Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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I am a fence sitter as well (more like a teeter totter sitter). Aside from tragic heartbreak in their eyes, one thing that stood out to me is also at the the end of the "raw" video. (not verbatim) - When asked by the reporter if it's true what TH's friend said about having had 2 polygraph's KH replies that the friend is speaking on behalf of TH and it is not coming from the family. He says he wants to make it clear that what will come from the family will only come from the family and those are the only group of people who would be speaking on their behalf. It made me feel like he was saying TH was not among that group, as if her behalf and their behalf are seperate?

Otherwise, that video just leaves me feeling sad. I could see the heartbreak on both of their faces and could feel their love for their son. I hope Kyron is brought home soon.
The comment that got me was Kaine said something to the effect of "when Kyron comes back, we can put this all behind us." It might have been the first interview. It made me wonder if they really might have an idea that Kyron is being held, and was almost saying to whoever has him, "we just want him back, that's all that matters." Did anyone else catch that? That struck me, more than anything else I've heard, as a plea.
Several key things I took from the inteview pertaining to Kyron were his fear to be without his glasses, the rules set down for following the directions of a parent or teacher while at school, his shyness, and lastly the information on how he waits in bed in the morning until someone actually comes and get him up.
Very good interview, such strong people, he is very lucky to have these two for parents. God bless them.

Am I the only person who finds this odd? I have never heard of a 7 year old who didn't get out of bed until given permission, except maybe for children with exceedingly controlling parents. Odd.
One weird thing from the raw interview was both of them commenting about the talent show on June 4. They indicated that they didn't know about it before he went missing and that it is only rumor and speculation as to whether or not he was supposed to be in it. WTF? Three weeks later and they don't know if he was supposed to be in the talent show??? It seems like the talent show was hidden from them. As to why they are not interested in conclusively knowing whether or not he was to appear in it and they were never told is amazingly weird to me.

There is no way they didn't know about the talent show. It was on the billboard in front of the school and in the school newsletter.
What I can't get past is Desiree saying she is starting to get scared, or whatever her exact words were, in one of the interviews.

Either she wasn't scared for the first 20 days, which we know isn't true, or she has reason to now be scared that we are not aware of, or she completely understated her fears. Also that they seemed to think he would be back before now? And that is why they did not speak up sooner?

I am, like presumably everyone else, totally lost and bewildered by this case. I am beginning to feel like a voyeur, watching family members to try to glean clues as to whether or not they know the fate of this little boy and are all involved in some massive trick with LE to "catch" the bad guy, or if they are just not media-savvy, or what.

It has all become too much for me, right now, with what information is out there. I wish the best for this family and especially for Kyron, but am at a loss as to how anyone can or is supposed to help find this child. Or if anyone is even looking.
What I can't get past is Desiree saying she is starting to get scared, or whatever her exact words were, in one of the interviews.

Either she wasn't scared for the first 20 days, which we know isn't true, or she has reason to now be scared that we are not aware of, or she completely understated her fears. Also that they seemed to think he would be back before now? And that is why they did not speak up sooner?

I am, like presumably everyone else, totally lost and bewildered by this case. I am beginning to feel like a voyeur, watching family members to try to glean clues as to whether or not they know the fate of this little boy and are all involved in some massive trick with LE to "catch" the bad guy, or if they are just not media-savvy, or what.

It has all become too much for me, right now, with what information is out there. I wish the best for this family and especially for Kyron, but am at a loss as to how anyone can or is supposed to help find this child. Or if anyone is even looking.

I am completely with you. I honestly dont know where to go from here. Its like they are saying we want your help but you have to do it completely blindfolded and we arent going to give you any clues as to whether we think this is a stranger abduction, a family involved disappearance or he wandered off and you cant search for him just look for him.... HUH WTF.
I've only just now had a chance to catch up and watch these interviews (thanks for the links everyone!). Desiree Young is one beautiful, classy, impressive woman. I'm so glad she has come forward - watching her made me want to go out and tramp through the woods myself to find her little boy and bring him home to her. I think her appearance will remotivate others as well.

As for the comments about why Desiree is just "now" getting scared - I think that is in line with her positive attitude. She states that she remains focused on the positive - Kyron coming home to her - and does not consider any other alternative. I think she is becoming afraid now because it has been three weeks and it's probably just now beginning to creep into her mind that maybe there is a chance Kyron won't come home after all.

