Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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The flier did say that the photo of the Ford truck was similar to the one driven by Terri though, and I think a number of people would jump to the conclusion that it was her truck that was being asked about.

Yes, it's understandable, but I hope the locals answering the questionnaire read the truck question carefully, so that they provided the info LE was asking for.
You have to be very careful constructing questionnaires if you don't want people to make their own interpretations. IMO LE shouldn't have mentioned that TH drove a truck like that if they just wanted them to have generic thoughts about any old Ford trucks. But IMO they probably didn't since the stated reasoning including Terri and the truck on the flier was to jog people's memory with the things that were known to be associated with Kyron that morning.
At about 1:34, the reporter asks about Facebook, Terri posting about the gym etc.

Kaine: Yeah the only information that I have, that I know of, were Facebook posts and I believe the majority of those that I was made aware of were prior to Kyron's disappearance so throughout that day potentially and days prior but we didn't know he was missing until Friday afternoon so everything since then I don't have any information that would lead me to believe that there's other postings or things like that that, I don't have any data.

What strikes me about this is Kaine saying '*we* didn't know he was missing until Friday afternoon'. He believes Terri that she did not know Kyron was missing until Friday afternoon. That's important to me. He knows Terri. He was there. He observed her reaction when the bus driver said Kyron hadn't been in school all day. He didn't hesitate, he didn't hedge, he didn't say 'I didn't know', he's firm in his belief.

I'm struck by the expression "I was made aware of", "I don't have any data". Because it sounds like he's been told by LE or someone about her facebook posts but doesn't have any first hand knowledge (IMO). But isn't he friends with Terri on FB and could see what she posts?

I realize that logging on to FB might be the last thing on his mind right now with a child missing and all but I think if my spouse was in the storm's eye about his facebook posts I would like to see them for myself so that I could defend him with the facts if needed (or be cautious about him, if the FB evidence warrants it).
Originally Posted by Beyond Belief
Several key things I took from the inteview pertaining to Kyron were his fear to be without his glasses, the rules set down for following the directions of a parent or teacher while at school, his shyness, and lastly the information on how he waits in bed in the morning until someone actually comes and get him up.
Very good interview, such strong people, he is very lucky to have these two for parents. God bless them.

Am I the only person who finds this odd? I have never heard of a 7 year old who didn't get out of bed until given permission, except maybe for children with exceedingly controlling parents. Odd.

I don't have time right now to go back and watch the video, but I am 99.9% certain that he said this was when Kyron was little. Not what he did at 7 years old.

I'm watching this interview now. I think it's clear that the parents are hovering above the accusations against Terri. I get the feeling that they're avoiding giving true thought to foul play at all. Mom says they "don't think about the bad things". She watches video of Kyron over and over again because it comforts her. Dad says "part of the momentum is not thinking of those scenarios".
At about 3:00 in the raw video, the reporter asks if it's true Terri took 2 polygraphs.

Kaine: (big sigh continued through the first few stumbled words) um... (pause) my, I, based on where we're at with the case, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna comment on that. I know she was speaking on behalf of Terri um, and that's actually something that we're trying to make sure is clear in our communications outward is when, we're gonna be, our family is the only group of individuals that will be speaking on our behalf. We fully expect that other people will come out with things to say, potentially defend friends or some of our family members. We expect that but we want to make it pretty clear that we're the ones speaking on our own behalf. No one else is speaking on our behalf.

I'm not entirely sure how to take this, but I think what Kaine is trying to communicate is that when others, including this friend, speak, that they are speaking on their own, and not because the family has asked them to. That the parents want us all to take only what comes directly from one of them as their word, thoughts, feelings, etc.

That's how I'm going to take it anyway, and I will look on what others besides the parents say as being from them, and not from the parents.

Thanks for transcribing this bit because it left me a bit confused after listening to the interview. Watching it left me with the impression that he was trying to distance himself from Terri and the people who speak on her behalf, but it's less clear in writing.

The one thing I'm sure about is that he's a bit ticked at JF for getting her five minutes of fame on Kyron's expense (and coming out with the polygraph information) but I'm not sure who all he is including in "we" and "our family". He says "I know she was talking on behalf of Terri" which sounds like Terri asked her to speak on her behalf, but then goes on to say that nobody speaks on our behalf, so does it mean that he doesn't include Terri when talking about family? Or just that JF claimed to speak on behalf of Terri but she was wrong because the family speaks on their own behalf (or doesn't.)

I can't say that I blame Terri if she wanted other people to defend her since her husband seems rather reluctant to say anything strong in her defense.
kpw interview....

LE hasn't taken the family computer yet?? My goodness, that could be a treasure trove of evidence if a family member is involved! I'm shocked.
kpw interview....

LE hasn't taken the family computer yet?? My goodness, that could be a treasure trove of evidence if a family member is involved! I'm shocked.

