Kyron's parents' statements, interviews

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This is my first post on Kyron's forum, but I have been following this case closely. Usually I can be found on Caylee's forum.

Something I noticed in this People article is the family photo of KH, TH, Kyron, Baby K and TH's older son. This was taken in 2009, obviously soon after Baby K was born. In this photo taken approx. 14-16 months ago, it is astounding how different Terri looks. She looks 10+ years younger than now in 2010! What could have changed her looks so drastically? Yes, I realize that what she is going through now has contributed, but WOW, she has aged so much...could part of it be an unhappy marriage for the last year? I don't know, but I am shocked at the change in her.
This is my first post on Kyron's forum, but I have been following this case closely. Usually I can be found on Caylee's forum.

Something I noticed in this People article is the family photo of KH, TH, Kyron, Baby K and TH's older son. This was taken in 2009, obviously soon after Baby K was born. In this photo taken approx. 14-16 months ago, it is astounding how different Terri looks. She looks 10+ years younger than now in 2010! What could have changed her looks so drastically? Yes, I realize that what she is going through now has contributed, but WOW, she has aged so much...could part of it be an unhappy marriage for the last year? I don't know, but I am shocked at the change in her.

She even looked like that last Halloween, about 8 months ago. I could speculate but I don't know how much is allowed. Can I say that I take certain medications that have caused me to gain weight?
*Sneaking off to hug my 6 year old little boy now*

Heartbreaking. :(

Hey cakegirl0905, I'm just up the Diagonal from Boulder, nice to see a fellow Boulder County person here.
My 7 year old grandson is spending the night & sound asleep. I think I will sneak up the hall and give him a hug too!!! I will be careful not to wake him.
It is heartbreaking, I pray Kyron is alive. :(
i wonder why the need for an email when they are doing a presser tommorow
(snipped the important ones)

Q: The Sheriff spoke out on Friday and said Terri Horman has cooperated throughout the investigation but was insinuated in your statement that she has not been cooperating-please explain.
A: We believe that the Sheriff’s statement could have been misinterpreted and possibly reflects Terri’s cooperation to participate in prior weeks during the investigation. The statement was directed at historical cooperation not current cooperation. Based upon information we have received from briefings it is our understanding, and continues to be such, that she has not been cooperating. We have been briefed by law enforcement and we have not received a response since our request for her to fully cooperate with investigators to assist in bringing Kyron home. We continue to issue our plea of her FULLY cooperating with law enforcement and the investigation to help bring Kyron home as quickly as possible.

Q: Trying to clear up so many reports that have been out there: Was Kaine waiting at the bus stop for Kyron to get off of the school bus?
A: Yes I was. I walked K. down to the bus stop about 3:35 with Terri following close after we left. We all arrived down at the bus stop together and waited as the bus came to the stop.

Q: When is the last time Kaine saw Kyron?
A: KAINE – I last saw him at about 7:45 am. He was coming back to the house after feeding our cat (Bootsie) and I was heading out to the car to head into the office. I walked over to him, told him I was extremely proud of him for the effort he put into his red-eyed tree frog project, and for him to have a great and fun day at the science fair. We talked about maybe going for a special treat and playing the Wii after school, and then I said “I love you”. He said “I love you too, Dad”, at which point we hugged, and then he went into the house as I got into the car and left. While I have not seen him since, that moment in time is still etched in my mind as if it just happened and is a constant reminder of the joy of having him as a son.

Q: Was Kaine working from home the day Kyron went missing? If so, when did Terri get home from the school?
A: KAINE – No, I was in the office that day until about 1:45 and arrived back home a little after 2pm. Terri was already in the house, on her laptop, when I arrived. I kissed K., grabbed some food, and worked from my home office until about 3:30 at which time I put shoes on K and we started walking down toward the bus stop.

Q: Was Kyron supposed to be out of school the following Friday for a doctor’s appt.?
A: KAINE – There was some discussion about the appointment but it was unknown exactly when the appointment was scheduled so we cannot comment for certain.

Q: Do you all still feel strongly that the investigation remains on track?
A: Yes, we feel the investigation continues to be on track and progressing toward finding Kyron. Every action we take is for the sole purpose of expediting the investigation and search for him and to bring him home as quickly as possible. Some actions can appear as distractions but our purpose, all efforts/actions, and our focus remain unwavered until he is home and safe.

