Kyron's doctors appointment

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Since this version of events come from an 8 year old child who wasn't even supposed to speak to the press and since LE has since said that TM was the last person to see Kyron, I take everything he said with a huge shaker of salt. In fact, I am willing to bet that his whole account is suspect. I don't think he meant any harm and probably just desperately wanted to help but I think the story started out pretty accurate and kind of grew legs. He also said he saw TM leave before he last saw Kyron but apparently no one else did. I am sticking with LE's account and tossing out what he said.

Yeah, me too, me too ITA etc. I think there may be elements of truth to his statements, but, well, I have a son who's almost 7 and another who's almost 10, and I know how their memories of things are different. Truthfully, it's not just kids who do this. It is well documented that eye witness testimony is lousy. That's probably one of the primary reasons LE has had for keeping a lid on the investigation. The power of suggestion is very strong. It's really easy for people to color their own memories because of something they heard someone else say.
The only reference we got the "paperwork" from is from the friend, correct?

In my experience, there have been 2 specific different types of paperwork related to doctor appontments that need to be handed to my child's teacher:

1) a questionnaire for the teacher to fill out for the doctor to use as part of his/her fact finding
2) notification to the school that my child will be taken out of class for a doctor appointment

In my opinion, I do not think the paperwork in question was #1: a questionnaire for the doctor to fill out.

The reason being is because there is no mention of the teacher getting this paperwork filled out and back to Terri that morning for a June 4th appointment. There is also a time constraint on the teacher's part. How could she have had the time to fill out this form and get it back to Terri while there is a science fair going on that morning?

Had the teacher truly thought the appointment was for June 4th, surely bells and whistles would have gone off had she had a questionnaire to fill out for that very appointment sitting on her desk.
The only reference we got the "paperwork" from is from the friend, correct?

In my experience, there have been 2 specific different types of paperwork related to doctor appontments that need to be handed to my child's teacher:

1) a questionnaire for the teacher to fill out for the doctor to use as part of his/her fact finding
2) notification to the school that my child will be taken out of class for a doctor appointment

In my opinion, I do not think the paperwork in question was #1: a questionnaire for the doctor to fill out.

The reason being is because there is no mention of the teacher getting this paperwork filled out and back to Terri that morning for a June 4th appointment. There is also a time constraint on the teacher's part. How could she have had the time to fill out this form and get it back to Terri while there is a science fair going on that morning?

Had the teacher truly thought the appointment was for June 4th, surely bells and whistles would have gone off had she had a questionnaire to fill out for that very appointment sitting on her desk.

According to this article: Friend: Terri Moulton Horman to take another polygraph in Kyron Horman's disappearance Jaymie Finster said that Terri gave the teacher the paper work the day BEFORE the science fair:

"Finster said Horman had told Kyron's teacher the day before that she was taking the boy to the doctor on Friday, June 11, and gave the teacher paperwork to fill out related to the appointment. "

24 hours would still be short notice, but not out of the question.
not necessarily, imo, but it is giving me trouble. we have so little information about when and under what circumstances Kyron was actually last seen. Was he on the way to class and in sm's sight....was he by himself or in a group walking in the hall to go see an electric project.

Is the group leader (assuming this is a parent/helper) certain that Kyron was in her group in the beginning, or was she just noting the lack of proper number of children in her group at the end and Kyron was the only kid in the class not accounted for?

If he was in her group, did she lose track of him going from room to room and not notice till the end. And who might have intervened in those moments?

I would LOVE to know whether that parent knew for a fact she had Kyron in her group at the beginning but not at the end. I guess we will know eventually :( If she did know for certain that Kyron was in her group at the beginning but not at the end, I do agree that changes things entirely.


The kids also probably knew who was in their little group and didn't want to start without Kyron, especially his friend who claims to have seen him there at school. Kyron was probably so looking forward to that. Taking a child out until the supposed 10:00 am roll call could possibly be a punishment as part of teaching him to listen and obey if he had done something to anger an adult. Not accusing Terri or anyone at the school specifically, just speculating.
If this is true, then it looks like Terry might have made a huge mistake, how can she explain that it wasn't her that took Kyron to the Dr. appointment that she told the teacher he had. Was he supposed to walk to it?Moo
Kyron's teacher was definitely under the impression Kyron's Dr. appointment was Friday, June 4th.