Couldn't they just copy the information on the hard drive on one of those handy portable disk devices without taking the whole thing?
What I can't get past is Desiree saying she is starting to get scared, or whatever her exact words were, in one of the interviews.

Either she wasn't scared for the first 20 days, which we know isn't true, or she has reason to now be scared that we are not aware of, or she completely understated her fears. Also that they seemed to think he would be back before now? And that is why they did not speak up sooner?


ITA. Her comments don't make me suspicious of her at all, but one has to wonder if she was less scared before, and more scared now. If my child were missing, I'd be 100% scared 100% of the time! Maybe just a confusing choice of words on her part.
I hope they have examined computers, even if they have not removed them from the home. Both parents in the home had a lot of contacts, as we know, and who knows what LE may be able to determine from one of them; someone claiming to be a "friend" in TX, for instance, might show by their IPS address to be right there in Portland, for instance. No one knows where people really live on FB and other sites. Also, LE would need to know who the adults in the home had been in contact with, as far as anyone new, etc...very surprising if this has not been done.
In one of the interviews, when asked if they had searched her home, the statement by DY was firm in stating that "they don't have a reason to." I took this to mean that they really do have their poi.

Just sayin...

If you think about it, if they didn't have their poi, they would be looking there too. Right?
Am I the only person who finds this odd? I have never heard of a 7 year old who didn't get out of bed until given permission, except maybe for children with exceedingly controlling parents. Odd.

I didn't get the impression that Kyron has to have permission to get out of bed. It sounds as if he prefers to have someone come in and get him up. Nothing odd about this situation for a visually impaired child. Been there, done that, and I know that little things that are taken for granted can be very difficult for a child who does not see well. The child is likely to be fearful of falling, bumping into something, tripping, not being able to even find his glasses unless they are always in the same place when he takes them off at night. Perhaps having a parent with him when he starts his day made Kyron feel more secure until he had his glasses on and could manage on his own. jmo
In one of the interviews, when asked if they had searched her home, the statement by DY was firm in stating that "they don't have a reason to." I took this to mean that they really do have their poi.

Just sayin...

If you think about it, if they didn't have their poi, they would be looking there too. Right?

I'd like to hear that... do you know which interview that's in?
I am not even sure which interviews that I watched. It was when they were asking about the searching of the homes though. Maybe the GM one? Oh I know, it was the one where that woman asked what their worst fears were...dumb question btw! Then when she asked if DY and KH couldn't go there just yet, she says, "Why can't you go there?" CRASS!! Anyway, it was in that interview. :|
I didn't get the impression that Kyron has to have permission to get out of bed. It sounds as if he prefers to have someone come in and get him up. Nothing odd about this situation for a visually impaired child. Been there, done that, and I know that it can be very difficult for a child who does not see well to be fearful of falling, bumping into something, tripping, not being able to even find his glasses unless they are always in the same place when he takes them off at night. Perhaps having a parent with him when he starts his day made Kyron feel more secure until he had his glasses on and could manage on his own. jmo

Wasn't there something about getting a book to read in bed? Would he be able to read a book without his glasses?
He probably kept his glasses nearby, like on a nightstand.

Also does anyone remember which interview the story about him staying in bed is in? I am almost certain that Kaine said it was when he was younger.
kpw interview....

LE hasn't taken the family computer yet?? My goodness, that could be a treasure trove of evidence if a family member is involved! I'm shocked.

I'm shocked about this also. With all of the "coincidences" in this case, I wouldn't be surprised if a hard drive had recently been replaced.
Wasn't there something about getting a book to read in bed? Would he be able to read a book without his glasses?

Doubtful. If you watch the video where Kyron is reading a report in class, he has to hold the notebook very close even with his glasses on. I don't think that he would have been able to read in bed without his glasses.

I didn't get glasses until I was 4, but I don't think that my parents realized how poor my vision was because I apparently learned how to cope with my environment. My mom had two other children by then, so I had to become independent and self-sufficient. Plus the fact that I didn't know what I was missing because the world around me had always been blurry! Even with best possible correction (contacts when I was 12), my vision was never 20/20. Kyron's vision is probably also limited despite his glasses. jmo
I am not even sure which interviews that I watched. It was when they were asking about the searching of the homes though. Maybe the GM one? Oh I know, it was the one where that woman asked what their worst fears were...dumb question btw! Then when she asked if DY and KH couldn't go there just yet, she says, "Why can't you go there?" CRASS!! Anyway, it was in that interview. :|

I just re-watched the NBC, ABC, and CBS videos, and it's not in any of those!
I'm shocked about this also. With all of the "coincidences" in this case, I wouldn't be surprised if a hard drive had recently been replaced.

Dear Lord, please let it be that LE has copied the hard drives and has already poured over the information! :praying:
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