Q: Kaine are you able to confirm anything in the Oregonian story that was in the Sunday Paper that says it was discovered by police that Terri had attempted a Murder for Hire Plot?
A: We are unable to comment.

Q: Do you receive daily briefings? If so, how are those briefings delivered to you?A: Yes we receive daily briefings or more frequently as needed, the delivery method changes based upon participant locations.Q: What would you like to see happen in the investigation that hasn’t been thus far?
A: As Kyron’s family we have only one goal with the investigation, we only care about Kyron coming home to us soon.

Q: Have you been asked to take polygraphs? If so, did you take them?
A: Yes, all 3 of us have taken polygraphs and have voluntarily undergone any and all sessions with law enforcement and will continue to do so as long as it takes to bring Kyron home. We wake up every day and check in to proactively see what else we can do to help with the case and to find Kyron. We are relentless in this focus.
Do we know Kaine is still doing his meeting with the press thing tomorrow, or is it just DY and TY in Medford?
NOT more weird little psycho tricks....OK the weirdness is starting to bug me.
From the email:
We believe that the Sheriff’s statement could have been misinterpreted and possibly reflects Terri’s cooperation to participate in prior weeks during the investigation. The statement was directed at historical cooperation not current cooperation. Based upon information we have received from briefings it is our understanding, and continues to be such, that she has not been cooperating. We have been briefed by law enforcement and we have not received a response since our request for her to fully cooperate with investigators to assist in bringing Kyron home. We continue to issue our plea of her FULLY cooperating with law enforcement and the investigation to help bring Kyron home as quickly as possible.
Email at link
Kaine says he was with Terri and the baby at the bus stop.
: The Sheriff spoke out on Friday and said Terri Horman has cooperated throughout the investigation but was insinuated in your statement that she has not been cooperating-please explain.

A: We believe that the Sheriff’s statement could have been misinterpreted and possibly reflects Terri’s cooperation to participate in prior weeks during the investigation. The statement was directed at historical cooperation not current cooperation. Based upon information we have received from briefings it is our understanding, and continues to be such, that she has not been cooperating. We have been briefed by law enforcement and we have not received a response since our request for her to fully cooperate with investigators to assist in bringing Kyron home. We continue to issue our plea of her FULLY cooperating with law enforcement and the investigation to help bring Kyron home as quickly as possible.
The rest of interview here
what the heck? he sure seemed to imply LE is lying about the cooperation.

not a smart move imo want LE to get it done keep your mouth shut about them
i wonder why the need for an email when they are doing a presser tommorow

I think this is the presser. Didn't they say something about answering press questions by e-mail?

ETA: Here it is:

"According to a reporter who stayed, the family went on to lay out more 'ground rules' for the future. They said they’d hold these 'news conferences' (if you can call them that) twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays, as time allows. They would make prepared statements, answer some questions submitted in writing and may also do occasional interviews."

Per Willamette Week:

The event tomorrow is separate. Likely today's press release was delayed because of the holiday, but technically it is still Monday here on the west coast.
Q: Was Kaine working from home the day Kyron went missing? If so, when did Terri get home from the school?

A: KAINE – No, I was in the office that day until about 1:45 and arrived back home a little after 2pm. Terri was already in the house, on her laptop, when I arrived. I kissed K****, grabbed some food, and worked from my home office until about 3:30 at which time I put shoes on K**** and we started walking down toward the bus stop.~end snip
Finally answers one of our many asked questions about his schedule that day...
what the heck? he sure seemed to imply LE is lying about the cooperation.

not a smart move imo want LE to get it done keep your mouth shut about them

I don't think so. I think he's making a valid distinction between cooperation before lawyering up and after. She's not going to say a word (if she has any sense) now that she has a criminal defense attorney.
and now we now for a "fact" when Kaine left for work; when he got home; and whether TH was there when he arrived, yeah!
Q: Was Kyron supposed to be out of school the following Friday for a doctor’s appt.?
A: KAINE – There was some discussion about the appointment but it was unknown exactly when the appointment was scheduled so we cannot comment for certain.

I don't think so. I think he's making a valid distinction between cooperation before lawyering up and after. She's not going to say a word (if she has any sense) now that she has a criminal defense attorney.

this whole thing stinks to me though. i dont know, some people complained the parents werent talking enough at the beginning.

now i wish they'd shut up. seriously i dont know what the point of that was other then to make sure he had an alibi and throw terri under the bus again
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