LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #33

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Do you think BSL's issues have something to do with an experience with a woman since his crimes are committed against women?

His crimes were against women and from what I have read on this site he burned a lot of buildings down (including his own home twice). When I look at his photos and in his eyes, I see no emotion. When you combine a flat affect, (no emotion), pyromania, rape and murder (and remember, these are only the stuff we know about--probably 1/10th of the things he actually has done) the only logical conclusion is a brain that is not human but functioning in a pre-human development state of a reptile. If you study comparative anatomy, the brain progressed just like humans -- from a neural center in an amoeba to the final human brain. The brain develops like this in the womb -- from a single cell through different stages of development to a human brain. It is not this simple, but if the development is not appropriate you get a sociopathic, non-human brain - in other words it lacks the development of what makes human's human and instead is stuck in an animal stage or "predator".

If he had a perfectly normal brain, but had some bad experience with women along the way such as a female abuser or whatever, then I might go with the theory that he just hated women. But when you combine the bad behavior with starting very early in life and burning buildings down, digging up skulls at the cemetary and that probably being the tip of the iceberg in his deviant behavior, I think the mental illness was much more severe than just a problem with women. This is just my opinion, but I think he was capable of rape, murder, and many, many other very ugly things and would not be surprised at anything he is eventually arrested for. As hard as it is to say, I think it is probably a relief for his family to know where he is and that he will not be hurting anyone ever again. At least his mother can sleep at night knowing where he is and what he is up to.
That's really surprising, given that (to my knowledge, anyway) RSOs are supposedly legally prohibited from having social media accounts. Would he really be so <S>ballsy</S>stupid as to maintain an account and have his mother linked?

Are they prohibited from social media? Makes sense. And makes me think all the more that its his Facebook account. He's arrogant enough to white-out RSO from his license, and so he'd be arrogant enough to remove the "g" from his last name on Facebook. But as many of y'all have pointed out, he thinks he's smarter than he actually is.
I am adopted as well, and have always known since I was old enough to understand words. I don't know what angle y'all are trying to get at, but as an adopted child who has met my biological family I know I'm better for my adoptive life. Maybe I haven't read all the threads about the adoption thing, but if anytime anyone wants to get into a nature vs nurture I'll gladly defend the nurture.
That's really surprising, given that (to my knowledge, anyway) RSOs are supposedly legally prohibited from having social media accounts. Would he really be so stupid as to maintain an account and have his mother linked?

Probably the reason he left the g out of his name. So anyone searching for him on fb wouldn't find him.
That's really surprising, given that (to my knowledge, anyway) RSOs are supposedly legally prohibited from having social media accounts. Would he really be so stupid as to maintain an account and have his mother linked?

Hmm...I'm not so sure they are prohibited from social media accounts. I just heard something on the news a while back about how effective on such and such date, they will be required to list that they are an RSO on social media. Will google.
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Hello WS community, I finally joined after lurking for a few week(ashola_nola is a good friend, thanks for directing me here!). I am VERY impressed with the sense of community and exchange of information and ideas that go on here.

Anyway, I have read some posts observing that Charlie no longer is posting hopeful/optimistic things on her Facebook about bringing mickey home. Well, I am lucky enough to call Charlie a friend, both on Facebook and in real life, as we worked together in Nola for a short time. I just wanted to make the WS community aware that while she has made her Facebook private following the renewed media attention, she still continues to post status updates about how her goal is the same it's always been (to find her sister alive), even though she acknowledges that the odds are not in her favor. She displays unbelievable strength and grace despite the dark developments in her sister's case.

Basically, while I contemplate dumping sites and dna on the truck/in the trailer just like everyone else, I thought it would be nice to bring back to this thread a little of the optimism that we all once shared. Wanted to share with you that Charlie's resolve is stronger than ever, even though y'all can't see it on her Facebook. If her sister can still keep the faith, it makes me a little less depressed and I hope it cheers y'all up too. :heart:

Welcome, gillianbee!

And just jumping off your post --

I have not been able to be on Mickey's threads much lately, after being pretty faithful in the beginning. Have been dropping in briefly when I could and then, of course, after the arrest, dropping in and reading like mad as much I could, to try to catch up.

