LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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I know! I think it's so creepy it was posted on here that mickey was warned by a hospital security guard not to ride alone at night there. Do we know where we got that info from?

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I was the one who interviewed the guards.

The guards at the closed hospital (OLOL) have been having problems because lots of random people have been trespassing there since it closed - and Lourdes will only pay for one guard to patrol the whole big campus - inside and out. What has developed is a free-for-all situation 24/7 where there are always trespassers - homeless people digging through dumpsters - bikers and skateboarders - people hanging out and doing graffiti - breaking into the buildings... etc. Lourdes also refuses to let the guards carry guns although they have licenses.

In particular, there have been repeated break-ins at the old orphanage at the SW corner of St. Landry and St. Mary. The guards would nail the windows shut and trespassers would pry them back open. One guard, a couple weeks after Mickey disappeared, found the front door broken open, and looked through a window and saw a naked man sleeping on a piece of cardboard... police were called to take him away.

There are two old nuns still living in the middle of the hospital campus in an apartment... and their cars have been vandalized. Really creepy how the nuns live in the middle of an abandoned, free-roam zone.

I don't think the guard warned Mickey due to any specific threat. It was more a general warning that "hey, it's late... you shouldn't be out by yourself," given to a cute, small girl. Given the nature of the petty problems at the hospital, Mickey's likely speed, and the distance of the street from the hospital, I didn't get the idea that she was at risk from any perp on foot from the hospital property.

ETA: And I can see where people's thinking may be going. I've said this repeatedly: LE searched the hospital grounds very early on - very thoroughly - inside and out, including using dogs, the guards said, including checking crawl spaces, etc. They said the search was intensive.
Hey just remember someone responded to bite on his hand earlier and said it was because he had surgery. So if this is true he had surgery between mickeys disappearance and his arrest, also have we thought of medical records for the scar on his neck etc?

Do you remember when and who posted that statement? I tried to find it but gave up. If anyone can help me find the post about him having surgery, it would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted by MamaRoux
During his time in prison, he completed the adult sex offender program during which time he impressed the program’s director so much that he wrote him a glowing letter which was sent to the Louisiana Adult Probation and Parole Districts. Lavergne was referred to as ‘a man who assists other inmates with their workbooks, handouts, videos, etc. He is prompt, reliable and maintains a positive attitude in his work.’

Good Lord. Could this Professional not see :what: I would think more along the lines of manipulative,self serving etc. etc. :banghead:

The Program Director & other counselors of the sex offender program were seeing Sadistical Psychopathic Sexual Predator Brandon Scott Laverne's other self. Imo, he has many..
Psychological manipulation is only one of these social influence abilities..
This is an excellent example of BSL's ability to size up the traits and characteristics valued by his victims. In this case, the intended victims being the Program Director & other counselors of the sex offender program..

Psychopathic predators are very adept at emulating others. Most are very creative, calculating, and deflective. Some can fool even the best of experts when hiding behind their masks of normalcy. Many predators possess a chameleon like ability enabling them to remain stealth from LE for years or even decades.

Imo, BSL has displayed these abilities and has honed them for decades, perfected his craft, and has many unknown victims..

Guess, time will tell..
One thing I will say about that photo, it gives me the creeps how deserted the streets look at that time in that area. When this case first started, a lot of locals said it was very common for students to ride alone at that hour of the morning, and it was pretty safe because of all the other traffic.

But from some of the pix we have seen, much of her route was very deserted at that time. I suppose if she had just been riding close to the campus, it would have been relatively safe. But this street looks very deserted and creepy. [ And that is a street sign--I remember that ol discussion way back upthread.]

The streets have less cyclists on them as well because spring semester for the college had ended about 2 weeks or so before. Less students+less bicyclists and people out in the area.
There had to be a reason that reporter asked about the bite mark. I wonder if there was a bandage or something on his arm? Could he have sought medical attention? Maybe away from Lafayette so as to not call attention to anything? Baton Rouge and New Orleans are in the direction he was traveling with the bike ... just rambling thoughts.
There had to be a reason that reporter asked about the bite mark. I wonder if there was a bandage or something on his arm? Could he have sought medical attention? Maybe away from Lafayette so as to not call attention to anything? Baton Rouge and New Orleans are in the direction he was traveling with the bike ... just rambling thoughts.

Reminds me of the reporter asking about urine being on Sierra's clothes...and we still don't know if that was true. I guess it is a wait and see situation in both cases.
What is a "hold for doc" charge? Anyone know?