I feel so bad for her. This really is a mother's worst nightmare.
One weird thing from the raw interview was both of them commenting about the talent show on June 4. They indicated that they didn't know about it before he went missing and that it is only rumor and speculation as to whether or not he was supposed to be in it. WTF? Three weeks later and they don't know if he was supposed to be in the talent show??? It seems like the talent show was hidden from them. As to why they are not interested in conclusively knowing whether or not he was to appear in it and they were never told is amazingly weird to me.

At about 9:47, the reporter asks if Kyron was supposed to be in the talent show:

Desiree: There's been some rumor that he was supposed to be in a talent show. I don't really know if that's credible. Yeah.

Kaine: Yeah we were, we didn't have any information to lead us to believe that initially, but we've heard some things since then, so we're not certain.

Just prior to this, Kaine is talking about how very enthusiastic Kyron is about school and everything related to school. He details the things Kyron is so enthusiastic about. He includes the science fair. He doesn't mention a talent show. Based on what Kaine says, if Kyron was going to be in a talent show, it seems that Kyron would have been enthusiastic about that too, and Kaine would have mentioned it along with the science fair.

IDK. Put together, it looks like neither Desiree nor Kaine nor Kyron for that matter thought Kyron was going to be in a talent show that day. Surely Kyron's teacher would know whether Kyron was supposed to be in the talent show.
Am I the only person who finds this odd? I have never heard of a 7 year old who didn't get out of bed until given permission, except maybe for children with exceedingly controlling parents. Odd.

It bothered me as well. I have two 7 y/o boys and 5 y/o girl and I cannot imagine them staying in bed once their eyes popped open. Every single morning, they are up and in the bathroom or the kitchen the second they wake up.

I can understand having a timid child, but one that doesn't leave his own bed and/or room in the morning? :waitasec:

Also, about the talent show, if Kyron was in it - what parent wouldn't know he was to be in it? And what 7 y/o is in a talent show and doesn't tell his or her parents? And furthermore, what shy child is voluntarily in a talent show (few, I am guessing)? I think if Kyron was to be in a show, it was maybe something in which many children participated in a certain act of some kind that the teachers helped them learn? Not like an individual thing where kids volunteered? JMO!!
At about 9:22, the reporter asks about who saw Kyron at school that day.

Desiree: I know for sure that Terri dropped him off. That's what we know for sure.

What struck me about this is two things:

- Desiree's use of the phrase 'dropped him off'. 'Dropped him off' to me means 'brought the child there, the child brought stayed there, and the person bringing left without the child'. If I knew the person had brought the child, and I didn't know whether or not the child left with them, I would not use the phrase 'dropped him off'. I would say 'I know for sure that Terri brought him there.' Period. Or I would say 'I know for sure that Terri brought him there. I don't know what happened after that/from that event on'. Period.

- Desiree's use of 'for sure' - twice.

These two things together indicate strongly to me that Desiree is certain that Terri brought Kyron to school, and that then Terri left the school without Kyron.
I am completely with you. I honestly dont know where to go from here. Its like they are saying we want your help but you have to do it completely blindfolded and we arent going to give you any clues as to whether we think this is a stranger abduction, a family involved disappearance or he wandered off and you cant search for him just look for him.... HUH WTF.

But they have given us clues. The investigation, even after three weeks, is focused on a very, very small area. For reasons LE is not revealing they obviously believe whatever happened, happened right there. If they had even the most remote thought that a "stranger" or anyone else had taken Kyron out of that area there would be a call for nationwide tips or alerts to be on the lookout for the child. Instead they publish a flier with Terri's picture and vehicle asking for local tips specifically about HER. That's a huge clue about LEs focus in this case.

But, back to topic. I hope, for Desiree's sake, they figure out eventually what happened to Kyron and who is responsible. Her interviews are seriously breaking my heart - and I have the emotional range of stump. I typically watch videos several times because I always miss something, but I can't watch those again.
At about 3:00 in the raw video, the reporter asks if it's true Terri took 2 polygraphs.

Kaine: (big sigh continued through the first few stumbled words) um... (pause) my, I, based on where we're at with the case, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna comment on that. I know she was speaking on behalf of Terri um, and that's actually something that we're trying to make sure is clear in our communications outward is when, we're gonna be, our family is the only group of individuals that will be speaking on our behalf. We fully expect that other people will come out with things to say, potentially defend friends or some of our family members. We expect that but we want to make it pretty clear that we're the ones speaking on our own behalf. No one else is speaking on our behalf.