I'm impressed to see so many familiar names, especially but not only locals, whose owners I know have been here pretty much all along, with little respite, trying to get Mickey home -- and, of course, some new names as well, as things develop.

I have so much wanted for Mickey to come home safe, and I've always tried to keep the hope that she would. I know the situation seems more grim than ever before right now -- no matter the "closure" that seems possible now, I know the latest developments must be very jolting for Charlie and all of the Shunick family. Prayers for them, and for Mickey!

One thing that keeps crossing my mind: Maybe it's possible that BSL hit Mickey with the truck, either intentionally or not (yes, maybe even there at Circle K), and she was indeed thrown forward (keeping those oft-mentioned laws of physics in mind), but then got up and, either in fear or in a daze, stumbled or walked or whatever she could do, on foot.

Maybe BSL followed, maybe she even lost him for a while and that was why he was driving around -- I keep thinking about the rumored footage of Mickey sitting on a curb somewhere, though I know that hasn't been confirmed. Maybe some of the canine helpers were able to track her to the area where some earlier-reported searches seem to have been concentrated...?

I wonder if some hints toward a scenario similar to what I've described is why Mickey's mom seemed to feel so strongly that someone might be keeping an injured Mickey somewhere and pleaded for that person to drop her off at a hospital. I am looking for some tiny spark of hope still there along those lines...
I am adopted as well, and have always known since I was old enough to understand words. I don't know what angle y'all are trying to get at, but as an adopted child who has met my biological family I know I'm better for my adoptive life. Maybe I haven't read all the threads about the adoption thing, but if anytime anyone wants to get into a nature vs nurture I'll gladly defend the nurture.

I'm saying there are certain biological factors (chemical imbalances) that can't be 'nurtured' away and aren't necessarily a product of his upbringing.

(My adoption/family situation is the same as yours!)
They'll probably blame it on the mother. Moms have the most thankless job in the world and are blamed for everything.

I have no horse in this race. I believe that the adoptive mother did the very best she could with what she had to work with. I would find it interesting at this point to know who the bio father was. Unfortunately I imagine that we will never know. In the future I imagine when folks like him are arrested, the whole family lineage will be brought into question for the crime and other crimes like it. That is because technology is advancing very very fast and as more is learned about criminality and genetics it will be used to not only arrest people for crimes, but to predict and hopefully prevent crime. (like precrime in minority report).
(I'm back from lurk-reading..)

You're right. Being an adopted kid myself, there are times where it can be difficult and emotionally tough, regardless of how fantastic and loving your adoptive family is. Biological family is always a factor that can screw with your mind. My heart does go out to his mom - my (adoptive) mom and I talk often about the sometimes fuzzy line of nature vs. nurture - Mrs. L is probably sick about this, wondering what she did wrong for this son she was trying to give 'a better life.'

My grandparents adopted my mom when she was 4 and her bio brother when he was a newborn. They gave both of them a great life but to this day (they are both in their 50's) they both struggle with the fact that their bio mom kept one child but gave up them and 2 other girls. My uncle has spent the past 2 decades in jail more often than he has been free and him and mom both have drug problems. Their problems aren't due in any way to how they were raised but I know my grandparents constantly wonder if and where they went wrong.
There is none. I think aviatrix is mixing it up with the girlfriends family's posts on Tigerdroppings. imo

No, I don't read other threads. Don't have time :) -- Someone posted that the night MS disappeared was the night the girlfriend told her family they were going to get married and there was a big fall-de-rah and fool-de-doo over that issue. Maybe someone else brought it from a different thread....but I don't cheat on my threads....
Ok so it looks like FACEBOOK prohibits RSO's. It also prohibits kids under a certain age but that doesn't stop them from creating accounts. Here is the link about the new law requiring RSO's to list their crimes on FB:

This article shows how it varies by state:

And this one shows which social media sites they are allowed to use:

BSL has a LinkedIn. Was his RSO status listed on there? I didn't see it...surely that is not what KLFY was referring to in saying he was charged with not registering as a sex offender? eta: NM, I guess that charge is b/c he whited out the RSO status on his license.
I won't blame it on anything except that he's effed up. No one is to blame except the person who did this. Not his mom not his dad. Just him.
I won't blame it on anything except that he's effed up. No one is to blame except the person who did this. Not his mom not his dad. Just him.