That really doesn't tell us anything we haven't heard already and Shelby made that statement the day or day after Kyron went missing. I see nothing about who these "sources" are. I think katu is simply recycling a story that's been out there for a while now.

That really doesn't tell us anything we haven't heard already and Shelby made that statement the day or day after Kyron went missing. I see nothing about who these "sources" are. I think katu is simply recycling a story that's been out there for a while now.

I really think the comments by the friend and his mother are new. I also have never heard anyone state what the "issue" was with the Dr's appointment. Either TH's mother or friend said the teacher was hard-of-hearing, but the little friend's comments are important. Kyron thought he had an appointment also.

I did hear at one news conference Kaine mention that he didn't know about the details of the Dr's appointment.
I really think the comments by the friend and his mother are new. I also have never heard anyone state what the "issue" was with the Dr's appointment. Either TH's mother or friend said the teacher was hard-of-hearing, but the little friend's comments are important. Kyron thought he had an appointment also.

I did hear at one news conference Kaine mention that he didn't know about the details of the Dr's appointment.


I'd like to see this clarified. If she DID give paperwork to the teacher to fill out, then there probably was an appointment. It's just not clear when it was and if the teacher knew that.

That really doesn't tell us anything we haven't heard already and Shelby made that statement the day or day after Kyron went missing. I see nothing about who these "sources" are. I think katu is simply recycling a story that's been out there for a while now.

I remember the statement about the 2 teachers, but this is the first time there has been anything said about the doctor's appointment except for the rumored email, IMO.

Where is the info on the doctor's appt please?
Are they saying Kyron, his friend, and their teacher all thought he had an appt. that day?
I remember the statement about the 2 teachers, but this is the first time there has been anything said about the doctor's appointment except for the rumored email, IMO.

Where is the info on the doctor's appt please?

IIRC, the appointment was first mentioned in a comment to an early article (yelling across a gym). Then one of Terri's friends said something about the appointment / paperwork, and mentioned the teacher was hard of hearing. (can't recall where that fell in the timeline, some time before Kaine moved out)
I remember the statement about the 2 teachers, but this is the first time there has been anything said about the doctor's appointment except for the rumored email, IMO.

Where is the info on the doctor's appt please?

I too think this is the only place I have seen MSM reporting on the doctor's appt. Everything I knew before this was from the rumor comment on the news site. ETA: And TH's friend mentioning it.

This was published tonight at 7:11 pm:
Moving to the correct thread. Sorry for the mistake.
If Terri DID yell this across a crowded gym, as was alleged, then people would have heard this even if the teacher didn't. But so far all I've seen is one anonymous comment to an article early on.
If Terri DID yell this across a crowded gym, as was alleged, then people would have heard this even if the teacher didn't. But so far all I've seen is one anonymous comment to an article early on.

I saw the rumored comment on the news site myself, but we were not allowed to talk about it on WS. It was quickly pulled from the comments section of the paper.

So, we don't know if anyone else did hear it or not as the comment is only a rumor at this point in time.
If Terri DID yell this across a crowded gym, as was alleged, then people would have heard this even if the teacher didn't. But so far all I've seen is one anonymous comment to an article early on.

It's the old "source" again, but it sounds as if that appointment was discussed the day before.
"Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman’s stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent."
I saw the rumored comment on the news site myself, but we were not allowed to talk about it on WS. It was quickly pulled from the comments section of the paper.

So, we don't know if anyone else did hear it or not as the comment is only a rumor at this point in time.

The comment was a rumor, but now KATU is reporting TH did inform his teacher of an appt.:

"Prior to his June 4 disappearance, Kyron Horman’s stepmother, Terri Horman, informed his teacher he had a doctor’s appointment on Friday, the sources said, and it was why there was no expectation Kyron would be in class after the science fair. Once class began at 10 a.m., his teacher marked him absent."
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