LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #33

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It is just so incomprehensible that someone can be so innocently in the wrong place at the wrong time and be subject to such a fate. This psycho driving around contemplating his evil deeds and simultaneously encountering his victim. Was murder his intent or just sexual assault? Did things just get out of hand? Why was there no one around to see his acts? It is just too sad and maddening to imagine that this one ride could come to this. What can we do but pray for a family who's pain must be stifling. My deepest sympathies to the Shunick family, and to her friends who couldn't conceive of such an event.

I don't think he had any intention of leaving behind a live victim and facing prison again. His intent was always on killing her after assaulting her.
I disagree with adding anything pertaining to BSL's girlfriend and her family to the timeline.
First of all, what I read stated the family was upset with her & found out about BSL around the 25th of May, not the 19th as someone else has posted. Since none of us were involved in those discussions, we don't know. It is just rumor.

Secondly, I am sure this poor young lady and her family are having difficulty coping with this whole situation as well. I can't imagine waking up one day to realize I had almost married a man now accused of kidnapping and murdering another young woman.

Why drag her and her family into this? I don't see the necessity at all.

I feel like it might be important to the timeline because it documents what was going on at that time (rumor or not) it shows on that date and time the suspect had his SO stat posted on the web by someone. Who was extremely troubled by what they had just learned.

The names in the case are not posted on the timeline just the time and date of the post. It was however already posted in an MSM link which is all over the web.
. I personaly believe the time on the post is important because I think (imo) that the truck flagged something for the family and made them think he might be involved and then they looked him up.( Opinion subject to change without notice) I have not seen any of the other post.

It helps to see all of that on the timeline.
One of the more shocking items revealed was that security cameras from nearby businesses did indeed catch Shunick on her bike the night she went missing. Previously, Lafayette Police reported that they had seen suspicious vehicles but not Shunick. The video showed Shunick being picked up by a white Chevy Z-71 truck which has now been linked to Lavergne. The truck has been found in San Jacinto County, Texas, and was burned out.

I don't remember hearing this in the press conference, "The video showed Shunick being picked up by a white Chevy Z-71 truck which has now been linked to Lavergne." I wonder if this is just an error in reporting?
I have no horse in this race. I believe that the adoptive mother did the very best she could with what she had to work with. I would find it interesting at this point to know who the bio father was. Unfortunately I imagine that we will never know. In the future I imagine when folks like him are arrested, the whole family lineage will be brought into question for the crime and other crimes like it. That is because technology is advancing very very fast and as more is learned about criminality and genetics it will be used to not only arrest people for crimes, but to predict and hopefully prevent crime. (like precrime in minority report).

JMO, but I don't think they will ever be able to link it to only male genetics. It has to do with the communication between the amygdala and other areas of the brain. It can be biological, imo. Lesions can affect behaviors, just as outside stimuli, like drugs, alcohol, etc....along with any kind of trauma...psychological or physical. It may be caused by a developmental problem much like a birth defect....and tho someone may be diagnosed with bipolar or other mental health issues does not mean everyone on the male side of the family has that makeup in his gene pool...or it's distributed to the female side through him. Just like any other biological link to a marker for cancer or diabetes. In a nut shell, the amygdala provides the primordial response to the fight or flight instinct...and base emotions. If those first responses are not "filtered" properly by the cortex (can't remember the exact name) then you get the raw, base, primordial behaviors. They are human still.. not animals as they may function very well in other aspects of their lives. IMO, that's why they can be cunning, manipulative and have fooled therapists.

Both nature and nurture, in my opinion only, because it would be too hard to rule out the combination. I think much, much more study needs to be done... Think of all the variables between the two.

JMO, imo, etc.
I feel like it might be important to the timeline because it documents what was going on at that time (rumor or not) it shows on that date and time the suspect had his SO stat posted on the web by someone. Who was extremely troubled by what they had just learned.

The names in the case are not posted on the timeline just the time and date of the post. It was however already posted in an MSM link which is all over the web.
. I personaly believe the time on the post is important because I think (imo) that the truck flagged something for the family and made them think he might be involved and then they looked him up.( Opinion subject to change without notice) I have not seen any of the other post.