Yeah, me either. That is what therapy is for, if you feel like you had a raw deal or whatever...get help.
Three sources quote LPD as saying the fisherman tip came in on Sunday, the 27th. This is for the record only.

Fishermen in the area spotted the bike and called it in to the devoted tip line that was established last week by the Lafayette Police Department. We’re told that several police agencies are on scene and searching the area.

“We got the information this morning and as soon as we got the information we found the area and have since quartered this off,” Cpl. Mouton, explained.

2:27 PM, May 27, 2012

Cpl. Paul Mouton, spokesman for the Lafayette Police Department, said family members had confirmed that the bicycle is Shunick’s. Fishermen found the bike early Sunday morning and called the special tips line that police have dedicated to the Shunick case.
The fisherman found the black Schwinn bike beneath Interstate 10 at Whiskey Bay exit No. 127 and called the Lafayette Police tip line sometime Sunday morning, Mouton said.

Police were searching and investigating the area Sunday afternoon.
No, I don't read other threads. Don't have time :) -- Someone posted that the night MS disappeared was the night the girlfriend told her family they were going to get married and there was a big fall-de-rah and fool-de-doo over that issue. Maybe someone else brought it from a different thread....but I don't cheat on my threads....

Yes, that was the post I was referring to. THe poster was getting that info from another forum, and the info was coming from a family member of the fiance.

This is confusing, so let me clarify. The girlfriend/fiance of brandon, never told her family that he was an RSO. And she has 2 little kids. So she never told her family about his RSO status, but they found out on their own by looking into him.

And so the big brouhaha that was going on was because her family found out she was hiding that important info. On May 26th a member of her family posted Brandon's picture on another forum, and said HELP---how can we keep our family member from marrying this sex offender?
Another very good point. I wish Cynthia Lavergne would follow suit and deactivate her Facebook. If you look at hers, you'll see an album around christmas 2010 with pictures of her and brandon, smiling. This is 2 years after he was released from prison. This tells me that this woman, whose adopted son went to jail for heinous sexual battery, tried to maintain a loving relationship despite his crimes and obviously has a big heart. And she is repaid for her forgiveness with this.

I think that she is brave and her statement on the KATC Facebook page is the best she could do given the circumstances. But I know not everyone will see it this way. If I could just go onto her page and find pics of BSL you know others will figure it out too and probably send her hate mail. For her sake, she should just deactivate. At least for a little while.

I disagree. She is guilty of what? Why should she deactivate her Facebook? She was strong enough to adopt a child who needed a better environment. She worked hard to provide a good home environment. She has friends who support her on Facebook and now has the relief of knowing the child who brought her so much sadness and burned her home down twice now will not be causing anyone including herself any more pain. Her life is getting better, not worse. I think she should leave her Facebook alone.
Yes, that was the post I was referring to. THe poster was getting that info from another forum, and the info was coming from a family member of the fiance.

This is confusing, so let me clarify. The girlfriend/fiance of brandon, never told her family that he was an RSO. And she has 2 little kids. So she never told her family about his RSO status, but they found out on their own by looking into him.

And so the big brouhaha that was going on was because her family found out she was hiding that important info. On May 26th a member of her family posted Brandon's picture on another forum, and said HELP---how can we keep our family member from marrying this sex offender?

That is exactly how I understand it all
I disagree with adding anything pertaining to BSL's girlfriend and her family to the timeline.
First of all, what I read stated the family was upset with her & found out about BSL around the 25th of May, not the 19th as someone else has posted. Since none of us were involved in those discussions, we don't know. It is just rumor.

Secondly, I am sure this poor young lady and her family are having difficulty coping with this whole situation as well. I can't imagine waking up one day to realize I had almost married a man now accused of kidnapping and murdering another young woman.

Why drag her and her family into this? I don't see the necessity at all.
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