ETA: I think it means hold for department of corrections.
Originally Posted by MamaRoux
During his time in prison, he completed the adult sex offender program during which time he impressed the program’s director so much that he wrote him a glowing letter which was sent to the Louisiana Adult Probation and Parole Districts. Lavergne was referred to as ‘a man who assists other inmates with their workbooks, handouts, videos, etc. He is prompt, reliable and maintains a positive attitude in his work.’

The Program Director & other counselors of the sex offender program were seeing Sadistical Psychopathic Sexual Predator Brandon Scott Laverne's other self. Imo, he has many..
Psychological manipulation is only one of these social influence abilities..
This is an excellent example of BSL's ability to size up the traits and characteristics valued by his victims. In this case, the intended victims being the Program Director & other counselors of the sex offender program..

Psychopathic predators are very adept at emulating others. Most are very creative, calculating, and deflective. Some can fool even the best of experts when hiding behind their masks of normalcy. Many predators possess a chameleon like ability enabling them to remain stealth from LE for years or even decades.

Imo, BSL has displayed these abilities and has honed them for decades, perfected his craft, and has many unknown victims..

Guess, time will tell..

Agree. Given the very low stats on SO who actually do well the very traits he presented would be a red flag for me.
Mais yeah, you didn't know that?

But, he apparently is not involved in her life in any way. Good thing!

I wonder if he still had to pay child support given that the ex had her childs last name changed. I also wonder if BL mother has a relationship with the child.Did his new girlfriend know he had a child and his rights revoked?
I wonder if he still had to pay child support given that the ex had her childs last name changed. I also wonder if BL mother has a relationship with the child.Did his new girlfriend know he had a child and his rights revoked?
I am 99% sure the g/f BIL knew because I remember reading it.
Initials AC. It was the 5th thumbnail for me.

And thanks! :)

How does this person fit in with BSL? Do you think they're linked by arson and that they know each other? Hold for DOC can mean parole violation and they're going back to jail.
How does this person fit in with BSL? Do you think they're linked by arson ad that they know each other?
To be honest, I don't know if they're linked. But when I was on a fast and furious google marathon the other night trying to find links to BSL's arson proclivities, this guy popped up in several articles. Probably because he lives in Church Point.

It seems like quite a coincidence.
I'm still digesting Mouton's interview on KPEL. This part stuck out to me:
Three vehicles eliminated says to me that the white truck traveling the opposite direction of Mickey on St. Landry was not BSL's truck. What does it say to you?

I know it doesn't really matter at this point but it's interesting nonetheless.

Thats makes sense to me. I do not think he made a u turn and headed back that way if he was indeed spotted on the Bertrand/Advertiser camera.

I grew up in the area of the abduction and never considered any of it creepy but serene. Damned shame this event changes that perception for so many.
please do not link to friends? or are they named as a case player?
Thats makes sense to me. I do not think he made a u turn and headed back that way if he was indeed spotted on the Bertrand/Advertiser camera.

I grew up in the area of the abduction and never considered any of it creepy but serene. Damned shame this event changes that perception for so many.

BBM - I agree.
To be honest, I don't know if they're linked. But when I was on a fast and furious google marathon the other night trying to find links to BSL's arson proclivities, this guy popped up in several articles. Probably because he lives in Church Point.

It seems like quite a coincidence.

I am not sure how long he lived in Churchpoint-I do know for a period of time he lived elsewhere. This is the person I mentioned in an earlier post that was a volunteer fireman who they ended up arresting for setting fires so he could be a "hero" when he helped put them out. He was connected with at least 10 suspicious fires.

He and BSL may have known each other since they both seem to have a proclivity towards fire.

Cpl. Paul Mouton, spokesman with the Lafayette Police Department, said he is not aware of any out-of-state searches but did say the task force is searching for Shunick in areas that Lavergne "used or had knowledge of." Mouton also said Monday that investigators had searched Lavergne's home and the surrounding area, using dogs to cover much of the vacant territory near the property.

Although both Abdella and LPD are receiving tips from people reporting suspicious activity on their rural property, they are getting even more tips from those who knew Lavergne best.

Sounds like they're searching some good areas.
Holy carp!

He's scheduled to appear before grand jury on the 18th!!
Brandon Scott Lavergne will face a grand jury on July 18, charged with aggravated kidnapping and first-degree murder in the disappearance of Mickey Shunick, according to 15th Judicial District Attorney Mike Harson.

Harson responded to questions via email Tuesday morning to confirm the case was on the docket. He said Assistant District Attorney Keith Stoutes will handle the case before the grand jury.
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