It helps to see all of that on the timeline.

It was not the truck that flagged their interest at first. They looked him up befor they even thought about his truck. It was not until after police showed the pics that one of the family members realized BSL could be the person responsible for Mickey's abduction.
Then those people obviously have never been forced to perform oral sex on a person. A kindness? Are you kidding? It's rape pure and simple. She was forced to perform a sexual act on a man-RAPE. Oral, anal, vaginal, any type of forced sex is rape.
For those wanting to kinda sorta give him a pass. How would you feel if you had been forced to do this? What about your daughter? Would you be willing to give the guy a pass and think, "Well, since it wasn't real intercourse, he didn't really rape her?"
People truly amaze me sometimes and not in a good way.

Reference BILL CLINTON'S infamous statement 'I did not have sex with that woman'
I've read that she had her mace can on her keychain, and kept the mace at-the-ready when riding at night.

Which brings me to another thought: perhaps she used the mace in or around his truck....which might explain a possible connection between BSL and the suspicious fire/vandalism/theft a few nights after MS disappeared. (forgive me if the dates don't align...too tired to go back and confirm or refute)

She kept it in her front pocket according to a quote from Charlie located in a link on the media page.
I don't remember hearing this in the press conference, "The video showed Shunick being picked up by a white Chevy Z-71 truck which has now been linked to Lavergne." I wonder if this is just an error in reporting?

I am pretty certain that it is an error. (Note that the same coverage makes it sound as if the fact that Mickey was seen on any video at all is "breaking" news -- which it surely is NOT.)
Thank-you Megsy.

I am quite aware of the fact that there is a difference in brain structures and have previously posted a link to an article regarding this. What I am seeking is evidence or studies showing that a combination of omega 3 and behavioral techniques are not efficacious as criminologist Nathalie Fontaine of Indiana University says that they are.

Aviatrix stated in a prior post "You can add vitamins and behavior techniques until the cows come home. If this area of the brain is underdeveloped genetically you are not going to eliminate sociopaths with vitamins and behavior techniques. They belong in jail and sterilized so that they do not replicate."

I am seeking clarification if she has something to back this up or if this is her opinion.
JMO, but I don't think they will ever be able to link it to only male genetics. It has to do with the communication between the amygdala and other areas of the brain. It can be biological, imo. Lesions can affect behaviors, just as outside stimuli, like drugs, alcohol, etc....along with any kind of trauma...psychological or physical. It may be caused by a developmental problem much like a birth defect....and tho someone may be diagnosed with bipolar or other mental health issues does not mean everyone on the male side of the family has that makeup in his gene pool...or it's distributed to the female side through him. Just like any other biological link to a marker for cancer or diabetes. In a nut shell, the amygdala provides the primordial response to the fight or flight instinct...and base emotions. If those first responses are not "filtered" properly by the cortex (can't remember the exact name) then you get the raw, base, primordial behaviors. They are human still.. not animals as they may function very well in other aspects of their lives. IMO, that's why they can be cunning, manipulative and have fooled therapists.

Both nature and nurture, in my opinion only, because it would be too hard to rule out the combination. I think much, much more study needs to be done... Think of all the variables between the two.

JMO, imo, etc.

I believe the region of the brain you are referring to is the prefrontal cortex.

Not to be bashing on aviatrix's previous posts, but I am going to graduate school in clinical psychology, and the theories that are taught to us are far less definitive than they are being presented on this board; not only in regards to intelligence, but also in terms of intelligence as well as hereditary predispositions such as psychopathology. Studies have been done and results support both hereditary and environmental factors almost alike.

Intelligence isn't inherited from the mother, rather its often times closer to the mean of the two parents with a regression towards the mean of the general population with respect to the kid. However research does show that IQ is more hereditary than behavior. Also, behavior isn't necessarily inherited from the father, often its more reliant on environmental factors such as family and culture.
Then those people obviously have never been forced to perform oral sex on a person. A kindness? Are you kidding? It's rape pure and simple. She was forced to perform a sexual act on a man-RAPE. Oral, anal, vaginal, any type of forced sex is rape.
For those wanting to kinda sorta give him a pass. How would you feel if you had been forced to do this? What about your daughter? Would you be willing to give the guy a pass and think, "Well, since it wasn't real intercourse, he didn't really rape her?"
People truly amaze me sometimes and not in a good way.