I'm not entirely sure how to take this, but I think what Kaine is trying to communicate is that when others, including this friend, speak, that they are speaking on their own, and not because the family has asked them to. That the parents want us all to take only what comes directly from one of them as their word, thoughts, feelings, etc.

That's how I'm going to take it anyway, and I will look on what others besides the parents say as being from them, and not from the parents.
I am completely with you. I honestly dont know where to go from here. Its like they are saying we want your help but you have to do it completely blindfolded and we arent going to give you any clues as to whether we think this is a stranger abduction, a family involved disappearance or he wandered off and you cant search for him just look for him.... HUH WTF.

I think Desiree was very clear about what she wants people to do - give out Kyron's picture. At about 2:16 in the raw video, the reporter asks what else the community can do to help.

Desiree: Anything they can, pass out flyers, get people to print t-shirts, whatever you can do, if you wanna help. We love all the help and support that we can get to get his face out there to everybody. It just takes that one person to see his picture that recognizes him and puts that tip in that solves the case. Just one.
At about 1:34, the reporter asks about Facebook, Terri posting about the gym etc.

Kaine: Yeah the only information that I have, that I know of, were Facebook posts and I believe the majority of those that I was made aware of were prior to Kyron's disappearance so throughout that day potentially and days prior but we didn't know he was missing until Friday afternoon so everything since then I don't have any information that would lead me to believe that there's other postings or things like that that, I don't have any data.

What strikes me about this is Kaine saying '*we* didn't know he was missing until Friday afternoon'. He believes Terri that she did not know Kyron was missing until Friday afternoon. That's important to me. He knows Terri. He was there. He observed her reaction when the bus driver said Kyron hadn't been in school all day. He didn't hesitate, he didn't hedge, he didn't say 'I didn't know', he's firm in his belief.
I've only just now had a chance to catch up and watch these interviews (thanks for the links everyone!). Desiree Young is one beautiful, classy, impressive woman. I'm so glad she has come forward - watching her made me want to go out and tramp through the woods myself to find her little boy and bring him home to her. I think her appearance will remotivate others as well.

As for the comments about why Desiree is just "now" getting scared - I think that is in line with her positive attitude. She states that she remains focused on the positive - Kyron coming home to her - and does not consider any other alternative. I think she is becoming afraid now because it has been three weeks and it's probably just now beginning to creep into her mind that maybe there is a chance Kyron won't come home after all.

I feel so bad for her. This really is a mother's worst nightmare.
My exact sentiments. Thank you, CharlestonGal. Well said.
But they have given us clues. The investigation, even after three weeks, is focused on a very, very small area. For reasons LE is not revealing they obviously believe whatever happened, happened right there. If they had even the most remote thought that a "stranger" or anyone else had taken Kyron out of that area there would be a call for nationwide tips or alerts to be on the lookout for the child. Instead they publish a flier with Terri's picture and vehicle asking for local tips specifically about HER. That's a huge clue about LEs focus in this case.

But, back to topic. I hope, for Desiree's sake, they figure out eventually what happened to Kyron and who is responsible. Her interviews are seriously breaking my heart - and I have the emotional range of stump. I typically watch videos several times because I always miss something, but I can't watch those again.

BBM. What? There have been repeated calls for tips, even begging for tips, from LE, put out nationwide. They even took the unusual step of putting Kyron on the FBI national page with a call out for tips. They continue to ask for tips.

And that questionnaire? It had only one question about Terri, and no questions about her vehicle.

The one and only question about Terri - #8 on the adult form/#6 on the children's form:
8. At any time did you see TERRI HORMAN at or near the school? YES / NO
6. Did your child see KYRON’s step-mom, TERRI on 6/4/10, at or near the school? YES / NO

The one and only question about **advertiser censored* truck, not Terri's vehicle, #9 on the adult form/#7 on the children's form:
9. At any time did you see a White Ford F250 Truck at or near the school? YES / NO
7. Did your child see a White Ford F250 Truck on 6/4/10 at or near the school? YES / NO

One and only question out of the ten on the adult form was about Terri. The other nine were not about Terri.

One and only question out of the eight on the child's form was about Terri. The other seven were not about Terri.

The questionnaire from the sheriff's office:
The flier did say that the photo of the Ford truck was similar to the one driven by Terri though, and I think a number of people would jump to the conclusion that it was her truck that was being asked about.
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