditated, calculated and carefully executed Kyron’s disappearance. She would have chosen the day of the science fair because she knew it would afford her the opportunity to have extra time and a good cover story, taking advantage of the off-balance chaos of a non-standard day. She possibly used Kyron’s vision or obedience issues to generate a need for an appointment with a specialist of some kind. She scheduled an appointment with that doctor for Friday, June 11, then she acquired the inventory from the doc’s office for the teacher to complete. A lot of offices have those forms available on their web pages to download.

Kyron usually rides the bus, but for some reason, Terri is there on Thursday the 3rd, perhaps she is there doing her volunteer work as a reading teacher. She gives the forms from the doctor to Kristina Porter in the noisy gym, anticipating that it will support her position later when she needs to say, “Mrs. Porter misheard me” and help cover her lie. She says something like, " Kyron has an appointment Friday, could you please fill this out, so we can get it back in time for his appointment? I'll be coming with him to school tomorrow morning for the science fair anyway. Could you please get it completed for me so I can get it from you then? Thanks a million."

The next morning, (Friday, June 4, day of science fair) she asks for and collects the completed paperwork from the teacher, and says something ambiguous about the appointment, perhaps, “I really appreciate you getting this done on such short notice. I'm really hopeful that this will help Kyron with yada-x-blah-x-yada I'm so glad they could get us in.” (notice how this still sounds like the appointment is that day, even though she doesn't SAY that. Alternately, she could have actually told the teacher the appointment was for that day, planning all along to deny it later, and knowing she had it scheduled for the 11th, in order to support her version of events.)

They leave Kyron’s jacket and back pack in the classroom, and Terri snaps Kyron’s picture in front of his project, Kyron and Terri tour the other classrooms together. While they are walking around the halls, they are seen by many witnesses, students, parents, faculty, and staff. As time moves closer to 8:45 when the bell will ring, parents are leaving so the school day can begin, TH lingers with Kyron in the halls at the science fair. The children have all reported to their classes, and the parents are trickling out to their cars, and the halls are mostly empty, because most of the kids have gone on to their classes.

Then, with just minutes to go before the bell rings, Terri tells Kyron, ‘Hey, Buddy, I heard about a really special project that uses electricity and includes moving parts. Let’s go check it out!” She starts leading him in the direction of the door nearest her truck, passing the door to his classroom where they see TP, to whom Kyron says ‘Hi! I’m going to see this cool one. It’s electric.’ (please note that in the article Classmate:’I hope My Best Friend Comes Back’ it is not clear if TP saw Kyron alone or with TH, it actually doesn’t say. So I’m going with the notion that she was still with him when Kyron stopped to talk to TP.)

TP knows he needs to get to class, so he goes on inside. Terri & Kyron proceed. Once she has him alone in the hallway, she gives him a plausible reason why they have to go back out to the truck, “Oh shoot! Kyron! we left your lunch in the truck, let’s run get it!” They go out to the truck, unseen, and she then takes actions that result in his disappearance.

Later, when questioned, and the subject of the appointment comes up she can claim that the teacher misunderstood her about the date of the appointment. Even though she purposely mislead the teacher. At that point it would be an issue of one woman’s word verses another. My opinion is that this was not a spur-of-the-moment-crime-of-passion, but rather, she carefully orchestrated her plan well in advance, chose times that would maximize chaos and foster confusion.

I’m still trying to work out how TP’s other information fits in with this. He is quoted in Search for missing Kyron Horman is now a criminal case This is where he talks about the ‘substitute’ who I believe is really a parent volunteer. What’s not clear to me is if Kyron was ever part of one of these tour groups. Clearly, this is the portion of the morning where LE really buttons their lips. We the public don’t know, but I’m betting LE has LOTs of information. I bet they have a map of the parking lot and they know roughly where everyone was parked, what time people came and went, which doors they used. Etc. Etc. I don’t doubt for a minute that they know plenty plenty plenty that isn’t being released right now. That’s why it sort of amused me when someone suggested that LE may not have noticed the “mystery man” in that photo of Kyron by his tree frog project. I was thinking, “are you kidding me!? OF course they noticed it. They’ve gone over everything with a fine toothed comb.” I was embarrassed :iamashamed0005: that anyone would even suggest that the man in that photo hadn't been seen yet. It reminded me of the rocks in Aruba that those people thought must be Natalee Holloway's skeleton. :no:

One thing that IS significant to me about the mystery man is that LE was very quick to say that they know who he is. They’ve interviewed him and that he is NOT a person of interest. They sure haven’t jumped up to defend anyone ELSE the public has openly suspected in this case! :waitasec: Hmmmm…

All from my own imagination, using information we've collected :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog: :frog:

I really, really, like this! I totaly agree with everything you said. Have you seen the photos I took at Skyline? It shows how easily a little one could slip out the side door and down to the road without being seen.
I really, really, like this! I totaly agree with everything you said. Have you seen the photos I took at Skyline? It shows how easily a little one could slip out the side door and down to the road without being seen.

Thank you. No, I haven't seen the photos. Where are they? I lived in Portland for six years, went to PSU for grad school. I'm back home in TX now, but I think a piece of my heart stayed in PDX and that's why this case has been unusually interesting to me. That, and that it's just so bizarre. The circumstances of his disappearance are so unusual. Meaning, that he wasn't walking alone on an isolated road when he vanished, he was inside a building FULL of friendly people who he KNEW.
not necessarily, imo, but it is giving me trouble. we have so little information about when and under what circumstances Kyron was actually last seen. Was he on the way to class and in sm's sight....was he by himself or in a group walking in the hall to go see an electric project.

Is the group leader (assuming this is a parent/helper) certain that Kyron was in her group in the beginning, or was she just noting the lack of proper number of children in her group at the end and Kyron was the only kid in the class not accounted for?

If he was in her group, did she lose track of him going from room to room and not notice till the end. And who might have intervened in those moments?

I would LOVE to know whether that parent knew for a fact she had Kyron in her group at the beginning but not at the end. I guess we will know eventually :( If she did know for certain that Kyron was in her group at the beginning but not at the end, I do agree that changes things entirely.


ITA with this. Did you see my scenario? That's where I get hung up too.
not necessarily, imo, but it is giving me trouble. we have so little information about when and under what circumstances Kyron was actually last seen. Was he on the way to class and in sm's sight....was he by himself or in a group walking in the hall to go see an electric project.

Is the group leader (assuming this is a parent/helper) certain that Kyron was in her group in the beginning, or was she just noting the lack of proper number of children in her group at the end and Kyron was the only kid in the class not accounted for?

If he was in her group, did she lose track of him going from room to room and not notice till the end. And who might have intervened in those moments?

I would LOVE to know whether that parent knew for a fact she had Kyron in her group at the beginning but not at the end. I guess we will know eventually :( If she did know for certain that Kyron was in her group at the beginning but not at the end, I do agree that changes things entirely.


Since this version of events come from an 8 year old child who wasn't even supposed to speak to the press and since LE has since said that TM was the last person to see Kyron, I take everything he said with a huge shaker of salt. In fact, I am willing to bet that his whole account is suspect. I don't think he meant any harm and probably just desperately wanted to help but I think the story started out pretty accurate and kind of grew legs. He also said he saw TM leave before he last saw Kyron but apparently no one else did. I am sticking with LE's account and tossing out what he said.
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