To be fair, I don't think people are saying it wasn't rape or wasn't a horrific crime. Just that they are taking that moment of him saying he wouldn't take her virginity as a sign that he did have a heart or did feel somewhat guilty. That is, perhaps, a logical conclusion to some, but I personally disagree with it. I think it was more about control or what he wanted rather than him having a crisis of conscience.
Reference BILL CLINTON'S infamous statement 'I did not have sex with that woman'

Yes. That's exactly the thought I had. Ugh, I can still picture him wagging that finger at the camera. At the time, I thought, "Umm, you're talking about sex, you really should not be wagging anything."
I am pretty certain that it is an error. (Note that the same coverage makes it sound as if the fact that Mickey was seen on any video at all is "breaking" news -- which it surely is NOT.)

Thank you! After continually reading this thread for over 3 hours after a brutal night of work, that quote made my eyes pop open so wide, my lenses almost fell out.

How can they report that? Honestly, it's a wonder we are all running for dates, times, etc. More so than I have seen before, the 'reporters' are just 'interperting' the news instead of reporting facts.
To be fair, I don't think people are saying it wasn't rape or wasn't a horrific crime. Just that they are taking that moment of him saying he wouldn't take her virginity as a sign that he did have a heart or did feel somewhat guilty. That is, perhaps, a logical conclusion to some, but I personally disagree with it. I think it was more about control or what he wanted rather than him having a crisis of conscience.

Nope, no fair about it. Maybe he didn't take her virginity because that's not how he wanted it that night. You can believe kindness played no part and I feel fairly certain his victim would be hard pressed to think of him as having a heart. There's no such thing as a little bit raped. He was and is a predator plain and simple. He is considered a Tier 3 offender, the most serious. Thanks God, the law knows that rape is rape.
Both nature and nurture, in my opinion only, because it would be too hard to rule out the combination. I think much, much more study needs to be done... Think of all the variables between the two.

JMO, imo, etc.

The USA and Canada are melting pots of races from all over the world. If there was a significant genetic component for murder, Canada's murder rate should be very similar to ours, but Canada's murder rate per 100,000 is 1.6. Ours is 4.8.

We're just a dysfunctional society that won't address our culture of violence because it's seen as "unpatriotic" to even bring it up.
Thank you! After continually reading this thread for over 3 hours after a brutal night of work, that quote made my eyes pop open so wide, my lenses almost fell out.

How can they report that? Honestly, it's a wonder we are all running for dates, times, etc. More so than I have seen before, the 'reporters' are just 'interperting' the news instead of reporting facts.

Agree and the most poorly written and researched articles I've seen regarding MS have been allowed to circulate. That's gotta stop. My journalist teacher would have slapped me silly if I attempted to produce an article disregarding blatant facts.
It was not the truck that flagged their interest at first. They looked him up befor they even thought about his truck. It was not until after police showed the pics that one of the family members realized BSL could be the person responsible for Mickey's abduction.

Not saying I believe this, but it is a possible theory they were putting info out there to cover for someone.....big maybe...imo. The timing is "interesting" if nothing else.
Then those people obviously have never been forced to perform oral sex on a person. A kindness? Are you kidding? It's rape pure and simple. She was forced to perform a sexual act on a man-RAPE. Oral, anal, vaginal, any type of forced sex is rape.
For those wanting to kinda sorta give him a pass. How would you feel if you had been forced to do this? What about your daughter? Would you be willing to give the guy a pass and think, "Well, since it wasn't real intercourse, he didn't really rape her?"
People truly amaze me sometimes and not in a good way.

Its hard to believe he got 10 years for oral sex, served 8 for that crime when some murderers, child killers get alot less time or none at all. Let's not forget Casey Anthony. He probably hated women even more after serving that long and decided the next victim wasn't going to live to turn him in.
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