Kyron's General Discussion Thread for 2012-13

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Thanks so much for posting the tweets and keeping us updated. :blowkiss:

When was the last time Houze was around before today? Very interesting...
A Multnomah County Circuit Court judge Friday granted Kaine Horman a one-year renewal of a restraining order against estranged wife Terri Moulton Horman.

But his wife's attorney said in court that she intends for the first time in three years to contest the order.

"The allegations in the petition are solely hearsay," lawyer Peter Bunch told the court.

Bunch said he will file a motion within 30 days to contest the order and request a hearing within 21 days of the motion under state law. He wants to question Kaine Horman as part of the process.

The restraining order, which has prohibited Terri Horman from having any contact with her husband or their now 4 1/2-year-old daughter, has been renewed each year since 2010 when 7-year-old Kyron Horman disappeared. The order was set to expire Monday.
Terri Horman now has 30 days to contest Kantor's decision. If she does, both parties could face deposition before a second hearing, a move Kaine Horman called "progress."
"We need to progress forward, and it's going to get more difficult," Kaine Horman said of the discovery process.

"I think we're looking forward to that because we need to find my son and bring him home and the difficult stuff is going to help us do that."

The divorce case between Kaine and Terri Horman is scheduled to continue in August.

Kantor is presiding over all of the civil cases surrounding the Horman family. He said contesting the restraining order could make all of those cases more complicated.
I did to follow this case .... So can someone tell me or send me in the right direction to read, why the divorce has not gone through? I think it is very strange...who is preventing him from divorcing her?

Thanks so much for posting the tweets and keeping us updated. :blowkiss:

When was the last time Houze was around before today? Very interesting...

If he still has the 500k retainer, it's the least he could do :facepalm:
I did to follow this case .... So can someone tell me or send me in the right direction to read, why the divorce has not gone through? I think it is very strange...who is preventing him from divorcing her?

You guys need to back off Kaine. There is ZERO evidence that he is involved in this case. In fact, quite the opposite. For WS purposes, he is a victim.
Thanks Knox! Sorry for misspelling and forgetting a word!
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Interesting that Terri is now going to contest the RO against her. Does that mean she is going to fight to see baby K?

Someone help me out, why now? What changed? Is she bolder after so much time has passed with no action filed against her, or because Desiree's civil suit was dropped?

I don't believe the civil suit was dropped. It was simply abated for a specific period of time at the request of the Multnomah County Sheriff, and approved by Desiree.

It is possible Terri is feeling a little more bold now. Glad the judge continued the restraining order. That little girl probably has zero memory of her mother at this point. It might be confusing and difficult for her to suddenly have to start spending time with her mother. I wouldn't be surprised if Terri bolted with her if she had the chance.
Thinking about you, Kyron. Prayers you'll be found soon.
Today we were at an outdoor event where there were many kids and adults.
My 9 year old daughter came up and said "Did they ever find Kyron?"

I told her no they had not.
She pointed out a boy who looked similar to Kyron but with reddish hair.
I did look at him closely, but it definitely was not him.

This happens every 6 months or so...
She will see a boy and make me look at him to make sure it's not Kyron.
My 9 year old daughter is still looking for Kyron 3 years later.
Just thought I'd share. :seeya:
Nothing to add. Just checking in. :( Where is this child?
THIS IS GOING TO BECOME SO AWKWARD and difficult for the 4 yr old daughter now. I feel awful about the struggles and custody battles that are looming ahead. How confusing for this poor child. Obviously wanting to know her mom, and yet trying to understand what happened to Kyron. :sigh:
Sadly, it is very unlikely she will have any memories of Kyron, and, by now, without visitation, her mom either. She is going to have a lot of issues to deal with as she grows older, IMO. And, even without remembering her mom, I'm sure she must want to know her on some level. I wonder what mother figures she has had in her life for the last few years. Very difficult, and awkward as you said, katy...
10 Cases Of Students Vanishing From Their Schools

1 - Kyron Horman

On the morning of June 4, 2010, Terri Moulton Horman took her seven-year-old stepson, Kyron, to Skyline Elementary School in Portland, Oregon. They arrived sometime after 8:00 AM and Terri stayed around to help Kyron set up an exhibit for a science fair. Terri claims that after the bell rang at 8:45, Kyron walked toward his class as she left the school. When Kyron failed to arrive home after school later that afternoon, Terri reported him missing, but an extensive search failed to turn up anything. Kyron never showed up for any of his classes and, though a witness reported seeing him and Terri setting up their exhibit at around 8:15, there were no other confirmed sightings of Kyron at the school that day.

However, suspicion started to fall upon Terri once authorities discovered that her cell phone records did not seem to match her reported movements that day. A landscaper soon came forward to claim that, months beforehand, Terri offered him money to kill her husband. Authorities had the landscaper wear a wire in an attempted sting operation on Terri, but she failed to say anything incriminating. In light of this information, Terri’s husband immediately filed for divorce and a restraining order against her, and he believes she was responsible for his son’s disappearance. Kyron’s biological mother has also accused Terri of causing his disappearance and filed a lawsuit against her in 2012. In spite of these allegations, there is still no hard evidence to connect Terri with Kyron’s disappearance and he remains missing.
I'm an oregonian and this case is one that really gets me...
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